Director's growth history

4164 Chapter 2851 - torture

From being next to Fangyuan, Sun Hongjun personally experienced Fangyuan's tactics of being tough first and then soft, using both soft and hard, threats and temptations, and sighed deeply that he was far inferior!Obviously, when it comes to the Chinese New Year, no one is willing to work more, no one is willing to take more responsibilities, but in the end, the principals of the schools affiliated to each bureau, and the deputy directors in charge of vocational education in each district and county, everyone feels like they have been caught by a mouse. It seemed like it was so itchy that everyone wanted to report to Fangyuan immediately, asking to visit their school, inspecting their districts and counties, and requesting Fangyuan to write their experience into the report materials.This is the art of working, and this is the trick of leadership.

Fang Yuan finally said: "I suggest that the symposium should not be held here. There is a large oval conference table in the Education Hotel. Director Wang will take everyone there for the symposium. We must record the contents of each school and each district and county. Make a clear note. After returning, immediately sort out the report materials of the Municipal Education Bureau. In the next few days, the Vocational Education Department will also arrange the pre-inspection work of the Municipal Education Bureau before the governor’s inspection, where to go, what to see, and strive to be in the governor’s shoes. Before arriving, determine the district, county and school you want to go to."

Okay, during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday, a group of people have to be busy.Wang Xingbang secretly groaned in his heart: Originally, he changed from section chief to deputy director in 2008, and planned to bring his wife and children back to his hometown in the countryside to visit relatives during the Spring Festival, so he had to show off.After all, when he returned to the county, he was also a big official, on the same level as the deputy county magistrate.The head of the township and the village will definitely visit the door. Maybe the deputy county magistrate in charge of education, the director and deputy director of the county education and sports bureau will also make a special trip to visit the village, or take Wang Xingbang's family invited them out to have a meal in the restaurant.This is the usual etiquette, which cannot be neglected or neglected.In the Spring Festival of 2008, Wang Xingbang was still a senior office director. When he returned to his hometown at that time, the village party secretary and village chief would visit him.Different levels, different treatment!

However, there is no time to go back home now.At most, I would go back to my hometown on New Year's Eve, have a reunion dinner with my parents, pay New Year's greetings on the morning of the first day of the new year, and then return to downtown Dongzhou.Well, during the Spring Festival this year, the chance to receive gifts has also been cut off.

Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun left the venue.Wang Xingbang said: "Principals, secretaries, and directors, please wait here for a while now. Those who bring their own cars will go with the cart of the Education Bureau; those who don't have a car, I will arrange a car and we will go right away. Education Hotel. If the meeting is not finished in the morning, everyone will have dinner at the Education Hotel at noon. Today, we must implement the spirit of Director Fang’s instructions, sum up the achievements, discuss the problems thoroughly, and study the ideas well.”

After Fang Yuan and Sun Hongjun disappeared into the conference room, the conference room became a mess.Several district and county deputy directors of education and sports bureaus immediately left the meeting room with their mobile phones. In a corner of the corridor, in a corner of the education bureau yard, and even on the side of the road outside the education bureau, there were people in suits and leather shoes. Holding the mobile phone, intensively making calls.The governor's inspection is definitely not a trivial matter and needs to be reported to the director immediately.Some people who are close to the district chief in charge or the district leaders behind them also bypass the bureau chief and report directly to the district and county leaders... In fact, it is a job of education, and in a blink of an eye, it has become a major political issue .The core point here is: Fang Yuan has caught the psychology of many officials, hoping to show their faces in front of the governor.Governor Feng is a young governor, and Secretary Zhao is close to the retirement age of 65. If he cannot enter the central government, Secretary Zhao will be forced to retire when the age reaches the limit.As for Governor Feng, whether Secretary Zhao enters the central government or retires, he will be the most likely candidate to succeed the secretary of the provincial party committee, not to mention that he is already the second in command in the province.

