Director's growth history

Nothing to be afraid of

Of course Ding Xiaohua would not tell Fangyuan the truth.The more he pretends to be profound, the more he will fill Fang Yuan with awe. This is also a way to control his subordinates or juniors.During the Spring Festival, Fangyuan told Ding Xiaohua about his hesitation and doubts in his heart, and Ding Xiaohua hoped to be in the right place first and then the county.At that time, Ding Xiaohua noticed that Fang Yuan was a little hesitant about whether to be in the district first and then the district or county, or to be in the district first and then the district.Today, when Fang Yuan said that he had something important to tell him, Ding Xiaohua guessed that Fang Yuan's whereabouts might be a clear statement.After all, Ding Xiaohua already knew that Fangyuan was going to the countryside with Ye Jicheng, secretary of the municipal party committee, today.As one of Ding Xiaohua's most concerned people, Fang Yuan's every move is within Ding Xiaohua's understanding.If the guess is correct, then Ye Jicheng must have said something to Fang Yuan.

Ding Xiaohua said: "Tell me, Dad will help you as a staff officer. No matter what the result is, Dad will definitely support you with all his strength!"

Fang Yuan was very moved: "Thank you, Dad. I may be going to the county to take up a deputy position. I suddenly received such news today, and I was very disturbed. I was worried that I did not have the ability to handle the complicated situation."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Did you have such apprehensions when you came from school to the Education Bureau?"

Fang Yuan said, "Yes."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Every time you go to a new place, there must be a process from unfamiliarity to familiarity. You were able to achieve a brilliant turn from the principal to the director of the bureau. Now, you have accumulated such a wealth of experience in the Education Bureau. experience, going to the county, what is there to be afraid of?"

Fangyuan's heart suddenly became much more stable.

Ding Xiaohua said: "The only difference is that you are now the head of the Education Bureau, but when you go to the county, you must be a deputy. At least there are two full-time positions, the secretary of the county party committee and the county magistrate."

Fang Yuan said, "That's right. It seems that I won't even be a deputy now."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Many, many people go from a lower-level principal to a higher-level deputy, and then become a higher-level principal. Very few people can jump directly from the next level to the next level. Let’s talk about Sheng Jiantao and Liang Zhaopeng who were promoted recently. They were the leaders in Jiangnan County and Oujiang District, and they were the top leaders. Now in the city, they have been promoted to deputy positions. , In many cases, it doesn’t count. If you say you don’t adapt, think about Sheng Jiantao and Liang Zhaopeng, and you can actually figure it out. Besides, haven’t you been a deputy for a long time under Zhai Xinwen’s leadership? "

Fang Yuan's heart that was fluctuating, also slowly calmed down.Fang Yuan said, "Thank you Dad, I feel much better now."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Let's go, let's go to Nas Hotel, have some food and drink some wine."

Fang Yuan said, "I don't drink anymore. I was drunk by people from Yanping County at noon, and I have to hold an education work meeting tomorrow."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Alright, let's eat in the company's restaurant, I'll arrange it."

The company also has a small restaurant dedicated to Ding Xiaohua and Ding Chuke.This small restaurant is on one side of the big restaurant and is a small private room that can accommodate up to 10 people.Ding Xiaohua and Ding Chuke ate here, and sometimes they would invite a few middle-level or deputy employees of the company to come over to accompany them, and talk about work while eating.On the outside of this private room, there is also a larger small restaurant, which is a place for the company's vice presidents and first-level department heads to eat.

Today, what Ding Xiaohua arranged was his private private room.

With the order of the chairman, the efficiency of the cafeteria is super high.Soon, sumptuous meals were placed on the table, and two bottles of imported dry red wine were also placed on the table.

Under Ding Xiaohua's persuasion, Fang Yuan picked up the wine glass again: "Dad, thank you. It seems that I am right to come to you today."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Why should the family be so polite? Let's put it this way, no matter which county or district you go to, no one dares to do anything to you. If anyone dares to do you harm, it will be against me Ding Xiaohua. I am sorry for Song Yunsheng. In addition, no one who can be a county-level cadre in the county is a fool. Who doesn’t understand your powerful background? If you offend you for no reason, only a fool would do that.”

Fang Yuan said: "In the end, it is the ability to work to earn real respect."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Are you weak? From a front-line teacher to a principal to the director of the Education Bureau, in less than ten years, you have reached a height that many people have never reached in a lifetime. Xiaofang, you must be confident. The necessary humility and low-key are required. Yes, but you can’t be timid at any time. If anyone dares to do something to you, you don’t have to be polite, just kill him! I like to do this! Kill a chicken to show the monkeys, kill him one or two, who would dare to find other monkeys Are you in trouble?"

