Director's growth history

Chapter 4234 Support

February 2009, 2, the eighth day of the first lunar month.It's a busy workday.On the morning of this day, the Municipal Bureau of Education held a director's office meeting to study the preparations for the annual city-wide education work conference and the matter of welcoming the governor to inspect Dongzhou's vocational education.These two tasks are the most important tasks of the Municipal Education Bureau in the near future.At the same time, the meeting also made comprehensive arrangements around the start of the new semester. After all, after the Spring Festival, the city's universities, middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens will start school soon, and the second semester will start soon.

The bureau chief's office meeting lasted almost one morning.When everyone walked out of the conference room, they felt exhausted to varying degrees.Even if you do nothing, sitting for three hours is still very tiring!What's more, to start the bureau chief's office meeting, you have to use your brain and think about what everyone said, especially to grasp Fangyuan's intention and rhythm.The director's office meeting has always been the highest battlefield of political competition in the Eastern State education system.

But different from Han Suzhen's era and Zhai Xinwen's era, although Fang Yuan is the deputy director and has not been in charge of Dongzhou Education for a long time, he has firmly grasped the entire Education Bureau.Sun Hongjun, secretary of the party committee, cooperated, and Geng Qing, the deputy director, was honest, not to mention that Fangyuan also had fans such as Wang Xingbang, Cao Bensong, and Xie Bingguo.Although Han Suzhen also has a lot of dissatisfaction, she is a person who talks about politics and the overall situation. The matters that Fangyuan researches are all things that are conducive to the development of Dongzhou's education industry, and they are all tasks that must be actively faced. Han Suzhen also has this awareness Support and cooperate.What's more, even if Han Suzhen wanted to have her own voice, she couldn't do it alone.

Fangyuan returned to the office, and Zhang Yuanqing followed.Fang Yuan asked, "Have the speeches of Secretary Ye and Mayor Song been delivered?"

Zhang Yuanqing said: "It has been sent. Director, this is an official document just issued by the Municipal Government Office, please review it."

Fang Yuan took over the official document, which turned out to be the division of labor between the mayor and deputy mayor of Dongzhou City.Ma Lianghe was no longer in charge of education, health and other work, and became the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction and planning. In fact, it was the work that Lian Song was in charge of. In charge of education, health, human resources and social affairs, etc., is the deputy mayor Liang Zhaopeng.

Don't underestimate this division of labor, it contains a lot of information.To a certain extent, the deputy mayor in charge of urban construction has the greatest benefits, but of course the risks are also the greatest.In the past few years, among the deputy mayors of prefecture-level cities arrested all over the country, those in charge of urban construction accounted for a large proportion.In particular, Jiang Renjie, the former deputy mayor of Suzhou City, whose source of property is over 100 million yuan cannot be explained clearly. Next, the 600 yuan banknotes were found in bundles, three sacks; more than [-] bank cards were found.Because of the high income of the deputy mayor who manages urban construction, and is surrounded by various construction developers, these developers will definitely give money to get land, to revise the plan, and to win municipal projects. of.Anyone in the position of deputy mayor in charge of urban construction has to face these developers, and the risks involved can be imagined.

Benefits and risks have always been directly proportional.Lian Song had already entered, but Ma Lianghe came without hesitation.Fang Yuan believed that Ma Lianghe must have volunteered to take charge of urban construction.Of course, Song Yunsheng agreed that Ma Lianghe would be in charge of urban construction, which also contained a kind of trust.As a cadre promoted by Wang Guodong, Ma Lianghe chose a new master shortly after the arrival of the new secretary of the municipal party committee, which made Fang Yuan sigh.I don't know, since I and Ma Lianghe no longer belong to the same camp, can we still get along friendly in the future?

The matters Sheng Jiantao is in charge of are still very beneficial to his family and business.Fang Yuan was a little worried at first, whether Chunxiao Company or Dacheng Company would receive continuous support and help from the city in the future.Sheng Jiantao was in charge, Fang Yuan was relieved.No matter which camp Sheng Jiantao belongs to, the special relationship with Sheng Jianbo and Sheng Jiantao is a powerful support force.

