life struggle

Chapter 119

Jia Mingsheng simply said, "Get up and go to my office. 【 】"

Turning around, he said to Lu Jianmin, Wu Xiaojun, and Ke Yufeng, "Let the other students leave, and then you all come over too." After speaking, they left with Qiao Yulin without looking back.

Lu Jianmin waved his hand to the students who were watching the excitement, and said loudly, "Everyone is gone, go back to the dormitory quickly. You must take care of your things, and don't let similar situations happen again."

In the class, everyone knows that Kou Xiaodong is an introverted, honest person who rarely socializes with others, gentle and not good at talking.When it comes to eating, he always goes very late and never sits at the same table to eat with his classmates.Once at noon, Zhao Xiaozhou found Kou Xiaodong picking up the leftovers on the table in the cafeteria, and asked him what he was doing. He just smiled and said nothing, packed it in a plastic bag and left.No one believed that such a cowardly person would actually do something sneaky, but the facts were in front of everyone, and no one could deny it.

Kou Xiaodong followed Jia Mingsheng and Qiao Yulin to the office anxiously along the way, standing in the corner with his head drooping and sobbing, his face pale with fright, and his whole body trembling.

Lu Jianmin, Wu Xiaojun, and Ke Yufeng sat next to Qiao Yulin on the sofa opposite Jia Mingsheng, all of them looked solemn, frowning, and bowed their heads without saying a word.

Jia Mingsheng sat on the revolving boss chair, sideways facing the window, kept tapping the table with his fingers, with a serious expression, thoughtful, pondered for a moment, and suddenly slapped the table, "Kou Xiaodong, you You still have the face to cry when you do something wrong, why do you cry, do you know the nature of your behavior, how bad the impact is, and how serious the consequences are? Hurry up and tell me the truth about the situation.”

Seeing Kou Xiaodong crying like a tearful person, Qiao Yulin didn't speak for a long time, feeling an indescribable feeling in her heart, and said in a relatively calm tone, "Kou Xiaodong, seeing that you are usually polite and honest, you are a good student, How can you be rash and foolish? You didn’t think carefully about what kind of bad influence it would have on yourself if you did such a stupid thing. How would your classmates think of you if you had the reputation of being a thief? Get along with others, how to raise your head in front of others, and how to explain to your parents, relatives and friends who have worked so hard to support you, and have given you great hopes and expectations."

Kou Xiaodong raised his head tremblingly, looked at Qiao Yulin with terrified eyes, and asked, "Mr. Qiao, will the school expel me?"

Qiao Yulin said, "If it is light, you will be punished and put in the file. Which unit will want you in the future, which will directly affect your life. If it is serious, you will be expelled. Not only will you be admitted to the university after hard work for more than ten years. , It was turned into nothing because of your mistake. I hope you can truthfully explain what is going on, and maybe there is a chance for the organization to help you, otherwise, no one can save you."

Jia Mingsheng said angrily, "As for the expulsion or not, the key depends on your attitude."

Kou Xiaodong suddenly fell to his knees with a "plop" and begged bitterly, "Director Jia, Teacher Qiao, I know I was wrong, please help me, and I must not let the school expel me. I have nowhere to devote myself." As he spoke, he narrated the ins and outs of the incident with tears streaming down his nose.

Kou Xiaodong comes from a remote, poor and backward mountain village in Pingnan County.When he was seven or eight years old, his parents fell off the cliff and died when their tractor broke down while carrying rocks. It was his grandparents who pulled him up.He was smart and sensible since he was a child. While helping his grandparents with housework, he went to school on time like other friends.Due to limited family conditions, his grandparents were busy with farm work all day long and had no time to take care of his life. When he was 12 years old, he suffered from severe malnutrition. .

Over time, the originally lively and cheerful child has gradually become withdrawn and weird. He is too scared to talk to others all day long. He is worried, worried, taciturn, and has a flat expression. He often walks alone, unwilling to contact others, and treats others indifferently. Timid and cowardly, very alert.But he is smarter, and his academic performance has always been very good. With the hard support of his grandparents, he was successfully admitted to university and became the first college student in the village to jump out of the farm and out of the mountains.

One night last summer, my grandparents were reluctant to throw away the leftover noodles at noon, so they ate them for dinner. Before midnight, they got food poisoning and died of illness because there was no time for medical treatment.

Kou Xiaodong returned home with great grief, buried the old man hastily with the help of the villagers, and took care of the funeral.

The village saw that he was studying alone in a big city thousands of miles away, helpless and very pitiful, so they gave him 1000 yuan in aid and asked him to return to school early.He lived frugally, and was reluctant to spend his extremely limited money on travel expenses. He had no relatives at home, and he has never returned home until now.During this period, he also tried to do odd jobs outside for others many times to earn some living expenses to maintain his studies. Because of his small body, introverted personality and poor communication skills with others, there was nothing suitable for him to do. He was kicked out in a week.

Seeing Zhou Ri and the others in the dormitory living comfortably all day long, carefree, generous, spending money freely, not stingy, very leisurely, when he felt envious, he thought of the past when he was young, He hates his bad luck, lacks the care of his parents, does not have his own warm home, and even more hates those boys who often bully him. It is they who spoil and destroy his young heart, and become a bookworm and a loner.

Seeing that the only 1000 yuan he had and the bursary issued by the school were about to be spent, this made him anxious and extremely confused, not knowing what to do when he got down.Later, I had evil thoughts, why not steal some money from Zhou Ri and others to spend, anyway, it will not hurt their vitality, it is all for relief and poverty alleviation, so that I can maintain my stretched life.

How to steal without anyone noticing? He hesitated for many days and thought of many ways, always looking for an opportunity to make a move.

After lunch today, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up, he saw that everyone was going to class and there was no one else in the room. Among them, he pried open the locks on the three suitcases and the cabinet, searched inside, and put all the money into his pockets, but felt that this was too obvious, so he simply took out his documents.But where to put so much money, he thought a lot, and put some of it in a book and hid it under the bed.Just as he packed everything up and crawled out from under the bed, he accidentally knocked over the kettle with his foot.I wanted to clean it up, but then I thought about it, something was wrong, so I just ignored it and threw the clothes away, so that everyone would think it was a thief entering the house, and no one would suspect him.

Kou Xiaodong burst into tears, regretting not falling, and told the whole story from the beginning to the end, every sentence is true, sincere and touching.The few people who listened were dejected, their faces were dignified, and they were moved by it. They were speechless for a while, not knowing what to do.

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