Director's growth history

Report to Ye Jicheng

Fang Yuan did not tell Kong Shuanghua about Wang Quan and Shao Keqing.Perhaps these two people will forever become Fang Yuan's secret hidden deep in his heart!As for Dong Mei and Chi Liping, let them become the eternal past tense.In desperation, Fang Yuan reviewed the women around him to his wife, and even Zhou Yujie, Chen Qiuping, and Wen Ruoxing, who might become future women, also confessed to his wife with unprecedented force.

It can be said that Fang Yuan made progress by retreating, and said these bad things, and there are only so many bad things, this is the status quo.He accepted whatever was done to him; he didn't blame Kong Shuanghua for any result.To a certain extent, Fang Yuan can be considered as thick-skinned as a city wall, shameless to the extreme.He left the endless pain to Kong Shuanghua, and let Kong Shuanghua figure it out.

What else could Kong Shuanghua do?Fangyuan's current state is closely related to Fangyuan's talent and success. To a certain extent, Fangyuan has several women outside, all of which are the result of being seduced by women, and are all the result of being calculated by the woman's father.Fangyuan's inability to control her belt was only part of the reason.If she divorced Fang Yuan at this time, even if Fang Yuan's reputation would be ruined, it would only benefit other women!With Fang Yuan's talent, even if he stopped working in politics and continued to work hard in the officialdom, he would probably be an excellent talent in the business world.The people who are most likely to be cheap are Song Sisi and Ding Chuke, whom Kong Shuanghua hates so much.Especially Song Sisi, probably dreaming of marrying Fangyuan!As long as you let go and divorce Fang Yuan, someone will welcome Fang Yuan into the door openly and happily in less than 10 days.Alas, if you don't accept the reality, you will only make other women cheaper; if you accept the reality, you have to endure the fact that your husband is fluttering colorful flags outside - what should I do?

Kong Shuanghua faced difficulties, made difficult choices, and was caught in a dilemma.But when he thought about not allowing his son to become a single-parent child, and when he thought that he still loved Fangyuan, what else could he do except compromise?I can only hope that Fang Yuan can properly deal with these existing women and stop messing with women who haven't slept yet.

Fang Yuan has no time to report and review with Kong Shuanghua.He decided to report his thoughts to Ye Jicheng today and go to the county or district to make a living.Fangyuan left, Kong Shuanghua carried Ruirui into the bedroom and didn't come out for a long time.She cried and cried, laughed and laughed, kissed and kissed her son, and finally decided to compromise: as long as Fang Yuan still loves herself, Rui Rui, and this family, she will not divorce Fang Yuan.As a woman from an official family, Kong Shuanghua had the realization that if her father took care of a mistress outside, wouldn't her mother also compromise in the end?

Kong Shuanghua picked up the phone and dialed his father Kong Zitian.She wanted to report Fangyuan's situation to her father one by one, and she also wanted to tell her father what she thought. In the end, she had to pinch her nose, begging her father to forgive Fangyuan, and begging him to continue helping Fangyuan as always.Is it easy to be Fang Yuan's wife?Not to mention bearing the burden of humiliation, you still need to break your teeth and swallow them in your stomach...

Fangyuan got his wish and met Ye Jicheng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.Although today is Sunday, for Ye Jicheng, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, 365 days, every day is a working day.The higher the level of officials, the less they have rest days. Even during the Spring Festival, they have to visit the front-line employees who stick to their posts and celebrate the New Year with miners and farmers.On the night of New Year's Eve, Mr. Hu sat on the farmer's kang and gnawed sweet potatoes, and Mr. Wen went deep into the mine to eat dumplings with the miners. country.Letting go of the small family and taking care of everyone is a common portrayal of today's senior leading cadres.Too much work and too many things to take care of my family.

Ye Jicheng received Fang Yuan kindly, and expressed his warm congratulations to Fang Yuan for his innovative reforms and successful results in the selection and appointment of the principal of the experimental kindergarten!After praising for a long time, Ye Jicheng said: "Xiao Fang, Governor Feng is very satisfied with Dongzhou City's approach and speaks highly of it. He asked us to summarize our approach and experience, form a special report, and report it to the province."

It turns out that Ye Jicheng has a close relationship with Governor Feng Feng!

The governor is in charge of government affairs, not party affairs.But this time, Governor Feng put his hand into party affairs. What is his intention?Could it be that he is preparing for Secretary Zhao to take over after he retires in a few years?Does he also want to learn from the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee's "public nomination" to select department-level cadres?Judging from the current situation, it is very likely that Governor Feng will take over as the secretary of the provincial party committee in a few years, while the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee or the executive deputy governor can only succeed the governor in order, and it is unlikely to become the secretary of the provincial party committee directly.

Fang Yuan is a small official, but after staying in the officialdom for a while, his thinking is different from that of ordinary people.Ye Jicheng's few words have already made Fang Yuan's imagination run wild.Fang Yuan said, "Secretary Ye, I'll make arrangements right away."

Ye Jicheng smiled and nodded, watching Fangyuan make a phone call.