Fang Yuan returned to his office, and Zhang Yuanqing appeared in front of Fang Yuan like a shadow: "Report to the director, Li Jingui will take the train back to Hangjiang this afternoon. I bought the ticket for him, and I also gave him a copy of the New Year's gift from the comrades in the Education Bureau." Fang Yuan nodded.Zhang Yuanqing said: "I don't know when the director will hold an office meeting?"

Fang Yuan said: "Let's convene immediately. Director Wang and the comrades from the Vocational Education Department will go to the Education Hotel to continue holding vocational education meetings. They will be considered as leave. Is anyone else absent?" Zhang Yuanqing said: "From what I know According to the situation, except Director Zhai and Director Han who were unable to attend due to physical reasons, all deputies from other bureaus attended. All section chiefs are not missing."

Fang Yuan said: "Go and make arrangements. Everyone is here, come and call me and Secretary Sun." Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay, Director."

When Fang Yuan, accompanied by Zhang Yuanqing, stepped into the medium-sized conference room of the Education Bureau, all the people who should arrive had already arrived.I don't know who readjusted the sitting method of the oval conference table. Sun Hongjun sat on the left side of the head of the innermost oval conference table, but the right side was vacant.This position is obviously the position of the leader.The others had no objection, and sat down one by one from left to right, as if they should sit like this.

Zhang Yuanqing accompanied Fang Yuan to this position, moved the chair back, and said, "Director, please sit down."

Fang Yuan looked at it and said, "Secretary Sun, sit here."

Sun Hongjun said: "It's good for me to sit here."

Fang Yuan refused to sit down: "Secretary Sun, I am the deputy secretary of the party committee, how can I sit here? Do you want me to make a mistake?"

Sun Hongjun had no choice but to stand up and said, "Okay."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Zhang Yuanqing left the chair he had just moved, and stood behind the chair Sun Hongjun was sitting on. He leaned on the back of the chair with both hands, and moved back slightly. Fang Yuan's service was very good.This small action caused a hiccup in the hearts of the others: This Zhang Yuanqing, flattering to the point of being shameless.

Fang Yuan sat down this time, feeling at ease.I am the deputy secretary and deputy director of the party committee, and I really should sit here.Fangyuan scanned the audience and said calmly: "Comrades, the meeting is now. In today's meeting, Secretary Sun and I will listen, and everyone will talk. Each section chief will speak first, and each person will have 5 minutes. After the most important content is finished, it will take about 5 hours for more than 20 departments. Then each member of the team will have 2 minutes to comment on the departments you are in charge of, or to deepen and supplement some ideas and ideas. From the basic teaching let's start."

Xie Bingguo is currently also serving as the chief of the basic education department.Xie Bingguo said: "Director Fang, can I talk for 15 minutes?" Fang Yuan said: "Let's say 10 minutes." Xie Bingguo smiled bitterly: "Director, our basic education covers a wide range of content from elementary school to high school. 10 minutes is not enough time to talk.”

To a certain extent, what Xie Bingguo said was true.Fang Yuan smiled, and his evaluation of Xie Bingguo dropped a bit in his heart: Xie Bingguo's emotional intelligence is really not good, maybe his professional level is very high, but he doesn't know the rules of being an official and a person, so how can he do things well?

Fang Yuan said: "Director Xie, if every comrade asks for an extension of time, we may not be able to finish the one-day meeting today. Are you going to hold this bureau chief's office meeting until the evening of the New Year's Eve?"

Everyone laughed.Xie Bingguo said: "It's like this. I think of many innovations, new goals, new ideas, and new measures. I'm really worried that I won't be able to tell them all."

Fang Yuan said: "Didn't you already print the materials? We can listen to you to extract the most important ones; we can also look at your materials. Grasp the most important ones and talk about it, okay?"

