Director's growth history

645.159 Office meetings

In Zhang Yuanqing's heart, he hated both Han Suzhen's fuss and Yao Changqing's betrayal, although Yao Changqing was asked by Han Suzhen at that moment why Dong Mei and Fang Shicheng didn't work overtime. 【*】How did Yao Changqing, who stayed in the school waiting for the news, know that he had already offended the head of the Education Department, one of the most important departments of the Education Bureau.

"Director Han, I really should report this matter to Director Zou and to you. It's because I'm not very conscious, and I didn't think about it from the perspective of the overall situation. I think things are simple. I will review, and I will submit a written review after the meeting. For you, Secretary Ma, and Director Zou." Zhang Yuanqing knew Han Suzhen's work style too well, and quickly bowed his head to admit his mistake, but he had scolded Han Suzhen and Yao Changqing a hundred times in his heart.

"The purpose of our party has always been to punish the past and the future, cure the disease and save the patient. It is very good that Section Chief Zhang can realize the mistake in this matter. At the same time, I also hope that other comrades can also learn from Section Chief Zhang. It’s up to you to make up your own mind. It’s also at the department level. The section chief seems to have more power than the principal, but in fact, the school is a subordinate independent accounting unit, and the principal has decision-making power; the department is a department under the Education Bureau, and the section chief does not Independent decision-making power. The matter of sending students to the countryside this time does not report to me. It is not big or small. If Section Chief Zhang reports to me, he should at least invite the party newspaper "Binhai Daily" to make a publicity , This is of great significance to the balanced development of urban and rural areas. It is positive and positive, and the party newspaper also needs such articles. At least we should ask Binhai TV to broadcast it in "Binhai News Network". Our Education Bureau even if I He and Secretary Ma can't go in person. Director Zou, who is in charge of teaching, should go. This also reflects the importance our city education bureau attaches to the positive district and county education bureaus. Therefore, comrades, I hope that everyone will stand up in their work in the future. Considering issues from the standpoint of the entire Education Bureau, we must have a high degree of political sensitivity and a sense of work responsibility. We must attach great importance to everything that is conducive to the development of Binhai Education. If you report to the leader in charge, you should report to the leader in charge. When the secretary and I report, we will report to Secretary Ma and me. Now, our Binhai education needs to reshape the good image in the city with one bright spot after another, and educational innovations again and again, and strive to run an education that satisfies the people. "

Han Suzhen was very satisfied with her lecture-style speech, and she was a little narcissistic about being able to look at the incident of sending students to the countryside from such a height-this is the policy level, this is the theoretical level, you, okay?

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