Director's growth history

4162 Chapter 2849 Miao Dongshun is difficult to get off the thief ship

It was a thrilling night!At what was supposed to be a peaceful and lively family banquet, a pistol unexpectedly appeared!

Fang Yuan also felt that Miao Dongshun was a bit too much.Fang Yuan slammed the table: "Brother, what are you doing? Do you still need to use knives and guns against your family?"

Miao Dongshun smiled coyly: "My dear brother, I just can't bear to see people not listening to you!"

Fang Yuan said sternly: "Put the gun away! From now on, you are not allowed to bring out the gun in front of your family!"

Miao Dongshun put the gun back into his arms and said, "Got it."

This pistol not only frightened Fang Juan and Zhang Dashan, but also shocked Fang Ping and Zhao Chun.Zhao Chun became more and more dissatisfied with Fang Ping, who was like a peasant woman, as her position was promoted and her social interactions became more extensive.Although it has not yet developed to the extent of extramarital affairs, looking at the young daughter-in-law and young girl in Dongzhou who are so beautiful, and looking at his wife Fang Ping who is only 40 years old and looks like a 50-year-old old lady, Zhao Chunlian Lying on the same bed with Fang Ping felt uncomfortable.My brother-in-law Fangyuan, there are several women outside, each prettier than the other; Zhao Chun's thoughts also came alive: When will he raise a young one outside?One side supports the other side. The girls in the Northeast are tall, and many of them are stronger, able to work, and have a somewhat rough personality; the girls in Dongzhou are generally not tall, and they are slimmer than the other. She is also white and tender, and she speaks in a soft voice. Compared with the loud voice of the Northeast lady, there is really no way to describe the gap between the two.The more I compare, the more I feel that Fang Ping is old and ugly, not worthy of my current handsome and rich; the more I compare, the more I feel that girls and young women in Dongzhou are attractive, and this itches in my heart, I want to adopt a young girl from Dongzhou .

However, when Miao Dongshun took out the gun, Zhao Chun froze all of a sudden.If I dare to bake a small and beautiful one outside, once my brother-in-law knows that if I insist on standing up for Fang Ping, I will probably have many holes in my head!Zhao Chun originally had a heart but no courage, but now, with a pistol, Zhao Chun's idea of ​​finding a beautiful white-skinned girl from Dongzhou has also been reduced a lot!My god, no matter how ugly Fang Ping is, if you maintain a good relationship with Fang Ping, you will be able to get the care of your brother-in-law; if you break up with Fang Ping, it will be as easy for your brother-in-law to clean yourself up as trampling an ant to death!

Miao Dongshun took the gun originally to scare Fang Juan's family; even Fang Yuan and Miao Dongshun didn't know how much impact this gun had on Zhao Chun's psychology!

The resumption of the dinner party, there is no excitement, everyone is looking forward to it, even the children stay there obediently, like Sheng Guang always likes to cling to his mother's arms and act coquettishly, today it has become a rule in front of my uncle Boy, sit till the end.

Halfway through the banquet, Si Yushi walked up to Fang Yuan: "Brother Fang, your brother and I have something to discuss with you." Fang Yuan said, "Let's go."

In the next room, Miao Dongshun, Si Yushi and Fang Yuan all sat down.Si Yushi said: "Brother Fang, it's like this. In the past year, your brother and I can say that our business has developed greatly, earning at least 200 million more than in previous years. The credit for this must be your first. Me and your brother Your brother discussed, we brothers and sisters work together to earn money, and the benefits can’t just be taken by me and your brother. We will share half of the profits of several companies every year, okay?"

Fang Yuan waved his hand: "If you talk about money with me, you'll see each other. I regard Brother Miao as my own brother. Even though some leaders reminded me to keep a distance from Brother Miao, I ignored it, because we are relatives. I am happy that brother and sister-in-law earn money. It will be the same in the future. Where I can take care of it, I will take care of it. But splitting the money is harming me! I want to take the money here, legally In other words, I am taking bribes; emotionally speaking, this is alienation. I hope that the relationship between me and my brother and sister-in-law is closer than that of relatives. Using money to talk about things will change our family relationship a bit. smell."

Miao Dongshun said: "Brother, I just don't know how to thank you. The matter of earning money is one aspect; in fact, if you hadn't been covering me this year, Director Wang Chuyin would have arrested me long ago. In fact, I I am also very careful and try not to do those illegal things, but I have too many people under my command, and sometimes I can't take care of it, and it is easy to make mistakes."

