Director's growth history

4095 Chapter 2782, Ren Xiaoai is just an assistant

Although Ren Xiaoai is a bit like a big tongue, but fortunately, everyone else here is tacitly pretending to be confused, pretending not to understand anything.However, Qunfeng is the most emotional: this square is simply a magnet for dealing with women. Confucius Tian’s daughter has fallen, Song Dacheng’s daughter has fallen, Ding Xiaohua’s daughter has also fallen, and now a famous provincial party newspaper has fallen. reporter.Finding Fangyuan today was really the right thing to do.No wonder the "Qingjiang Daily" was able to continuously publish reports about Fangyuan before the city's party congress. It turned out that the relationship between Ren Xiaoai and Fangyuan was too unusual.Is Ren Xiaoai the next Ni Runqing?Those who work in the news media, those who work in the performing arts, alas, women in this circle must never be used as wives!Qunfeng thought bitterly, which man can stand wearing a cuckold every day?Which woman can stand the men in this circle who often ask for flowers?

Qunfeng set the tone for the dinner: "We asked reporter Ren for help, and reporter Ren agreed. I hope you three, Secretary Wang Song, Pingshun, and Deng Song, don't talk about work tonight. We just want to accompany Fangyuan and reporter Ren. Let's all have a good meal."

With this tone, the banquet became much more active.For a moment, there were people around Fangyuan and Ren Xiaoai all the time.This person finishes drinking, another person serves; another person finishes toasting, and another person makes up; the first round is over, and there will be a second round;The comrades in Oujiang District are so enthusiastic!

In fact, Fang Yuan, these comrades from the Oujiang District, have a strong intention to further make friends.Fang Yuan is the deputy director of the Municipal Education Bureau who is in charge of the work, and there are three cadres from the District Education and Sports Bureau, all of whom hope to establish a good relationship with Fang Yuan, so that the Municipal Education Bureau can take more care of the education in Oujiang District in the future; Zhaodong witnessed a cadre at the department level achieve the leap from department to department. It would be a lie to say that Yan Zhaodong is not jealous.Today Yan Zhaodong came with Qunfeng, and the purpose was also not pure.Except that he is the deputy district head in charge of education, Fang Yuan has to accompany the main leaders of the Municipal Education Bureau when Fang Yuan comes.There are several other reasons: First, he has a good relationship with Qunfeng. If Qunfeng becomes the secretary of the district committee, he will be able to establish a close relationship with the new secretary, which will help him to get the title of "member of the standing committee of the district committee" as soon as possible.You know, whether a deputy district chief is a member of the Standing Committee determines whether he has a chance to become the top leader in the future.The second is to make friends with Fangyuan.They are all students of the same period of the Municipal Party School, so their feelings are naturally different.It is said that they carried guns together, went to the countryside together, went to the window together, and went whoring together. Such feelings are extraordinary.And if Fangyuan can tilt a little bit, maybe it will be easier for him to go to the next level.What's more, Fangyuan was decisive in killing and attacking. At the just-concluded party congress, he severely punished Lei Ming, the director of the Information Industry Bureau. How many people's hearts did this wake-up call ring?As for Ren Xiaoai, she was originally just a supporting role.But now, seeing that the relationship between Fangyuan and Ren Xiaoai is extraordinary, in Yan Zhaodong's heart, Ren Xiaoai also has value to use.It cannot be blamed on the utilitarianism of modern people, in fact, it is all forced by the environment.Who do you make friends with?In fact, it is to make friends with people who you think are useful.And those who think it is useless, such as beggars and road sweepers on the street, how many people are willing to take the initiative to socialize?

Wang Song also has a strong purpose of making friends with Fangyuan.Wang Song understood the relationship between Fang Yuan and Wang Chuyin very well.Of course, what happened to Lei Ming also shocked Wang Song.In Wang Song's heart, he would rather offend Qunfeng than Wang Chuyin and Fangyuan.These two people are the top two in Wang Song's heart.As for Gao Shengqiang, Secretary of the Municipal Legal Committee, Wang Song kept him at a respectful distance.Wang Chuyin and Gao Shengqiang are not so harmonious, so Wang Song naturally keeps a distance from Gao Shengqiang.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, except for Ren Xiaoai who just tasted it, the others, whether it was Qunfeng or Fangyuan, were a little too drunk.The original theme was to sincerely invite reporter Ren Xiaoai to help Oujiang District to do a few publicity reports in the provincial newspaper, but it gradually evolved into a relationship between everyone and Fangyuan to deepen their relationship.Fortunately, Ren Xiaoai is not afraid of others saying that Fang Yuan is good, and that Fang Yuan is capable, which proves that Ren Xiaoai has vision.If it were anyone else, it would definitely not be acceptable to see someone stealing the show.

