Extra Story Chapter 3 Silver-haired Old Demon (Thank you for the small reward) "Ah! How did you become white-haired?" Aoxue exclaimed.

"Does it look good?" The man, no, it was the monster who was talking.Still a gorgeous voice, just like the luster refracted by silk and satin under the moonlight, with a strong texture.His legs were hooked on the tree, his body was hanging upside down on the tree, his silver hair swayed with the rhythm of his body, his amber eyes were like the most beautiful gems in the world.

Aoxue originally thought that something happened to Bai Ze's hair and his hair turned silver, but now that he asked this question with a smile, he immediately guessed that the color of his hair was just a change of his own!A person who lost his lover thousands of years ago didn't even turn into silver hair. Now, a person who is so boring that he only knows how to eat, drink and watch A`V, how can he be so melancholy that his black hair turns gray? !

"It's not good-looking!" Aoxue denied it, and then said earnestly, "Don't be like a child, if other people look good, you must have it! Silver hair suits Xiao Jingyu, but it may not suit you! Look at you, you are dressed in white The white-haired one looks like a ghost from a distance! Xiao Jingyu has an alienated temperament, and you should have a monstrous temperament!"

evildoer? !Bai Ze immediately thought of Qian Xin. When it comes to evildoers, that person is quite evil!That person was dressed in red, like a blooming fire lotus, with a stunning face...

Just in the blink of an eye, Bai Ze's white clothes and silver hair instantly turned fiery red!

That's all for the red clothes, why did the hair turn red too?That is the kind of penetrating red!

With such a scary color, Aoxue couldn't help taking half a step back.

Li Tianyou had a bad impression of Bai Ze in the first place, but because he is a ten thousand year old monster with spells that mortals don't have, he has always respected him three points, now that Aoxue is frightened by his appearance, he is even more displeased: " Didn't you say it's better to stay in the southeast border and not take half a step?"

"When did I say that?" Bai Ze frowned, his flirtatious shadow flashed, and he stood in front of Li Tianyou and Aoxue, "What I said is that the monsters under my seat will not step out of the border, but I didn't promise me freedom!" In the last duel, he was plotted by Li Tianyou and his wife, so how could he limit his freedom because of an unfair duel? !

Li Tianyou knew that Bai Ze was telling the truth, but he still said not very politely: "What are you doing here?" He looked around, "Where are the servants and guards in this palace?"

"Oh, I'm afraid they will be frightened by me, so let them sleep for a while!" It may be that the same sex repels each other, or it may be that the one who snatched Yi Yun thousands of years ago is also the owner of Longya. When Li Tianyou spoke, he lifted a strand of red hair from his shoulders, and his eyes naturally fell on Aoxue's face, "What is it like now? Doesn't it look good?"

Aoxue took a deep breath: "The way you are now is not an evildoer, but a monster, a ghost, a ghost! According to me, the way you were before is the best! You are handsome and charming!"

"Really?" Although he was doubtful, Bai Ze still regained his black-haired white robe in the blink of an eye. His long black hair was draped over his shoulders like a brocade, and the white brocade robe was spotless. luster.Soon, he murmured, "I also think this is the best..."

Both Aoxue and Li Tianyou were speechless, Aoxue said: "Since you think it's so good, why do you change it?"

"I'm thinking..." The words just started, and he glanced at Li Tianyou, as if he felt that he and Li Tianyou were not familiar enough to speak his mind, so he immediately closed his mouth and glanced at Aoxue One glance, "None of your business!"

"By the way, what are you doing here in the mortal world?" Aoxue asked again the topic Li Tianyou asked just now, "Have you seen Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiao Zi?"

"I'm just bored, just take a walk." Bai Ze glanced in the direction of Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiao Zi's luxurious house, and his tone was very disdainful, "I don't bother to look at those two guys with elbows turned outwards." !"

Aoxue smiled, as expected, he is still young, old is still young, Bai Ze has lived for too long, and the child side of his character has begun to show slowly, looking at him like this, he has definitely seen Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiao Zi before, Do not admit it!

"Anyway, you have nothing to do, do you want to stay in the palace for a few days?" Aoxue suddenly invited.

Li Tianyou's heart sank, he was very unhappy, what did Aoxue invite this male old monster for?And he is also a male who likes to watch erotic palaces!He suddenly felt that his status was threatened!Privacy is at stake!

Bai Ze could tell that Li Tianyou was upset, he was so happy!Without thinking too much, he agreed to Aoxue's invitation: "Okay! I just tasted something from your kitchen! It tastes good!" He glanced at Li Tianyou, "It's much better than the cook you sent!"

Glancing at Aoxue again, all kinds of disdain appeared in her eyes: "You have the nerve to offer a treasure with your previous skills?!" That is simply better than pig food!Of course, the craftsmanship of the two maidservants in his cave is at the level of pig food!Alas, it's unimaginable that he had eaten pig food for so long before!What's even more unimaginable is that with Aoxue's skill, he still eats it happily!

Aoxue smiled and blinked innocently: "I didn't force you to eat it! You forced me to do it every day!"

In a word, Bai Ze choked up, indeed, from the beginning to the end, he was addicted to eating Aoxue's food.

