Director's growth history

4036 Chapter 2723, angry youth Ren Xiaoai

Facing the powerful Ni Runqing, what else can Fang Yuan do besides compromise?This is the woman of the current mayor, Song Yunsheng!Zhou Pengyou made it clear that there must be nothing wrong with it.

Fang Yuan said: "Sending the teachers of the experimental kindergarten to the experimental high school to experience work and life has many purposes, mainly including the following aspects: First, to understand how high school trains students and what kind of students they want to train. This will have a great impact on the kindergarten. Education plays a certain enlightening role. The second is to let kindergarten teachers feel the workload of high school teachers, and guide kindergarten teachers to correctly understand that the work of being a kindergarten teacher is harder or easier than that of a high school teacher. This is just the first step in my exploration of practice.”

Ni Runqing said: "What's the connection between primary school, primary school and high school?"

Fang Yuan stopped asking why and asked another question, and said: "Kindergarten students will have an adaptation period when entering elementary school; elementary school students will also have an adaptation period when entering junior high school; junior high school students will also have an adaptation period when entering high school. My The idea is: we strengthen the research on bridging, so that children can be promoted to higher-level schools and be able to adapt to new learning and life rhythms in a shorter period of time.”

Ni Runqing said: "So when will the Municipal Education Bureau plan to implement it?"

Fang Yuan said: "Let's do it step by step. First complete the work of the competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten, from the beginning to the end; then carry out the activity of 'providing advice for the development of education and serving the grassroots level of education' well. What is the matter if you can't become fat if you eat a bite?" It all needs to be done step by step. Thank you reporter Ni for the interview.”

Ni Runqing was satisfied: "Thank you Director Fang for giving me so much interview time, I think I have found the news material I want."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you. Do the other journalists have any questions?"

Fang Yuan was interviewed by several reporters, and it was past 12 o'clock.Ren Xiaoai didn't ask any questions, just sat there quietly, which made Fang Yuan a little surprised: What's wrong with her?

Fang Yuan looked at Zhang Yuanqing, and said to Zhang Yuanqing: "Director Zhang, please arrange a meal for the journalists."

The reporters all followed Zhang Yuanqing out of the meeting room.At the door of the meeting room, Zhang Yuanqing gave an envelope with 100 yuan for retouching fee.This is working practice!

Fang Yuan said to Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, why don't you communicate with the reporters again?"

Sun Hongjun has not been interviewed today, and to be honest, he feels a little uncomfortable.He thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go and accompany the reporters." Fang Yuan said, "Then thank you, Secretary Sun. Other comrades, if anyone wants to go there, you can go with Secretary Sun." Wang Xingbang said : "I'll go." Seeing that several section chiefs wanted to go, Fang Yuan said, "Everyone go."

Everyone followed Sun Hongjun and left the meeting room.In the corner of the conference room, Ren Xiaoai sat quietly.Fang Yuan walked over and said, "Reporter Ren, why don't you go?" Ren Xiaoai said, "I also want to interview Director Fang alone. I am very interested in the many ideas you mentioned today!"

Fang Yuan did not refuse, and said with a smile: "I am very happy to accept the interview with reporter Ren alone. Come on, take my car, and treat you to dinner. We can talk while eating."

Zhang Yuanqing is not here, there are many people who are willing to serve Fangyuan.Su Quanshun, the head of the financial review section, booked a hotel, and invited Fang Yuan and reporter Ren Xiaoai to the hotel in Fang Yuan's car, and they were quickly seated.Fang Yuan said: "Director Su, please accompany me." Su Quanshun said: "I will not bother you if you are interviewing a reporter. Director, Ren a reporter, you have dinner. If you have any requirements, please call me. I will be downstairs .”

Only Fangyuan and Ren Xiaoai were left in the room.The food was served quickly, two people, six hot dishes and four cold dishes, it could be seen that what Su Quanshun ordered were all ladies' dishes.Fang Yuan suddenly realized a problem: in fact, Su Quanshun has always been quite good, but he seems to be a little indifferent to him, and has not really reused him!Ordinarily, there should be a close relationship between the head of the work and the head of the financial audit section, but now, he seems to rely more on Zhang Yuanqing, who once hated him to the bone, rather than Su Quanshun, who has always had a good relationship.Among other things, Su Quanshun contacted a friend to renovate his own house in Zhenghe Community. It was nominally 7 yuan, but in reality he might not even be able to get 10 yuan.By doing this by yourself, are you making your loved ones hurt and your enemies happy?Fang Yuan is also a little unclear.

Ren Xiaoai tilted her neck, and asked mischievously, "What are you thinking about?"

Fang Yuan looked at this talented woman and said, "The section chief who was thinking about ordering food just now."

Ren Xiaoai said: "It's not as good as thinking about other beauties. Otherwise, I will be jealous."

Fang Yuan said: "In front of the talented woman Ren, how can I think about other women? The main reason is that there are too many things at work, and in a blink of an eye I am thinking about people and things at work. Now, I am in charge of the education bureau. Work, get into the role too deeply, once you get in, you can’t get out.”

