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4232 - So what if you don't accept it

Mother and daughter are united, and mother's love is boundless.When Fang Yuan listened to a simple mother's confession and plea from the bottom of her heart, how could she not be moved?At this moment, how much Fang Yuan wished to return to the evil old society.Although the old society is bad in every way, at least it can give the beloved woman a promise and an identity.In the era of the feudal dynasty, it was called concubine, also called Mrs. Ru; in the period of the Republic of China, it was called concubine.But in any case, this is also an explanation to the woman.Or go to South Africa.In the Zulu tribe where South African President Zuma belongs, the number of wives is related to the status of a man. The more wives he marries, the higher the status of the man.Vietnam is a socialist country, but due to years of war, the ratio of men to women is as high as 2:8.Although monogamy is legally stipulated, polygamy also exists widely. They call the first wife "big rice", the second wife "second rice", the third wife "rice noodles", and the fourth wife "noodles". The fifth wife is "instant noodles".South African President Zuma said: "Many politicians have mistresses and illegitimate children in private, but they hide it from the outside world... I prefer to be public. I am more willing to take responsibility than those Western politicians who hug each other outside. I love my Wives." This is a bitter irony to the way some countries set up memorial archways in front of biaozi!

Recently, the new president of France, after abandoning his ex-girlfriend who gave birth to 4 children for him, now has no first lady, but has a first girlfriend; after he became president, he lived in the presidential palace behind his back His first girlfriend, who was dating an actress in the apartment, was photographed by the paparazzi of the newspaper and announced to the public, embarrassing the whole world, so that the United States planned to invite the French president to visit the United States in February. When the reporter asked whether he should invite the president's first girlfriend or the latest actress girlfriend to visit with the French president, the State Department spokesman was in pain and didn't know how to answer.And the public opinion in France is even more surprising. The support rate of this philandering president has risen instead of falling, and more than 2% of the French people believe that this is the private life of the president. The public and the media should not interfere too much.If such a thing happened in China, what would be the result?If you think about it with your toes, you will know that there will be a lot of scolding, and then some so-called leaders will be removed from their posts, and some economic problems will even be found out, and they will be imprisoned.A vice principal of a provincial party school had an extramarital affair, which was actually adultery. The scheming mistress recorded the video and audio, and after taking the photos, because the two parties broke up, the mistress found a lawyer angrily and released the video and audio. , and then the vice principal of the party school, who was about to retire two years ago, was scolded by his mother countless times, and received the "two open" treatment of expulsion from the party and dismissal from public office.Compared with the French president, this poor vice-principal of the party school is a world of difference.

Also, Aquino, the president of the island country east of the South China Sea, is over 50 years old and has never been married, but it does not affect the change of girlfriends one after another. Basically, he changes at least one a year, but he just does not get married. It can be said that he can play all over the island. How cool is it to be a beautiful woman, but to avoid the so-called loopholes of legal monogamy?And the people of this country don't seem to care about Aquino changing women so frequently, is it strange or not?

In China, if a corrupt official is arrested, he is almost certain to have a lover, a mistress, and many have illegitimate children.Not to mention the business executives across the country, everyone has no idea how many women have given birth to them.Even some well-known directors don't know how many women they have slept with, and how many women have given birth to them. Some women even gave birth to three.But because of the law, these women who gave birth to children cannot marry, and they cannot even be concubines or concubines.On the one hand, they sing the praises of monogamy, and on the other hand, they don’t know how many lovers and mistresses there are. It’s a typical bitch and son who sets up a memorial archway—I don’t know if this is considered a Chinese characteristic.Rather than this, it is better than that!

Fangyuan was full of emotions: If China also practiced polygamy, how wonderful it would be!In this way, there is no need for Ren's mother to worry about her daughter's future happiness.Similarly, the divorce rate in China will drop by more than 90%. Many marriages that cannot be maintained now will at least retain a shell of marriage.It is actually good for Chinese society and for social harmony.Those who have the ability and financial resources should raise more. In the future, both adults and children will receive first-class education and have superior living conditions; those who are not capable and financial should raise less or not. They are also socially disadvantaged, and they also suffer after raising children. They don’t have enough to eat, don’t wear warm clothes, and don’t have the opportunity to receive high-quality educational resources.This is more effective in avoiding that the more people who have not graduated from elementary school, the more they will have a lot of children in their families;Just like in Dongzhou, if Fangyuan has five wives and ten children, he will also have excellent family living conditions and receive high-quality educational resources.This is actually a kind of prenatal and postnatal care.