Fang Yuan said, "I understand."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Of course, Lao Mao's united front is still very effective. At any time, you can't offend everyone, but you must win the support of the most people, so that the people who support you are far more than those who oppose you. This This is the root cause of defeating Chiang Kai-shek back then. Therefore, when we have conflicts with some people, we still need to unite and use them when our common interests outweigh our differences. Just like Sheng Qiming, I still need to use him and unite Win over him. But you know, the enlightened landlords, national capitalists, and intellectuals that Lao Mao united and won over before liberation, since 1953, they have been cleaned up one by one? I have experienced it. It may not always be the target of wooing. All in all, Lao Mao’s united front is indeed too clever, but it’s a bit too that. As a human being, when we can’t use others, we can say that they are good and make wishes for them; When I was with someone, I just kicked him, hehe, in fact, sometimes I look like Lao Mao."

It is really difficult for ordinary young people to understand Ding Xiaohua's words.But Fang Yuan can understand that this is actually the most important work strategy for him to go to the county.We must implement the concept of the united front in our work and life, unite as many people as possible, isolate and reduce hostility, and when necessary, take action, kill one or two chickens, and deter a group of monkeys !The easy-to-understand but profound theory of the united front, when it comes to the county, it's up to you.

Ding Xiaohua said: "Of course, the united front. Although there are many targets in this united front, there are several key points that must be grasped. The county party secretary has far more authority in the county than the county magistrate. This is the most realistic and direct thing that must be fought for. Support. But we should see that if the county party secretary does a good job, after being promoted to the city hall level leader, the original county magistrate is most likely to be promoted to the county party secretary. If you are still working in this county, then you will Accept the leadership of the former county magistrate and the new county party secretary. Therefore, it is also very important to win the support of the county magistrate at the same time. It is the greatest success to have the county party secretary and the county magistrate support you at the same time. Of course, when necessary At this time, you still have to choose a side. At this time, you have learned."

Fangyuan thought of herself and Zhai Xinwen.Speaking of which, Zhai Xinwen has always been a full-time job, and he is actually a deputy director. At that time, there was also a problem of choosing sides. Some people chose Zhai Xinwen. In the end, who would have thought that Zhai Xinwen, the top leader, had never been the third in command of Fangyuan. Got fucked and went home.Alas, in the county, it is not an easy task to choose a side!The election of the secretary of the county party committee is a hot stove; the election of the county magistrate is a cold stove.This hot stove may turn into a cold stove; this cold stove may also turn into a hot stove.So some people say that the most difficult time in the world is not what to do, but a choice.It still makes sense.Choose the wrong direction and goal, the harder you work, the harder you struggle, the farther away you are from success and the closer you are to failure.

On this night, Fangyuan was like an obedient primary school student, listening carefully to Ding Xiaohua, who has been there, and turned Ding Xiaohua's understanding of the world and some work skills into easy-to-understand words, just like a sponge Like absorbing water, first absorb all the experience of the people who have been there, and listen, understand, and digest at the same time.Maybe there are still many things that cannot be understood thoroughly in a short time, but Fang Yuan already feels that he has benefited a lot if he can understand [-]% to [-]%.

After dinner, he drank another half bottle of red wine, and Fang Yuan became even more drunk.Fang Yuan said, "Dad, there is an educational work meeting tomorrow, so I have to go back early to rest."

Ding Xiaohua said: "Okay, don't forget to call Xiao Ke earlier."

Fang Yuan said, "I won't fight today, but I will definitely fight tomorrow."

Fang Yuan was carried into the house by the driver Si Liguo.When Si Liguo pulled Fangyuan, on the way home, Fangyuan was already snoring like thunder.It should be said that Fang Yuan was quite drunk.So, when getting off the car, Si Liguo carried Fangyuan on his shoulders and carried them back home.

Kong Shuanghua and Kong Shufang were startled when they saw Fang Yuan drunk like this.Kong Shuanghua said: "Mom, sleep with Rui Rui in your arms tonight. Fang Yuan needs someone to take care of him. There will be an education meeting tomorrow!"

Kong Shufang said, "Okay. I'll make hangover soup first."

The mother and daughter, like wives and wives, divided the labor and took care of Fang Yuan who was drunk, so that Fang Yuan started a new day soberly the next day after a night of intoxication.But Kong Shufang and Kong Shuanghua stayed up almost all night just to take care of Fangyuan.

Kong Shufang complained during the period: "When is it, can you still drink like this?"

Kong Shuanghua thought differently: "Mom, it's good to be back, it's better to come back than stay there!"

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