Director's growth history

4026 Chapter 2713, the gap between Fangyuan and Xie Bingguo widens

After the meeting ended, Qun Feng and Fang Yuan had a private conversation in the conference room.All the other comrades left the conference room and went to the playground.

Qunfeng said: "Thank you Xiaofang for doing so much for the education work in Oujiang District." Fangyuan said: "District Chief Qun, please don't say thank you. I won't come to investigate today. There are a lot of deficiencies; I came to Oujiang District today, to the front line and the grassroots, and I realized that there is still a lot of work to be done by the Municipal Education Bureau. After I plan to go back, I will hold an office meeting with the director to study how to serve the grassroots. Serve well for the development of schools, and strive to reduce and eliminate weak schools, so that all schools in the city can provide reassuring and satisfactory education for the people of Dongzhou."

Qunfeng said: "You can't become fat with one bite. Xiaofang, as someone who has experienced it, I just want to say that many times when we do something, we have a good intention, but sometimes the process and results are not satisfactory. When, We have to win the support of the majority, not let the majority go against us."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for the teaching of the district chief."

Qunfeng said: "No matter what you do, I will support you. If you need any support from Oujiang District, just tell me."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you."

Qunfeng said: "Xiao Fang, have you heard recently how the province arranges for some vacancies in the city? Why has it been delayed for so long and there is no movement?"

Fang Yuan said: "Chief Qun, you are an old team worker, so you naturally know how complicated the game is here. From what I understand, it's almost time to see to the end." Stable!"

The meaning of Qunfeng is very rich, yes, how many people are looking forward to personnel changes.In fact, to move one person is to move a lot of people. If the secretary of the county party committee is promoted to the deputy mayor, then the county magistrate may become the secretary of the county party committee, and a deputy director or director level will be the county head; There will be a department-level position vacant, and then the vacancies of the deputy department and the main departments will see hope again; if the vacancies of the deputy department and the main departments are to be moved, then the other departments and sub-sections will see the light again; and the stock-level cadres are also waiting. There are vacancies in the post of the sub-department... In other words, if Liang Zhaopeng does not move, then the related comrades will not be able to move.Now that we are about to be promoted, we might as well come quickly, so that other comrades who are anxiously waiting can see the dawn of dawn earlier.It seemed that Qun Feng was in a bit of a hurry.

Fang Yuan said: "The head of the district, I believe it will be soon. Leaders at all levels have to celebrate the New Year, and we will definitely let everyone have a happy and happy New Year."

Qunfeng smiled happily: "Yes, if there is a good thing before the Spring Festival, this year will be happy too!"

Qunfeng and Fangyuan walked out of the teaching building side by side.Everyone was waiting for the two chief officers on the playground.Qunfeng said: "Let's have a meal at Oujiang tonight!" Fangyuan said: "Thank you, Qun District Chief. We have already had a meal at noon, and we should go home after work in the evening." Qunfeng said: "Okay , I will not stay. In the evening, I will convene comrades from the District Education and Sports Bureau and related schools to earnestly study and understand the spirit of Director Fang’s inspection of education work in Oujiang District, so that they can implement it, rectify and improve, and work hard. To provide better education in Oujiang." Fang Yuan said: "The comrades in Oujiang District have worked hard. Qun District Chief, let Director Wang and the others do these things. You have a lot of work to do every day, so don't bother with such trivial things as education. "

Qunfeng said: "Education is very important, and I always have to supervise and supervise."

Wang Pingshun was surprised: These district chiefs are very dignified within the scope of Oujiang District; his rank is also higher than Fang Yuan's, so why do they attach so much importance to Fang Yuan's research?Well, tonight is another sleepless night.

Fang Yuan returned to the Municipal Education Bureau with a group of people.When they arrived at the compound of the Municipal Education Bureau, Fang Yuan said, "Everyone has been running around for a day, and you have worked hard. Director Li, please arrange for the comrades in the teaching and research section to go back after eating." Li Guoqiang said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan said: "Director Yuan Qing, please order some working meals to the Education Bureau. Tonight, we are going to work overtime. Please invite Director Yuan Qing to call Shen Jun and Lou Gang from the Policy and Regulations Division, and invite Deputy Director Wang Xingbang to come."