Fangyuan dialed Shen Jun's phone number: "Shen Jun, I have an urgent and important task for you, and you need to work overtime to complete it. The director of the experimental kindergarten selected by the Education Bureau has made innovations and breakthroughs in many aspects. Please cooperate immediately. Relevant documents from the Education Bureau and today's major media reports have captured our innovations and successes and formed a work report. If you need materials from other departments, please call them directly. Before noon, the first draft can be completed ?"

Shen Jun said: "I promise to complete the task."

Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely arrive at the Education Bureau before noon to meet you."

Shen Jun said, "Okay, Director."

Fangyuan hung up the phone and said to Ye Jicheng, "Secretary Ye, I've finished the arrangement."

Ye Jicheng was very satisfied with Fangyuan's spirit of carrying out his instructions without staying overnight, not only staying overnight, but literally staying within seconds!Ye Jicheng said: "Okay, when the special report comes up, I will give instructions and send it to all districts, counties, and bureaus and committees in the city for study. At the same time, I will instruct the municipal party committee to use the special report of the Education Bureau as a blueprint to form a working specialist for the Dongzhou Municipal Committee. report to the provincial party committee and the provincial government."

"Thank you, Secretary Ye. However, can you not send it to the districts, counties, and bureaus? I am worried that comrades will have more opinions on me."

Ye Jicheng said: "Democracy within the party is a requirement of our work; democratization is the general trend. If we want to select the best cadres, we must ultimately select the best cadres through a fair, open, and just selection method. We can neither copy Europe and the United States. The populist democratization and capitalist-backed ministries cannot be closed to the outside world and stand still, but must keep pace with the times. Your practice or experiment in the Education Bureau is very meaningful. Even if some departments do not refer to it, it is still possible. It will arouse their thinking. It is also very important to arouse the thinking of top leaders. I have studied the work experience of publicly elected cadres in Jiangsu Province. When the opportunity is ripe in the future, I will conduct a similar experiment in Dongzhou City Combining the experience of Jiangsu Province with the practice of the Dongzhou Education Bureau, publicize it on a larger scale, and respect the opinions of the masses for democratic voting to a certain extent. In this way, buying and selling officials can be eliminated, and whoever wants to If you want to improve, if you want to make progress, you must first rely on performance, second rely on recognition, and third rely on the masses. Achievement is achieved by yourself, and recognition must at least be recognized by a certain range of comrades, such as the scope of the city’s municipal party committee members and alternate members. Even if it is a little bigger, all cadres at the departmental level in the city can participate in public elections; the ratings of the masses will also be included in a certain weight, and comrades who are only superior will have no chance in the future. I hope that through such reforms, the combination of superior and inferior , so that the completion of higher-level tasks and doing good things for the masses are combined, which is more in line with China's characteristics and social environment."

Fang Yuan understood what Ye Jicheng meant, and Ye Jicheng also wanted to make innovative achievements in the cadre selection mechanism!If he has made achievements in this area, Ye Jicheng may not be promoted to vice governor in the future, but may directly become a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Minister of Organization in his own province or other provinces.

Fang Yuan said: "No matter what position I am in, I will firmly support Secretary Ye and support Secretary Ye with practical actions."

Ye Jicheng laughed loudly: "Okay! With your support, I am more at ease and more confident."

Fang Yuan said: "Thank you for Secretary Ye's trust. I came to report to Secretary Ye today, not to report on the competition for the principal of the experimental kindergarten, but to report to Secretary Ye some of my other ideas."

Ye Jicheng's expression became serious: "Let's talk." Ye Jicheng always paid special attention to Fang Yuan's words.Not to mention that there are many Standing Committee members in the province who firmly support Fang Yuan behind the scenes, even the Dongzhou Municipal Committee, how many Standing Committee members seem to agree with Fang Yuan.Fang Yuan's influence cannot be viewed as a deputy, but must be viewed on a more equal footing.

Fang Yuan said: "The Education Bureau has completed the competition for the principal of the Municipal Experimental Kindergarten, and the staged important work is considered complete. Before the Spring Festival, we are not going to arrange any innovations or reforms. *We are preparing to hold the city's annual education work conference to deploy education work throughout the year, and then various tasks will become the stage of promoting the completion of annual work goals and routine work."

Ye Jicheng nodded: "Yes! The education work conference is of the same nature as our just-concluded city party congress. It is the most important task of the education system in a year and needs to be well prepared. I will attend this year's education work conference. "

Fang Yuan was startled.

Ye Jicheng squeezed a smile: "It also reflects the importance I attach to education. I am also going to say a few words, and your education bureau will prepare the speech. I may read it as it is, or I may speak out of the script."

Fang Yuan was a little excited, but also a little uneasy.Generally speaking, the deputy mayor in charge will attend the annual education work meeting of the Education Bureau.The education work conference attended by the secretary of the municipal party committee is usually the national education work conference attended by the general secretary and the prime minister of the central government. The secretary of the municipal party committee will not be seen at the education work conference.However, preparing a speech for the secretary of the municipal party committee is not an easy task, it is extremely difficult.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Ye, thank you for your emphasis on education. We must carefully prepare the meeting and the speech."

