life struggle

0643 working group

Wu Xiaojun smiled faintly, "Thank you, Sister Wang, for reminding me, I know it well."

"I know what you mean, just know what you mean."

"Sister Wang, Director Guo said that Cao Tingjing is also with us, what do you think?"

"She just came here not long ago, so I don't know her very well. I think Piao Piao is a good girl. Although she is also a nurse, she has a flexible mind, a steady personality, strong discernment, and can write. She must be more suitable than Cao Tingjing. If she joins the regular It will help us a lot.”

It's not that Wu Xiaojun didn't think about Lu Piaopiao. She is indeed a more suitable candidate. Her ability, quality and experience are much higher than Cao Tingjing. If she is involved, it will definitely be the best trio.

But Wu Xiaojun didn't raise it directly to Guo Lianwen, mainly because he had other considerations. He and Lu Piaopiao had known each other a few years ago, and there was a big misunderstanding when Luo Xiao fell ill in the emergency department in Xiangzhou.After entering the hospital, Lu Piaopiao helped Wu Xiaojun a lot, and spoke good words for him in front of others.

Because of this, a group of young nurses and doctors in the hospital thought that the two were in a relationship, and Lu Piaopiao also implicitly expressed his admiration, which made Wu Xiaojun feel very uneasy. Many times, he deliberately avoided her, because he didn't want to marry her. Wishing to fall into the vortex of love between men and women again, he can't afford to be hurt anymore.

Wu Xiaojun has some scruples about this. He is not officially married yet, and the two are together every day. Even if he doesn't think about it, there is no guarantee that Lu Piaopiao will not develop feelings, and it is difficult to guarantee that others will no longer criticize behind his back. The dead will end up being injured, and they will be seriously injured.

In the end, Wu Xiaojun dismissed the idea and accepted Cao Tingjing's participation aggrievedly.

Wu Xiaojun smiled wryly, "Sister Wang, although Lu Piaopiao is suitable, you must know that she is now the backbone of nursing in the department, and Zhang Yuxiang will not let her go even if she looks like a baby, besides, she can't get away either!"

"Xiaojun, to be honest, I don't have a good impression of Cao Tingjing at all. I always feel that she is impetuous all day long. I worry that she won't be able to help and will cause chaos. I think Lu Piaopiao is still needed."

"Sister Wang, Cao Tingjing has not been here for a long time, she is not familiar with the situation, and she is still in the stage of following the rules and being reserved. Even if she has ideas, she has not yet reached the point of following the trend, stealing, cheating, and revealing her nature. It's not what we arranged for her. What are you doing?"

"Xiaojun, I don't understand. Lu Piaopiao is so capable and treats you so well, why do you reject her? Could it be that you are fascinated by Cao Tingjing's appearance and coquettishness?"

As a woman who came here, Wang Yuhong still has insight into Wu Xiaojun's thoughts, but he can't explain it.Based on the character and self-control of Wu Xiaojun and Lu Piaopiao, there shouldn't be any problems, and the work will go smoothly. Based on this consideration, Wang Yuhong still chooses Lu Piaopiao.

"Oh, my good sister Wang, you have wronged me by saying that. I am also thinking about the work of the department and you. I don't have any personal relationship!"

"Since there are no selfish thoughts, just listen to my sister and change people. I will tell Director Guo."

Although Wu Xiaojun was absolutely reluctant, Wang Yuhong is the attending physician, he has also been professionally trained, and he is the leader of the three-person team. She insists on wanting Lu Piaopiao. If she doesn't think in the wrong direction, she won't be able to speak clearly when the time comes.But thinking of working directly with Lu Piaopiao face to face, Wu Xiaojun still felt complicated and contradictory, and said helplessly, "If this is the case, then fine!"

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Guo Lianwen informed Wu Xiaojun to attend a meeting in the office of Liu Xiaoguang, chief of the medical department.

Wu Xiaojun and Guo Lianwen arrived a little earlier, and the three chatted for a while before Wang Yuhong and Lu Piaopiao came up.

When Wu Xiaojun saw Lu Piaopiao, he immediately understood in his heart that Wang Yuhong had communicated with Guo Lianwen beforehand, otherwise, he would not have changed people temporarily.

Guo Lianwen saw that everyone had arrived, so he said, "Section Chief Liu, everyone is here, so go ahead."

Liu Xiaoguang coughed lightly, and said slowly, "The three of you are called here. The main thing is to arrange the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal diseases. Yuhong is an old man. Our hospital has never done this kind of thing. It is not only the need to meet the standards, but also the need to break the shackles of traditional concepts and become standardized in the treatment of hemorrhoids and fistulas. The leaders of the hospital pay special attention to this, comprehensively consider from experience, business, ability and quality, etc., after repeated weighing, finally The three of you are determined to take on this task. This is the organization's trust in you and a test of your strength. I hope you will work hard, don't let down the organization's trust, and strive to produce a complete copy in a relatively short period of time. High-quality specifications. That’s all I’ve said, Lao Guo, let’s talk about it later!”

