Director's growth history

4221 - Mom and Dad's children

This night, there are only fights, kisses, scolding, and love.After experiencing the baptism of the storm, the husband and wife went to bed.By this time, Kong Shuanghua understood and tolerated everything about Fangyuan. Fangyuan was grateful to Kong Shuanghua, and the couple became more caring, more mutual understanding, and more united as husband and wife.Not long after turning off the lights and going to bed, there was a low moan:

"Take it easy, it hurts."

"Shall I wipe some for you?"

"No need, pain and happiness."

"Actually, I really want to be gentle."

"You've always been gentle. Oh, it really hurts this time."

"Then I'll take it easy."

What a life-like bed language!If there is a paparazzi who leans against the wall or hides under the bed and listens to the bed, it will be full of surprises: why is it a man who screams pain, but a woman who seems to be acting rudely and not gentle at all!

Its daybreak.For the first time, Kong Shufang didn't get up to cook.Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua were very tired yesterday. One punched fiercely, comparable to the boxing champion Tyson back then;Both of them have withstood the double test of body and mind, like Tang Seng and Sun Wukong, they were reborn from the ashes like passing through a flaming mountain.When the two walked out of the auxiliary bedroom with tired eyes and sleepy eyes, they found that Kong Zitian was sitting alone on the sofa reading a newspaper, while his mother-in-law was busy in the kitchen. It didn't sound.Don't you have anything to eat today?

Kong Shuanghua came to the master bedroom and opened the door, only to see that the big bed was covered with biscuits, haw jelly and other delicious food, as well as Wahaha milk and other delicious food, while Kong Shufang was happily eating the food on the bed with her grandson Fang Rui. Food too!

Kong Shuanghua came over and sat down, looking for something to say: "Mom, have you woken up early?"

Kong Shufang said: "Yeah, when Ruirui got up, I followed suit. Ruirui is hungry, but you can't let the baby be hungry!"

Listening to the tone of voice and looking at the kind face, you can feel Kong Shufang's doting on her grandson.

Kong Shuanghua said: "I see Dad is already sitting in the living room!"

Kong Shufang did not answer Kong Shuanghua directly: "Today is the beginning of my new life."

In an instant, Kong Shuanghua understood Kong Shufang's thoughts: Although they were under the same roof, she and Kong Zitian were already strangers.

Kong Shuanghua sighed.Last night, between her and Fang Yuan, didn't they experience a mental journey like rebirth from Nirvana?Struggling in pain, awakening in hatred, and surrendering in reality.Kong Shuanghua felt that if he repeated the same path as his mother, he might not be able to find happiness!Only by adapting to the reality of diversified thinking and diversified values ​​can we keep pace with the times and obtain the greatest and most anticipated practical benefits.Ideal love is beautiful, but realistic love is skinny.Amidst the voices criticizing realistic women on the Internet, don't you know that women are unrealistic, and how can they obtain a married life with a certain happiness index?If you want to marry an urban white-collar woman, you are often required to have a house with deposits and no loans, so the woman is scolded for being too realistic; but if the man cannot afford a house or has a house but has millions of bank loans, who would dare to marry? A Yang Bailao?Choosing between ideal and reality, Kong Shuanghua chose reality.Although Fangyuan has so many women outside, but with Fangyuan, there is no need to worry about family expenses, and the children will definitely be able to receive the best quality educational resources in the future. Within a year of marriage, a set of more than 120 square meters was sold. Sanfang, now, also owns a food company. Her husband’s daily expenses include basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and basically don’t spend a penny at home. Where can such a husband find a second one?Even if they are divorced, can they find a better husband than Fang Yuan?Can divorce lead to a happier life than it is now?Obviously, the answer is no.

So, young people think differently than old people.Kong Shuanghua is unwilling to give up all that he has obtained now, not to mention last night, Fangyuan's review was very sincere, and Kong Shuanghua's punches were very happy and relieved!After the breath is cleared, if you hold on to Fangyuan's little nose, how can you survive this day?If life can't go on, wouldn't it be cheaper, like Song Sisi, Ding Chuke and others?It is even said that Song Sisi and Ding Chuke still have no chance to marry Fangyuan, but Zhou Peng's daughter Zhou Yujie may get a big deal!Never give these mistresses any chance!

