Director's growth history

4229 - Chapter [-]

After Fang Yuan woke up, he touched the bed first, and to Fang Yuan's surprise, the bed was wet.Fang Yuan suddenly sat up and looked around, but there was no woman in sight.But why is the bed wet?

Fangyuan touched the wet place with his hands, and there was no sticky feeling, and he put it under his nose to smell it, and there was no peculiar smell either.Fang Yuan wondered: What on earth is this?When did I get wet here?After sitting up, Fang Yuan saw a water cup lying on the carpet under his feet, and the water spilled all over the floor.How could this water cup be lying on the ground?After I was drunk, did I drink water in the middle?Fang Yuan could no longer recall these details.

Picking up the phone, I saw three indications to answer the phone, all of them were from Feng Yan.

Fang Yuan replied to Feng Yan: "I was asleep and drunk, so I didn't receive your call."

Feng Yan said: "Fangyuan, I want to thank you. Your method is very powerful. Secretary Ye not only signed and approved this document, but also understood my plan in detail. I didn't hide anything, and told Secretary Ye that you were involved In the afternoon, Dong Xibin, Director of the Municipal Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security, called me and said he would visit me to discuss how to carry out this work well in the next step and implement the spirit of Secretary Ye’s instructions.”

Fang Yuan said, "Congratulations! A good start means half the battle! Come on!"

Feng Yan said: "Thank you. Do you have any suggestions for the next step?"

Fang Yuan said: "Cooperation is win-win! Share your ideas and plans with Min Jian and the others. Everyone has a share of the credit, but no one can compete for the first credit for the political commissar."

Feng Yan said, "Okay, I'll go find Min Jian now."

Fang Yuan put on her coat, went out quietly, hailed a taxi, and left the security area without a sound.Fang Yuan is in a good mood, although her head is still groggy.In any case, a big stone that weighed on my heart was finally put on the ground.

January 2009, 1, the fifth day of the first lunar month.Wang Xingbang led the staff of the Policy Research Office and the Vocational Education Department to the Education Bureau early.On the tenth day of the first lunar month, there is an urgent time to hold an educational work meeting.Moreover, the governor is going to Dongzhou to learn about the development of vocational education. How can Wang Xingbang not be in a hurry?

On this day, Sun Hongjun and Zhang Yuanqing also came to the Education Bureau early.They are all people who want to work!

Everyone did not call Fangyuan.On the first day of the first lunar month, there was a long queue of New Year greetings to let everyone know how busy Fangyuan will be during this holiday!Moreover, according to the Chinese system, superiors can control subordinates, but in a department, no one controls the top.The supervision of top leaders is the most difficult problem in the current system to solve.Up and down, big and small, there are almost no restrictions and no supervision.Let me ask, who dares to supervise No. [-]?Who can supervise the biggest number one?Back then, in another country, a certain president was almost imprisoned by a small independent prosecutor because of the Lewinsky incident, and was almost impeached by the parliament.This is effective supervision and substantive supervision.

Fangyuan is supervised by the municipal party committee and the municipal discipline inspection commission, but in the Education Bureau, who will supervise Fangyuan?Sun Hongjun's so-called supervision was in name only; Heping, as the Secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Education Bureau, did not dare to supervise his immediate superior.

But not long after everyone arrived, Fang Yuan also came to the Education Bureau.Fang Yuan is also a person who thinks about work!

Everyone saw Fang Yuan, regardless of whether they had New Year's greetings on the first day of the new year, they all greeted Fang Yuan enthusiastically.Fang Yuan was in a good mood, her face was full of red.No one knew why Fang Yuan was so happy, someone thought wickedly: Director Fang made a fortune again during the Chinese New Year, right?

Fangyuan saw Ruan Shaoxiu who was seconded to help.Fang Yuan said: "Shaoxiu, follow Director Wang, Section Chief Shen, and study hard." Ruan Shaoxiu said: "Yes, I must study hard. If I don't come to the Education Bureau, I don't know the heights of heaven and earth; When Director Wang, Section Chief Shen, and Xiao Lou were together, they realized that they were Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden without understanding anything; only then did they realize that they were the frog at the bottom of the well, who only saw the sky the size of a slap. .”

Fang Yuan said: "The grassroots is microscopic, and the high-level is macroscopic. Dongzhou No. 5 Middle School is of course very important, but looking at the entire Dongzhou education, it is only one of the more than 1400 schools. Think about it, there are 134 high schools in the city. So When Shaoxiu came to the Education Bureau to help, what he had to learn was not only how to write official documents, but also to learn macro thinking, and to look at problems from the perspective of the overall situation and the whole city."

Shen Jun felt a little uncomfortable: Does Fang Yuan want to replace herself with Ruan Shaoxiu?With this thought in mind, Shen Jun became a little more jealous and wary of Ruan Shaoxiu.

Fang Yuan said, "Everyone, get busy."

Fang Yuan returned to his office, and Zhang Yuanqing followed him like a shadow.Zhang Yuanqing cleaned the table and made tea for Fang Yuan quickly and naturally, and asked Fang Yuan for instructions: "Director, how do you arrange lunch?"

