life struggle

Chapter 14 Repression and Release

Xiaojun thought that he would also join the class committee and get more opportunities to exercise, but in the end he lost the election and lost the opportunity to let many people know himself, understand himself, give full play to his expertise, improve his ability to communicate and deal with people, and expand his network of contacts. He is very disappointed. and regret. 【 】Seeing Zhao Xiaozhou's complacent and very excited look, he once again tasted the pain and taste of loss.

He walked alone on the shore of the White Lake. On the small road, couples cuddled and wandered. Under the willow trees, couples whispered.He suddenly thought of the pure and lively Qin Meixiang, who hadn't written to her yet, maybe she was willing to listen and understand, why not tell her all her melancholy, grievances and irritability, thinking of this, his eyes lit up, he felt relieved, and quickly wrote He ran to the classroom, wrote a letter eloquently with a pen, sealed it in a delicate envelope, and put it in the mailbox.

The letter said: "Ever since I left home and stumbled all the way to the place I dreamed of, everything feels strange and empty, without a sense of belonging. It's not going well, it can be said that it is muddy all over the body when I go out to pour dry food, feel depressed when I am cheated when I eat breakfast, the bus is crowded and accidents lead to embarrassing transfers, the thief is caught and hides anxiously, the fellow townsmen will drink poorly and eat rice to disappoint, hang up the wires at the opening ceremony The principal is angry, he hesitates to introduce himself in embarrassment and silence, the class committee loses the opportunity to be elected, and it is difficult to calm down. He hits a wall everywhere and understands to the top. People around him privately laugh at me for being stupid, and I often hate myself for being ignorant and incompetent. When I tell people, no one can listen attentively. I am surrounded by terror and danger. Repression, remorse and depression are like a curse that hangs over me every day. I have no hope or hope, and I am confused about the future. "

After the letter was sent, Xiaojun felt anxious and anxious. He went to the mailroom every day to check for his own letters. After several days of anxiety, anxiety and anticipation, he finally looked forward to a letter from Qin Xiangmei from Xiangzhou University. If you find a treasure, you can't wait to open it. The content is really rich. The six pages of manuscript paper are filled with lines of elegant handwriting. One word, every sentence.

"Wu Xiaojun, you boy, are you still a man? You are so stupid, you are so stupid, you think you are in your own home, you don't even understand the difficulty of everything at the beginning, and you can't bear it when you encounter a little setback, so you get discouraged Well, the future is at a loss, and I don’t know how to find ways to adjust and release myself. I don’t even have the confidence and courage. I think you’d better jump into the Qinghe River and commit suicide as soon as possible.”Qin Meixiang didn't lose her usual pungent and sharp style, she came up to cover her head and face, and made Xiaojun really ashamed.

"Tell you, if there is something happy, you should tell my little sister earlier if you have any troubles. My little sister is willing to be your vent object and relieve your boredom. If you can't do it, it's not enough brotherhood. Be careful to seize the opportunity and ask you to repay it twice." Yo."

As the line of sight moves down line by line, each sentence and the scene expressed by each word is presented in Xiaojun's brain, just like watching a movie, as if he is on the scene, as if the pure and cheerful Qin Xiangmei is standing in front of him happily Tell what you saw and heard at school, what you did and what you abandoned, what you liked and what you worried about.

"Boy, let me tell you some good news. I quickly made friends with a group of sisters here. It can't be said that they are like-minded, but they are also like-minded. In addition to classes, shopping, chatting, and playing poker are overwhelming. They are crazy every day, especially one from Gubei. The tomboy who came here has endless things to do every day, and everyone is very happy to change the way. Although this kind of life is good, it is not a serious business. I am really worried that once the bad habit is formed, it will be hard to change after a long time, and the studies will not be successful. If there is something wrong with her, it will really be miserable." Obviously Qin Xiangmei is full of doubts about the free and undisciplined university life.

People are often fascinated by the authorities, and the bystanders are clear. It is a piece of window paper, and it looks like a thick baffle, indestructible, and there is no way to start. When others break it, it is like breaking through the darkness before dawn. Waking up from a big dream, dark clouds Dispersed, the sun is shining brightly.

Qin Meixiang's words are sincere and earnest, and once she dialed, Xiaojun suddenly opened up and regained her new life, "Xiaojun, maybe you haven't adapted to campus life and the new environment, maybe you are full of loneliness and loneliness, distress and depression, This is not only due to your personality, but also unavoidable for most people, but it is only temporary. Although we all came from a small place, we may fall behind some people temporarily, this is only a temporary phenomenon, and it is not terrible. We have revealed The passion to open all mysteries, the powerful motivation to explore unknown areas, and the tenacity to gain true knowledge. We should be proud of having a university life. The problem we face is not only business learning, but also pay attention to our own words and demeanor, appearance and appearance , social communication, ability and level improvement and many other issues, you should let go of your mind, learn to self-regulate, like sports, ask a few friends to play basketball, greet each other with smiles, and connect hearts; if you like singing, just sing a few words , Welcome the sunrise, send away the sunset; if you like chess, kill him and make him roll around, the sky is dark, don't be discouraged, believe that everything will be fine, the real laugher is the real strong man who laughs at the end."

At the end of the letter, Qin Xiangmei said something like this, let Xiaojun keep it in his heart and always think about it, "If you want to get out of the shadows, then let your face face the sunshine; if you want to say goodbye to cowardice, then let your heart be in the experience." Be strong slowly; if you want to get rid of the ordinary life, then try to let yourself fly proudly. A multi-minded person is destined to live a hard life, because it is too easy to be influenced by other people's emotions; a multi-minded person always loves to think wildly, and the result is Trapped in a tangle of thoughts, unable to move; sometimes it's better to have less mind than more mind."

After reading the letter, Xiaojun was in a good mood, and immediately responded to a letter, praising Qin Xiangmei and talking freely about his experience and feelings.Since then, Xiaojun has one more thing to do, which is to receive letters, write letters, send letters, wait for letters, communicate in the air, make friends with letters, have endless things to talk about, and start to walk out of the shadow of depression , got rid of the confusion at the beginning, and officially started his campus struggle life.

The monotonous days and ordinary life are moving forward quietly, and everyone is quietly changing, looking for a way of life that suits them.Among the six brothers in the dormitory, the one who has changed the fastest is Liu Youcai. He is proficient in playing, playing and singing. "Flower Heart" and other very popular songs at the moment.At some point, Xiaojun discovered a strange phenomenon. Liu Youcai would go out in the evening and often didn't come back after ten o'clock.

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