"Okay, let me say a few words. This work is not like an operation. It will end soon. You have to bury your head in looking up a lot of information, and you have to copy it over and over again. You don't have enough time to guarantee good work. The environment is not good. Therefore, the hospital understands your difficulties and hardships very much, and decided to give you special care financially. Yuhong don’t worry about not having a commission, and the monthly average bonus is 70.00%. Wu Xiaojun is a newcomer. There is neither an average bonus nor a commission, so I will take care of it and provide an additional subsidy based on the basic salary standard. Xiao Lu will be subsidized at 50.00% of the average bonus. Do you have any doubts?"

Wu Xiaojun knew in his heart that this was the result of negotiations between him and Guo Lianwen, so he nodded in agreement.

"No comment!"

"No comment!"

Wang Yuhong and Lu Piaopiao said at the same time.

Seeing that the three of them had no doubts, Guo Lianwen said seriously, "Okay, since there is no objection, I will continue. In order to create a quiet working environment for you, eliminate all disturbances and focus on speeding up the schedule and ensuring quality, the hospital decided to The apartment on the second floor of Cross Street has been vacated temporarily for your office use, and the logistics department has arranged for the tables and chairs to be delivered and cleaned up in the afternoon. From tomorrow, you put down what Corey is doing and go directly to work there."

Wang Yuhong asked, "I went to work there, what about the patients who have not been discharged?"

"Leave it to the doctor on duty." Guo Lianwen said.

"Does it mean that there is no need to revise the medical records that have not been revised before?"

"It must be changed, there is no room for negotiation!" Liu Xiaoguang said with a serious face.

"My God, I still can't escape this disaster!"

"One size belongs to one size, and when it is time to take care of all aspects, you still have to take care of it." Liu Xiaoguang said.

Wu Xiaojun asked, "When will this work end?"

"I'll give you one month at most, which is more than enough, and I can't delay it any longer."

"One month, the time is too tight. During the period, there are many links such as material screening, material sorting, printing, and proofreading. It will take at least one and a half months."

"It depends on the quality of your whole process. If the quality is good, it will be okay to extend the time a little bit. If the quality is not high, it will not be enough to rework. Therefore, it is still limited to one month."

"That's it!"

"That's right, your three-person team is now formally established. Here, Yuhong is appointed as the team leader to be fully responsible for the compilation. If you have any difficulties, you should report to the hospital in time. You must report the work progress to Section Chief Liu every week. If you need to ask for leave , directly to Section Chief Liu. Do you have anything else to say?"


"Well, today's meeting ends here. Go down and prepare separately!"

After coming out of the medical department, Lin Xia, director of the office of the hospital, called Wu Xiaojun to the office, "Just now I received a call from the office of the bureau. Revise it, take advantage of these two days to get familiar with it as soon as possible, and strive to achieve better results."

"The time dragged on for a long time. After more than a month, it finally came to an end. It's over, I'm calm, I'm relieved."

"There are a lot of things during this period, but none of them are difficult for you, and they can be done easily."

"Director Lin, don't put a high hat on me, no, it's overhauling medical records, dealing with new patients, and the hospital is putting the burden of adjusting the standard of diagnosis and treatment on Yuhong, Lu Piaopiao and me. It’s really powerless!”

"There is pressure to be motivated. The more you do, the faster you will grow and improve. Others can be let go first, and the exchange meeting is the most urgent matter at present, so we must grasp it well."

Wu Xiaojun said in his heart, everyone would say that everyone's work is important, but my time is not important, and my energy is worthless.

Complaints are worth complaining, and what should be done must be done.

Lu Piaopiao was surprised and flattered to join the three-member working group.

Lu Piaopiao tossed and turned thinking about Wu Xiaojun, but couldn't fall asleep, and occasionally snickered to herself.I silently hoped that the time would pass faster, the dawn would be faster, and the work of the three-person team would start faster.

Could it be that Wu Xiaojun asked the leader by name to ask him to participate? Then what does he mean? Why is it not me!Could it be that he was interested in him, could it be that the lie he told him was discovered by him, that he didn't have a boyfriend yet, and he always looked at him in a strange way, as if he was avoiding himself everywhere, he If you like yourself, why don't you just say it directly, I have also revealed to him inadvertently, and the sisters in the same dormitory also joke about my relationship with him from time to time, and I have no objection.

I have to say that Lu Piaopiao admires Wu Xiaojun from the bottom of her heart. According to the words of the adolescent girl, she has the color of admiration. It is a particularly exciting and exciting task to be able to complete a job with him that has never been done in the history of the hospital. It's an honor, how many times I have dreamed of being able to fight side by side with him and spend a tense and happy time.

She suddenly felt that she was thinking a little too much. Did she fall in love with him? Hey, she had a crush on him a few months ago, and she had an inexplicable feeling for him. Wasn't that kind of feeling suppressed?Why did it happen again suddenly?

Piao Piao, you can't think wildly, he has a girlfriend, how can you have such thoughts?Why, I'm already over 23 years old, as long as I'm not married, I can't think about it!There is no law that stipulates that you can't think about it!

Did he and his girlfriend have a bad relationship? Why has his girlfriend never been here for such a long time, and she hasn't even shown her face? Could it be that his work is not going well and his love is not satisfactory? If so, Should I do something for him?

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