Director's growth history

4195 - Eating Coins

Zhaodi and Shengguang both took the red envelopes from Si Yushi.Fang Juan carefully looked at Zhao Chunxiao's red envelopes. It should be the same thickness as the red envelopes of her daughter and son. She felt a little proud: having two children is better than one child, and at least double the red envelopes.

At this time, Si Yushi took out another red envelope and said, "This red envelope is for my little nephew. Madam (meaning aunt) wishes Ruirui to be smart and grow up healthily. When she grows up, she will be as promising as her father. success!"

Everyone loves to hear what is said during the Chinese New Year.Fang Juan's eyes were fixed on the thickness of the red envelope.It seems to be as thick as Zhaodi and Shengguang!Only then did Fang Juan feel relieved: her two children are the ones who deserved it!

Si Yushi is a person who has been in the ups and downs of the mall for many years, with vicious eyes, and has long noticed Fang Juan's eyes.For this money-greedy, short-sighted, and ignorant shrew, nothing but contempt or contempt.If it wasn't for Fang Yuan's face, what was she, Fang Juan?What are her two children?Rewarding them with a bite of food is already flattering them.What red envelope?Not even a black bag!Ruirui is different, having a good relationship with Ruirui means having a good relationship with Fangyuan, and having a good relationship with Kong Shuanghua, this direct causal relationship, Si Yushi clearly understands the importance.This red envelope looks as thick as the red envelopes of Zhao Chunxiao, Zhang Zhaodi, and Zhang Shengguang, but there is an extra bank card inside, which is not too much, and 20 yuan has been saved! In 2008, because of Fangyuan's care, many units designated Jingu Hotel as the designated hotel for official entertainment; because of Fangyuan's care, many school canteens in Dongzhou City were handed over to Jingu Restaurant Chain to take care of them.With these two items alone, Si Yushi's benefit has increased by several million.From Si Yushi's point of view, Fangyuan will become bigger and bigger in the future. With Fangyuan, under Fangyuan's protection, the future business will definitely expand in scale, and the benefits will definitely be better!If you send money directly to Fangyuan, Fangyuan will definitely not accept it; but giving Ruirui a big red envelope for the Chinese New Year is both reasonable and necessary to maintain the relationship!I believe that Kong Shuanghua and Fangyuan will know it well after seeing the bank card.

Kong Shuanghua said: "Ruirui, thank you."

Fang Rui stopped crying as Fang Juan's mood stabilized.He knew Si Yushi, and had a good impression of this lady, because this lady was often with her mother, and every time she came, she brought a lot of toys and delicious food.The way children perceive the world is simple.Fang Rui grinned at Si Yushi and said, "Thank you, ma'am."

Si Yushi beamed with joy.

Kong Shuanghua also began to give red envelopes to the children, 1000 yuan each.Fang Ping also gave red envelopes to the children, 600 yuan each.Mother Fang gave red envelopes to her grandchildren, each of whom also included 600 yuan.When Fang Juan arrived, she was a little embarrassed to take out the red envelopes, because she had only wrapped two red envelopes, 800 yuan for Fang Rui's red envelope, and 200 yuan for Zhao Chunxiao's red envelope. Fang Juan was not considered.Now if the red envelopes were given to Fang Rui and Zhao Chunxiao, what would Miao Zhitang and Miao Zhihui do?Besides, Fang Juan is afraid and hates Miao Dongshun now. She is afraid that Miao Dongshun will get angry again and beat her up again; what she hates is why Miao Dongshun came to grab her chest. Although the piece of meat is not there, even rural women know those places on their chests, men who are not husbands can't just grab them casually.From the bottom of her heart, Fang Juan didn't want to give Miao Zhitang and Miao Zhihui a penny of red envelopes.

Therefore, Fang Juan kept her cheek and kept her face, allowing other elders to give red envelopes to the children.Si Yushi lamented that this kind of confidence and shamelessness is not as good as it is!

Fang Shujuan prepared a few more red envelopes, but each one was not much, that is, 200 yuan.Her monthly income is just over 3000 yuan, and she is reluctant to eat or wear clothes in normal life. She can give out 6 red envelopes, which is already Fang Shujuan's generosity.