The weakness shown by Liang Zhaopeng is also shown through the division of labor between the mayor and deputy mayor.As the last deputy mayor, and as a staunch supporter of Wang Guodong, the former secretary of the municipal party committee, after Wang Guodong went to Hangzhou to take up the post, he was a little out of his reach.It is not an easy task for Liang Zhaopeng to secure a firm position in this new position.To a certain extent, being this weak deputy mayor is not as comfortable as being the secretary of the Oujiang District Committee.In the one-acre three-point land in Oujiang District, Liang Zhaopeng has the final say on major events.But when he came to the city and became the last deputy mayor, many things were ignored.

Fangyuan regards Liang Zhaopeng as a friend.This good official with the idea of ​​serving the people should support him!As for how to support it, we should think about it.Liang Zhaopeng is in charge of education, health care, human resources, social security, culture, sports, and the Disabled Persons' Federation.Vaguely, Fang Yuan seemed to think of something.How to create political achievements for Liang Zhaopeng seems to have a lot to do!Although Liang Zhaopeng's current position is not good, but if he does it well, he can turn stone into gold and create extraordinary performance.

Fang Yuan decided to visit Liang Zhaopeng today.Liang Zhaopeng was in charge of the Education Bureau, and it was perfectly normal for the director of the Education Bureau to go to Liang Zhaopeng's office, and no one would have any unreasonable thoughts.

After lunch, Fang Yuan called Liang Zhaopeng: "Mayor Liang, I am Fang Yuan. Wishing you a happy old age!"

When Liang Zhaopeng received Fang Yuan's call, he looked very happy: "Xiao Fang, why did you think of calling me?"

Fang Yuan said: "I just learned that you are now the city leader in charge of education. As the temporary person in charge of your department, of course I have to call you to ask for instructions: I don't know if Mayor Liang has time to meet my comrades from the subordinate department." ?”

Liang Zhaopeng already felt Fangyuan's support, and his heart was surrounded by a burst of warmth.Liang Zhaopeng said: "I welcome Director Fang to come to the door anytime."

Fang Yuan said, "Okay, then I will visit Mayor Liang now."

In Liang Zhaopeng's office, Fangyuan saw Liang Zhaopeng who was taking up his new post.Liang Zhaopeng warmly invited Fang Yuan to sit down on the sofa, and the two sat with their knees together.Liang Zhaopeng said: "You are the first person in charge of the department to see me." Fang Yuan said: "This shows that I am the comrade who supports and supports Mayor Liang the most. Mayor give me a piece of candy!"

"Hahahaha!" Liang Zhaopeng laughed happily, as if even the smog in winter had dissipated.Liang Zhaopeng said: "I don't have candy here, only coptis."

Fang Yuan said: "Huanglian is a good medicine for curing diseases!"

Liang Zhaopeng said: "How do you feel when you see the division of labor among the mayors?"

Fang Yuan said: "My feeling is that Mayor Liang has already stood at a new starting point in his life, and he can make great achievements at a higher level."

Liang Zhaopeng said: "Do you still need such flattery between us?"

Fang Yuan said, "This is a very sincere attitude, not flattery. What's more, since Mayor Liang has known me, do you think I am a flatterer?"

Liang Zhaopeng shook his head.

Fang Yuan said: "No matter what position you are in, if you want to achieve something, you can do it. Mayor Liang, you have always been a leader I respect very much, and you are very open-minded and good at listening to suggestions from all parties, so as to make progress Scientific decision-making. I am here to visit you today. First, I will report on the work of the Education Bureau. Second, I will invite you to attend the annual education work conference to be held the day after tomorrow. It is to give you a job suggestion."

Liang Zhaopeng said: "There is no need to report. We are friends and partners. I support your work, and I also believe that with your support, my work will be smoother and it will be easier to make achievements. .”

Fang Yuan said: "Reporting must be reported. I will briefly report to you some practices and achievements of Dongzhou Education in the reform and development of the past year, and will also bluntly report existing problems and difficulties to you. .The work ideas in 2009 will also be reported to you. In this way, you can get familiar with the education work as soon as possible, which is beneficial to your decision-making.”

Liang Zhaopeng was no longer polite: "Okay."