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Okay, Director."

Fang Yuan said: "Director Xie, if you don't have any arrangements for the evening, then you can also work overtime. Regarding the group school running, combined with the research of Oujiang District and your thinking, if you want to pilot it within the city, what do you plan to do?" Come on, come up with a preliminary plan, and we'll discuss it later."

Xie Bingguo said, "Okay, I'll stay. I'll let the comrades from the Education Bureau come over, is that okay?"

Fang Yuan said, "Come on."

Zhang Yuanqing's work efficiency is very high, and he quickly called for a work meal.To put it bluntly, it is box lunch.However, there are quite a lot of boxed lunches, including rice, dumplings, steamed buns, and stir-fried vegetables. Each person has two boxes, one box of lunch, and one box of vegetables. buns.As for Fangyuan, Zhang Yuanqing prepared 4 boxes, added a box of dumplings, and a bowl of porridge - the treatment of the leader is different.

Fang Yuan was a little hungry, but couldn't eat.The investigation this afternoon made Fang Yuan feel very heavy. He felt that he was not a good director of the education bureau. After 30 years of reform and opening up, Dongzhou Education still has such a poor school.Oujiang District is just a district, and the conditions should be better than that of the county.what does that mean?It means that some schools in the county may not be as good as the schools I saw in Oujiang District this afternoon.Should such a situation occur in a coastal open city and an economically developed city like Dongzhou?No matter how poor you are, you can’t afford poor education, and no matter how hard you are, you can’t suffer children. The reason why education is done like this is due to historical debts. But if you, as the chief education officer, don’t work hard, don’t actively overcome difficulties and eliminate weaknesses, how can you be worthy of the organization? People, how can they be worthy of their own conscience?

Fangyuan is from the north and likes to eat dumplings.Fang Yuan didn't know what meal Zhang Yuanqing had prepared for others, but the meal in front of him seemed to be his favorite.Be it dumplings, steamed stuffed buns, stewed pork ribs, or fried mushrooms, Fang Yuan usually likes to eat them all, but today they don’t like anything.

Wang Xingbang, Shen Jun, and Lou Gang are here.Fang Yuan summoned several people, including Xie Bingguo and Zhang Yuanqing, to his office.Fangyuan said: "Everyone, today I temporarily changed the itinerary and investigated 9 schools in Oujiang District. After the investigation, I feel heavy! Why? I don't know the high-quality schools at the grassroots level; the good experiences and good practices summarized by the grassroots , I don’t know; basic-level schools have so many difficulties, I don’t understand; some basic-level schools have relatively poor educational conditions, and I don’t even know about it. Some people may say that you have only been in charge of the work for two months, and this situation has appeared , It is a debt owed by history, but I want to say that one day in office, one day of responsibility. Although I don't know how long I will preside over the work, as long as I preside over one day, I will do more for the development of Dongzhou education Something beneficial. After today's research, I have an idea to launch an activity of 'providing good strategies for education development and serving the grassroots education' in the whole education bureau. I invite you to come today to study out A plan. My initial thoughts are this."

Fang Yuan mentioned his initial thoughts.Shen Jun and Lou Gang were desperately recording, but they couldn't keep up with the speed of people talking.

After Fang Yuan finished speaking, he said: "Director Wang is in charge of the Policy and Regulations Section. I think Director Wang will take the lead in this matter. Everyone discuss together and come up with a preliminary plan tonight. I will spare time tomorrow to take a look. If possible The day after tomorrow, we will hold an office meeting for the director of the bureau, and the study will be approved. I hope that through the development of this activity, we can truly take advantage of the advantages of gathering educational talents, brainstorm, and jointly offer good strategies for educational development. At the same time, we will change the current working style of the bureau, Go deep into the grassroots to solve difficulties, and strive to do more for the development of the grassroots, so that Dongzhou education can achieve new and greater development. That's all I want to say!"

Wang Xingbang said: "Please rest assured, Director, tonight, we will definitely brainstorm and come up with a preliminary plan."

