Director's growth history

Chapter 4024 2711. The real purpose of the over-standard reception in Oujiang District

When going out from Dongzhou No. 3, Fang Yuan saw Teng Lin again.He was so close that he had to say hello: "Hello, Teng Lin." Teng Lin blushed with excitement: "Hello, old classmate, and hello, leader."

Zhao Zidong looked at Fangyuan, the smile on his face really couldn't tell what Fangyuan was thinking.However, this information is very important, Teng Lin is Fang Yuan's classmate.

Fang Yuan nodded, and shook hands with the cadres of No. 3 Middle School one by one to say goodbye.At this time, Guo Yongfeng was also honest, holding hands with Fangyuan in an orderly manner.Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Guo, they say that if you don't see each other for a day, it's like three autumns. How do I see it, if you don't see each other for an hour, it's like three autumns!"

Zhao Zidong wanted to laugh.Guo Yongfeng couldn't help laughing: "That's Director Fang's good teaching." Fang Yuan smiled and said: "If everyone can perform their duties, take responsibility, do their job well, and not offend, This is the bright road." Guo Yongfeng said, "Yes, I remember it all."

One is a young man in his prime, and the other is an old man who is over fifty years old. The young man guides the old man, and the old man bows his head and obeys his ear. Such a scene is really classic!

The second stop is Dongzhou Experimental Primary School.Here, Fangyuan fully respected Xie Bingguo's "expression desire" and asked Xie Bingguo to comment and guide as the protagonist.Fangyuan only encourages the school cadres and teachers to take building a school that the people are satisfied with as the goal, work conscientiously, do things in a down-to-earth manner, and do all the work well, so that students can trust, parents are satisfied, and the society can rest assured.

The third stop in the morning is Mengxi Primary School in Oujiang District.On the way, Xie Bingguo introduced the situation of Mengxi Primary School to Fangyuan: it is a primary school with excellent education quality and good social reputation in Oujiang District.At present, it has become a pilot school for group school running in Oujiang District, established Mengxi Primary School Education Group, and led 1 new primary school and 3 relatively weak schools to develop together.Maybe it was Xie Bingguo who showed his leadership position as "deputy department" in Dongzhou Experimental Primary School, maybe Xie Bingguo temporarily forgot the humiliation of being interrupted by Fangyuan in Dongzhou 3, Xie Bingguo put himself in the position of deputy department, the cloud is light and the wind is calm Report to Fangyuan about the general situation of Mengxi Primary School in Oujiang District.

"It turned out to be a pilot school for group-run schools!" Fang Yuan knew something about group-run schools.In recent years, in Jiangsu Province, in Qingjiang Province, and in Shanghai Stock Exchange, the practice of running schools as a group has begun.The so-called group school running means that a leading school will work hard to develop poorer schools or newly-built schools together, so as to transform and eliminate weak schools and achieve a balanced development of education.When education is balanced, ordinary people can receive the same high-quality educational resources. This education will be relatively fair, and the satisfaction of ordinary people will also increase.There is a Zhabei No. [-] Middle School in Shanghai, which is currently a high-quality group-run school. There are also many schools in Hangjiang City, and Fangyuan has also visited them. I remember that Zhai Xinwen led a team there two years ago.It was that time, in Nanjing, she and Wang Quan planted an indissoluble bond, and gave birth to two sons, Wang Sifang and Wang Yiyuan.Looking back now, "thinking" and "recalling" are longing, and the combination of "fang" and "yuan" is "fangyuan".This is more than Sima Zhao's heart... It's too obvious.

Xie Bingguo said: "Yes! At present, in Oujiang District, the pilot project in this area has already started, and it has achieved relatively good results. I have been thinking about when to gradually promote the collectivization in high school and junior high school. It is a pilot school. Among other things, Dongzhou Experimental Middle School can completely drive the development of many schools at the same time, thereby promoting the balanced allocation of educational resources in the city."

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yes! The focus of the current education work is the balance of education. However, there are risks in promoting group school running in an all-round way. Director Xie, have you ever thought that if in the process of promoting weak schools, weak schools do not Who can bear the political consequences of improving the school and ruining the leading school?"

Xie Bingguo's heart skipped a beat.Originally, it was Xie Bingguo who had the idea to arrange the Mengxi Primary School Education Group in Oujiang District.He wants to start the new semester in the autumn of 2009, and start a pilot program of group school running in high school and junior high school, so as to add achievements to his work in charge.Since the new semester is about to start in autumn, there is still time in the first half of the year to make this idea a decision of the Education Bureau.This cannot be bypassed by Fang Yuan's support, after all, Fang Yuan is now in charge of administrative work.Xie Bingguo wanted to give Fang Yuan a good initial impression through this investigation, and lay the foundation for the next step to convince Fang Yuan himself.Unexpectedly, Fangyuan immediately brought up the negative factors of this pilot project.This is precisely the most criticized part of group school running.

Xie Bingguo said: "Judging from the pilot situation of Mengxi Primary School, it is quite successful."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, go and feel it."

