Extra Story Chapter 9 Sequel Finale (5000+) Married in ancient times, no honeymoon or anything.

Knowing that the so-called spell in the body had been released, even though Qi Haoli and Ji Shuxuan did it again and again that night, they were not as exaggerated as before.

On the second day of the worship hall, as a very self-disciplined man, Ji Shuxuan didn't sleep in late, got up early in the morning, and entered the palace early.

Long-lost court, long-lost colleagues...

Ji Shuxuan suddenly had the feeling that Qianfan was reincarnated as a human being. He thought that he would die and would never step into this court again, but now he is standing here.

"Lord Ji!" As the emperor's most favored minister, no one in the court would pay much attention to his expression. At this moment, a large group of people surrounded him, just as if he had been feeling cold some time ago, and now he is asking for warmth.

Of course, some people would ask about the lanterns and red silk hanging up and down the Ji Mansion on the first day, as well as the unique gong, drum and suona music heard by the surrounding people during worship, and everyone burst into congratulations.

After the congratulations were over, someone immediately asked: "I wonder which lady Ji married." After all, after knowing who the other party is, he will be able to find a place to go after fawning.

Ji Shuxuan smiled, and then he said generously: "The person worshiping Shu Xuan is not a famous lady, but Qi Haoli, the master of Fengyun Castle who has just been exterminated."

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that he could really marry a man.Ji Shuxuan was calm, since he dared to do it, he dared to admit it, and since he dared to admit it, he was not afraid of other people's gossip.

Of course, on the road to becoming an official, who can go all the way to the Golden Luan Hall and go to court every day, who is not a person with all faces and exquisite faces?After being taken aback for a moment, he immediately poured out a lot of praise: what is eclectic, what is not afraid of the world, what is daring to love and hate, what is a real man in Xiliang...

Hearing these words, Ji Shuxuan just smiled slightly and accepted it calmly.

When Li Tianyou came to the court, when he saw the straight Ji Shuxuan standing in the audience, he rarely expressed emotion about the courtiers' marriage: "There has always been a saying among the people: get married first and then start a career. Now it seems that it is true. Ji Aiqing does not go to court. It's been a long time, I just got married yesterday, and today I'm going to court!"

Ji Shuxuan smiled, lowered his head and frowned: "The emperor made fun of you!"

After that, it was normal to talk about state affairs.


Day after day, month after month.

The twigs in early spring have begun to bud, and some flowers have begun to bloom one after another.

After Bai Ze ate and drank in the palace for more than two months, due to his large appetite, although the Imperial Dining Room provided delicious food in different ways, his interest was still greatly reduced after all.

As for the singing, dancing and acrobatic drama that Aoxue arranged for him, he got tired of it in less than a month.

This morning, the palace servants who were originally serving in the White Vault Palace waited outside for a long time, but they did not hear any summons from Bai Ze in the dormitory. At noon, there was still no sound in the dormitory.

The palace people just waited quietly, the empress had already ordered that Mr. Bai's living habits may be slightly different from ordinary people, so don't worry too much about it.

In the evening, there was still no sound in the bedroom. The palace people couldn't help it anymore, and after knocking on the door, there was still no answer, and they tiptoed open the door.

From a crack to the whole door being opened wide, everyone was stunned!

All the furniture that had disappeared before came back, exactly the same as when Bai Ze moved in, not to mention the number of items, even the placement of the items, there is no slight difference!

On the bed, of course, there was no such enchanting young master Bai.All the quilts are neat and tidy, and there is no trace of anyone sleeping last night at all.

In this way, everyone can see that the fairy-like young master has already left!

"Quick, let's go report to the queen!" The first palace man said, and had already led several other palace men towards Jiaofang Hall.

Aoxue and Li Tianyou were taking a walk after dinner. After 4 months, Aoxue's belly was slightly protruding, and when she walked, she looked like a full pregnant woman.

Li Tianyou hugged Aoxue's waist, while reminding her to walk carefully, while touching her stomach from time to time.

"The queen really deserves to be pampered. She has a good figure even when she is pregnant, and only has a belly." For this woman of his, Li Tianyou couldn't put it down.

Aoxue smiled, feeling that she was very lucky, and rubbed her belly: "Fortunately, I only grew a belly, otherwise it would be very troublesome to lose weight after giving birth." The brilliance of motherhood.

Li Tianyou laughed again, suddenly thought of something, turned his head, and whispered a word in Aoxue's ear: "Not only your stomach, but your breasts have also grown, and the hand feels better than before!"

In an instant, Aoxue's face turned red, a little shy and a little ruthless: "You, you belong to the wolf!"