Ye Jicheng smiled and said: "This is not very important. The most important thing is to make a good plan for Dongzhou's education in 2009, to have a scientific development idea, to have a clear direction of struggle, to have a clear development goal, and to be feasible. work measures. Xiao Fang, don't let me down!"

Fangyuan quickly wrote down these four sentences of Ye Jicheng: "There is a scientific development idea, a clear direction of struggle, a clear development goal, and feasible work measures." These few words of Ye Jicheng are really incisive.It's not flattering, it's really incisive, and the level of the secretary of the municipal party committee can be seen in a few words.

Fang Yuan said, "I will definitely implement Secretary Ye's four requirements."

Ye Jicheng said, "Go ahead and talk about your business."

Fangyuan said: "Yes! Report to Secretary Ye that before you came to Dongzhou, it was already rumored in the political circle of Dongzhou that the leaders of the municipal party committee would arrange for me to take up a post in the county. In fact, I also have such expectations in my heart! They all say that they will do what they want and love them. I have only been engaged in education for 7 years, and I still love education very much. If the organization needs it, I am willing to continue to dedicate my youth and enthusiasm to the development of Dongzhou education in the education system. But I have also thought about it , the elders in the family have also reminded me that I hope that I can be more strict with myself, exercise myself in more arduous jobs, and not be afraid of hardships, difficulties, or challenges. I can’t live up to the ardent expectations of my elders in my family. Therefore, I Solemnly request to Secretary Ye, if there is a suitable position in the county, I am willing to challenge myself."

Ye Jicheng felt a lot of pressure.According to the information learned from Ye Jicheng, Fang Yuan may be a descendant of a certain big boss in the central government. It is said that after the Cultural Revolution was hit by an old revolutionary and general, his son was sent to Jilin and became an educated youth.And it was rumored that Fang Yuan was the illegitimate son of this son.According to gossip, this son is now an elder over [-] years old, and also a leading comrade in office.

The elder in the family that Fang Yuan mentioned was referring to Confucius Tian; but Ye Jicheng misunderstood, thinking that Fang Yuan was talking about this leading comrade in office.Could it be that Fangyuan is optimistic about the magistrate of Jiangnan County or the district magistrate of Oujiang District?Forcibly promoting Fang Yuan to be the director of the Municipal Education Bureau faced considerable resistance. The main reason was that Fang Yuan's qualifications were too low, his age was too young, and his time in both the main department and the deputy department was too short.Now that he barely presides over the work of the Education Bureau, there are more criticisms; if he is appointed as the director of the Education Bureau, there may be more criticisms; and if Fang Yuan is nominated as the deputy secretary of the county party committee and the candidate for the county magistrate, I am afraid that the common people and the people will definitely have serious doubts. Time might hurt Fangyuan.If Fang Yuan is forced to resign because of public opinion, I'm afraid that leading comrade will not let him go!

Ye Jicheng did not directly deny Fang Yuan's words: "Xiao Fang, can you be more specific?"

Ye Jicheng hoped that Fangyuan would directly point out whether he was going to Jiangnan County or Oujiang District.Only after clarifying Fangyuan's intentions can he report to the relevant leaders of the provincial party committee and provincial government.Ye Jicheng typed this genealogy. He didn't know that Fang Yuan was actually the son of a farmer. His father, Fang Jingcai, was an old treasure; his mother was also a rural housewife.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Ye, I am now the deputy secretary and deputy director of the Education Bureau. I don't have high expectations. If there are vacant posts in the county or district, I still want to go. Exercise in the counties and districts. This can be regarded as a transfer at the same level, I hope it will not cause too much trouble for the leaders!"

Ye Jicheng's heart was hanging in his stomach immediately: It's good to be transferred at the same level!Even if it is the deputy secretary of the county party committee or the deputy county magistrate, it can be considered.After all, equal grades will reduce a lot of criticism; and if I become the deputy secretary of the county party committee, I, Ye Jicheng, will definitely be seen by the higher-ups.Even if he can't be the deputy secretary of the county party committee and can only become a member of the standing committee, then it is enough to directly name him and be listed in front of most of the standing committee members.

Ye Jicheng said: "Okay, I will consider your ideas. However, at the moment, you still have to carefully prepare for the education work conference, and arrange and arrange the education work in 2009. In addition, I also want to ask you: If you leave Eastern State Education, who would you recommend as a suitable successor?"

Fang Yuan said: "If I come to recommend, I will recommend Comrade Sun Hongjun as the director. It is also appropriate for him to be the secretary and the director. At least he can ensure that the education system has a voice instead of constant internal fighting. In addition, he is mature and prudent, with party spirit. His principles are particularly strong, and he is a comrade who can rest assured.”

Ye Jicheng said, "I see."

After returning from Ye Jicheng's office, Fang Yuan hurried to the Education Bureau.On the way, Fang Yuan received a call from Shao Keqing.Shao Keqing brought him a shocking news.

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