When Fang Yuan and his party arrived at the gate of Mengxi Primary School in Oujiang District, Fang Yuan suddenly found that the crowd waiting for them was much larger than that of Dongzhou No. 3 Middle School and Dongzhou Experimental Primary School.Fang Yuan got out of the car and saw many familiar faces: Liang Zhaopeng, Secretary of the Oujiang District Committee, Qun Feng, Deputy Secretary of the Oujiang District Committee and District Mayor, Yan Zhaodong, Deputy District Chief in charge of Education in Oujiang District, Wang Pingshun, director of the bureau, and He Xueyan, deputy director of the Education and Sports Bureau of Oujiang District.The bright smiling faces made Fang Yuan and his party feel the importance and enthusiasm of Oujiang District.

Fang Yuan got out of the car in a few steps and went forward to meet him: "Secretary Liang, you don't dare to be the head of the district!"

Liang Zhaopeng shook hands with Fang Yuan cordially: "I heard from Director Pingshun that if you want to come in person, I must come. Among the schools that Director Fang surveyed, the only non-city-owned school is my school in Oujiang District. The school fully reflects the importance Director Fang attaches to Oujiang District. The district chief and I are very grateful to Director Fang!"

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Liang, the head of the group, actually, it's perfectly fine to be accompanied by comrades from the Education and Sports Bureau. I'm really ashamed."

Qunfeng said: "Director Fang, we are happy to be here."

Fangyuan shook hands with Yan Zhaodong, Wang Yushun, He Xueyan and others, and then introduced Xie Bingguo, Zhang Yuanqing, Li Guoqiang and others to Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng. Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng also warmly welcomed them.

Liang Zhaopeng said: "Director Fang, Director Xie, Director Zhang, Director Li, leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau, please come in."

The group did not enter the conference room, but entered the school's reception room.In terms of Mengxi Primary School, only the principal of the school accompanied the last seat, and the rest were the leaders of the district, city bureau, and district bureau.

Liang Zhaopeng said: "I have long been looking forward to the leaders and experts such as Director Fang, Director Xie, Director Zhang, and Director Li to come to Oujiang District for inspection and guidance. Oujiang District is an obvious district at the fringe of urban and rural areas. There is still a big gap between the Fort District and Longwan District. Both the Qun District Chief and I can face this point squarely, and will never put rouge on the education issue for the sake of face. But the district committee and the district government have developed Oujiang education well. In recent years, in accordance with the requirements of the "three growths", education investment has continued to increase, teachers' remuneration has continued to increase, and per-student funds have increased year by year. Due to the fact that schools in urban areas and schools in suburban areas have poor quality of teachers and cultural heritage There is a relatively large gap in education, school-running philosophy, etc., and the task of promoting balanced education development is very heavy. The common people have great expectations and great disappointments for those schools with relatively weak education quality. Therefore, we learn from Hangjiang and Shanghai Stock Exchange With advanced experience, we have implemented the pilot project of group school running. Mengxi Primary School is the first school we have carried out the group school run pilot. We hope that through the high-quality educational resources of Mengxi Primary School, relatively weak schools will be driven to achieve common development. In the past two years of experimentation, we have gained some beneficial experience, but we still need the leadership of the Municipal Bureau, especially Director Fang, so please pay more attention, support, and guidance.”

Qunfeng said: "Director Fang is a well-known expert in the field of education. When he was a teacher, he won first prizes in the province and the country; when he was a school leader, the school was thriving; I also admire it very much. As the head of the district, I am well aware of the importance of education for economic and social development, and the leading role of education. Opinion, if the development of Oujiang education does not catch up, we will all become sinners in history. I sincerely invite Director Fang, whether it is now or in the future, to come to Oujiang District to investigate and guide our education work. "

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you, Secretary Liang, and the district chief for your trust in me and your expectations for the Municipal Education Bureau. Oujiang education is an integral part of Dongzhou education. The development of Oujiang education is also the responsibility of me and other comrades in the Municipal Bureau. An unshirkable responsibility! Please rest assured that Secretary Liang and Qun District Chief will do their best to help the development of Oujiang's educational cause."

Liang Zhaopeng said, "Thank you."

Qunfeng said: "District Chief Yan accompanied Director Fang to inspect and investigate here. At noon, Secretary Liang and I held a banquet at the hotel to welcome the comrades from the Municipal Education Bureau and Director Fang. Please give us your respect."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Secretary Liang, and the head of Qun District for your hospitality. At noon, we all go back to the canteen of the Municipal Education Bureau to eat, and we will not eat in the district. After all, we have to go to 5 more schools in the afternoon."

Liang Zhaopeng waved his hand: "Director Fang, if you don't stay for a working meal, how will the group secretary and I behave in the future? It's just a simple working meal!"

Qunfeng said: "Director Fang, you have worked hard all morning, so just have a simple work meal, and let's deepen our communication, okay?"

Fang Yuan could only agree.Things in Jianghu are like this. Sometimes, if you refuse the other party, you just don’t give the other party face, and many things will be difficult to handle in the future.