In her memory, since waking up from that amnesia, except for the brief wanderings of the rivers and lakes by herself, trekking with him in the tomb of the Xia Dynasty, and the way back and forth in the southeast border, the other time, that person was almost never let go. Eat her hard at any leisure!

Even during the period of being pregnant with the baby, he never let it go.In the past, the baby was less than three months in the womb, and he was still slightly restrained. Now that he is four months pregnant, the imperial doctor hinted that he could do a little exercise in bed, and the man became more and more fierce every day like a wild horse running wild. !

Except for being careful not to press her stomach, she really couldn't see why Li Tianyou thought she was a pregnant woman when it came to the bed!

However, every time she used the child as a shield, Li Tianyou would act like a father: "I'm telling the Pope in advance how to please the person I love!"

"Don't say it so nicely, you obviously want it!" Aoxue would resist.

However, her resistance was not convincing in the slightest in front of the highly skilled Li Tianyou. If Li Tianyou pinched her body casually or raised the glistening liquid under her, she couldn't say anything!

Alas, the body, probably, maybe, maybe, the more you develop it, the more you want it!She is also following the law of heaven. (Ahem, because there are many pregnant women who have to read the tail of the article, I have to remind you that during pregnancy, you must not behave like Aoxue. The biggest possibility of miscarriage during pregnancy is not because the stomach is pressed, but because the uterus Shrinkage. During xx, there will be an orgasm, and the orgasm will shrink, but you understand...)

In the distance, both Li Tianyou and Aoxue saw a group of palace people walking over in a hurry, they were not particularly unfamiliar, they were the leaders who were serving in the White Vault Palace.

It's about Bai Ze, Li Tianyou's face has been slightly retracted, and there is a trace of displeasure hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Although the matter of Ji Shuxuan and Qi Haoli had been dealt with long ago, Bai Ze only ate and played every day, and did not cause much trouble for him and Aoxue, but every time he thought of Aoxue cooking for him for several days, his heart would Jealous to death!

Especially Bai Ze's very affectionate "Xiao Xueer, Xiao Xueer", reminding him all the time that he and Aoxue don't have any intimate nicknames yet!

That day, Li Yinjun called Aoxue "Little Xueer", Mo Lishang called Aoxue "Xueer", and this old demon Bai Ze combined the two names, calling Aoxue "Little Xueer" "!"

He was the only one who always referred to Aoxue as "Aoxue", which was nothing new and intimate!

Really hateful, really hateful!

"When did you get so flustered?" Li Tianyou had already spoken before the palace people approached.

The palace people hurriedly knelt down: "Report to the emperor, empress, Mr. Bai seems to have left!"


A smile flashed across Li Tianyou's eyes, that annoying male monster finally left!Aoxue was slightly surprised, that monster, who knows if he really left?

"How to say?" Aoxue asked.

"Reporting to my lord, this morning..." The palace people gave a detailed report on the house that had disappeared from the palace for a long time and came back after opening the door in the evening.

Aoxue thought for a while, and said, "Where are Xiao Zi and Xiao Xiao Zi?"

"Go back to Madam, His Highness Xiao Zi and His Highness Xiao Xiao Zi have not been to the White Vault Palace today." The palace man said.

"Come here, go and see what the two little highnesses are doing?" Aoxue ordered.

The palace servants went back and forth quickly, and the news they brought was almost the same as what Aoxue thought. The two chinchillas that turned into humans had long since disappeared, and there was no single word left behind. The monster daddy has taken away!

"It doesn't matter." Aoxue smiled slightly, "If you're not here, you won't be here. The two little highnesses will come back in a few days."

"Yes." The palace man kowtowed again and stepped back.


Spring flowers bloom and wither, there is never a shortage of seasonal flowers in the palace, and summer flowers have already begun to cover the branches.

Aoxue's belly is getting more and more protruding, however, her figure has not changed much, if viewed from behind, she is still as beautiful as when she was a girl.

Li Tianyou knows the essence of food and eats meat every night without interruption.

Two months after Xiaozi and Xiaozi left the palace, they came back again. About three months later, that Bai Ze, who ate and drank, came to live again. In his words: First, he missed his son. After eating too much folk kimchi, I want to eat some palace food.

Li Tianyou was immersed in the joy of becoming a father for the first time, and it was difficult for him to take care of Bai Ze, an uninvited guest, and he only ordered him to live a luxurious life every day.Bai Ze was raised with good food and drink, and rarely disturbed Li Tianyou and Aoxue, and the two got along harmoniously and lived in peace.

