life struggle

Chapter 121 Brutal Law Enforcement

Ke Yufeng said angrily, "Don't bother me, get out of here quickly, the scum of the [-] dormitory, the garbage of the sixth class, I don't understand why you are so capable, and in the blink of an eye, you have become a fly and a bug that can't leave you. If you broke our locks, stole our money, and broke our hot water bottle, not only will we not be able to do anything to you, but we have to offer it up as a great god.【 】”

Qiao Yulin said comfortingly, "Yufeng, a man should be more generous. Xiaodong has already apologized to you and admitted his mistake. It's okay to complain, and you have to do what you should do at work. Don't get emotional. If you are disobedient, I won't take care of this matter anymore."

Ke Yufeng stared at Qiao Yulin with his eyes wide open and said, "Mr. Qiao, that's right. If our dormitory is stolen or lost again, I won't care if other people settle with him at the same time."

Qiao Yulin said bluntly, "It's okay, if something happens again, I will be the one to blame. Xiaodong, listen carefully, you must behave well in the future, and be the caretaker of the dormitory seriously, and no mistakes are allowed, do you understand?"

Kou Xiaodong murmured, "Understood, don't worry, I won't cause trouble for everyone in the future."

Qiao Yulin waved to everyone, "It's getting late, hurry up and go back to eat."

On the way back to the dormitory, Ke Yufeng and Lu Jianmin asked in puzzlement, "Xiaojun, how did you find out that Kou Xiaodong has a problem?"

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "At the beginning, I thought this was done by someone inside your dormitory. Although the scene was chaotic and gave people a feeling of burglary, the door lock did not show any signs of damage. I have carefully observed it outside. Looking at the expressions and movements of each of you, there is a saying that it is a guilty conscience. Even if the disguise is perfect, there will always be a place to show your feet. Kou Xiaodong has been standing behind you in a state of anxiety, frowning every time a person enters. You From the moment everyone enters the door, I keep my eyes wide open, stare at each other, and watch every move in my eyes. Because I have already begun to doubt Kou Xiaodong, I pay more attention to him, just the moment he bends down and turns around. , I found that his coat pocket was bulging and there was money gleaming. That's how I found it."

Ke Yufeng said, "I really haven't noticed that your kid is usually so scheming, it's not easy."

Wu Xiaojun laughed and said, "I have no choice but to do this. However, for a lonely and weird person like Kou Xiaodong, you really can't care too much about him, just do everything in moderation. Once you push him into a hurry and lose confidence in life, Slashing people crazily with knives, committing suicide by jumping off a building, hanging himself by drinking medicine, and other unexpected things may happen.”

Lu Jianmin said with some anxiety, "Yufeng, now he is very fragile psychologically, has a sense of inferiority, and is very sensitive to every move and every word of others. You really have to weigh this matter carefully, and discuss it with a few other people in private. Explain carefully, everyone is on the verge of anger, please don't provoke him with your words, it's not worthwhile for someone like him to have an accident."

Ke Yufeng felt that the problem was more serious, and it wasn't as simple as he imagined that everything would be fine if he blasted him out to get rid of a heart disease.Thinking of this, I said, "Don't worry you two, I'll make it right."

When Wu Xiaojun returned to the dormitory, Zhao Xiaozhou, Zhao Gang and Yan Gaofeng were discussing about Kou Xiaodong. When Wu Xiaojun came back, he asked eagerly, "Xiaojun, tell me, how did Kou Xiaodong handle this matter? It was like a pot exploded, almost spread, and everyone thought he should be fired immediately."

Wu Xiaojun said seriously, "At present, we have understood the ins and outs of the matter and the detailed process. After careful consideration, we have made a preliminary decision to deal with it and wait for the school's approval and announcement. Let me tell you, it is more complicated, and this matter will stop here. Don’t talk about it, or even don’t talk about it. By the way, I would like to remind you by the way that this Saturday and Sunday will be our dormitory and the [-] dormitory’s turn to serve as volunteers, so we have to make a division of labor in advance.”

After class on Friday afternoon, Qiao Yulin presided over a class meeting to report the basic situation of Kou Xiaodong's theft incident and the school's handling suggestions. Then each person sent a family situation survey form, and Kou Xiaodong made an in-depth inspection on the spot.

In the end, Qiao Yulin said, "Students, although Kou Xiaodong's incident happened by accident, it is only a single case, but it has left us with a lot of thinking and lessons, which are worthy of our serious reflection. We are a group, and we should care about each other. Take care of each other, support and understand each other, raise difficulties and problems in a timely manner, come up with ideas, find solutions, and solve them together, instead of holding them in your heart and carrying them on your own. I hope that in the future, we will consciously be honest with each other , talk heart-to-heart, help each other, create a good future together, and maintain our sincere friendship and good class collective reputation."

The college student volunteer service activity initiated by Wu Xiaojun and others has aroused strong repercussions in the whole school since it was reported by Pingxi Evening News.Other classes also followed suit, using weekends to organize people to take to the streets, causing a certain amount of pressure on the sixth class.In order to keep the class always in the leading position and to carry out this activity frequently, Wu Xiaojun proposed the idea of ​​taking turns to participate in the personnel from near to far in the location, which was unanimously agreed by the class committee. Take turns to arrange to be on duty on the street.

Early the next morning, Wu Xiaojun, Zhao Xiaozhou, Liu Youcai, Wang Xin, and Shao Yingying gathered downstairs in the dormitory, and brought their equipment to the heart of Hedong District, the largest business district in Pingxi—the gate of Wucheng Kyushu Building front square.It is less than 500 meters away from the railway station, long-distance bus station, and bus hub. There are a lot of people traveling from south to north to all parts of the country.

A few people found a place with a relatively obvious location, and got everything ready. Within half an hour, nearly a hundred people surrounded them.Just when everyone was orderly and busy, suddenly an urban management law enforcement vehicle stopped by the roadside not far from them, and quickly got down from it. The 20-year-old boy came straight towards them like a swarm of bees, and kept yelling at the crowd waiting in line, "Hurry up, hurry up, don't stand around here and watch."

Seeing that they were menacing and unkind, people dodged one after another. A big man wearing sunglasses and a black down jacket came up to Wu Xiaojun and the others and asked viciously, "What are you guys doing? Hurry up and put away your things!" Get up, stalls are not allowed here."

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