Director's growth history

Chapter 4103 Wang Chuyin is completely different from Confucius Tian

Dongzhou Education became famous overnight.

That night, Dongzhou TV’s "Dongzhou News Network" broadcast a report on Dongzhou Education Bureau’s selection of the principal of the experimental kindergarten. Although it was only a short 1 minute, it was enough to shape the image of Dongzhou’s educational reform and innovation on the screen. .The "Today's Talk" column of Dongzhou TV Station made an in-depth analysis and report on the selection of the director of the experimental kindergarten by the Dongzhou Education Bureau. The interview was open, and the supervision of kindergarten teachers and news media were introduced to ensure fairness. In the end, Xie Jun, who was successful in the competition, was unanimously approved by the judges and also recognized by the experimental kindergarten teachers. At the same time, the news media also believed that Xie Jun was the most suitable candidate. The results are fair, just, and in line with public opinion; thirdly, teachers’ voting results are included in the scores, accounting for 30% of the weight, which embodies democracy and respects public opinion, and is the most commendable reform and innovation of the cadre appointment system.

The next day, Sunday, Dongzhou's various paper news media also took out a larger page to report on the selection of the director of the experimental kindergarten by the Dongzhou Education Bureau.And "Qingjiang Daily" is on the second page, with "Two major breakthroughs in the employment mechanism of Dongzhou Education Bureau cadres: open interviews; democratic participation".Ren Xiaoai's pungent and profound writing style raised the matter of Dongzhou Education Bureau's selection of kindergarten principals to the height of innovation in the national cadre selection and employment mechanism. He did not hesitate to praise the reform and innovation of Dongzhou Education Bureau.What is even more commendable is that the report did not interview Fang Yuan, but interviewed Yan Siqing, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization, and used Yan Siqing's words to praise Dongzhou Education Bureau and Fang Yuan.The unique angle of the report shows Ren Xiaoai's talent, and also shows how caring and caring Ren Xiaoai is in Fang Yuan's every move!

Yan Siqing said in the interview that the Education Bureau's practice of selecting the principal of the experimental kindergarten is of great reference and promotional value.It is the duty-bound duty of organizations at every level to select and recruit the best talents for the party and the country, and fill them in various positions at all levels.How can we select and hire excellent talents?The Dongzhou Education Bureau has made a useful attempt in terms of openness, fairness and justice in the examination and in the introduction of democratic supervision, which is worthy of recognition.

Yan Siqing's words, more than Fang Yuan's boasting, can show that the reform of the cadre selection mechanism has been successful and recognized this time.

When Fang Yuan was having breakfast with Kong Shuanghua at home in the morning, he had already received congratulatory calls one after another.Fang Yuan was also in a happy mood, and he was polite and modest with the people who called to congratulate each other.

But Fang Yuan soon became unhappy.Fang Yuan received a call from Wang Chuyin: "Brother, you have taken all the superficial glory this time, but you have committed a big taboo!"

Fang Yuan's heart thumped: "Brother, what's wrong?"

Wang Chuyin said: "In China, you have to learn to keep a low profile most of the time. My brother asked you, you made the cadre selection process public and included the public vote in the test scores. What do you ask other departments to do?"

Fang Yuan suddenly understood that she looked good, but offended almost all the department heads.

Wang Chuyin said: "You used this method to recruit experimental kindergartens this time. Will you use this method every time you appoint cadres in the Education Bureau?"

Fang Yuan shook his head: "Definitely not. At least not [-]% using this method."

Wang Chuyin said: "It's a precedent. In the future, public opinion and public opinion will require you to do this. But if you really do this, the people you choose will not be able to carry out your will, and they will not be your ideal candidates. One or two is fine. After there are too many, how do you issue orders in the Education Bureau?"

Fang Yuan realized the seriousness of the problem.

Wang Chuyin said: "You have made such an attempt at the department level, and the impact is not too great. But the public opinion will ask to try it at the county level! What will Secretary Ye do? If the public opinion continues to push up, then the provincial party committee appoints the municipal party secretary When it comes to candidates for mayor, should public opinion be counted as 30% of the weight? When the central government appoints the secretary of the provincial party committee, the governor, and the vice-governor, should the public opinion also be included? My good brother, you have the right Vigorous, innovative, and capable, this big brother knows it all. But we must adapt to the environment. If we are rejected by the environment, how will you do things in the future? Who will support you! Today, big brother is a bit more serious. The reform you made, Hurting others also hurts oneself."

A basin of cold water was poured on Fangyuan's head, and her mind was completely clear.

Wang Chuyin said: "What's even more frightening is that if the newly appointed principal makes a mess of the experimental kindergarten, how will you explain it to the superior? How will you explain it to the Education Bureau? If the newly appointed principal commits corruption again, You have simply committed a great crime."

Fangyuan broke out in a cold sweat: "Big...Brother, what should I do?"

Wang Chuyin said: "Keep a low profile, don't accept any more interviews in the near future! My suggestion is, don't work in the education bureau anymore. Leave education and go to the county or district as a standing committee deputy county head or deputy district head, and do some practical work. Work."

Fang Yuan didn't even think about it, and agreed: "Okay!"

Hanging up the phone, Fang Yuan wiped the sweat from his forehead.Kong Shuanghua asked, "What's wrong?" Fang Yuan closed his eyes in pain, "Reform always comes at a price! I want to report my thoughts to Secretary Ye."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Let's talk to Dad first. Dad has experienced so much and will definitely give you the most reasonable advice."

