Director's growth history

4152 Chapter 2839, Sun Hongjun's advantages and disadvantages

Fangyuan walked up to Si Liguo and greeted him politely: "Liguo, you have worked so hard! The car is so polished!"

Si Liguo said: "I heard that the chief went back to Dongzhou and couldn't sleep, so he got up and scrubbed the car to make the chief comfortable to use."

Fang Yuan got into the car, and it was really comfortable. Not only was the interior of the car bright and clean, but it was also warm and cozy. Even a county magistrate in ancient times would not have enjoyed such treatment.Fang Yuan felt that Si Liguo was very careful and experienced in serving.However, he had served Zhai Xinwen for more than two years, and his relationship with Zhai Xinwen must be very deep.As your own driver, you must keep your mouth shut. Fang Yuan is very worried that Si Li will report some of his secrets to Zhai Xinwen.This is what confuses Fang Yuan the most.

When Fangyuan appeared in the Education Bureau, Zhang Yuanqing had already heard the news and moved.Not only did he arrange for someone to clean up Fangyuan's office, but he also boiled water and made tea for Fangyuan himself.Even, the big bucket of water in Fangyuan's office was just replaced when Fangyuan left on the 19th. After only drinking a little, Zhang Yuanqing asked the staff to replace it with a new bucket of mineral water.

After drinking tea, Zhang Yuanqing was about to report on the purchase of new year's goods by the Education Bureau when Sun Hongjun opened the door and walked in.Sun Hongjun said: "The director is back, and I feel at ease." Fang Yuan said: "With the secretary sitting in front, I feel at ease outside."

This short conversation made Zhang Yuanqing full of emotion: Now there is really a little taste of party and government unity.In fact, if education can really unite the party and the government, many aspects will develop better and faster.It's just that when the party and the government are united, many people will have no chance.Winning in chaos and fishing in troubled waters are actually talking about this principle.For smart people, only when the party and the government are in disharmony can they find the most suitable opportunities for progress, otherwise the only way is to work hard.It is right to work hard, but the time span is too long, and the age cannot afford it; opportunism should not be done, but it can shorten the time for progress and is conducive to long-term development.It's like some female civil servants take off their pants and open their thighs. Once they do this, they may be promoted like a rocket. Is this a kind of opportunism?

Sun Hongjun said: "The director is back, and it is supposed to take a break, but I still have to report to the director about the work of the past few days."

This little friend Zhang Yuanqing was stunned again.The department is "reporting" to the deputy department, where does this all follow?

Fang Yuan said: "Yuan Qing, you are busy first, I have something to say to Secretary Sun."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay, Director. I will report to the Director later."

It's the end of the year, and everyone is busy celebrating the New Year, and the Education Bureau is no exception.Especially during the two and a half days when Fangyuan was away, the comrades in the Education Bureau, especially the lesbians with families, had already put their minds on preparing for the New Year, and they all felt a little careless.The prestige of Sun Hongjun is not enough to affect their belief in the Gu family.Except for the staff and departments who are busy preparing for the educational work meeting, many people are in a state of semi-holiday for themselves, find a reason to go out for business, and actually go home to clean up and prepare for the New Year's Eve dinner.But today Fangyuan came, and the nature was different immediately.Comrades who have already come, shake their spirits, do not leave the door in their offices, do not leave the second door, even if they have no work at hand, they will sit in front of the computer and open an official document to prepare, and then browse the news when it is time to read the news, read the news You still have to visit Taobao, but you are all prepared. If Fangyuan enters the door, you will close all the pages immediately, leaving only the opened document.Mobile phone text messages are also playing a vital role at this time. The six words "Director Fang is back" are enough to make those lesbians who have been busy at home pack their bags immediately and rush to the Education Bureau.If you have a car, you will come here by car; if you don't have a car, you can take a taxi instead of taking a bus.When the taxi drivers saw a lot of taxis gathering at the gate of the Education Bureau, they were all very strange: the meeting about taxis was not held in the Transportation Bureau, but in the Education Bureau?Could it be that the Education Bureau has moved and this has become the Transportation Bureau? (Learn to be humorous, superficial skills, please readers and friends can understand and accept.)

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, I want to report to you about the preparations for the education work conference."

Fang Yuan said, "Let's take a breath."

Sun Hongjun said: "The report still needs to be reported. The secretary of the party committee of the bureau is responsible for party affairs. In terms of administrative work, the secretary of the party committee is the second in command. I can still be clear about this."

Fang Yuan was no longer polite.If Sun Hongjun didn't talk about the preparations for the education work conference, Fang Yuan really wanted to know what was going on.

It turned out that although the atmosphere of the Education Bureau has been very "democratic" these days, the Department of Policy and Regulations, the Department of Basic Education, and other departments preparing for the education work conference are making intensive preparations. The "Key Points of Work of the Dongzhou Education Bureau in 2009" has been formulated; the first draft of Secretary Ye Jicheng's speech has also been drafted; the speech of Vice Mayor Ma Lianghe has also been prepared; Comrade Fang Yuan's speech has also been written.The related conference work is almost ready.Now, just wait for Fang Yuan to come back and make a final decision.

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Sun's work is very efficient!"

Sun Hongjun said: "It's the first time to do it alone. Naturally, I am conscientious. I am afraid that it will not be done well, and I am afraid that I will fail the expectations of the leaders."

