Director's growth history

4183 Chapter 2870: Reconciliation

During dinner, Song Sisi's mood obviously improved a lot.She is tired of Fangyuan's body, even if she is sitting by the dining table, she still leans on Fangyuan, leans on Fangyuan, at least holds Fangyuan's hand, her eyes never leave Fangyuan for a moment, just like the song It's the same as in the song: "I only have eyes for you."

Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui also looked joyful.Song Dacheng said: "Today, our family celebrates the New Year ahead of schedule."

The dinner was very rich, and Zhu Rui was not idle all afternoon, cooking a table full of dishes.The wine was also high-end red wine, and everyone except Song Sisi poured wine into their glasses.Song Dacheng raised his glass: "Come on, Xiaofang, have a glass of wine, let's celebrate my family's extraordinary 2008 together!"

Fang Yuan felt the same way: "Having experienced wind and rain, Dacheng in the future will no longer be afraid of strong winds and waves, and will definitely grow stronger day by day."

Song Dacheng said: "Only after experiencing wind and rain can we know what is the most precious. Xiao Fang, my whole family and I also want to thank you!"

Fang Yuan said: "As a family, you don't have to look outside like this. If I don't help Dacheng, who will help Dacheng? No matter what time it is, I will be Dacheng's strongest backing!"

Song Dacheng said: "Okay, with Xiaofang's words, our whole family can feel at ease."

Song Sisi held Fangyuan's arm and looked at the man she loved with admiration.He is so amazing, he is already such a big official at such a young age, and in a few years, he might become the mayor!Although she couldn't go in and out with him openly, it was an honor to be his woman.As long as he still likes himself, as long as he still loves himself, even if he can't show his face, it's nothing special!In Song Sisi's heart, among the men Song Sisi knew, no one could compare to Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan was the hero in Song Sisi's heart!

Dinner was delicious and delicious.After dinner, I came to the small garden outside the villa.Song Dacheng said: "Let's set off firecrackers to drive away all bad luck and usher in all good luck."

On New Year's Eve, someone is already setting off firecrackers.Of course, tomorrow night will be the climax.However, Fang Yuan will not be at the Song family tomorrow, and the Song family will also go to Song Sisi's grandma to spend the New Year's Eve. From the perspective of Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui and Song Sisi, today is the early New Year's Eve.

Zhu Rui said: "Sisi, come in quickly. The sound of firecrackers is too loud, don't startle the child."

Song Sisi put her arms around Fang Yuan tightly: "If Fang Yuan doesn't go back, I will stay with him."

Fang Yuan said gently: "Okay, I'll accompany you into the house, and the two of us will watch in front of the window, okay?"

Song Sisi was obedient and obedient: "Okay."

Fang Yuan put his arm around Song Sisi's shoulders and stood in front of the window.Song Dacheng excitedly lit the firecrackers, and then lit the fireworks.In front of the Song family's villa, there was a burst of sound, and the fireworks were gorgeous and colorful.

Song Sisi said: "It's so beautiful!"

Fang Yuan sighed: "Yes, it's really beautiful." Fang Yuan suddenly thought of some very philosophical words: the scenery is beautiful because of people's mood.When people are in a good mood, wheat fields and vegetable fields will become landscapes; when people are in a bad mood, green mountains and green waters will not arouse people's interest.

Song Dacheng bought a lot of fireworks, which lasted for more than half an hour.When they entered the room, Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui gently stroked their hair and patted their clothes with their hands, and a lot of colorful confetti fell on them.

The whole family sat around in front of the sofa, and Zhu Rui acted as a waiter, making tea for everyone.Song Dacheng said: "Xiao Fang, we are now starting to rectify the problems you raised with me last time. You don't know if you don't have a deeper understanding. Once you get deeper, there are quite a lot of problems in Dacheng Company."

Fangyuan said: "There are problems everywhere, including the Education Bureau, including the city government. Our purpose is to maximize our advantages and make them stronger; to minimize our problems and let them be covered by our advantages. It is impossible to be free of some problems, because everything, including enterprises, is a relationship of unity of opposites, and there are always two aspects, positive and negative. No one can completely eliminate the negative aspect, but the negative aspect can be suppressed to a minimum. "

Song Dacheng said: "Yes, just like this underworld, it has existed for thousands of years. Even Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, was also a local gangster? Whether it is China or foreign countries, no one will It may completely wipe out the underworld."

Fang Yuan said: "Yes, there are gangsters in the United States, and the Japanese gangsters are even more powerful. The Japanese gangsters control the a`v industry, and even have an impact on the parliamentary elections. They can decide which member is elected. Even the ruling party in Japan, in the In local elections, it is also necessary to win the support of gangsters. Not to mention Taiwan, China, many county and city councilors are gangster bosses; if the candidates for city and county magistrates do not win the support of gangster bosses, they may not be elected. Not to mention Italy and France, the power of the underworld is stronger."