But dreams are often beautiful, while reality is often skinny and painful.Some people say, how wonderful it is to dream!yes!Dreams are beautiful, but when the scene in the dream cannot be realized, it is often more painful than not dreaming!I have seen the delicious roast goose, but I have never been able to eat it. Isn't this torture?Can the things that draw cakes to satisfy the hunger fill the stomach?

Fang Yuan looked at Mama Ren, in Mama Ren's eyes, some were affectionate, but more of them were pleading and pleading.Fangyuan looked at Ren Xiaoai again, and Ren Xiaoai's eyes seemed to be full of hope and anticipation.However, according to the actual situation in the country, Fangyuan really has no way to make the promise Ren Mama and Ren Xiaoai expected.

But when a person is on the edge of a cliff, he has to save himself; when a person falls into the water, he has to thump.Fang Yuan said: "Auntie, Xiao Ai, I love Xiao Ai very much, I love her talent, I love her persistence, and I also feel that her love for me is so tenacious and deep. Xiao Ai and I have known each other for a long time, and we have known each other for a long time. I have experienced many ups and downs. Xiao Ai is very clear about my current situation. There are many things that only two people know, and people outside cannot know. If they know, it means that there is no way for the two people to continue .Tearing the face, can the face be restored again? Can the relationship between the two be restored? So, Auntie, when Xiao Ai decided to be with me, she told me that she wanted to be like Ni Runqing of Dongzhou TV , as long as you fall in love with me, you don't ask for anything in return, you don't ask for marriage and a couple. That's it, we came together. We haven't been together for more than a month. Xiaoai, is that so?"

Ren Xiaoai nodded: "Yes! If not, how could Fangyuan accept me and be with me? Mom, it really doesn't matter whether marriage is not married. If I force Fangyuan to divorce, force Fangyuan If Fang Yuan marries me, what is the result? The result is that the love between me and Fang Yuan can no longer be maintained. I love Fang Yuan very much, and I also worship Fang Yuan. As long as there is Fang Yuan's love, what does it matter if there is marriage or not?"

Unknowingly, Ren Xiaoai took Fangyuan's position and explained to her mother.

The daughter has become a "glorious" mistress, and the daughter has become a staunch supporter of non-married relationships. Mother Ren can only feel a kind of sadness rising in her heart, and a stubborn emotion shrouds her consciousness: "Little love is big." I can't control many things. But as a mother, I always want my daughter to be happy for the rest of my life! Xiao Fang, maybe you can't marry Xiao Ai, but you have to understand my feelings as a mother."

Fang Yuan looked at the kind old man in front of him, and sighed why this is not South Africa, Saudi Arabia, or the evil old society.Fang Yuan thought about his words and answered Mama Ren cautiously: "Auntie, Xiao Ai knows best whether I am a person who values ​​love and righteousness. A month ago, Xiao Ai and I almost lost contact. dating. But when Xiao Ai had a fever and was waiting in line at the hospital, and there was no doctor to take care of her, she called me, and I immediately coordinated with the best doctor in the city hospital. It was because of this incident that we re-established our relationship Later, when my job needed publicity, Xiao Ai, as a reporter, did her job well without hesitation, and my work was affirmed by the superiors. In this way, we had the opportunity to communicate together , I also feel that Xiao Ai is still in love with me, and I also appreciate Xiao Ai's talent. Auntie, I can't give you any promises in writing, but I want to say that as long as Xiao Ai still loves me, As long as Xiaoai does not ask for marriage and does not disclose our affairs, I will never leave Xiaoai, even if she has gray hair. If one day Xiaoai no longer loves me, I will guarantee that Xiaoai will not have to worry about the economy in the future Worry."

Ren Xiaoai said: "I will only love you more every day, and I will never stop loving you one day."

Fang Yuan said: "Then we will love each other forever, and you will be my lover forever."

Ren Xiaoai said: "Lover and lover!"

Fangyuan looked at Ren Xiaoai, his eyes were full of love and compassion: "Yes, lover and lover."

Mother Ren looked at her daughter, at Fang Yuan, and didn't know what it was like: Isn't my daughter Fang Yuan's little wife?Such an excellent daughter is willing to be Fangyuan's lover and mistress, what a shame!However, in the mother’s village, there are actually many such things. For example, the secretary of the village party branch, in addition to his original wife, has at least three concubines, two of whom also gave birth to children for the branch secretary.When did society become like this?

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