After distributing the red envelopes, Si Yushi arranged for the kitchen to serve dumplings.And Miao Dongshun, like an old urchin, said: "Children, come with me to set off firecrackers!" Miao Zhitang immediately cheered: "Set off firecrackers!" Si Yushi said: "Zhitang, brother, brother and sister Let them go!" Miao Zhitang said, "Mom, don't worry! I know it! From now on, Uncle Fang's family will be my brothers and sisters just like Wisdom."

Si Yushi is so happy!The son who has always been mischievous and mischievous can say such decent words, and his hard work is not in vain.

Miao Dongshun said, "Brothers, brothers-in-law, let's go!"

At the gate of Jingu Hotel, Miao Dongshun led the children to set off firecrackers and fireworks.When the colorful fireworks bloom in the night sky, the Jingu Hotel is even more resplendent.Zhang Zhaodi and Zhang Shengguang have never seen so many and such beautiful fireworks since they were young.In the countryside of Tonghua, there are a lot of firecrackers, and fireworks are just a few magic bullets.Zhang Shengguang forgot to be afraid, forgot that he was terribly frightened by his uncle, uncle, and mother just now, and he had already started cheering.Every firework went to the sky, cheering.

Zhao Chunxiao also smiled happily, but he stood there quietly all the time, watching the fireworks of the adults.Of course, he is also looking at his cousin and cousin, especially his cousin Shengguang.Zhao Chunxiao felt that he was the child who performed the best tonight, and he would definitely gain points in my uncle's heart.Hmph, your family is trying to go to Dongzhou to share the resources of my uncle, how can this be possible?I promise, my uncle will hate my second aunt more and more every day, and one day, you will go back to your hometown in Tonghua!

Miao Zhitang said: "Chun Xiao, you should also set off fireworks."

Zhao Chunxiao said, "Okay. Zhitang, how old are you?"

Miao Zhitang said: "I am 14 years old, how about you?"

Zhao Chunxiao said: "I am 15 years old, older than you. You can call me brother from now on."

Miao Zhitang said: "Okay! You belong to Uncle Fang's family, that's my brother!"

Zhao Chunxiao said: "I also wrapped a few red envelopes. Zhitang, my family is not as rich as yours, but as a brother, you must have this heart. This is the red envelope I gave to you and your sister Wisdom. There is only 100 yuan in it. But it’s my brother’s heart.”

Miao Zhitang looked at Zhao Chunxiao, took the red envelope, and handed it to Zhizhi: "Wisdom, the red envelope from Brother Chunxiao, you take it and hand it to Mom later."

Miao Zhizhi said, "Thank you, Brother Chunxiao."

Zhao Chunxiao said with a smile: "Wisdom is from my own family, so why be polite?"

Zhao Chunxiao behaved like a little adult, and without any hesitation, he came into the sight of Fangyuan, Kong Shuanghua and Si Yushi.Si Yushi sighed softly: "Zhitang is still a child, he hasn't grown up at all."

Fang Yuan said: "If a person has a role model and a goal, this is a huge improvement." His appreciation is beyond words.

Si Yushi said: "That's right! Zhitang took Lao Miao as an example, what did he learn?"

Fang Yuan said: "Sister Si, every child will definitely have a different career in the future. 360 lines, every line will be the best!"

Si Yushi said: "I still hope that Zhitang and Zhizhi can be like you. At least, the industry I have worked so hard to create will not be lost in their hands."

Fang Yuan said: "No. Zhitang is a child who values ​​friendship and will make many good friends when he grows up."

Si Yushi said: "I hope so!"

Miao Dongshun led everyone and set off almost 1 yuan worth of dung and firecrackers.Many diners who dined in Jingu also ran out to watch the fireworks!This made Miao Dongshun very proud and happy.Perhaps this is a good idea. Next year, displaying fireworks like this may attract more families to have New Year’s Eve dinner at Jingu Hotel!

After returning to the private room, the dumplings were also served.Fang Yuan said, "Let's have a round dumpling."

Everyone picked up chopsticks and wanted to eat dumplings.Zhao Chunxiao said: "Uncle, I am the eldest brother of the children, can I send a red envelope to my little cousin Ruirui now?"

The adults all looked at Zhao Chunxiao with a smile.Zhao Chunxiao said: "I go to school every day, and my mother gives me 10 yuan pocket money. I usually don't want to spend this money, so I save it. The red envelope I gave to my little cousin only has 100 yuan in it, but it is my big cousin. A heartfelt heart! I wish my little cousin a successful career like my uncle in the future, and become the new idol of the whole family!"

