Director's growth history

4128 Chapter 2815 Zhao Tengyuan respects whomever he wants

Perhaps, Zhao Tengyuan rushed to toast, this is his style.During the few years when he was in charge of the West Lake District, he acted decisively and courageously, daring to do things that other district chiefs and district party committee secretaries dared not do. At the same time, his energy was unbelievably abundant: The working hours are sixteen to seven hours. After dinner in the evening, I return to the office and continue working until late at night.When he was in power, all levels of cadres and civil servants in Xihu District seemed to be wound up. The mobile phones were definitely turned on 24 hours a day, and they had to be able to answer any questions Zhao Tengyuan asked. , The answer is clear, the data must be kept in the mind, otherwise Zhao Tengyuan may be severely criticized.

After becoming the deputy mayor who was not a member of the Standing Committee, although Zhao Tengyuan kept a low profile, the department he was in charge of still felt tremendous pressure, that is, the work must be promoted vigorously and the work must be efficient.In the past few years, the city of Hangjiang City has become prosperous and beautiful, and it has already demonstrated the boldness and status of the provincial capital and central city. relation.

Zhao Tengyuan said: "Principal Kong, Director Liu, Secretary Shen, Chairman Ding, and Xiao Fang! Quality of life will make people happier; quality of work will make people more confident; quality of communication will also make people feel better. Joy. Today is a very happy day for me. I am very happy to be recognized and to participate in such a small-scale gathering; I am happy to sit with Principal Kong again to listen to the teachings; I am happy to have dinner at the same table with Director Liu and Chairman Ding; I am happy to have the opportunity to meet Shen Mi. In one sentence, there are two words: happy! I offer a glass of wine to all good friends, for happiness, for friendship, and for the future. ,cheers!"

Everyone seemed really happy.Shen Xiuzhang also stood up and said to Zhao Tengyuan, "Mayor Zhao, I am also very happy today."

Everyone clinked glasses, with big smiles on their faces.At such a moment, Fangyuan didn't know why, but lost the sense of harmony of the zither and the sound just now, but felt a sense of acting.For Zhao Tengyuan rushing to toast at this time, not only was the topic not new, but it also changed the direction and taste of the banquet a little bit, Fang Yuan felt uncomfortable.

Zhao Tengyuan messed up the order, and the rhythm of the toast was completely disrupted.Zhao Tengyuan paid respect to Confucius again, and Fangyuan didn't hear what he said.However, Fang Yuan heard Shen Xiuzhang beside him say, "Xiao Fang, I would like to toast you with a glass of wine."

Fang Yuan said, "Director Shen, I should be the one to honor you."

Shen Xiuzhang said: "If you don't dislike it, call me Brother Shen from now on."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Brother Shen."

Shen Xiuzhang said: "From now on, we will be good brothers and good friends. If you need anything, you can call me anytime."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Brother Shen. If Brother Shen really wants to take charge of one side, I will mobilize many entrepreneurs to support the development of the city you are in charge of."

Shen Xiuzhang said: "Okay, then we will make a deal. Chunxiao cakes are delicious, and Chunxiao will pass by then."

Fang Yuan said, "Definitely."

Shen Xiuzhang took the initiative to toast Kong Zitian after Wang Xingbang refilled the wine: "Principal Kong, I have been looking forward to accepting your teaching and becoming your student." Kong Zitian smiled: "I also look forward to being able to There is such a talented student as you Shen Mi!" Shen Xiuzhang said: "Actually, just studying in school, no matter how long it takes, is just a short moment." Confucius Tian said with a smile: "If Shen Mi is willing, I will often If we have time, let’s communicate together.” Shen Xiuzhang said: “That’s really great. The teacher doesn’t think I’m a stupid student, and I’m very grateful.” Confucius Tian said: “I wish for a student like Xiuzhang.”

The title has changed, and the relationship has become closer.Regardless of whether there is an element of acting, the two of them know that they can just take advantage of this rare opportunity to sit together to pave the way for deepening exchanges in the future.Shen Xiuzhang needs Kong Zitian to provide "technical" support in the field of administrative management, that is, in the field of officialdom. At the same time, through Confucius Tian, ​​he can also deepen his connection and feelings with Fangyuan.If Fang Yuan is really the "second generation of red" or "third generation of red", then Fang Yuan is his most worthy "friend"!And Kong Zitian also hopes that he can gain a firm foothold in the Provincial Party School and truly be on his own.The support of Secretary Guo Feng is important, but if he can get the support of Secretary Zhao and Deputy Secretary Guo of the Provincial Party Committee at the same time, then in the party school, who else would dare to go against him?