Song Sisi said: "In the past, Dacheng Company was often blackmailed. From May to now, no underworld has come to collect protection money."

Song Dacheng said: "Isn't it because of Xiao Fang? Xiao Fang and the city police chief are close buddies."

Song Sisi smiled charmingly at Fang Yuan, and said, "So, I still have to thank you. Fang Yuan, tell me, how can I thank you?"

Fang Yuan looked at this still delicate and lovely face, and said, "You are the best thank you to me for raising the baby well!"

Song Sisi said: "I will definitely take good care of my baby. He is a piece of my body!" As she spoke, she proudly lifted off her pajamas, stroked her big belly, and did not shy away from her father and Fangyuan at all.

A few hours ago, Song Sisi was still thinking of getting rid of this child; a few hours later, Song Sisi loved this child again beyond description.The power of this love is really great.

Fang Yuan also gently stroked her protruding belly.The belly seems to have been stretched thinner, and the blood vessels on it are clearly visible.It can be said that it is not as pleasing to the eye as the fair and delicate skin when not pregnant.

Fangyuan said to Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui: "Uncle, aunt, when this child is born in the future, he can be given a foreign nationality. In addition, the child's surname is Song, which we have discussed before. I hope that this child is a boy Son, uncle and aunt will have grandchildren by then."

Song Dacheng said: "Okay! Sisi's son is my own grandson. In the future, Dacheng Company must be passed on to my own grandson!"

Zhu Rui said: "Whether the surname is Song or not, they are all my dears, and I kiss them all the same."

Fang Yuan said: "I will love him very much too. I can't guarantee anything else. I will let him go to the best kindergarten, the best primary and middle school."

Song Sisi said: "Of course. Your own son, and you are the director of the Education Bureau, how can you not let him go to the best kindergarten and school?"

Just chatting affectionately like this, Fang Yuan's sense of strangeness when he first entered the Song family's villa was gone.Song Sisi seemed to be determined to be her little girl again, she was tired of Fang Yuan's body and never left her for a moment.Even when Fang Yuan was going to the toilet, she had to follow, as if Fang Yuan would fly away if she didn't follow her.

Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui looked at their daughter like that, feeling a little happy, a little sad, and a little helpless.Both of them knew very well that the Song family needed Fangyuan, the Song family couldn't do without Fangyuan, and Sisi couldn't do without Fangyuan.Fortunately, as long as Sisi can give birth to a child smoothly, it is impossible for Fangyuan to cut off the connection with the Song family. When the Song family encounters difficulties, Fangyuan is the biggest support.

The family chatted and talked about immigration.Song Dacheng said: "I originally wanted Sisi to go to Hong Kong to give birth to a child, and then the child could get a Hong Kong household registration. Recently, I am considering investment immigration. Cyprus and Spain in Europe can buy houses for green cards. At that time, your aunt And Sisi's nationality is transferred, and then the child born will be the nationality of the European side, do you think it is okay?"

Fang Yuan said: "Buying a house to obtain citizenship is not a good way. I suggest real investment immigration."

Song Dacheng said: "What is the method of operation?"

Fang Yuan said: "The textile export of our Dacheng company has been impacted by the economic crisis in the United States. In the future, we will also be subject to tariff retaliation from Europe and the United States, and there will be many difficulties in survival. Now the EU is implementing an integration policy. If We can invest and set up a factory in Cyprus to produce our main products and then export them to other countries in the European Union, not only without tariff barriers, but also not products from China, I believe it will give Dacheng a new development.”

Song Dacheng, Zhu Rui and Song Sisi's eyes lit up.

Fangyuan said: "It doesn't have to be Cyprus. In fact, those Central and Eastern European countries that have joined the European Union can be considered. The cost of labor in these Central and Eastern European countries is not high. For small businesses like ours, it is easy to gain a foothold. The key is that it will be easier for us to open the EU market in the future. At the same time, saving a lot of tariffs can also improve the efficiency of our enterprise. Taking part of the money from the efficiency and managing the local government will also make us more popular protection by the local government."

Song Sisi said: "Do foreign countries also talk about gift giving?"

Fang Yuan said: “In China it is called stealthy bribery, and in foreign countries it is called open and aboveboard bribery. Including the United States and France, no matter whether it is a presidential candidate or a congressional candidate, they can accept political donations, which are actually campaign funds. Enterprises give gifts and money. As long as it is in the name of political donations, it can be donated, and it is in accordance with the law, so there is no need to worry about being traced by the judge. Of course, the money will not be given away for nothing. He takes care of our business within the scope of his power. Domestic and foreign countries are actually the same. It does not mean that foreign moons are rounder than Chinese moons. In the 2008 US presidential election, Obama raised 7.5 million U.S. dollars. It was donated to Obama by an individual or a company. In China, if any official accepts donations of several million or hundreds of millions from a company or an individual, it will definitely be classified as bribery.”

