Director's growth history

Fang Yuan is deeply disappointed

The news that Fang Yuan got angry was spread like a rocket through the building of the Education Bureau.The deputies who were still visiting the retired old leaders hurried back after receiving the news one by one.In the office, the slack and lazy work style before the Spring Festival has disappeared. All the staff, from the section chief to the section staff, are sitting at their desks, even if they are pretending, they are also on duty conscientiously, as if a person All of them are models of labor and advanced in work.Some lesbians who like to make their wives croak also put away their chatter and sort out their work in the past few days one by one, for fear of any loopholes, they will be called by Director Fang to give them a lecture.It's not scary to be scolded by Director Fang; the most terrifying thing is to be thrown into the cold palace directly by Director Fang, which means the end of one's political life, and one may never be able to turn over in one's life.

Sun Hongjun didn't know what happened, so he hurriedly pushed open Fangyuan's door accompanied by Zhang Yuanqing.Fang Yuan was typing in front of the computer, it seemed that he was about to write something.Sun Hongjun saw the materials that had been thrown all over the ground. They were the materials for the education work conference carefully prepared by him and the Policy and Regulation Division, Basic Education Division, Teaching and Research Section and other departments in the past few days. sinking feeling.

Sun Hongjun bit the bullet and picked up the materials on the ground, which turned out to be the materials prepared for the education work meeting.How dissatisfied is this Fangyuan, to throw this material on the ground!Sun Hongjun said, "Director Fang, is it because we haven't prepared the materials?"

Fang Yuan waved his hand: "You all go out now, I need to clear my mind. Yuan Qing, please don't bother me, I won't see anyone from now until I get off work."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Yes, Director." Turning his face, he said politely to Sun Hongjun: "Secretary Sun, please."

Sun Hongjun was a little uneasy.Every material given to Fangyuan is carefully prepared.Even the punctuation marks in it have been carefully reviewed by myself.I felt that there was no problem, so I handed it over to Fangyuan.Before handing it in, Sun Hongjun was even a little proud: he finally completed a big project by himself.Even to a certain extent, I found the feeling of being a chief.

However, it never expected that these materials would be thrown on the ground by Fang Yuan.Sun Hongjun felt humiliated and frustrated.Now that Fang Yuan asked him to go out again, Sun Hongjun couldn't accept it psychologically.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Fang, if the materials are not well prepared, you can criticize as much as you want, and I will definitely accept it. I left your office for no reason like this, I..."

Fangyuan stood up and said: "Secretary Sun, I'm sorry, my work attitude is not good, I want to review. However, I went to Hangjiang for a few days, and I am really disappointed that you made this material like this! Such material can Will it be used in the education work meeting? Secretary Ye Jicheng will attend the meeting in person, and Secretary Ye has also given four very clear instructions. If you can only come up with a stable work point, can it work?"

Sun Hongjun is indeed not an innovative and pioneering figure.His conservatism in his bones restricts the openness and innovation of various materials.Sun Hongjun said: "I also ask Director Fang to give clear instructions."

Fang Yuan said, "Yuanqing, call Shen Jun up, and invite Wang Xingbang and Xie Bingguo here. There is also Lou Gang, and the section chiefs of the Vocational Education Department and the Preschool Office."

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Okay, I'll call them right away."

People arrived soon.Fang Yuan's call is like an imperial edict in the Municipal Education Bureau!Those who were called here felt uneasy.Fang Yuan said: "Everyone sit down." No one dared to sit down.

Fang Yuan said: "Am I that scary? Let you sit, and you sit!"

Then everyone sat down.Fang Yuan asked Shen Jun, "Shen Jun, please recite to me the four instructions from Secretary Ye Jicheng."

Shen Jun memorized these four sentences from Ye Jicheng: have a scientific development idea, have a clear direction of struggle, have a clear development goal, and have feasible work measures.

At this moment, Shen Jun was the one who was most worried.The material was completed by him and Lou Gang in cooperation. Among them, the "Work Points" was written by combining the materials provided by various departments and the "Work Points" style of previous years.To a certain extent, what kind of rice each department provides, what kind of rice can Shen Jun and Lou Gang make.Ye Jicheng's and Fang Yuan's speeches were the result of two people's repeated thinking, and many of Sun Hongjun's ideas were incorporated into it.However, Director Fang is not satisfied... Is there anything more terrifying than Director Fang being dissatisfied?