After a while, Bai Ze took Xiao Zi and Xiao Zi away again without saying goodbye. Li Tianyou and Aoxue turned a blind eye to Bai Ze treating the imperial palace as if he wanted to come and go. one eye.

Come on, a ten-thousand-year-old demon is no more than an animal in the end. As a noble human being, you can't be too fussy with an animal!Just...just keep a few expensive and free-spirited pets!

Besides, Ji Shuxuan not far from the imperial palace, during the day, Ji Shuxuan assisted Li Tianyou in dealing with state affairs, Qi Haoli was originally arrogant, but now he didn't want to be thought of as a married man, and wanted to revive Fengyun Castle.At night, the two of them played and sang every night, either the east wind overwhelmed the west wind or the west wind overwhelmed the east wind.

After a long time, Aoxue's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and Li Tianyou was getting more and more excited. With this size and tight feeling, they should be twins.

The only thing I hate is that the imperial doctors of the Taiyuan Hospital always pour cold water on Li Tianyou, saying that Aoxue is not pregnant with twins, but only one!


As the due date of delivery is approaching, the imperial doctor is constantly reminding the emperor and queen that she will give birth in a few days, she must not be xx, must not be oo, but, as a person who has become a habit of xx, how can she be obedient? !

That day, the night was dark and windy.

Li Tianyou and Aoxue finished their xxoo, and they both fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Aoxue was suddenly woken up by a burst of abdominal pain, she let out a slight groan, and Li Tianyou woke up next to her immediately: "Aoxue, what's wrong with you?"

"My stomach hurts a little bit!" Aoxue said, with some puzzlement in her eyes.

"Why does it seem like?" Li Tianyou looked at Aoxue's frown slightly, with slightly puzzled eyes, "Pain is pain, and no pain is no pain. How can it be like?"

"Now it doesn't hurt anymore." Aoxue said.

After all, Li Tianyou was worried, so he called the palace servants to hold the lamps, and also called the medical lady who was on duty in the Jiaofang Hall to wait in the ear room.

After a while, Aoxue frowned again.

"It hurts again?" Li Tianyou asked.

Aoxue nodded: "It seems to be."

For the judgment that Aoxue seems to be in pain, Li Tianyou is really anxious.

However, this time, Aoxue quickly added her doubts: "I heard that giving birth is very painful, but the pain at this moment is not as painful as when I had menstruation before!"

Hearing Aoxue's words, Li Tianyou immediately summoned loudly: "Come on, quickly call the doctor girl and the midwife!"

With Aoxue's anti-pain ability, she can endure a sword wound, but every time she has menstruation, she will faint from pain. How can she compare with menstruation at this moment!

First, the doctor woman took the pulse, and then she got a positive answer: "My lady is about to give birth!"

Then the midwife checked the bottom and got a very positive answer: "It's already red, and the cervix has been opened. According to the frequency of your mother's labor pains, it is estimated that the baby will be born at dawn."

Immediately afterwards, the nurse and the midwife turned their heads sideways and begged the emperor to go out. After all, it was a woman who gave birth, and according to custom, men were not allowed to stay in the room.

Li Tianyou refused desperately, and the medical lady and court lady tried to persuade him to get out, but Aoxue finally called him out impatiently, so he walked out reluctantly.

Unlike other husbands who waited outside for their wives to give birth, during the whole process, Li Tianyou could hardly hear any howls that women would definitely utter during childbirth according to legend.

In fact, even though Li Tianyou's hearing is sharp, most of what he hears is the nurse or the midwife teaching Aoxue how to exhale and inhale, how to exert force, and Aoxue agrees very cooperatively.

Listening to those understated words, it makes people think that giving birth is not painful.

Of course, Li Tianyou knew it was painful, otherwise, after so many years, he wouldn't have said that having a baby is like going through hell!

In the room, the female doctor and the midwife were secretly surprised at how patient they were with Aoxue, and they couldn't help admiring them.

The empress who was lying on the bed was obviously sweating profusely, but she didn't gnaw a word. She followed their prompts all the time, either saving her energy and waiting quietly, or using all her strength on her lower body...

Li Tianyou stood outside the room, watching the palace servants continuously bring in pots of hot water and bring out pots of bloody water, his heart was tightly clenched.

Every time a palace official came out of the room, he would stride up, grab the palace lady by the collar and ask how Aoxue was doing!

In the end, he couldn't even watch the little jokes of personal service, and kept persuading Li Tianyou: "Your Majesty, just wait by your side and stay calm!" What he really wanted to say was that the palace people were all there If you are busy, don't make trouble!