"Okay, for some time to come, I will live in your palace. If you have any delicious food and drink, please present it to me!" Probably because he felt that this kind of free eating and drinking would damage his image, Bai Ze was very upset. Quickly add another sentence, "Just as compensation, I have been eating the garbage you made for so long!"

Rubbish!He actually said that what Aoxue did was rubbish!Li Tianyou just felt a burst of anger "Ceng Ceng Ceng", and was about to attack, he only felt that Aoxue pulled his cuff, and when he turned his head, he saw Aoxue's smiling face.

"Since I invite you to be a guest, I will naturally bring you all the best food and drink." Aoxue smiled, "It happens that there are still empty palaces in the palace, as long as there is no one living in it, you can do whatever you want. select."

"It's so good." Bai Ze tilted his head slightly, pointing to another white-roofed palace not far from Jiaofang Palace, seemingly casually, "Let's just take that one!"

"Okay!" Aoxue readily agreed.No one else lived in that palace since Ji Shuxuan lived there for a while after he was injured last time. "I'll send some palace servants to serve you, don't change around and scare people every day!" Aoxue glanced around, "Now that you are a guest, the restrictions on palace servants in this palace should also be lifted Come on!"

Bai Ze nodded slightly, and raised his sleeve robe in the air, only to see countless gleams of light flashing under the sleeve robe, and quickly disappeared.

"When you cast spells before, why didn't you have these lights?" Aoxue was very surprised.

"Is it cool? Doesn't it make sense to look at it?" The Wannian old demon was so unhappy, he waved his hand casually, and there were star-like spots of light in the sky again.

Aoxue was speechless again: "Cool is cool, but when you raise your hand, don't everyone know that you are casting a spell?"

Bai Ze smiled: "Even if you know, what can you do with me?" His tone was arrogant, and he believed that no one in the world could surpass him.

Aoxue smiled dryly: "Yes."

While talking, the palace servants and guards who were originally assigned to various places woke up like a dream. When did the robed man come?

Although everyone had doubts in their hearts, but after all the status was too disparate, they dared not have the right to ask, so they just continued to work in silence, and the originally quiet Jiaofangdian suddenly became popular.

Suddenly, there was a commotion in the direction of the small kitchen in Jiaofangdian, Li Tianyou, Shen Aoxue and Bai Ze's eyes were all attracted to them.

"What's going on?" Li Tianyou asked.

Xiao Duanzi quickly ran over: "Back to the emperor, the small kitchen has been broken into, and all the prepared food has been stolen!"

The kitchen was stolen...

In this palace, breaking a brick casually is probably more valuable than a little food in the kitchen. Who would abandon treasures and steal food?

Li Tianyou and Aoxue naturally looked at Bai Ze. Unexpectedly, the thief who stole food was extremely thick-skinned. Not only was he not embarrassed, but even the color of his face remained unchanged, as if he didn't do that at all. the same!

"Eat it and eat it!" Li Tianyou was very magnanimous, and then raised his chin towards Bai Ze, "During this time, this young master lives next to the White Vault Palace, you choose sixteen clever ones to serve you. .”

"Yes." Xiaoduanzi bowed his head.

"In addition, this Mr. Bai is a gourmet, so he prepares more delicious food every day." Aoxue smiled and quickly added, "I also serve this Mr. Bai with the food cooked by Jiaofangdian every day." past."

"Yes." Xiao Duanzi still bowed his head, and his mind was already spinning rapidly.The thief who stole the small kitchen probably has something to do with this Mr. Bai!

The few people finished talking about eating, and there was no other suitable topic to talk about, so Bai Ze walked to the palace he was looking for, and Li Tianyou walked into the inner hall of the palace with Aoxue.

After expulsing the palace people soon, Li Tianyou was very dissatisfied: "Why did you keep him in the palace?"

As a queen, she actually left a man living in the palace!Not to mention that this matter is unreasonable, just thinking about Aoxue's living in Baize cave for such a long time, Li Tianyou's jealousy soared like a volcanic eruption!

Aoxue could hear the jealousy in Li Tianyou's words. Normally, she would feel that Li Tianyou didn't trust her, but today, Li Tianyou just dismissed the harem for her, and she was not annoyed at the moment, just looked at him with a smile , there seemed to be cunning in his eyes: "Don't you want Shu Xuan to be normal?"

Li Tianyou is so smart, with Aoxue's reminder, he immediately guessed what Aoxue was thinking.Facing that kind of ten thousand year old monster, all tough methods are useless, so the only way to save Shu Xuan is to save Shu Xuan!

Li Tianyou sighed: "Forget it, let him live in the palace for a while!"

That night, I don't know if it was because I was too tired during the day, or because there was a erotic lover living in Guji Palace, Aoxue and Li Tianyou slept very reservedly all night.

On the second day, Ji Shuxuan still did not come to the morning court.

...The tail is arrogant and the dividing line...

Tail: Cough, pay attention to Tail's new book: "Bone Erosion: The Secret Love of the Demon Queen"!Absolutely beautiful, absolutely wonderful!The tail indicates that the pit will be filled on April 4st.

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