Fang Yuan carefully took out the prepared written materials, gave one to Liang Zhaopeng, and kept the other by himself.Fang Yuan did not read from the manuscript, but combined with some personal insights, he reported the situation of Dongzhou education to Liang Zhaopeng in a very comprehensive, concise and systematic manner.Fang Yuan finally said: "Mayor Liang, from the perspective of Dongzhou education, I have a personal experience: these difficulties and problems are the shackles that affect the development of Dongzhou education, and they are also good targets for us to create performance. Negative When people see these difficulties and problems, they will feel a lot of pressure, they will not see hope, and their hearts will be pessimistic; positive people will feel unlimited opportunities when they see these difficulties and problems. Although they are full of challenges, if Overcoming these difficulties and solving some of the problems will not only benefit the people and society, but also create extraordinary achievements. No matter whether it is a problem left over from history or a new problem that has emerged on the way forward, in the face of them, we have no The choice is to face up to difficulties, use reform methods and innovative ideas to solve problems and promote new development and progress in education!"

Liang Zhaopeng nodded: "Xiao Fang, Dongzhou Education is lucky to have you in charge of the work, it is the blessing of Dongzhou Education!"

Fang Yuan said, "Mayor Liang, I also really need your support in the process of overcoming these difficulties!"

Liang Zhaopeng said: "I will definitely support it with all my strength!" How could he not support it?Not to mention the relationship with Fangyuan, which is regarded as a close friend. As the secretary of the district committee, Liang Zhaopeng is in charge of cadres and people.What Fang Yuan actually told Liang Zhaopeng was that the deeper your participation and the more difficulties you solve, the more outstanding your political achievements will be.Fang Yuan came to deliver peaches, not to cry and beg for help.The difficulties and problems mentioned by Fang Yuan are indeed tricky and difficult to solve immediately, but with Fang Yuan's strong background, do you still need yourself as the deputy mayor who is not a member of the Standing Committee?People bring themselves in, just to show their political achievements.This love must be mastered, so not only must we fully support, but we must also deeply intervene, so that any glory in education can make us shine!

Fang Yuan said: "The first thing to ask for Mayor Liang's support is to attend the education work meeting to be held the day after tomorrow."

Liang Zhaopeng said: "I will definitely go. What am I going to do?"

Fang Yuan said: "Secretary Ye informed us that he would attend this education work meeting; Mayor Song informed us that he would attend. My idea is to invite Mayor Liang to preside over the meeting. There are only three items on the agenda, and I will arrange the 2009 In the year of education work, Mayor Song gave a speech, and Secretary Ye gave a speech. If you don’t want to host, then I will immediately arrange for the writing team of the Education Bureau to prepare a speech for you, and Sun Hongjun, the party secretary of the Education Bureau, will host it.”

Liang Zhaopeng sighed: How can there be a department's annual meeting where the secretary and the mayor attend at the same time?The secretary and the mayor were all present. How can I, the deputy mayor who ranks last in the municipal party committee and the municipal government, talk nonsense?Liang Zhaopeng said: "I won't talk about it, let Secretary Sun preside over it. I will sit there and study."

Fang Yuan said: "That's fine. Recently, I will arrange a regular pre-school meeting for all the staff of the Education Bureau, the secretaries of the principals of schools affiliated to each bureau, and the principals. Mayor Liang will be invited to attend and speak."

Liang Zhaopeng said: "Okay, I will attend this meeting."

This is actually giving Liang Zhaopeng a chance to really show his face and be the protagonist.Liang Zhaopeng unceremoniously took over a new peach made by Fangyuan.Of course, this peach is not for free. In the future, Liang Zhaopeng will give Fangyuan one, no, a basket of riper and sweeter plums.

Fang Yuan said: "I will inspect Dongzhou's universities, middle schools, elementary schools and kindergartens. I will arrange it as soon as possible. Mayor Liang has a lot of work to do every day. I don't know when you are free. As long as you have a little free time, I will seize it and give it to you immediately." Arrange inspections of the school, and ensure that you can come anytime and feel the enthusiasm of educators."

Liang Zhaopeng said: "Okay, if I want to go to school, I will tell you in advance."

Fang Yuan said, "Thank you, Mayor Liang. I want to report on the fourth topic now, to give you some advice on your work. Mayor Liang, you won't object, will you?"

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