Qunfeng is very happy now.It should be said that based on Qunfeng's long-term experience as the executive deputy director of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee and the close relationship between Qunfeng and the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee, after Liang Zhaopeng was promoted to deputy mayor, the district party secretary should be sure.However, Qunfeng got bad news. It seems that the province intends to send a young reserve cadre to Dongzhou to serve as the secretary of the county and district committee.This made Qunfeng very nervous. If the province does not send someone, Qunfeng is more confident; but if the province sends someone, I am afraid that his qualifications are a bit too shallow, and he will easily be replaced and continue to be the district chief.Why?Qunfeng has only been the mayor of the district for about a month. Although he was the executive deputy director of the organization department with a high position, he has never presided over the work alone.It can be said that there are one set of theories and one set of theories, but there is still very little specific administrative experience, and I have never worked in the most basic and comprehensive positions at the county level.The selection of the county party secretary is very cautious for the province and city.Now, although the prefecture-level city basically has the final say on the appointment of the county party secretary in Qingjiang Province, the county chief can be appointed by the city party committee in the context of the loud voices in the provinces and counties across the country, but the county party secretary and district party secretary can be appointed by the county party committee. The municipal party committee came up with candidates and opinions, and solicited the opinions of the provincial party committee.If the provincial party committee has its own candidate, I am afraid it will still have to compete with the municipal party committee.In most cases, the municipal party committee can only bow to the provincial party committee.In Qingjiang Province, there is already a county party secretary who has been appointed, and the provincial party committee has the final say.The county-level city where the China Small Commodity Wholesale City is located has achieved a strong county expansion and has become the No. 1 county directly under Qingjiang Province.

This is an important reason why Qunfeng wants to publicize the political achievements of Oujiang District through the "Qingjiang Daily" in the near future.Of course, Qunfeng also very much hoped that Fangyuan could say a word or two for him at a critical moment.After all, what Qun Feng knew, Fang Yuan could also influence several members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee.At least, Major General Sheng Jianbo of the military, and Tian Guohua, Minister of Propaganda, are all members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee that Fangyuan can contact directly.As a former organization minister, Qun Feng knew Fang Yuan better, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee cared more about Fang Yuan. There may be deep-seated reasons, but Fang Yuan did not have the strength to directly influence them, including Secretary Zhao and Minister Bei.

Qun Feng said: "Everyone, I did drink too much today, I'm going to rest and come back. Xiao Fang, did you drink a lot too?"

Fang Yuan understood Qun Feng's intentions and said, "Everyone, I'm going to rest too, and I'll be right back."

Qunfeng said: "We must accompany reporter Ren well. If reporter Ren is not satisfied, I will take you as a question."

Ren Xiaoai obviously has a bit of a problem with the world, she said: "If Fangyuan leaves, I will leave. I will not stay here alone."

well!Fang Yuan sighed inwardly: Qun Feng wants to talk to me alone, why are you joining in the fun?If it is hinted, it is not good to say it clearly.

Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Ai, I have some matters to discuss and communicate with the head of the group alone. I will be back soon."

Only at this time did Ren Xiaoai realize: Qunfeng wanted to whisper to Fangyuan!Ren Xiaoxin felt a little displeased with Qunfeng: Is there anything I can't say in person?Even if you can't say it face to face, then tell me directly.Going around a few corners and beating around the bush to express the meaning of wanting to communicate with Fangyuan alone, such a person is too insidious!

Ren Xiaoai's displeasure immediately showed on her face. She will never be like Ni Runqing, who has been a TV host for a long time and knows how to act and pretend.

Fang Yuan said: "Xiao Ai, look, those who are here today are all elites from Oujiang District! District Chief Yan is my good friend, Secretary Wang Song is my friend on the public security line, and Director Wang, He The Director and Director Wu are both colleagues in my education. I see it this way, if you don’t want to drink, some leaders of Oujiang District will share their work with you. Let’s see what are the highlights and innovations. It can be used as your news material. I believe that several leaders of Oujiang District still hope that Xiaoai can pay more attention to their work. It is not easy for their work to be published in "Dongzhou Daily"; to be published in "Qingjiang Daily" "It's their dream! I just want to remind one point: the main line is to publicize the work of these departments; the center and focus must highlight the group leaders."

Ren Xiaoai was a little reluctant to describe the peaks, but she still wanted to listen to Fang Yuan's words.Ren Xiaoai loves Fangyuan too much. With the breakthrough of the relationship between men and women, Ren Xiaoai is now entering the honeymoon and climax period of love. The request is not so reasonable.For love, you can sacrifice a lot, and you can do things you don't want to do, such as kissing and biting a baby with your mouth.

Qun Feng brought Fang Yuan to a room, opened the door and entered.Qun Feng sat on the chair and said to Yuan Yuan, "Sit, Xiao Fang."

Fang Yuan also sat down, feeling dizzy.This happens when there is too much alcohol.

Qunfeng said: "Xiao Fang, I never treat you as an outsider, so I speak up when I have something to say. Originally, after Liang Zhaopeng became the deputy mayor, it was basically a certainty for me to be the secretary of the district party committee. But two accidents happened One is that Secretary Wang Guodong was suddenly transferred, and the other is that the provincial party committee intends to send a young reserve cadre to Dongzhou to serve as the secretary of the county party committee or district party committee. Now, my situation is a bit complicated. You know, even if my time as district chief plus The current district mayor's time is less than half a year, and my qualifications are too low. It is impossible for the provincial and municipal committees to send me to Jiangnan County as the county party secretary. My chance is in Oujiang District. Xiaofang, please be a reporter to publicize , is peripheral work that must be done, but the real fate is determined by Ye Jicheng, Song Yunsheng, and Huang Jie, the three secretaries of the municipal party committee, and in the hands of the standing committee members of the provincial party committee. Xiao Fang, are you willing to help brother?"

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