life struggle

098 Passion Again

Bai Lingyan watched Wu Xiaojun come out of the room and locked the door, stepped forward and took his arm and said with a smile, "You are as high as the sky, the emperor is far away, no one cares, no one will interfere! Here you are pure and free, free and unrestrained Do whatever you want."

Wu Xiaojun said with a smile, "Of course, otherwise I would choose to work here."

Bai Lingyan pinched Wu Xiaojun's arm forcefully, pouted and said, "Of course you're tall, don't think about sneaking around behind my back and doing some nasty things in the dog camp, otherwise I'll make you a eunuch and kill off your children and grandchildren."

Wu Xiaojun joked, "You can't use violence against me, otherwise you will never be a pure woman again, and you will never be happy for the rest of your life."

Bai Lingyan giggled, "Fuck you, you're talking nonsense again, I don't care about you bastard, I'll still be a woman without you!"

Wu Xiaojun looked at Bai Lingyan and said wickedly, "I'm not that stingy, I don't want to be mad at you to death, the purpose of my life is to serve Bai Lingyan exclusively, and make her look like a fairy all day long."

Bai Lingyan turned her head to the side, "You don't speak positively at all, so I won't argue with you, where are we going?"

Wu Xiaojun thought for a while and said, "How about going to the ancient capital commercial building first, and then to the May Fourth Square?"

"That's it!"

After Bai Lingyan and Wu Xiaojun left, Lu Piaopiao finally felt relieved and relaxed. It's so frustrating. If Bai Lingyan gets to the bottom of it, the matter between herself and Wu Xiaojun will be completely exposed. Thinking of these things, I still have lingering fears in my heart. Get out of this scary place immediately.

However, curiosity forced her to quietly open the curtains to see what Bai Lingyan looked like and why she was favored by Wu Xiaojun.

The moment Bai Lingyan turned around, Lu Piaopiao saw her real face clearly for the first time. The smooth and fair round face set off the light red lips, and the two thick eyebrows were softly rippling. Bright eyes are very delicate, wearing a knee-less short-sleeved silver-gray dress, with a ribbon tied around the waist, slender and fair legs, brown leather sandals showing small and exquisite toes.It is really as quiet as a delicate flower shining in the water, moving like a weak willow blowing the wind, dignified in appearance, beautiful in nature, gentle and elegant, true and pure.In front of her, he felt ashamed and was willing to bow down.

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan went downstairs and went directly to the ancient capital commercial building. They walked around from the first floor to the fourth floor. Everything they saw was more expensive, but they didn't want to spend any money.

The two then came to May Fourth Square.

This is the name in the traditional sense. It is located on the site of King Shun’s Mansion in the late Ming Dynasty. During the May Fourth Period, revolutionary youths and masses often gathered here. Later, it was renamed May Fourth Square. A Pingxi Theater was built on it, surrounded by shops. The largest commercial center in the city, it is very lively with people coming and going.

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan had lunch at a Mipi shop, walked around the street twice, and bought some cheap clothes and some daily necessities. It was already 03:30 in the afternoon.After a few hours, both of them felt tired, especially Wu Xiaojun felt sore back and legs, and he didn't want to turn anymore, so he said lazily, "Swallow, I can't walk anymore, I've already turned twice , I have already bought everything that can be bought, let's go back early!"

"I'm also a bit tired, so I won't turn around if I don't. How about this, let's take the bus tomorrow night. This place is closer to the train station. Put the things you brought back to your hometown with you first. You don't have to go back to the Sacred Forest tomorrow night. Please take a leave of absence and rush over to the station from here."

"That's fine, I'll save myself an extra trip back and forth, oops, I'll—"

Wu Xiaojun suddenly remembered that he was only paying attention to accompany Bai Lingyan, and went shopping happily, but he completely forgot that Lu Piaopiao was still locked in his room. If it wasn't for Bai Lingyan's reminder, he would have waited for the bus Car, there is no reason to want to come back.

It was a blessing among misfortunes, he couldn't help but slipped for a moment, and almost slipped the tongue, revealing that there were people in the room.

Bai Lingyan asked in confusion, "What's wrong, what did you forget!"

Wu Xiaojun hurriedly adjusted the second half of the sentence he didn't say, and said with feigned surprise, "Oh, look at my memory, I was in a hurry when I came out, and I forgot to turn off the lights in my room, and the window I haven't opened it either. If the smell of alcohol in the room can't be released, Wang Yuhong and Lu Piaopiao will be so smoked that they won't be able to enter the room when they go to work tomorrow. You wait at the bus station for a while, I just took advantage of the Put things in, turn off the lights by the way, and open the windows."

Bai Lingyan said weakly, "I don't want to leave even one step, you go, don't delay, go and come back quickly!"

"Don't worry, it's not too far from here, and I'll be back soon."

Wu Xiaojun couldn't wait to run back immediately, and hurried back with his things in his hands, thinking as he walked, "It's all my fault for being too careless, and Bai Lingyan sees herself so hard that she can't get away for a moment. Fortunately, Bai Lingyan Lingyan said it in time, if she doesn't go back and open the door, Lu Piaopiao won't be able to come out until tomorrow. She will be starved in the room for a whole day without talking, and she can't even drink her saliva. Anxiety can drive her crazy, I must hate her to death Own."