As he spoke, he walked over and handed the red envelope to Fang Rui.

Kong Shuanghua said: "Ruirui, thank you cousin Chunxiao."

Fang Rui said, "Thank you, brother."

Zhao Chunxiao said: "You're welcome! When our elders are old, we brothers and sisters will be relatives who rely on and care for each other!"

Zhao Chunxiao's words immediately hit a huge challenge facing China today: the one-child policy will make the next generation of Chinese children, without brothers and sisters, indifferent to family affection!After they grow up, cousins, cousins, they are considered very close.At present, the first generation of only-children in China have also become fathers and mothers, and they have no brothers or sisters, and their children do not even have a cousin.I hope that the country can open up the second child as soon as possible, at least the child's psychology will be healthier, and the child will not be too lonely!It's a pity that a large number of people in their 50s and 40s, even if the country liberalizes the second child, have no way to have another child.

Zhao Chunxiao's performance dimmed Zhang Zhaodi and Zhang Shengguang, and also dimmed the face of a face-saving person like Fang Juan!

Everyone started eating dumplings.Si Yushi said: "I specially asked the chefs to boil and sterilize some coins, and then wrap them in some dumplings. When everyone eats dumplings, be careful not to swallow the coins. Let's borrow auspicious Blessings, whoever gets the coins will get rich in 2009!"

Grown-ups don't believe this, of course, but kids want to win the lottery.After Zhao Chunxiao ate the first dumpling, he yelled, "I got the coin!"

Sure enough, a dime coin spit out from Zhao Chunxiao's mouth.Si Yushi said: "Sure! Chunxiao made a fortune in 1 and won a big prize!"

Miao Zhitang then took out a coin, and Si Yushi and Miao Dongshun were also very happy.

Fangyuan ate two coins one after another, everyone complimented Fangyuan, and in 2009, he will definitely improve to a higher level.Such an atmosphere was suddenly reversed from the dead state.Kong Shufang even ate a coin, and Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, what a lucky year 2009!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Shuanghua also took out a coin.Si Yushi said: "Shuanghua will definitely make a fortune in the coming year, and the family will be as happy as a coin."

On the scene, the most anxious ones were the three children who didn't get the coins, Fang Juan and Miao Dongshun.Miao Zhizhi said: "Mom, Mom, I'm full, but I haven't eaten the coins yet." Si Yushi said: "If your brother eats the coins, his good luck will be shared with you." Wisdom said: "Okay, then I won't eat." Si Yushi said: "Your Uncle Fang is well, and our whole family will be well too, right?"

While talking, Fang Yuan said, "Sorry, let me eat another one."

Miao Dongshun is more superstitious about this lottery.He has eaten too much today, but he is still eating hard.In any case, he will eat a coin.The hard work paid off, and Miao Dongshun finally ate a coin. He laughed loudly: "Okay, I can also make a fortune in the coming year!"

Si Yushi frowned imperceptibly, but then smiled all over her face: "Okay! Lao Miao got rich, Zhitang won the lottery, and 2009 is a good omen!"

Miao Dongshun said, "Okay, that's great!"

Fang Shujuan even took out a coin.Si Yushi had a sweet mouth and said, "Little girl won the lottery, and in 2009 she will definitely find a good husband!"

Fang Shujuan forced a smile: "Thank you, I hope."

Fang Yuan said: "You must work hard. Find a good husband early, so that you can work with more peace of mind."

Fang Shujuan said: "I am so ugly, and I usually don't want to talk. Who wants to marry me as a wife? In fact, being single is also very good. If one person is full, the whole family will not be hungry."

Fang Yuan said: "Find a boyfriend and marry yourself, these are your top priorities in 2009. You have to treat this as work!"

Fang Shujuan smiled bitterly: "Okay. Since the director has assigned this to me as a task, I will do my best to complete it."

Fang Yuan's words reassured both Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang.

Si Yushi said: "I put in a total of 10 coins, and now I have eaten 9 coins, and the last one is left. Let's see, whose head will the blessing fall on?"

Fang Juan became impatient: "Zhang Zhaodi, Zhang Shengguang, eat hard! Eat all the dumplings on the table!"

Zhang Zhaodi said with a bitter face, "Mom, I'm already full."

Fang Juan saw that Zhao Chunxiao had coins, and Miao Zhitang had coins, and this unbalanced psychology flooded again: "Even if you are dying, you have to eat the coins!"

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