Everyone can see that Fang Yuan is giving Xie Bingguo face, and everyone can feel that Fang Yuan is actually dissatisfied, but it is very reserved.Xie Bingguo sighed: "Okay, I'll pick the most important one."

Xie Bingguo's professional level is indeed worthy of recognition.Xie Bingguo expressed several points of view that made Fangyuan's eyes bright: select educational towns to promote the level of rural education; expand education group school-running experiments, and explore the establishment of two types of group school-running models: tight and loose, that is, the same area Famous schools, weak schools, and new schools in the region can establish a close-knit education group to drive the rapid improvement of weak schools and the development of new schools from a high starting point; schools in different regions are mainly famous schools and central schools in cities and towns, and ordinary schools and weak schools in rural areas. The school establishes a loose education group, leading the development of rural schools with urban famous schools and central schools; strengthens the establishment of provincial and municipal demonstration schools, promotes the expansion of high-quality educational resources, and accelerates the realization of educational modernization. In 2009, it plans to establish 35 modern schools in the city; Formulate Dongzhou's quality education demonstration school standards, select and commend the first batch of quality education demonstration schools in Dongzhou City; strengthen the research and exploration of local curriculum, and plan to encourage schools to develop local and school-based curriculum in terms of typhoon and Wenzhou history , to guide students to carry out research studies, master the knowledge and skills of typhoon prevention, and gain an in-depth understanding of the history and culture of Dongzhou.Strengthen the construction of students' off-campus comprehensive practice bases. Dongzhou City will build a student comprehensive practice base, and each district and county will build one or two comprehensive practice bases to cultivate students' hands-on practical ability and innovative spirit.

Xie Bingguo was confident and talked freely.While talking happily, Zhang Yuanqing suddenly heard a cough: "Director Xie, ten minutes is up."

It was like eating a crunchy, sweet and delicious apple, but someone suddenly put a piece of feces where the eyes could see, almost making Xie Bingguo vomit out with nausea.Xie Bingguo noticed it, and Fang Yuan listened with great interest, so Xie Bingguo spoke more energetically.But when it comes to excitement, Xie Bingguo's anger can be imagined when Zhang Yuanqing made such an outburst.

Xie Bingguo said: "Zhang Yuanqing, I haven't finished yet!"

Zhang Yuanqing didn't speak, but looked at Fangyuan.Fang Yuan didn't bother to say anything, and glanced at Sun Hongjun.

Sun Hongjun said: "Director Xie, you spoke very well. However, the rules still have to be followed. How about this, Director Fang and I will continue to look at your printed materials. Now, it's time for the preschool education office to talk."

Fangyuan's phone vibrated at this moment.Fang Yuan glanced at the phone, picked it up, and walked out of the meeting room.Xi Chunhua said it was not true, and it was not true if she did not speak. After thinking about it, she had to stop.I carefully prepared it, if Fang Yuan can't hear it, then it's better not to talk about it.The meeting room became noisy, and Sun Hongjun said: "Director Xi, tell me." Xi Chunhua said: "Secretary Sun, I think we should wait for Director Fang." Xi Chunhua actually contradicted Sun Hongjun, and Sun Hongjun also Xi Chunhua was no longer forced to continue.Perhaps, Sun Hongjun felt that it was not easy for everyone, and they all wanted to report to Fangyuan and show off their talents.But Sun Hongjun's prestige was lost bit by bit in Xi Chunhua's rebuttal this time.Many deputies and section chiefs showed less respect and more neglect towards Sun Hongjun.

Fortunately, everyone has to continue to review their own report drafts.Many presentations would take longer than 5 or 10 minutes if they read every single word.At this time, it becomes the most important task for everyone present to pick out the most core and most exciting things with a stroke and a tick.

Everyone anxiously and patiently waited for Fang Yuan to come back, but Fang Yuan never came back.Who is this calling Fangyuan? How long can it take?We can only report for 5 minutes, and they can report for more than half an hour after a phone call. I am really envious and jealous!

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