Bai Lingyan and Luo Xiao are on par, both belong to the family of beautiful beauties.Wu Xiaojun is really popular with women, there are so many beautiful girls who fall in love with him, almost like Kao.The love between him and Bai Lingyan has withstood ups and downs, ups and downs, and many obstacles. This experience of never leaving and staying together is precious and admirable. In the future, the family and business will be perfect. Hand in hand to grow old.I hope that I and Song Qing can have a perfect ending like the two of them.

At first, Lu Piaopiao felt strong jealousy towards Bai Lingyan, and was extremely envious of the love between the two, so time did not seem to pass slowly.

Half an hour later, Wu Xiaojun still didn't come back, he suddenly became suspicious, and complained secretly, he wouldn't just take advantage of him and forget about himself in an instant, it would be too bad Responsible, heartless.

Bai Lingyan tried to hit the door but couldn't, she pulled the door lock tightly, she was weak and couldn't pull it open no matter what.She was dumbfounded for a moment, and ran around in the room in a hurry. If she waited until tomorrow, she would not drive herself crazy.

At this time, Lu Piaopiao was very regretful, almost regretful, and scolded himself to himself, Piao Piao, you deserve this crime, you can't blame others, you asked for it, if it wasn't for a while Pursuing some excitement on a whim, if it wasn't for wanting to leave an empty-headed good memory and his endless lingering all night, if it wasn't for being exhausted by his torment, and to sleep steadily until dawn, how could there be so many Annoyance.This is the painful price to pay for momentary pleasure.

Right now, Lu Piaopiao has nothing to worry about, and there is no point in being anxious, he can only accept the ruthless reality in front of him and wait quietly.

Gradually, Lu Piaopiao's irritable heart calmed down, instead of staring and waiting boredly alone, it would be better to continue to sleep without doing anything, so as to make up for the tiredness lost at night.He lay down on the bed with his clothes on, and quickly fell asleep.

As soon as Wu Xiaojun stepped into the door, he put the things in his hand on the table, and hurriedly unlocked the door of Lu Piaopiao's room. Looking at Lu Piaopiao who was sleeping soundly, he lowered his head and pushed her hard, pulling her out of sleep. Woke up in a start, and said out of breath, "Piao Piao, I came back late, and I kept you waiting for so long! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Seeing that it was Wu Xiaojun who came back, Lu Piaopiao felt happy and angry at the same time. He was happy that he was no longer locked up in this hut and suffered so much, but he was angry that he was locked up for such a long time. He wanted to lose his temper at him. , and quickly dispelled this idea, just said eccentrically, "Hey, don't say anything, compared with your girlfriend Bai Lingyan, I am worthless in your eyes! You two are happy Together, how can you take an outsider like me in your heart!"

Wu Xiaojun stepped forward and held Lu Piao Piao's face in both hands, and explained guiltily, "Piao Piao, no, no, it's not what you think, I really haven't forgotten you, I've been thinking about you all the time, it's Bai Lingyan who went shopping I'm more interested, I can't get away from her, it's not that she's too tired to walk, I'll rush back here while dying!"

Lu Piaopiao gently pushed Wu Xiaojun's hand away, and said flatly, "Okay, it's all over, it's useless to talk about it, you can go quickly, don't let her wait for so long, or you will be punished when you go back !"

"Punishment, what kind of punishment, she dare not lose her temper with me! However, Piao Piao, you are so kind and understanding. It is my biggest regret not to marry you as my wife in this life. Thank you for understanding me! Now I will repay you well."

"Okay, stop bragging. When she first came, your face turned pale with fright. Tell me, how do you repay me?"

As soon as the words were spoken, Lu Piaopiao's anger disappeared, and he looked at Wu Xiaojun with a smile and asked.

In fact, as soon as Lu Piaopiao saw Wu Xiaojun, he remembered the lingering incident between the two of them last night. It was refreshing to have no sex for several years. , I don't know if he is willing, but I am very excited.

Wu Xiaojun looked at Lu Piaopiao's longing eyes and understood what she meant. He wanted to satisfy her but not stay for too long. It can be said that time is tight and tasks are heavy, so it is better to talk less and do more practical things.

Without saying a word, Wu Xiaojun leaned on Lu Piaopiao's body, quickly removed the cloth silk on the two of them, and kissed Lu Piaopiao's cherry lips wildly.Soon Lu Piaopiao's body that was ready to move reached its peak, all troubles and anger were left behind, his eyes were tightly closed, and his smooth waist was twisted like a snake to cater to the violent attack and violent attack of Wu Xiaojun's spear in his body. shock.

Wu Xiaojun's body was overdrawn at night, and after three or four hours of shopping, he was defeated in five or six minutes. However, Lu Piaopiao still reached the peak and felt particularly gratified, satisfied and happy Dissatisfied with the excited pretty face, she smiled obediently and said softly, "You are such a rascal and rascal. You are still not satisfied at night, so you can come back to make up lessons. Well, you can go quickly, lest your wife get suspicious and kill you if you kill me again." When we come back, we are completely finished!"

"Okay, okay, you've been holding back here for almost a day, hurry up and get something to eat, I won't accompany you!"

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