Fangyuan sent Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng out of the school.Yan Zhaodong, a classmate of Fangyuan Party School, dared to make out with Fangyuan only at this time: "Director Fang, please hurry up."

This time it was into the school conference room.Yan Zhaodong, Wang Yushun, He Xueyan and the leaders of Mengxi Primary School took their seats in turn.On behalf of the Education and Sports Bureau of Oujiang District, Wang Yushun briefly reported the work done and prepared to do in the final stage of the whole Oujiang District, focusing on the highlights and innovations of the education work in Oujiang District in recent years, and also mentioned the existing problems of education in Oujiang District difficulties and problems.

Fang Yuan listened carefully and memorized it carefully.Originally, I came to learn about the situation of Mengxi Primary School, but now it has turned into a comprehensive report on the education work in Oujiang District, which surprised Fangyuan.It seems that Oujiang District has a feeling of "plucking the wild goose's hair".It's hard for Fang Yuan to come here, so Fang Yuan must have a comprehensive understanding of the education situation in Oujiang, so that in the future, the Municipal Education Bureau will give targeted policies to Oujiang District.I don't know if this is Liang Zhaopeng's idea or Qunfeng's.

Fang Yuan deeply felt: from the principal of a school to the deputy director in charge of the work of the Education Bureau, the work experience is quite one-sided.If you don’t come to Oujiang District today, you won’t know that there are so many problems that need to be solved in suburban education, or to be precise, education in the urban-rural fringe area. It can be said that there are many difficulties in achieving scientific, balanced, and high-quality development.Group school running is only a pilot project when it is not possible.However, no one from the Municipal Education Bureau has talked about these situations, and Fang Yuan really doesn't know.Although Fangyuan once inspected several districts in the name of the deputy director of the school, but at that time, the education ranking of each district was directly related to the performance evaluation of the district leaders, so they only saw flowers and few problems.Today, for the first time, Fangyuan deeply felt that it is indeed necessary to visit nine districts and counties (county-level cities).

Fang Yuan felt a little heavy.The strong sense of responsibility for developing Dongzhou education made Fangyuan feel guilty for Oujiang education.After listening to Wang Pingshun's report, Fangyuan said to Zhang Yuanqing: "Director Yuanqing, we must carefully sort out the situation in Oujiang District. Let's bring it to the director's office meeting to see what the Municipal Education Bureau can do for Oujiang education. Things, how many feasible services to provide. Also, I came to Oujiang District today to see Mengxi Primary School. I didn’t expect the district to attach so much importance to it. I also fully understand the determination of the leaders of Oujiang District to develop education in the whole district. I feel that the Municipal Education Bureau still provides more guidance and less support in its work. This, the Municipal Education Bureau will conduct a review! Although I have been in charge of the Dongzhou Education Administration for less than two months, I still have to conduct a review! In the past two months, what have I been busy with? What have I done for the development of Dongzhou's education? What have I done for the development of education in various districts and counties? I feel very ashamed!"

Yan Zhaodong suddenly discovered that Wang Pingshun's report had indeed had the desired effect, but it seemed to be too much.Fang Yuan came to Oujiang District to inspect and guide the work. How could this inspection become Fang Yuan's self-criticism and self-criticism?

Yan Zhaodong said: "Director Fang, the main reason is that our work has not been done well. We are very grateful and grateful to the Municipal Education Bureau and Director Fang for their help to Oujiang District. We are the ones who reported these problems and difficulties today. In the next stage, the whole district will work together to overcome difficulties. Today, on behalf of Secretary Liang, the head of the group, and the Oujiang District Government, I express my attitude: we must go all out to strive for three to five years In a short period of time, the education in Oujiang District will be greatly changed!"

Fangyuan said: "Okay! The Municipal Education Bureau will definitely help Oujiang District. I have a new idea now. I will suspend the five schools investigated in the afternoon. Today I want to have a more intuitive understanding of Oujiang education. In the afternoon I have to go to at least 5 schools, two good ones, two mid-range ones, and four worst ones. I don’t need to make any preparations, I’m ready to see the original ecology.”

Yan Zhaodong was stunned for a moment: It's okay to look at the two good schools; if you look at the four worst schools, will Fang Yuan and other city bureau leaders have a bad opinion of Oujiang education?Is this the result expected by Secretary Liang and the district chief?To look at the worst means to expose the ugliness and clumsiness, and it is possible to present the most disgraceful side of Oujiang Education in front of Director Fang Da... Qun District Chief, Qun District Chief, your original intention is to To strive for more financial support from the Municipal Education Bureau, to reduce the financial pressure of the district government, and to strive for more policy tilts from the Municipal Education Bureau, but now there is a tendency to expose oneself, is this okay?

However, Fang Yuan has already proposed a new hope. As the deputy head of the district, can he refuse?Rejecting, it is impossible; agreeing, but not daring to make a decision on behalf of Liang Zhaopeng and Qunfeng, Yan Zhaodong is caught in a dilemma.

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