Director's growth history

4243 - Chi Liping dominates

It's not that friends don't get together.Fangyuan's heart skipped a beat: Seeing Shu Weirong is not a psychological burden, but Fangyuan doesn't want to see Chi Liping.As for Chi Liping, her beauty, her elegance, and her tactful advances and retreats made Fang Yuan feel that she was better than Song Sisi; but compared to Song Sisi, Chi Liping was not a pure girl.In fact, it was mainly because of this reason that Fang Yuan "abandoned" Chi Liping.Regarding Chi Liping, Fang Yuan felt a little guilty: Maybe she was just one of Chi Liping's passers-by in life, but it is undeniable that she has been in chaos and abandoned in the end.Fortunately, Chi Liping now has a next family, which is said to be Cen Baiqiang, secretary of the county party committee, otherwise Fang Yuan's heart would be even more uncomfortable.

However, men's psychology is always very strange.When the woman I used to belong to another man, this kind of possessiveness makes the man feel reluctant to part, as if everything inside and outside the pot is his own.What's more, Fangyuan at this time is very different from Fangyuan at that time, and she doesn't particularly care about whether she is a jade girl, not like Dong Mei, not like Chen Qiuping, and not like Shao Keqing.Even Chen Tonghai, the former general manager of Sinopec, Li Jiating, the former governor of Yunnan, and Du Shi, the deputy secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee, can share their mistress Li Wei in Chengdu. Are you qualified to demand that the other party must be pure and pure?

With such a subtle psychology, Fang Yuan not only resisted meeting Chi Liping, but also seemed to be looking forward to it.Especially at the annual meeting of the handsome dress years ago, the reunion with Chi Liping caused ripples in Fangyuan's heart, and ripples rippled in the peaceful Gujing.

Fang Yuan buried herself in the crowd and didn't want to show her face, as if she was waiting for a lady in her boudoir.But many times, things often backfire.After Ye Jicheng shook hands with Shu Weirong and Chi Liping cordially, Shu Weirong had sharp eyes and suddenly said loudly, "Brother Fangyuan, why are you here?"

The surprised eyes of the officials immediately focused on Fangyuan, and even Ye Jicheng and Chi Liping also looked at Fangyuan who was lying behind the crowd.

Fang Yuan smiled wryly, and had no choice but to walk out of the crowd, and shook hands with Shu Weirong: "Sister Shu, Happy Chinese New Year." Shu Weirong said, "I called you during the Chinese New Year, but you didn't answer anyway. I want you to call me." You don’t come here even if you sit in the company. Look down on big sister, right?”

Okay, a few words startled Fang Yuan.But after listening carefully, it turned out to be what he meant by "resisting temptation and resisting desire".Hey, Sister Shu Weirong, you praised me for being honest in front of so many superiors, you said it well, but you didn't say enough!

Fang Yuan said, "Didn't we meet today?"

Ye Jicheng said: "It seems that Xiao Fang knows Chairman Shu."

Cen Baiqiang didn't want to mention this matter at first, but at this moment, he had no choice but to do so.Cen Baiqiang said: "Secretary Ye, Secretary-General Zhou, Mayor Sheng, and Director Fang have also made great contributions to our work of attracting investment in Yanping. This handsome costume can be settled in Yanping County because Director Fang led the way. bridge."

Shu Weirong said: "That's right. If it wasn't for the introduction from Brother Fangyuan, I wouldn't necessarily come to Yanping. However, it's good to be here. The investment environment in Yanping is good. Several of my good friends have also come to Yanping to invest one after another. See My face, of course, indirectly also depends on Brother Fang Yuan's face."

Ye Jicheng nodded with satisfaction: "Planting a phoenix tree will attract Golden Phoenix. Whether an economic and technological development zone can be run well depends on the investment environment. If the investment environment is good, more and more companies will naturally come to invest Xingye. Of course, connections are also very important.”

Accompanied by Shu Weirong and Chi Liping, Ye Jicheng and other research members inspected the production workshop of handsome clothing.It was only the ninth day of the first lunar month, and the factory had already started work, and the workshop was busy.The clothing industry is a typical labor-intensive industry. As long as there are sewing machines, clothing can be produced without much education.

Ye Jicheng said, "Mr. Shu, what products do you mainly produce here?"

Shu Weirong said: "The original main products were suits and shirts. Now, suits continue to grow, especially in cooperation with Director Fang's father-in-law, Principal Kong, to hold a national fashion design competition. We have mastered many advanced design solutions. , Our handsome clothing has already established a reputation. Of course, we now have a new profit growth point, which is tooling. Now Secretary Ye sees that we are producing tooling.”

Chi Liping suddenly interrupted Shu Weirong's words: "Secretary Ye, tooling production mainly refers to enterprises and companies ordering work clothes, sportswear, casual clothes, etc. for employees. The profit of a single piece is not high, and it is better than mass production. Through Take the volume to expand the output value of the enterprise and increase the total profit. The percentage of its profit is actually declining.”

Ye Jicheng said: "Under the circumstance of deteriorating international trade environment, we should constantly adjust the development ideas of enterprises and constantly open up new markets for enterprises. This kind of development model is worth summarizing and should be promoted."

Fang Yuan looked at Chi Liping in surprise, wondering why Chi Liping interrupted Shu Weirong.At this time, Chi Liping was also looking at Fangyuan, and their eyes met, Fangyuan felt a rush of electric current, which made Fangyuan dizzy from the electric shock.Then, what Fang Yuan saw again was a restraining gaze.

Came out of the workshop and came to the meeting room.Obviously, this production base does not have a special office building, but a few rooms are set aside on one side of the factory building, one of which is used as a simple meeting room.