Fang Yuan said, "Go to the restaurant opposite the Education Bureau, find one that is open, and eat together. Eat better, but don't drink."

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Okay."

Fang Yuan said, "Did the Education Bureau pay overtime?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Organizations work overtime, and generally there is no overtime pay."

Fang Yuan said, "Is it easy to come up with the funds for this?"

Zhang Yuanqing said, "Yes."

Fang Yuan said: "From now on, the overtime organized by the unit and the arrangement of working meals must also be paid for overtime. In this way, everyone will be motivated to work."

Zhang Yuanqing asked: "How many standards?"

Fangyuan said: "The standard of working meals is no less than 30 yuan and no more than 60 yuan per person; overtime pay is 50 yuan for half a day and 100 yuan for a day. Do you think it will work?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "That's great! I think all comrades in the organization will be grateful to Director Fang."

Fang Yuan said: "My premise is: no economic mistakes can be made."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Please rest assured, Director. The payment of overtime pay is a national statutory. Overtime work on holidays, you have to pay no less than twice and up to three times the overtime pay. It's just that many party and government agencies have not implemented it. Like the director Your current monthly income is more than 5000 yuan. If you pay double the overtime pay, you will get more than 300 yuan a day. With 100 yuan, there will be no trouble. Everyone has the same standard, and they will feel fair psychologically.”

Fang Yuan nodded: "Yuanqing, go get ready. It's best to cash in after working overtime today."

Zhang Yuanqing said: "Okay, Director. However, it is more appropriate to make statistics once a month in the future."

Fang Yuan said, "Listen to you."

Sun Hongjun came in and further discussed with Fang Yuan about the education work meeting.Unknowingly, Sun Hongjun put himself in the position of Fang Yuan's first deputy, forgetting that he was the chief and Fang Yuan was actually the deputy.After the two of them determined the details of some educational work meetings, Sun Hongjun said, "I'll go to the Policy and Regulations Section to have a look." This is the specific implementation.I just don't know whether Wang Xingbang wants Sun Hongjun to command in his heart.

In the office, Fang Yuan was the only one left.Looking at the two speeches in his hand, one was by Ye Jicheng and the other was by Song Yunsheng, Fang Yuan proofread every sentence carefully, carefully dissecting the two speeches, whether he could distinguish between the secretary of the municipal party committee and the mayor What's more important, so that both of them can feel that their respective positions are very important?It is not easy to achieve such a balance, but it is a compulsory course for every official, because from bottom to top, two teams are the norm.People often complain that there are too many civil servants in China, which means that these two teams are unnecessary.In fact, there are only 780 million civil servants in China, accounting for 13.5/173 of the population of 1 billion, that is, 173 people support one civil servant.If we add 2800 million including teachers, doctors, and other staff who eat financially (including 1350 million teachers and more than 500 million doctors and nurses), the total number of people who eat financially will reach about 3600 million. This ratio It becomes 37.5:1.In the United States, the ratio of civilians to civil servants is 12:1, in France it is 12:1, in Canada it is 9:1, and China is much lower than these developed countries.Of course, there is no room for compression. The number of teachers is not easy to compress, and doctors and nurses should be increased. However, the party and government teams can be merged into one, from townships to counties to prefectures to provinces. , the party and the government can shoulder it, so there is no need to set up the municipal party committee office and the municipal government office alone.

These thoughts can only be thought about.In fact, there is not much room for compression. Even if the two teams are combined into one, it can reduce several 10 people, which is amazing.After all, in many halls and bureaus, the party and the government are basically responsible for it in many places. Except for a particularly large bureau like the Education Bureau, which has a single party secretary, the other bureaus are basically the party and the government alone, and the departments below are all responsible departments. room, there is almost no possibility of compression anymore.With hundreds of thousands less, compared with teachers, doctors and nurses who eat a lot of money, this financial support ratio will not change much, after all, China's population base is there.Dividing 13.5 billion by hundreds of thousands is not even a percentage point.

Fang Yuan was thinking wildly in the quiet office when the phone rang.It was Ren Xiaoai who called.Fang Yuan picked it up: "Reporter Ren, what instructions do you have?" Ren Xiaoai said: "Staying at home is boring, I want to go back today. I miss you, and I miss you forever. , I have now experienced the realm of this idiom. Fangyuan, feeling your love, I am like a grass nourished by the spring breeze and rain, and life is beautiful every day; without feeling your love, I am like a Taklama Dry sand in the desert, no direction, no hope."

Fang Yuan felt that his teeth were going to be sour.In this age of materialism, is meeting a woman like Ren Xiaoai considered a miracle in my life?This era is not an era that produces characters like Eileen Chang.Ren Xiaoai really has a feeling of being outstanding and standing out from the crowd!Fang Yuan felt that compared with Ren Xiaoai, he was simply a commoner!

Fang Yuan smiled: "Xiao Ai, it's not that serious, is it?"

Ren Xiaoai said: "It's definitely so serious! I'm seriously ill now, dying. My illness is love hunger!"

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