life struggle

Chapter 102 Who is the Girlfriend

Luo Wen said with a smile, "We made a special trip to see Xiaojun's father, and you happened to be leading the way, so we don't have to bother to find a ward.【 】"

Qin Meixiang trembled slightly in her heart, and said a little surprised, "So that's the case! Xiaojun, you can accompany them, I won't go up, I'll wait for you below."

Wu Xiaojun was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he was in a daze, Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out, what he didn't expect was that they were so far away, how did their father and daughter know so quickly that my father was sick and hospitalized, even if they knew, they didn't get married Second, there is no reason, there is no need to make a special trip to see a strange patient who has nothing to do with me, it is unreasonable, maybe I heard it wrong.Besides, I didn't mention this to anyone other than Mei Xiang. Could it be that Mei Xiang told them? When she was puzzled, she heard Qin Meixiang calling herself, and she said casually, "Well, Good, good, good." He reached out to take the fruit and a box of instant noodles from Luo Xiao's hands, and took Luo Xiao's father and daughter upstairs.

Qin Meixiang watched the backs of the three of them quietly from behind, not knowing whether it was love, hatred or jealousy, a nameless sadness arose in her heart, Luo Xiao, Luo Xiao, what are you trying to do? Is it really me? Wrong, am I a redundant person among you?

Wu Xiaojun asked as he walked, "Sister Xiao, how did you and Uncle Luo know that my father was sick and hospitalized?"

Luo Xiao said calmly, "Last night, Mei Xiang talked about your father's hospitalization on the phone, and asked for my opinion on whether she should come to see the old man. I also know the relationship between the two of you. Sooner or later, you will have to face your parents. It’s better to be earlier than later, the opportunity is rare, so I suggested that she should watch it and play the prelude in advance, so as not to make people feel too surprised, she happily accepted my opinion.”

Wu Xiaojun said, "I guessed that she told you. To be honest, it's so far away. You really don't need to come here. This will make me extremely uneasy."

Luo Xiaodao, "I think you will feel sudden and puzzled. My parents will always miss you and Mei Xiang. They are grateful that you have no chance and don't know how to express it. They knew about this, discussed it, and thought that you are in our family. A lot of hard work has been spent on the reunion. You are the benefactor of our family. No matter what, you must meet your parents and express your feelings in person. Today is the sixteenth day of the lunar calendar. On a good day, my dad and I will hurry up The shuttle is coming."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Uncle Luo and Auntie really don't know each other. I don't know what to say at the moment. Is Auntie used to our place?"

Luo Xiao said, "I didn't feel comfortable in the first few days, but I gradually got used to it during this time. She can't live without people at home. I want to send her back when school starts and replace Yingzi back to school."

Several people in the room were chattering about Qin Meixiang. Not long after Wu Xiaojun left, he brought a strange father and daughter over. With outstanding appearance and extraordinary temperament, she was on a par with Qin Meixiang, and she couldn't tell who was good from who was bad. She didn't know who it was and what relationship it was, so her voice stopped abruptly, and she stared at the two dumbfounded.

Wu Xiaojun smiled all over his face, beckoned to give way, and said to Wu Pingshun, "Father, this is Uncle Luo, the sales manager of Zhaohe Winery, and this is Uncle Luo, the eldest daughter of Uncle Luo, a classmate of mine in high school, now in Xiangzhou Sister Luo Xiaoluo from the Polytechnic University came here from town early in the morning to see you."

Wu Pingshun just lay down on the bed, closed his eyes and recalled the scene of Qin Meixiang and Xiaojun talking and laughing freely in the car at that time, listening to other people guessing the subtle relationship between the two, he understood in his heart, and agreed and accepted Qin Meixiang.Just when he was happy for the future of the child, he suddenly heard Xiaojun introduce someone, and immediately opened his eyes, seeing the father and daughter coming in one after the other, before Wu Xiaojun finished the introduction, he leaned over and sat up.

Luo Wen approached and said excitedly, "Brother, don't get up, don't get up, you're weak, lie down quickly. I've wanted to see you for a long time, but I finally saw you today, I'm so unhappy."

At this moment, Xiaojun's mother came over from the outside, and Wu Xiaojun hurriedly said, "Sister Xiao, Uncle Luo, this is my mother."

"Hello aunt, hello sister-in-law."

When Luo Wen saw Xiaojun's parents almost burst into tears, he said repeatedly, "Brother, sister-in-law, your two elders have given birth to a good son who is kind-hearted, talented, smart, and very sensible and enthusiastic. Xiaojun is our son. The benefactor of my family is he who helped me find my lost wife for more than 20 years, and also helped my daughter find her biological mother. During this period, he and Miss Mei Xiang worked hard to match each other, and it took a lot of trouble to reunite our family. Nothing can be expressed Our whole family’s gratitude. Xiaojun is indeed a good boy. Our whole family is not only grateful to him, but also likes him very much. The child’s mother feels like his own son, very kind.”

Everyone became more and more excited when they saw Luo Wen talking, and they became dizzy when they heard it. They didn't know what was going on, Wu Pingshun said puzzledly, "Brother, we have never heard Xiaojun say that if you don't come today, you will never come." I'm still in the dark, I don't know about this. I know Xiaojun's character, he has always been very low-key in his work, he is not good at publicizing, he doesn't talk much, and he will do what he can to help and do to the end without hesitation. Don't take it to heart about what he did, it's all due. I'm really sorry for making you travel all the way."

Luo Wen took Wu Pingshun's hand and said, "Brother, you can't say that. Don't say it's so close, it should be farther away. If you don't say thank you in person, you will always feel uneasy. You teach your children well. Otherwise, there would not be such a good child, thank you so much, thank you so much."

Wu Xue took a closer look at Luo Xiao, she really didn't have much to say about her looks, the two were excited and close, whispering, a little shy and unnatural, nodding and smiling from time to time, they looked like a husband and wife, they were a perfect match when standing together.Looking at Luo Wen and his second brother and second sister-in-law chatting quite speculatively and kindly, he intuitively feels that the relationship between the two young people is unusual, and he can't help but feel depressed and feel ashamed.Xiaojun, a rural kid who has never seen the world, is too far behind my three children. I can't see what is good, what is worthy of being liked by beautiful girls and others.I am also angry at my children for not being able to live up to expectations. With such a good family condition, they are extremely stupid. None of them can graduate from high school, let alone go to college.

Zhu Chunyan was also muttering in her heart, she was even more curious, her brain was running fast, and she felt that Luo Xiao and Xiaojun were closer.Although the words could not be made clear, the behavior of Luo Xiao's father and daughter can be seen at a glance as intentional, and it seems to be a deliberate arrangement by Xiaojun, making a declaration to the family.But I have never heard of any secrets between Xiaojun and her family. Could it be that Xiaojun has changed, and the hiding is too deep, and it is inconvenient to speak out until it develops to a certain extent.Thinking again, no, what kind of relationship is there with Qin Meixiang just now? Is it really that kind of simple and ordinary classmate?

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