Director's growth history

676.165. Mental breakdown

"Tick, tick, tick..." The speech room quickly fell silent, and the sound of the alarm clock became louder and louder. 【*】A few minutes later, there was a slight snoring sound from Zhai Xinwen, accompanied by the sound of the "tick-tick-tick" alarm clock hands turning, which filled the somewhat dim classroom with a special feeling.

Geng Zhimin's heart beat violently.The weather was already a bit hot, and with the doors and windows closed, the room became even hotter, and Geng Zhimin began to sweat.Her heart was full of contradictions: Did Principal Qi say that?If you say it, but you don't say it yourself, isn't that a crime?If she didn't say it, but said it herself, wouldn't it be a show?

"Tick, tick, tick..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Why does this voice get harsher the more you listen to it, and why does it disturb your mind more and more?Watching the time go by minute by minute, Geng Zhimin's heart beat faster and felt more and more that his heart was going to go out of his chest.It's too dark in the speech room, it's too quiet in the speech room, why is the sound of the alarm clock so harsh?Geng Zhimin couldn't help but blocked his ears with two fingers, but the "tick" sound was still clearly audible although it was much smaller.Did Principal Qi stand up there?Let's hurry up for an hour.Geng Zhimin's mind was full of random thoughts, and he didn't have any fixed thinking at all.

Suddenly, the door opened, startling Geng Zhimin, and suddenly she stood up.

The person who came in was Kong Lili, the head of the personnel department. As soon as she came in, she went straight to Zhai Xinwen who was lying on the bed snoring, shook him awake, and said excitedly: "Director Zhai, Director Zhai, wake up, Qi Xiuyun, she said everything Lah." This undoubtedly created waves in Geng Zhimin's heart.

Zhai Xinwen opened his eyes with some difficulty, and said, "Xiao Kong, what are you shouting about, I haven't woken up yet!"

"Director Zhai," Kong Lili said happily, "Qi Xiuyun has already said everything, she said that Geng Zhimin was also involved, and she also said..." Zhai Xinwen interrupted Kong Lili, "Pause, pause!"

Zhai Xinwen sat up from the reclining chair, got up and moved a stool to sit in front of Geng Zhimin, and said: "Mr. Geng, you can say nothing now, because the investigation of that group has been completed. But the purpose of our party has always been It’s all about learning from past mistakes and avoiding future ones, curing illnesses and saving lives. I, Zhai Xinwen, would like to give you a chance, Mr. Geng. If you say everything now, it will be considered as your voluntary admission of mistakes. I can ask the Party Committee of the Education Bureau to deal with you lightly. Mr. Geng, you Do you want to seize this last chance? Or do you want to wait for a heavier punishment?"

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