Chi Liping explained: "Leaders, I'm really sorry. Our company's headquarters is in downtown Dongzhou, which is just a production base. There is no plan to build an administrative building here, so the office conditions are relatively difficult."

Ye Jicheng said, "Very good."

Cen Baiqiang said: "Secretary Ye, leaders, the company pays attention to efficiency. At present, only the production base is located in Yanping. In the future, if the headquarters is also moved to

In Yanping, administrative buildings and headquarters buildings will definitely be built. "

What surprised Fang Yuan was that although Shu Weirong had a smile on his face, he kept silent.It is Chi Liping who is performing here, not chairman Shu Weirong.This made Fang Yuan feel strange.

Sure enough, during the official report, Ye Jicheng looked at Shu Weirong.Shu Weirong said: "This production base is usually mainly in charge of Mr. Chi. I know the situation of this base, and I can't compare with Mr. Chi. Let Mr. Chi report."

Chi Liping said: "Thank you. Entrusted by Chairman Shu, I will report to Secretary Ye and the leaders of the city about the production and operation of handsome clothing."

Chi Liping is worthy of being an excellent management talent trained by Dongsheng Company. Her handsome face has already attracted the attention of perverts, and she talks about the development of the handsome clothing production base in an orderly manner, which makes people feel admiration.Shu Weirong obviously couldn't reach such a level.

Shu Weirong sat quietly on the side, looking a little lonely.Fang Yuan was a little puzzled: Is there some story in it?Does Sister Shu have some unspeakable secrets?

After listening to Chi Liping's report, Ye Jicheng gave full affirmation, encouraged handsome clothing, must continue to increase innovation and reform, and through technological innovation and marketing innovation, to become bigger and stronger, for Dongzhou City and Yanping County and make greater contributions to economic and social development.Ye Jicheng especially praised the charitable act of handsome clothing. For a start-up company, it can subsidize 300 poor students with excellent character and learning according to the standard of 100 yuan per person per year. It has a good demonstration effect.

What Fang Yuan thinks is that it only costs 100 yuan a year to aid 3 students. In fact, it is just a drizzle, but the role of demonstration is very great.

Sun Yanyan, the county magistrate who has been silent all the time, said: "Secretary Ye, Secretary-General Zhou, and Mayor Sheng, donated handsome clothes to support the poor students. It was a big scene. A total of 5 donation ceremonies were held in 5 middle schools and 10 primary schools in Yanping County. , not only students participated, parents were also invited to participate, reporters from the city also came, and the county TV station also made a full report. In 2009, the grand assistance ceremony of handsome clothing for extremely poor students is also planned to be held soon after the start of school. This year Not only are we going to invite news media at the county and city levels, but we are also going to invite provincial media.”

3 yuan in aid, ceremonies held in 10 schools, which means that one student only donated 10 students, and only spent 3000 yuan in one school!This is really the cheapest way to earn reputation!For this mere 3 yuan, do you want to invite the provincial media?Is it a little fuss?Dongsheng Company donated 200 million yuan to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, but they didn't make much publicity; Nass Group donated 220 million yuan to Dongzhou Experimental Middle School, but they didn't make much publicity.Handsome clothes, subsidizing 100 poor students, but publicizing it with great fanfare, what does it mean?Sun Yanyan suddenly made a sound at this time, obviously not aimlessly.On the surface, it sounded like Sun Yanyan was also praising the handsome clothes; but Fang Yuan could tell that there was a hint of sarcasm in it.As the county magistrate who is at odds with the secretary of the county party committee, he will definitely not add icing on the cake, and will definitely add salt to the wound.

Fang Yuan looked at Shu Weirong with questioning eyes.Shu Weirong shook her head silently, making Fang Yuan more puzzled: What happened?Why does Shu Weirong seem to be unaware or uninvolved?

Sure enough, a trace of embarrassment appeared on the faces of Cen Baiqiang and Chi Liping.Maybe others can't see it, but Fang Yuan has been observing, studying, and silently watching the changes in the scene. Fang Yuan has seen all these details.

Chi Liping said: "Thank you, County Magistrate Sun, for your encouragement and praise. In 2009, the Yanping production base of handsome clothing will expand the number and scope of funding, and plans to expand the number of students to be sponsored to 300, so that more poor students can go to school. If you can afford to study, you will not drop out of school because of poverty. Handsome Apparel Yanping Production Base will continue to pay attention to charity, do more good deeds, and actively call on more enterprises in the society to invest in charity actions. "

Although Chi Liping responded quickly, it was clear that she did not have much political experience.Expand the scope of funding, and the number of sponsors will reach 300. This should be what Shu Weirong said, but Chi Liping said it.Ye Jicheng is not a fool, and Zhou Peng is not a fool with such a spirit. Among the officials present, which one is a fool?

Ye Jicheng looked at Cen Baiqiang.Cen Baiqiang said: "It's a good thing that Shuai Apparel does charity. But today, Secretary Ye and the city leaders came to Yanping to inspect the investment attraction work of Yanping County. Shuai Apparel is the first stop, and there are several more distinctive ones later enterprises, please Secretary Ye and the city leaders continue to inspect."

Ye Jicheng nodded: "Okay. Thank you, Chairman Shu, and Mr. Chi. I learned a lot from the trip to handsome clothes. I will come again when I have the opportunity in the future."

Shu Weirong and Chi Liping enthusiastically sent Ye Jicheng and others away.Shu Weirong looked back at Fangyuan from time to time, obviously, Shu Weirong had something to say to Fangyuan.However, there was no such opportunity, because Fangyuan was always far away from Ye Jicheng, and she was the one who was really invisible in the crowd.With so many officials, how can it be his turn to be high-profile, not to mention, the handsome clothes are made by himself, and this has already been carried out as a target for lying down.However, the matter of Shu Weirong must be carefully understood afterwards.

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