It is not only acting, but also has real needs in it. The glass of wine between Confucius Tian and Shen Xiuzhang is very meaningful.

Zhao Tengyuan paid respects to Confucius Tian, ​​ignored Liu Jun, and directly respected Fangyuan: "Xiao Fang, we meet again."

Fang Yuan said, "Yes, Mayor Zhao, our whole family is very grateful to you!"

Zhao Tengyuan said: "Where is this talking? We are friends, and friends should help each other, right?"

Fang Yuan said, "Unfortunately, I can't help Mayor Zhao."

Zhao Tengyuan said: "To be here today is to help!"

The deep meaning contained in such words can only be understood by Fang Yuan and others.

Zhao Tengyuan said again: "I believe that in the future, brother, I'm afraid there will be more and more places where I will take advantage of you. I never beat around the bush when I speak and do things. Come, do it for our brotherly love!"

At this time, Wang Xingbang, seeing Liu Jun's embarrassment, quickly picked up his wine glass and went over to toast Liu Jun.It is only logical that the deputy director of the education bureau of the prefecture and city would toast the governor of the provincial department.This was also the first time that Wang Xingbang had the opportunity to toast the leaders at the main hall level individually and directly.

After Fang Yuan and Zhao Tengyuan finished drinking, Zhao Tengyuan said, "Xiao Fang, are you going to stay in the provincial capital for a few days?"

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "I'll go back when I'm done. I guess it will take two or three days."

Zhao Tengyuan said: "Tomorrow night, I will make an appointment first. If you have a particularly important occasion, you can turn me down; if not, you can come here. I will ask Xiaotian to pick you up."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, Mayor Zhao."

Zhao Tengyuan said: "Between you, just call yourself brother. Call me Brother Zhao, and I'll call you Xiaofang."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Brother Zhao."

Fang Yuan had a feeling that Zhao Tengyuan forcibly drew her closer.

For Zhao Tengyuan's third glass of wine, Ding Xiaohua was toasted.At this time, Confucius Tian and Liu Jun were respecting each other.

In Zhao Tengyuan's eyes, there were only gains and losses.Zhao Tengyuan will make friends with anyone who can bring him benefits.He has always been confident in his own judgment, and on this occasion, Liu Jun is the most useless type of person.Although it is also the main hall, I am afraid that it is just staying in the position of the chief inspector and waiting to retreat to the second line.In Zhao Tengyuan's eyes, such an official is useless.But Ding Xiaohua is different. Ding Xiaohua is a representative of Qingjiang Provincial People's Congress, and Nass Group is an important enterprise in Qingjiang Province.Zhao Tengyuan believes that in the near future, he will definitely serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city. The deputy mayor of Hangjiang City is the main office, and the secretary of the municipal party committee at the prefecture-level city is also the main office, but the gold content of the two is completely different.As long as he serves as the secretary of the municipal party committee of a prefecture-level city, the door to the future deputy governor or standing committee member of the provincial party committee is opened to him.At present, Zhao Tengyuan is planning this matter, hoping that he will no longer be the deputy mayor of Hangjiang City.After all, Zhao Tengyuan felt that his talent would not be able to be displayed at all after being a principal for many years and then a deputy.Sometimes, Zhao Tengyuan even felt that he might as well continue to serve as the secretary of the district committee in Xihu District.

Wang Xingbang finally got the chance to toast Fangyuan.After only half a day in the provincial capital, Wang Xingbang's mind has already been greatly shocked!As a deputy county-level cadre within the system, Wang Xingbang knew that even if he wanted to meet the secretary of the municipal party committee or the deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, it would be extremely difficult.And in one afternoon, Fang Yuan met with the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, and the Minister of Organization of the Provincial Party Committee.This is not awesome, but dragon-like!

Wang Xingbang stood in front of Fangyuan respectfully: "Director, Xingbang would like to toast you!"

Fang Yuan said: "Xingbang, your task is to serve the leaders well. Some leaders have already drank the wine in their cups."

Wang Xingbang said: "Yes! I will seize this little time to express my respect to the director."

Fang Yuan nodded.

Wang Xingbang said: "I don't want to say anything superfluous. I just want to tell the chief, I, Wang Xingbang, is your pawn, the pawn in front of the chariot. Wherever you point, I will rush there. All my actions are under the command of the chief!"

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