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, I'll call Dad right away."

Fang Yuan locked herself in the study, and called Kong Zitian: "Dad, I'm sorry to bother you."

Confucius Tian said: "Don't bother. You can call me anytime. I feel that you call me a little less, not a little more."

Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely ask Dad for more instructions in the future."

Confucius Tian sighed.

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, have you read today's Qingjiang Daily?"

Confucius Tian said, "I am watching."

Fang Yuan said, "Am I being too high-profile?"

Confucius Tian said: "No one can stop the process of China's democratization. Your practice is a beneficial practice, and it is also a grassroots practice that the country needs. In the future, the result of China's democratization will still be the same as what you said yesterday. As it is done, the will of the leadership collective is combined with public opinion. Several judges or members of the party committee are also a collective opinion, and it is a democratic opinion. Coupled with a certain weight of public opinion, it may be the future of Chinese democracy. The final result. The election of one person, one vote may not be able to select the most suitable candidate, just like Bush Jr. and Schwarzenegger, how can they lead the country? How can they lead the state of California? That will not be suitable China. If it is forcibly introduced into China, it will only be unacceptable and harm our country and people!"

Fang Yuan said, "So, Dad affirms and supports my actions?"

Confucius Tian said: "I am the executive vice president of the party school. I am in charge of cadre training. I think more about this aspect. In fact, some provinces have done a good job. Jiangsu Province has also made great strides. The appointment of prefectural and department-level chiefs at the provincial level must be made by all provincial party committee members to publicly score and vote on all candidates who meet the qualifications, instead of being decided by the provincial party committee standing committee or the provincial party secretary or deputy secretary. Jiangsu There are 85 members of the Provincial Party Committee in the province. Those who can become members of the Provincial Party Committee are not university presidents, or the secretary or mayor of the prefectural or municipal Party committee, or the top leaders of the provincial departments and bureaus. Yes, whoever is suitable for promotion to the main hall will be more fair and just when everyone’s opinions are gathered. Comrades who are both virtuous and capable should serve as prefectural-level principals. For us in Qingjiang Province, this aspect is still relatively conservative, and the steps are relatively small."

Fang Yuan really doesn't understand Jiangsu Province's approach, but he still deeply approves of Jiangsu Province's approach.If you don't know the candidates who are going to be promoted to the deputy hall level, then voting is blind voting and has no meaning. Therefore, blindly expanding the scope of voting will lose its meaning.When these 85 members of the Provincial Party Committee came to vote, it was targeted and expanded democracy, which is indeed very good.

Confucius Tian said: "Just before you called me, Guo Feng, deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, called me and praised the Dongzhou Education Bureau for its exploration and innovation in the cadre selection mechanism, and asked the Provincial Party School to come to Dongzhou Go to learn from it and integrate it into the training of party members and cadres. You know, Secretary Guo is the principal of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee and is also in charge of party building and organizational work. He knows you are my son-in-law."

Guo Feng?Fang Yuan never thought that Deputy Secretary Guo would pay attention to Fang Yuan.In Fang Yuan's impression, Deputy Secretary Guo seemed to be at odds with Secretary Zhao and Governor Feng.And Secretary Zhao is concerned about himself, and this is clear.In Fangyuan's memory, Deputy Secretary Guo had never been to Dongzhou, let alone Dongzhou Experimental Middle School.How could he suddenly care about himself?

Confucius Tian said: "Are you surprised, why is it Secretary Guo instead of Secretary Zhao?"

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, Dad."

Confucius Tian said: "Every local official has his own ideals of governance. When he is a deputy, he is more likely to implement, but it does not mean that he does not have his own thinking. The current thinking is not useless thinking, because the future It is very likely to go further, and the current thinking is to pave the way and accumulate for the future. A small number of deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee will end their political career as the chairman of the CPPCC, but most of the deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee will become provincial Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. In terms of reform and innovation, Secretary Guo is younger and more willing to try new methods and propose new ideas. Secretary Zhao is relatively older and more mature and prudent. Stability is placed on Zhao The more important position in the secretary's heart. In some things, Secretary Zhao may appreciate it more; in other things, Secretary Guo may appreciate it more. And you just have to be yourself!"

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you for your teaching. Dad, I also have a lot of concerns about the reform of the Education Bureau."

Fang Yuan rearranged what Wang Chuyin told him, and explained it to Confucius Tian.Confucius Tian said: "For the vast majority of cadres, your reform attempt is unacceptable. Because it means the loss of power, especially the loss of power such as personnel appointments. So it is inevitable to offend some people. But These cadres, because their vision is only so high, so their future development will not be high. The vision determines the height. You don’t have to worry too much, but if you look at the long-term development, leave education before serving as the director of the Education Bureau, go to It is the best to work in the counties and districts. The highest level of development of the director of the education bureau is that one is the deputy director of the provincial education department, and the other is the deputy mayor in charge of education in the prefecture and city. After working in the counties and districts, after the future is corrected, the future development Unlimited height!"

Fang Yuan said: "So, Dad, you also support me to leave education."

Kong Zitian said: "Yes, I think the current timing is very good. The competition reform for the head of the experimental kindergarten has achieved results, and you don't have to worry about what the next director will do. This time, Dongzhou will move two county heads. , the county will still vacate some suitable positions. You can fight for it."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay."

Confucius Tian said: "Xiao Fang, I want to ask you something. Several recent reports on Dongzhou education were written by reporter Ren Xiaoai. What is the relationship between this Ren Xiaoai and you?"

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