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyou glared at him as if: "What do you know, how dangerous it is for a woman to give birth to a child, I didn't even hear Aoxue cry, and I don't know if she fainted from the pain!"

After a while, someone in the palace passed Li Tianyou's words to Aoxue, and then asked the empress: "In order to make the emperor feel at ease, please, just call a few times!" His destructive power outside is too great!

While Aoxue was sweating profusely to give birth, she was embarrassed: "I can't cry out!" After all, my old lady was also a person who went to the battlefield to kill wild beasts, how could she scream just because she had a baby, and it was not laughed at by others!

In the tug-of-war between Li Tianyou's anxiety and Aoxue's life and death, before dawn, a "wow", the child's cry rushed out.

At the same time, a round of red sun rushed out from the stratus clouds in the east!

Li Tianyou was overjoyed, and some palace servants came out to announce the good news: "Congratulations to the emperor, mother and child are safe!"

Li Tianyou was too excited to speak, and walked into the room.

This time, no one stopped Li Tianyou. After entering the dormitory, the midwife carried a purple baby in front of Li Tianyou.Originally thought that Li Tianyou would hug her, but unexpectedly, he only glanced at the wrinkled baby in swaddling clothes, walked quickly to Aoxue beside the bed, wiped the sweat from her forehead with distress, and asked softly: "How are you? "

"It's okay!" Aoxue smiled, and then turned to Xihu who was holding the child beside her, "Hurry up and bring the child here to show the emperor."

He hurriedly carried the child over again, and handed it to Li Tianyou.

"Isn't it cute?" Aoxue's face was full of the radiance of a loving mother.

"En... yes... very cute." Li Tianyou said against his will.This wrinkled face, with such a big bruise on the head, looks like a pointed head, didn't he find it so cute? !If it wasn't for the fact that he and Aoxue gave birth to this child, he would have liked to comment: "Ugly!"

Seeing Li Tianyou's embarrassment, Aoxue smiled: "It's a blood tumor, it will be gone in a few days!" Just now, before Li Tianyou came in, when Aoxue saw the child for the first time, her reaction was stronger than Li Tianyou's. Ask directly if you have a deformity?

Hearing what Aoxue said, Li Tianyou felt relieved, and then asked his third concern: "Is this the emperor?"

Aoxue smiled: "I'm afraid you will be disappointed, it's a girl!"

Seeing Aoxue smiling so happily, Li Tianyou didn't believe it at all, carefully opened the swaddle, and hurriedly looked at the child's legs.

It's a pity...not the little girl he was looking forward to.

"Oh..." He couldn't help but sighed.

"Why are you so patriarchal?" Aoxue frowned.

"It's not that I favor boys over girls, but that the country of Xiliang always needs someone to inherit it!" Li Tianyou said.

In fact, he still has one sentence in his heart: this baby is not a boy, they are bound to have a second baby, although they can have sex during pregnancy, but after all, they are not as happy as usual!


One year later, that is, after only half a year of a happy life of indulging in eating meat at any time, Li Tianyou had to sacrifice himself to make Aoxue pregnant again in order to have someone to take over Xiliang Jiangshan in the future.

Pregnant in October, the final result... (Oh, you know.)

(The sequel of the extra episode is over)

...The tail is arrogant and the dividing line...

Tail: There will be a long, long chapter dedicated to Aoxue Tianyou’s super braised pork, and the tail will not be uploaded as a benefit for VIP users.

#已直接##已相监#will not pass through 呵#已相控#!

Cough, pay attention to Tail's new book: "Bone Corrosion: The Secret Love of the Demon Queen"!Absolutely beautiful, absolutely wonderful!The tail indicates that the pit will be filled on April 4st.

In addition, the ending pit of the tail includes the ancient romance "Bao Jun Satisfaction: My Stingy Queen", "Shen Huan: Messing with the Mysterious Right Affair" created with "37 Degree Iris", and the modern novel "Clear Water Without Fragrance". "Meng Bao is the head of the house, I help Mommy catch the president", everyone is welcome to read~

In addition, now is the time to recommend a good article:

"I want, I want, I want more!" "Teacher for one day, father for life", author: Little Lazy Turtle

"Master, I want to eat you!" "The Evil Woman and Concubine Marries the Evil King by Force", author, Jun Feiyue.

"The lord, lie down, and the female man must be on top!"

"Sisters of the god horse, the concubine of the god horse, and the fiancé of the god horse, all get lost!"

"Desolate mountains and wild mountains are suitable for xx." "Fragrant Bones, Concubine Ben Snake" (End), author: Wu Lianluo

"Don't move, there is a ghost behind your back!"

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