Sun Hongjun's words are meaningful.Fang Yuan smiled: "We are partners, and our team will definitely be the most democratic and united team. What's more, I don't know where I will go next. There is a dedicated and responsible leader of the Education Bureau like Secretary Sun , even if you take on the whole burden at once, you are still competent.”

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, yesterday I asked Secretary Ye for instructions, and Secretary Ye gave me 10 minutes. The content of my special report is only one thing, that is, Dongzhou Education needs Director Fang. I am willing to be Director Fang. Deputy. Let me say something from the bottom of my heart. Dongzhou Education left me and transferred in the same way, and not necessarily worse. But Dongzhou Education is now leaving Director Fang. I have self-knowledge. I can’t control such a complicated situation. If the deputy directors don't listen to me, there is nothing I can do. I am not afraid of taking responsibility, but I am afraid of messing things up. If Dongzhou Education is in chaos in my hands, I will let down the municipal party committee and the municipal government. It is a great trust, and I have failed the trust and recommendation of Director Fang. Director Fang, I have already proposed to Secretary Ye that I recommend you to be the director of the Education Bureau instead of continuing to preside over the education work as the deputy director. Only you are in the Education Bureau, and the education Only when you are in the Education Bureau can the deputy directors perform their duties and listen to what they say; if you leave education, those who are dishonest will probably jump up; I will make my own decisions. I couldn’t sleep for several days, thinking that if I was the leader, some people would not obey the command, what would I do? I don’t have the thunderous methods of Director Fang!”

There is sincerity in Sun Hongjun's words, which is also in line with Sun Hongjun's personality.A person like Sun Hongjun will definitely cooperate well with the leader as a deputy, but there are indeed problems such as lack of courage, few methods, and new ideas as the leader.None of the deputies in the Education Bureau are so easy to manage, except for Song Ping.Heping seems to be a little timid, but he is definitely an old fritter, even more slippery than loach, and a master of politics; Geng Qing, who has long been dissatisfied, but because he is too strong, he has to be honest; Kong Lili, A woman who dares to take off her pants for the sake of progress, what else would she not dare to do? Wang Xingbang, who used to belong to Zhai Xinwen, is now his own. I am afraid that it is not so easy to be convinced after meeting; Xie Bingguo has always been worried that he is not the deputy director, and has always felt that his level is very high but he has not been reused enough. If Sun Hongjun is in power, Xie Bingguo will definitely use it. Professional expertise forced Sun Hongjun to accept his point of view; Song Ping, the most honest team member in the bureau, seemed not convinced by Sun Hongjun; Sun Hongjun is already a section chief of the same generation as Sun Hongjun, and Zhang Yuanqing is still a section chief with the rank of deputy department. Can he be convinced?In terms of ability, Zhang Yuanqing is many times better than Sun Hongjun, but why did Sun Hongjun become a leader, but he is not even a member of the team?There are also a large number of old section chiefs from the Zhai Xinwen era, and even the old section chiefs from the Han Suzhen era, who were not appreciated by Fangyuan. Director, will these people rush forward in a crowd?

It can be said that the Education Bureau is now calm on the surface, but in fact there are turbulent undercurrents.The Education Bureau really needs a powerful person to "control" here, otherwise, it will be a mess.If you really want to leave the Education Bureau and leave Sun Hongjun with a seemingly harmonious but actually chaotic stall, wouldn't it be fine?

Fang Yuan sighed, and said, "Right now, I'm still the deputy director in charge of administrative work. I'm in charge of the administration for a day. Is there any work that needs to be paid special attention to these days?"

Sun Hongjun said: "Yes. In addition to the major event of preparing for the education work conference, as the director, you should also use these few days to visit the families of teachers in need, especially the old comrades who have retired from the Education Bureau. Not everyone The comrades in the team can visit separately, but the former leaders should still be visited by Director Fang himself."

Fang Yuan never considered this issue.But Sun Hongjun took it into consideration, this is a question of life experience.Fangyuan suddenly remembered that CCTV also seems to broadcast such a film around the end of each year: the central leadership went deep into the homes of the former General Secretary Jiang, the wife of the former Vice Premier Xi Qi Xin, some surviving old Red Army, Lao Balu, etc., Hush and ask for warmth, and send the care of the Party Central Committee to the hearts of these seniors who have made outstanding contributions.Fangyuan's epiphany: Whether it's true or false, this necessary cutscene still has to go. After all, the influence of these old comrades is still there, and their disciples and subordinates are now in various important leadership positions.Going to the homes of veteran comrades embodies the Chinese tradition of respecting the elderly, and at least wins the support of these veteran comrades' disciples and subordinates.

This is China.To be an official in China, one must adapt to China's national conditions.Fangyuan said gratefully: "Thank you, Secretary Sun, for reminding me. This is my first year working in the Education Bureau, and I haven't figured out many things. With you as the party secretary, remind me that I will commit a lot less crimes." Wrong. How about this, today is already the 27th of the twelfth lunar month. From today onwards, we will all go to the top leaders of the education bureau who are still alive. Other deputies who have retired, more important, we will also arrange comrades from our team to come .”

Sun Hongjun said, "Okay. I'll let the political engineering department make arrangements right away."

Fang Yuan asked: "Wait a minute, Secretary Sun. The first one I visited, who do you think is the most suitable?"

Sun Hongjun said: "Because of emotion and reason, we can't avoid Director Zhai Xinwen."

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