Xie Bingguo felt a little bit like eating.Ordinarily, the person Fangyuan should trust the most is me, Xie Bingguo; why did Wang Xingbang take the lead in this matter?What ability does Wang Xingbang have?It's just a waiter for the leader to eat, wait for the leader to drink, greet and send, and become the deputy director by flattering.For such an important matter, I, Xie Bingguo, should be the one to outline it!

Xie Bingguo said: "Director Fang, Director Wang's ability is recognized by everyone, and it is very appropriate for him to take the lead. I want to study matters related to group school running today, so I will not participate in 'provide good strategies for educational development, and serve the grassroots level of education well. 'This plan has been drawn up, please approve the director."

Fangyuan's heart flashed with unhappiness.In Fangyuan's mind, running schools in groups is not so urgent, and whether the effect of running schools in groups is so good remains to be verified.Therefore, Fangyuan does not want to promote the group school running for the time being.To push this matter, we also need to wait for the new semester to start.The sense of urgency to speed up the development of education made Fangyuan wish he could launch an activity to serve the grassroots education tomorrow.

Fang Yuan said indifferently: "Okay, Director Xie, let's get busy. One more thing, I may only be able to walk through these 8 schools in terms of various tasks at the end of the semester, but Director Xie is not only in charge of the Education Department, but also In charge of the teaching and research section, it is even more important to go to the grassroots level to fully understand the situation at the grassroots level and the school, so as to provide more basis for the Municipal Education Bureau to make scientific and correct decisions.”

Xie Bingguo said: "Don't worry, Director. After transferring to a few more schools with you tomorrow, I plan to bring comrades from the teaching and research section, education department, and teaching institute to the grassroots every day before the final exam. I must tell the director the most real situation. Touch it."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, this is exactly what I expected."

Fang Yuan was left alone in the principal's office.Fang Yuan felt extremely anxious and extremely tired.In fact, it is very simple to be a mediocre official, just sit in the office every day and wait for death; but to be a responsible cadre, I feel a lot of confusion, and there are too many things I want to do. There are too many things that should be done.Fangyuan wished she could grow a pair of wings and fly over every school in Dongzhou, so that every school could be fully developed and become a high-quality school that the common people can rest assured and satisfied with.

Fang Yuan crossed her hands into her hair, sinking into deep pain.With a strong sense of responsibility and mission, Fangyuan is anxious about the current situation of Dongzhou education, worried about the problems of Dongzhou education, and sick of the development of Dongzhou education.Perhaps, tomorrow's preliminary plan will allow me to see the dawn of hope.

Fangyuan's cell phone rang, and it was a call from Ding Chuke.Fang Yuan answered, "What's the matter, Xiao Ke?" Ding Chuke said, "Brother, I haven't been here for a few days!" Fang Yuan said, "I'm still working overtime in the Education Bureau!" Ding Chuke said "Oh", Said: "The Spring Festival is approaching, and all departments are starting to relax. Even our factory has begun to reduce production, and some workers have gone home on vacation. Why are you so busy?"

Fang Yuan said: "If you are not in your position, you will not seek your own government. If you are not in the position of the Director of Education, you don't know that there are so many problems that need to be solved in education, and you don't know how long the development of education is."

Ding Chuke said: "You have only been the director of the bureau for two months. Even if there is a problem with education, it is not your problem. Brother, then again, where is there no problem? Now our Nas Group also has a lot of problems. , but don’t we continue to develop steadily as a whole? Problems are problems in progress, and difficulties are difficulties in development. As long as we have confidence, determination, and measures, problems will always be reduced and difficulties will always be overcome. Overcome, all work will definitely be done better!"

Fang Yuan felt a little enlightened, yes, why worry so much?These difficulties and problems are inevitable difficulties and problems in the development of education. Although there are so many problems in the current Dongzhou education, isn’t it much better than the Dongzhou education ten years ago?Isn't it a far cry from education in the 50s?This is all progress!Education without difficulties and problems is impossible, and this is the true dialectical materialist view.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but compare Ding Chuke with Kong Shuanghua and Song Sisi, but found that Ding Chuke was more understanding than Kong Shuanghua and Song Sisi!Such a woman, even if she looks a little ugly, will still make people like her.

Fang Yuan said, "Xiao Ke, I'll go to your place after I finish working overtime. Where do you live today?"

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