life struggle

Chapter 126 Great Wisdom and Great Wisdom

Zhao Xiaozhou grabbed the conversation viciously, "What are you going to do? Did you hide in a teahouse and have fun. 【 】"

"Okay, okay, don't say any more, it doesn't matter when or where, we haven't completely lifted the alarm yet, and we are still in the mouth of the wolf, if you have anything to say, go back and talk, and leave quickly."

Wu Xiaojun was worried that his own people would quarrel here, not to mention that they didn't know what was going on, so they let them go in a daze, don't react suddenly, change their minds, and send a few people back together, the most urgent thing is to leave this place as soon as possible The land, everything else is for later, so I hurriedly interrupted Zhao Xiaozhou's words.

Wu Xiaojun said to the master who picked up the rags, "Master, let's go quickly." Then he turned around and said to Zhao Xiaozhou who was in anger, "Let Youcai follow the master's car back to school, and the four of us will go back by bus together. Cai, if you think something is wrong, the four of you go first, and I will follow the master."

Liu Youcai was the most unpromising one today, and his brains were about to explode after being scolded by the two girls Wang Xin and Shao Yingying along the way.Then I thought about it, why I am not even as good as girls, why I became so timid, I dare not go to see the city management, I feel that I am wrong, it is not easy to refute with them, so I just lower my head, don't say a word, and let them whimper.Hearing what Wu Xiaojun said, he was ecstatic and secretly glad that he could finally get rid of the endless criticisms of these two girls, give himself a little free time, and hurriedly said, "You guys walked all the way today, trembling with fear, indeed It’s hard work, I feel ashamed and ashamed, serving the army is giving me a chance to make amends and atone for my sins, of course I can, absolutely have no objections.”

Zhao Xiaozhou said angrily with a gloomy face, "Stop talking nonsense, don't be glib here, and get out of here."

After Liu Youcai and his master left, Commander Wu Xiao let out a sigh of relief, and sighed as he walked, "Hey, Amitabha, I finally survived a catastrophe and escaped a catastrophe. Let's find a place to calm down and have a good meal. Shocked."

Shao Yingying said suddenly, "Xiaojun, wait a minute, I was just talking, and I almost forgot something."

Wu Xiaojun's heart skipped a beat, don't let the ups and downs come up again, he stared at Shao Yingying with frightened eyes and asked, "Quickly, what else is there?"

Wang Xin stepped forward and said, "Editor Wang from the newspaper office is waiting in the office, and he hasn't said hello to everyone yet, and said he's safe."

Wu Xiaojun asked, "You've confused me, what's going on, editor Wang, I've never heard of such a person."

Shao Yingying said, "It's almost twelve o'clock to get off work, call Editor Wang first, and then talk slowly."

The four walked out of the urban management and law enforcement squadron, panicked, looked left and right, ran all the way, and found a canteen nearby with a public phone sign.

Shao Yingying came to the phone, took out a small note, looked at the number on it, and quickly dialed the other party's voice.

The three of Wu Xiaojun approached and listened carefully. Shao Yingying asked excitedly, "Is this the editor Wang of the newspaper?"

The other party's voice was very loud, and the three of them could hear clearly and sincerely, "Yes, yes, where are you?"

Shao Yingying said excitedly, "Editor Wang, hello, hello, I'm not off work yet. I'm Xiao Shao, a student at Pingxi Medical College. The urban management released both students in our class and returned all the stolen things. Come back now, we are on our way back to school, this matter has caused you a lot of trouble today, thank you very much."

"I know the virtues of the urban management group. The masses have great opinions. People often come to the agency to complain. I don't worry if you don't call. As long as people come back, it will be fine. The current society is more complicated, and there are many things. If you can’t explain clearly, you should be more careful in what you do in the future. I won’t say anything to Wu Xiaojun, you can suppress him for me. It’s not easy for you students, and the phone bill is quite expensive, so I won’t tell you more. goodbye."

"Editor Wang, goodbye." Shao Yingying gently put the phone away, and said softly, "The wind blows the clouds away, let's go, let Xiaojun and Xiaozhou be overwhelmed."

The four of them came to the street, saw a hot pot restaurant by the road, and walked in directly.The shop is not big, there are more than a dozen tables, and there are very few people when it is time to eat.The proprietress smiled and greeted them warmly, and let the four of them into the innermost secluded place by the window.

Wu Xiaojun said, "I've been so nervous this morning, I've forgotten everything, and now I can finally relax. You guys order a few dishes first, and I'll go to the bathroom."

When Wu Xiaojun came back, he saw that the bottom of the hot pot and the dishes had been served, and he sat down on the chair, "It's rare to have a chance to sit down and have a reunion dinner together. Today we are friends in need. We only had a few hours in the morning. Within the period, I have experienced the dangers of the rivers and lakes and the various states of the world, which is quite fulfilling and rich. Although I almost paid a heavy price for the pain of flesh and blood, the nobles helped us at the critical moment, and the disaster turned into good fortune, and the disaster brought good fortune. This gave us an important chapter. The life lesson is not small. In order to make our study, work and life more smooth in the future, let’s raise a glass of water together.” The four of them clinked glasses with each other and drank, picked up chopsticks and chatted while eating.

Wang Xin said overjoyedly, "Xiaojun and Xiaozhou, the two of you are not like the talented coward at the critical moment. If you see something wrong, you will run away and run away. Today is really not easy. You are very loyal and heroic. Let me Eye-opener."

Zhao Xiaozhou said indignantly, "Don't mention him, except for making fun of Yang Shuli's cheap, sticky pussy, he is nothing but a fool."

Wu Xiaojun said, "You can't say that you are talented behind your back. In fact, he performed well today. I think he hid because he saw that the urban management was injured and was afraid that other people would come to clean him up. Youdao is that Guanggui does not suffer immediate losses." , I will do the same."

Wang Xin said, "Come on, Xiaojun, don't try to excuse him. During the period after you were taken away by the city management, he almost drove Yingying to death."

Wu Xiaojun asked, "What's going on?"

Wang Xin said, "You don't need to say, Yingying and I can imagine what the city management would do to you. I'm afraid we still don't know why they released you two."

Wu Xiaojun said, "I've been wondering why that eccentric and vicious Captain Zhang suddenly became so obedient when he answered a phone call. , I thought he was going to play some tricks to deal with us, but I never dreamed that it was true, tell me quickly, what is going on."

Wang Xin patted Shao Yingying's shoulder lightly, and said solemnly, "All this is due to the great wisdom and wisdom of this gentle lady."

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