Ren Xiaoai sighed: "Fangyuan, actually being an official is really hard. You need to use your brain, play with your mind, and think about people every day. Tired!"

Fang Yuan said: "Thinking about people is only a part of official life; you also have to think about things! My mind is full of thoughts on how to make Dongzhou education develop healthily and sustainably, so that Dongzhou education can achieve more progress and achievements. As for thinking about There are people, but they only take up a small part of my work. For example, in my recent stage, I have been thinking about how to do something good and practical for the development of Dongzhou Education. If I leave Dongzhou Education in the future, I will With a clear conscience!"

Ren Xiaoai said: "You are a good official, a good official who does things!"

Fang Yuan shook his head: "It's not a good official. I've devoted myself to the education work. However, I also have many problems."

Ren Xiaoai said: "I know you have problems. Apart from not being disciplined in the relationship between men and women, what other problems do you have?"

Fang Yuan was taken aback.This Ren Xiaoai really dares to say anything!Generally speaking, very few people dare to speak out in front of Fang Yuan.

However, Fang Yuan quickly calmed down.It seemed that everyone in the Jianghu knew about his scandal.Fang Yuan said: "In terms of economy, I can say that there is no problem. In terms of the relationship between men and women, what do you know, Xiao Ai?"

Ren Xiaoai said: "Dacheng Company welcomed Liu Bin, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Governor, Xia Hanchun, Deputy Director of the Provincial People's Congress, and Chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. I also participated in the interview. Song Sisi, the female boss of Dacheng Company, has a big belly. If my guess is correct, the child in Song Sisi's belly is yours!"

Fang Yuan was speechless.This is something that even Ren Xiaoai knows, can others not know?

Ren Xiaoai said: "In this era, monogamy has long existed in name only. Some people have proposed a monogamy system. If you have a house, you can raise a wife. Although there is no marriage certificate, although the name is called mistress and mistress It doesn’t sound good, but the fact is that there is no way to ban it. China’s 5000-year-old tradition of three wives and four concubines quickly revived as some people got rich first. Look at those who are big bosses, which one is not three wives and four concubines? Alas, It is said that men and women are equal, but I think I will never see it in my life. As a woman, I am deeply saddened by this! Why is there no love for each other and loyalty? Why do many girls now want to get rich overnight? The wealthy have become so materialistic, so mundane, so superficial? Why can’t I see each other’s loyal and unforgettable hands?”

Fangyuan couldn't comment.

Ren Xiaoai continued to complain: "Recently, I saw a representative of the Provincial People's Congress in Liaoning Province gather four wives and their children to live in a big villa. There was a lot of scolding on the Internet, saying how can such a person Be a representative of the National People's Congress? Recently, there was another rumor about a certain director. He has slept with countless actresses in his life. He married a beautiful wife in her 20s and gave birth to three children. It is said that there are 4 more Children born out of wedlock. Not to mention overbirth, the second and third nieces have been lined up all the time, and I don’t know how many nai it will be, let alone the issue of overbirth.”

Ren Xiaoai is still as sharp and pointed as she was two years ago, with a bit of a cynical temperament.Fang Yuan has not been in the officialdom for a long time, but the complicated affairs have already let Fang Yuan know that she must hide her front and hide her sharpness, and must be tactful and sophisticated.In Dongzhou official circles, he is already considered a relatively sharp member, but compared with Ren Xiaoai, he is still nothing.Most of the time, I know what to say and what not to say; but although Ren Xiaoai is very talented, she is too careless when it comes to speaking!Even if such a girl has the same talent as Zhang Ailing and Bing Xin, who would dare to marry her into the family?It's not easy to be an official's wife!People like Kong Shuanghua and Ding Chuke all have the qualities to be a big wife, even Zhou Yujie.Zhou Yujie is still a little uncertain now, I believe that as she grows older, she will definitely do better.As for Ren Xiaoai, I am afraid that she is not very qualified to be a lover or a mistress!To be a lover, the most important thing is to keep your mouth shut, not talk like you are now!

It was still Ren Xiaoai's words: "Let's just talk about today. Why don't all the reporters grab the microphone with Ni Runqing? The key is that everyone knows who Ni Runqing is? Isn't Ni Runqing the mayor Song's little lover? Who dares to provoke Ni Runqing? Whoever offends Ni Runqing will definitely worry that his job will not be guaranteed, or if he keeps his job, he will stand aside."

Fangyuan lamented: Good things don’t go out, bad things spread thousands of miles.So many people knew about Song Yunsheng and Ni Runqing's affairs!

Ren Xiaoai said bitterly: "I also understand that the world is such a world! If I want not to be bullied by others, I must find a strong backer! Fangyuan, you have always been a hero in my heart." Image. I know, it is impossible for me to marry you. You have a wife and a second wife. I will be your third wife and lover, okay?"

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