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Ye came to attend the education work meeting in person. Why does he attach great importance to education? Think about it, which department's annual work meeting does the secretary of the municipal party committee attend?"

Indeed, there are more than 40 government departments and more than a dozen party committee departments in Dongzhou City. I am afraid that apart from the Municipal Party Committee Secretary's meeting at the city's petition work conference, the annual meetings of other departments are usually attended by the city leaders in charge, which is quite a face.The secretary of the municipal party committee is grasping the general direction of the city's development, it is impossible to cover everything, and it is impossible to grasp the work of every department in such detail.The secretary of the municipal party committee participates in educational work conferences, very rarely!In many places, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Finance Bureau, the National Taxation Bureau, and the Local Taxation Bureau are more important than the Education Bureau.The Bureau of Education has a big plan and a large number of people, but it ranks first in name among the bureaus directly under the city. In fact, it is a department that many city leaders hate: it spends almost one-third of the financial money, according to the "5-year cultivation of people" According to the theory of education, there is no obvious political achievements in education for a while, unlike building houses, elevated roads and squares, the buildings are capped, and they are tall and grand, good; To; the square has been completed, the people have a place for entertainment and leisure, the scenery is pleasant, the image of the city is more beautiful, and the superior leaders and the masses are satisfied.Education is the only thing that spends money without seeing achievements. Like repairing underground management, it is an invisible achievement and a delayed achievement. A municipal party secretary or mayor only has [-] years. Who can wait?Just like this underground pipe, since the mayors of each mayor didn't pay much attention to it, some big cities were flooded into an ocean after the summer rainstorm, including super-large cities like Beijing and Wuhan.There are also some mayors who attach great importance to it, such as Mayor Ji in Nanjing, but due to the construction of underground pipes, the traffic jams on the roads are serious and the dust is flying everywhere.There are many reasons for being shuanggui, the most important of which is that the renovation project of the underground rain and sewage diversion pipe has not been approved by the Nanjing People's Congress and this project has been criticized by the vast majority of Nanjing citizens.Who is right and wrong, we will look at it in a hundred years.It is a rare and wise move for a mayor to care about the renovation of underground pipes. After a few years, Nanjing will not have to worry about any heavy rain or flooding, but it is not understood. I think Nanjing is lightly flooded.Who is short-sighted and only looks at the present, and who is long-sighted? Let history judge.

Everyone present thought that the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee's attendance at the education work conference was a rare opportunity for development, and it was a good thing that he paid special attention to education.However, the presence of the municipal party secretary in person also put heavy pressure on these civil servants in the education system.Now, Fang Yuan's anger is actually the release of this pressure.Being angry and not fighting is an important reason for Fang Yuan's anger.What time is it, don't you keep your eyes open?Can we use conventional thinking to plan the blueprint of Dongzhou Education in 2009?Certainly not!Sun Hongjun does have a lot of deficiencies in this aspect: no innovative ideas; no bold measures.Although he is conscientious and diligent, but to a certain extent, he is actually a mediocre official!The ability is too ordinary!The era of reform requires aggressive and courageous leaders. Obviously, Sun Hongjun is not suitable.Looking at the Dongzhou Education Bureau, apart from Zhang Yuanqing who has some potential, none of the others are suitable.Heping, Geng Qing, Kong Lili, Wang Xingbang, Cao Bensong, Xie Bingguo, Song Ping, these deputy leaders of Dongzhou Education, maybe Xie Bingguo has some professional expertise, but Xie Bingguo's personality traits are only suitable for deputy positions; the rest are not officialdom The old fritters, who can take off their pants to seek progress, or are as timid as a mouse, which one can lead the development of Dongzhou's education industry forward?

Fangyuan was filled with disappointment!The day when I leave the Education Bureau should not be far away.Is it necessary to hand over the education that shows a good development situation to this group of incompetent people or old fritters?In fact, it is really difficult to find a suitable director for Dongzhou's education cause!