Kong Shuanghua understood Kong Shufang's thoughts and said, "Mom, I'm going to the kitchen to cook. You can take care of Ruirui here!"

Kong Shufang said: "Okay. I'll have breakfast with Ruirui, so you don't have to worry about me. Let me tell you what's in the kitchen. You can't starve your daughter and son-in-law!"

Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua finished the breakfast together.Compared with Kong Shufang's, the quality of this breakfast must be much worse.When Confucius Tian sat down to eat, he was already so hungry that his belly was pressed against his back.Kong Shufang didn't come out to eat, and Kong Zitian didn't ask why.After dinner, Confucius said, "Xiao Fang, take me to the airport, and I'll go back to Hangjiang today!"

Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua were both stunned: "Dad, you only lived at home for less than a day!"

Confucius Tian looked very calm, but he gave Fang Yuan a feeling of pretending: "The country will not be the country, and the family will not be the family. Xiao Fang, you will always be my son-in-law; Xiaohua, you will be my daughter all the time." !"

Both Fangyuan and Kong Shuanghua felt that the spiritual gap between the two old people was no longer limited to the Himalayas, but also the Indian Ocean!

In an awkward, weird, and uncomfortable atmosphere, Kong Zitian simply packed his bags, and Fang Yuan drove him to the airport in a Honda Accord.

Kong Shuanghua only sent his father downstairs and tidied up the windbreaker for Kong Zitian.Seeing the smile on his father's face, Kong Shuanghua cried: "Dad, take care of yourself! I don't want to lose anyone!" Kong Zitian stroked his daughter's hair: "Xiaohua, your strength and wisdom make me I am very relieved. You are worthy of being my daughter, and I am very satisfied with you!"

Kong Shuanghua seemed to understand what Kong Zitian was alluding to, but this was not what Kong Shuanghua wanted to hear.How much Kong Shuanghua hoped that Kong Zitian could say one or two thoughtful words to Kong Shufang, even if there was only one sentence.However, Confucius Tian said nothing.Confucius Tian said to Yuan Yuan, "Xiao Fang, let's go."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Dad, wait a minute. I have a bank card with 20 in it. You can take it. You can buy whatever you need."

Confucius Tian smiled: "Xiaohua, with your filial piety, Dad is content. Dad is not short of money. He goes out to give a lecture or a training, at least 1 yuan. Even in school, eating, drinking, and sleeping , Everything is taken from the public. If you have money, you can keep it and use it. I believe that Xiaofang and Ruirui can use it when it is critical."

Fang Yuan said, "Dad, just take it. There are not many places where a daughter and son-in-law can honor you."

Kong Zitian took the bank card, shook it with the palm of his hand, and handed it to Fangyuan: "Xiao Fang, I was in a hurry to go home and didn't prepare a red envelope for Ruirui. This is the red envelope that grandpa gave Ruirui."

The meaning of the bank card in Kong Zitian's hand after passing it back to Fangyuan's is different.This kind of no-cost business, several times a year, can also make a fortune!

Fangyuan sent Kong Zitian to the airport, while Kong Shuanghua returned home, but he smelled a seductive aroma wafting from the kitchen.Walking over, I saw Kong Shufang nervously busy in front of the frying pan.Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, my father has left and returned to Hangjiang."

Kong Shufang said: "I see that Ruirui didn't eat very well in the morning, so I will fry an egg for Ruirui."

Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, do you really not care at all?"

Kong Shufang said: "I am the happiest when Ruirui eats well and is full."

Play the piano to the cow and sing to the chicken.Kong Shuanghua walked into the living room a little depressed, and said to Ruirui: "Ruirui, you are the child of father and mother, and I am also the child of father and mother. Your father and mother are still in love, so you will only feel happiness; My father and mother are already far away, so my heart is being hurt greatly! Ruirui, did you understand what my mother said?"

Ruirui is only 1 year and 4 months old, how can she understand so many fathers, mothers, and children in Kong Shuanghua's words?He ran over waddlingly: "Mom hug!"

Kong Shuanghua hugged Ruirui in his arms, for some reason, the tears gurgled out like broken beads, unstoppable...

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