Song Dacheng said: "Politics is really complicated, especially in China. Xiaofang, sometimes I think, in fact, it is good for you to directly manage Dacheng Company instead of being the director of the education bureau; but sometimes I also thought, if it weren't for you to protect us in the officialdom, we wouldn't have so many troubles and get so much help as we are now. What a contradiction!"

Fang Yuan said: "Whether it is domestic or foreign, the integration of government and business has the same essence. Like the United States, why does the Republican president fight a war when he takes office? Because the main political donations of the Republican Party come from oil companies and arms dealers. They don't fight. , how can we monopolize oil resources, how can we control the price of oil? If there is no war, how can we consume the weapons and ammunition in stock, and how can we generate new orders for weapons and ammunition? When a trade war is launched, anti-dumping duties will be imposed on different products from China, Japan, and the European Union? It is because the main political donations of the Democratic Party come from traders and financiers. I donate money to make you president, and you How can it work if you don’t work for me, don’t speak for me? Like Bush’s fight against Iraq, ‘discovering weapons of mass destruction’ is just an excuse. The real purpose is to consume weapons and ammunition, and then control oil. The war in Iraq has been over for several years , did not find any weapons of mass destruction at all, not even a hair, but the purpose of the United States has been achieved, all the ammunition in stock has been exhausted, and the US government has placed a large number of orders with arms dealers. Then, the United States controlled Iraq’s oil, and Iraq had to use the money sold for the oil to repay the money the United States spent on fighting Iraq year by year, and the United States decided which countries Iraq’s oil could be sold to.”

Song Sisi said: "Isn't it true that Iraq was beaten by the United States, and it was paid back to the United States? How can there be such a reason?"

Fang Yuan said: "There is no reason to talk between countries. Democracy and human rights are just excuses. The purpose is for countries like the United States and France to invade and bully other countries. It’s a beautiful coat, and the nature of the relationship between countries is still determined by whoever has the biggest fist.”

Song Dacheng said: "Speaking of it, foreign countries are not much better than China."

Fang Yuan said: "Think about the "Plaza Accord" that the United States forced Japan to sign in 1986. This is an alliance relationship. But when the United States saw that Japan's economic strength was going to surpass that of the United States, it immediately used force to force Japan to submit. The "Plaza Agreement" forced Japan to hand over 30 years of development achievements and wealth to the United States. China is now being slandered by the United States with the "China Threat Theory" and surrounded by the United States in all aspects of politics and economy. Because China has developed rapidly in the past few years, its economic strength has become the second in the world, and the United States feels threatened again, so it wants to attack China. In my opinion, the biggest threat to all countries in the world is not China, but the United States The United States is the number one war criminal in the world, and the United States is the greatest threat to world peace! In the past 20 years, China has not fought against any country; the United States has fought against many countries such as Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, and Afghanistan, and Several countries are occupied after fighting, like Iraq and Afghanistan. What is the difference between these two countries and the former colonies? A so-called democratically elected puppet government is established, and the actual affairs are decided by the US garrison. Oil resources, mineral resources , the United States has the final say, how can there be any democracy at all? In fact, ah, if you see it clearly, that’s the way it is.”

Song Sisi kissed Fang Yuan: "Husband, you are really amazing, your knowledge is so extensive, and your understanding of problems is so deep!"

Fang Yuan seemed a little complacent: "It's not bad. When I was a teacher, I didn't look so deeply."

Song Sisi said: "When you become president in the future, repair and repair this hateful America!"

Fang Yuan was stunned: "Sisi, this is China, so don't talk nonsense like that!"

Zhu Rui said: "Sisi, you really can't talk like this in the future, and you can't say it anywhere, including at home."

Song Sisi stuck out a small tongue: "I know."

Song Dacheng said: "On the first day of junior high school, I took your aunt and Sisi to travel. The destination is Cyprus, plus Central and Eastern Europe. Traveling is only a trivial matter, and investment investigation is a major event."

Fang Yuan said: "Okay, check it out early, invest early, and settle this matter before Sisi has a baby."

Song Dacheng said: "I know. It's just our family. Except for Sisi who is educated, your aunt and I are not educated enough, and I am a little worried about being cheated."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and said, "Uncle, Aunt, Sisi, I'll recommend someone for you, you can contact her tomorrow and ask her family to accompany you, okay?"

Song Dacheng said, "Who is it?"

Fang Yuan said: "Si Yushi, the boss of Jingu Trading Co., Ltd., is familiar with Europe. She imports wine from Italy, France, and Spain all the year round. She also has corresponding translators under her staff. Why don't you two go together. Future investment Things, let her participate, and even let her take a small share."

Song Sisi's heart tensed up.Now that she heard that Fang Yuan was related to a woman, Song Sisi was worried, she really had a phobia of women around Fang Yuan.Song Sisi said, "Who is Si Yushi?"

Fang Yuan said, "My elder brother Miao Dongshun's wife."

Song Dacheng and Zhu Rui both let out a long breath.Who is not nervous that there is another woman beside Fangyuan?

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