Well, there is no way to be angry with them.One day, I have to shoulder the heavy responsibility of this development.

Fang Yuan let out a long breath, releasing a lot of stagnation in her heart.Fangyuan's attitude calmed down: "Secretary Ye's four sentences have actually put forward new and higher requirements for the education of Dongzhou in 2009. If we continue to work in a stable manner, we will not be able to meet Secretary Ye's requirements, and we will fail. Secretary Ye’s expectations will disappoint the people of the city. Secretary Ye’s four-point instructions actually hope that we will have a new development model, new development goals, new development ideas, and new work measures. Innovation is 2009 The theme of Dongzhou's education work, have you figured this out?"

The few people sitting on the sofa were all holding pens, desperately writing down what Fang Yuan said.Fangyuan was only disappointed, not happy.well!They are all guys who follow orders instead of thinking with their own brains!There is no way, Fang Yuan can only continue to say: "How to innovate? We cannot innovate for the sake of innovation, but for the development of education and for the education that satisfies the people! What are the people's requirements for education? This is what we must first You have to figure it out! In fact, it is not difficult to analyze this problem: the people hope that the quality of education will get higher and higher, and that their children can be admitted to first-class universities; You can receive high-quality education at your doorstep and receive education from prestigious schools; the people and our city hope that their children will have a good job in the future, and our vocational education should be closer to the needs of society and the market; we also represent the municipal party committee and the municipal government, The management of colleges and universities in Dongzhou, and how to run a first-class university should also be included in the main points of our work. The starting point of our work is to focus on these aspects and think about new ideas, new goals, and new ideas. Measures! For example: How to expand high-quality educational resources? Can we practice and expand group school running in Dongzhou? Schools in the region can establish a close education group, and schools across regions can establish a loose education group. Weak schools, urban schools lead rural schools, so that weak schools and rural learning can achieve substantial progress and development in a short period of time, and better meet the desire of the masses to attend prestigious schools at their doorstep and receive high-quality education at their doorstep! For example, vocational Education, in the eyes of many people, is a collection of students who are not good at learning. If even our educators think so, what hope is there for vocational education? In Germany, vocational education is more popular among students and parents than higher education. Pay attention, many people give up college and enter vocational schools because vocational education is in line with market demand. Vocational education is to cultivate a skill. What about our vocational education? Students who do not study well should have a skill, otherwise, in the future they will In society, if you don’t have a skill, you don’t have much ability to survive. It may become a factor of social instability and a group of people who are dissatisfied with society. Our vocational education is derailed from the market, and we build cars behind closed doors. Can the qualified laborers needed by the society be cultivated? I will provide an idea. The first phase of the Dongzhou Xingang project is about to be completed. How many skilled port workers are needed? How many logistics and freight forwarding talents are needed for the development of the port? Can our vocational education train a group of such workers? Dongzhou is the city where private enterprises gather the most. In addition to skilled labor, small and medium private enterprises need marketing personnel most. Can our vocational education cultivate marketing professionals? Qualified graduates? Dongzhou’s tourism industry is developing well and needs a large number of tour guides. Can our vocational education play a better role? Comrades, innovative goals and innovative ideas require us to closely focus on making the people’s satisfaction If everything is stable, Dongzhou education will not run well; if everything is stable, it will only fail the people of the city and Secretary Ye’s ardent expectations for us!"

Fang Yuanyu's earnest words touched the hearts of everyone present.When everyone looked at Fang Yuan, they felt that Fang Yuan did not look like a young man who was about to turn 29, but like a 92-year-old.Indeed, in the "Work Points", there are too few innovative goals, too few innovative ideas, and too few innovative measures.As for Ye Jicheng and Fang Yuan's speeches, there were naturally not many innovative things.

Sun Hongjun stood up: "Director Fang, I haven't done a good job in my work these few days, and I want to sincerely review it to you!" Fang Yuan waved his hand: "It's not Secretary Sun who wants to review it alone, each of us has to review it, Including me, we also need to conduct a deep review. Tomorrow, the director's office meeting will start, and every deputy bureau and every section chief must come up with at least one innovative point. Secretary Sun, you can arrange it."

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