Miao Dongshun didn't dare to tell Fangyuan that the nightclubs, karaoke studios, ktv, and bathing centers he opened were actually places where filth was hidden, including pornography, gambling, and drugs.If these stores don't do this, how can they attract customers?Why did Miao Dongshun agree to hand over the three Baidao enterprises of Jingu Hotel, Jingu Catering Company, and Jingu Trading Company to Si Yushi? He was also worried that something would happen one day in the future. At that time, Miao Zhitang, Miao Zhihui, and his original wife and original partner His two children immediately became paupers.There is no marriage certificate between himself and Si Yushi. After the transfer of ownership of the company, these three companies have nothing to do with Miao Dongshun on the surface.In case nightclubs, karaoke studios, bathing centers, etc. are seized in the future, these Baidao industries can at least allow Zhitang, Zhihui, etc. to have a relatively stable source of income.And if you want to maintain all this, you must rely on Fangyuan.

Fang Yuan said: "Brother, let me tell you, I don't want you to have any accidents in the future. Therefore, there are a few things you must not do. The first is murder; the second is drug trafficking. Other things, all illegal , I don’t support you either. But things like murder and drug trafficking will lose your head, and no one can protect you. Other things, at least you won’t be shot.”

Miao Dongshun said: "I know. I have lived for more than 40 years. I am very satisfied that an orphan can live to such an age. I just don't worry about my four children. So, I agreed with your suggestion , the transfer of Jingu Hotel, Jingu Trading, and Jingu Catering Chain to Xiaoshi’s name has nothing to do with me. But I have to support many people, and a large number of brothers have to rely on me to live, so nightclubs, bathing centers Ah, practice karaoke workshops, I have to open them too. The legal person of these industries is not me anymore, they are all famous by my brothers. Those who work in this industry live their lives on the knife’s edge every day, and the competition is fierce , and it is definitely a life-and-death relationship. Brother, you don’t have to worry about my property. I won’t let them have anything to do with you. Xiaoshi, I won’t come here often in the future, the things here , please take care of me! From now on, Zhitang, Zhizhi and Xiaoshi, as well as my two children and my wife who has obtained the certificate, will all be entrusted to you. If something happens to me, it will all depend on my brother .”

Miao Dongshun said it a little sadly.He had a premonition: Once Dongzhou also implemented a black storm like Chongqing, I am afraid that he might be finished.I hope that in Dongzhou, Wang Chuyin will always be in charge of the police.Wang Chuyin has been fed by himself, and he has no reason to move himself.But if the director is changed, it will be difficult to say.

Fangyuan said: "I don't hope that there will be such a day. Brother, you have always been well, this is my hope. Of course, if there is such a day, I can't save you, but I will definitely put Zhitang and wisdom, and that Take care of two children I don't know yet as my own."

Miao Dongshun burst into tears again: "Okay, brother, I thank you first."

Fang Yuan remembered that he would spend a lot of money outside in the future.After hesitating for a while, he decided to talk to Si Yushi when he was alone.Here, it is indeed inconvenient to talk with Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi.

After the dinner, Miao Dongshun and Si Yushi arranged a car to take the family back.After Fang Yuan and Kong Shuanghua returned home, Kong Shufang had already slept with Fang Rui in her arms.Kong Shuanghua threw herself into Fangyuan's arms: "Husband, thank you for supporting me, thank you for giving me such a high status."

Fang Yuan said: "You deserve this. You are my original wife, and I will not allow anyone to do anything to you, including my parents and my sister."

Kong Shuanghua was a little emotional: "Honey, I think about it."

Fang Yuan said, "Then shall we wash?"

In the bathroom, Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua started their first hard work, until Kong Shuanghua was pushed so hard that his legs became weak and he could hardly stand still.After rinsing and returning to the study, Fang Yuan and Kong Shuanghua started a second battle.Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that he has a very special ability, that is, he can control the softness and hardness of the little guy, and it doesn't necessarily need the stimulation of desire.I don't know if this is the ability that I have grown through thousands of times of tempering, but this ability is indeed too important.With this ability, when needed, it can be used to capture a woman's body and heart.Just like tonight, these two long-lasting sexual loves made Kong Shuanghua's whole body and mind surrender to his kua, even though he had the problem of being unfaithful to his feelings, he was also disappeared and melted in this sweet sexual love .

Its daybreak.When Fangyuan woke up, Kong Shuanghua was no longer by her side.Thinking about the battle last night, Fang Yuan was full of confidence in her body and the little guy.Fangyuan put on her pajamas and came out, and saw Kong Shuanghua sitting in front of the coffee table with her son, conducting early education!Kong Shuanghua is reading the enlightenment picture book with his son, and telling his son a story!And the mother-in-law is like a hardworking bee, preparing breakfast.This ordinary and warm scene filled Fang Yuan's heart with warmth.This is home!This is what home should be like!

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