life struggle

Chapter 142

Yuanzhen County is located in the eastern part of Pingyuan Province at the junction of Pingyuan Province and Da’an Province. It is more than [-] kilometers southwest of Pingdong City, and less than [-] kilometers to the east is Dongbu City of Da’an Province. It is the junction of Pingdong, Dakou and Dongbu City The zone basically belongs to the place where the three don't care. 【 】Special geographical location, closed self-awareness, and long-term official standard thinking are particularly serious.The official situation was gloomy.

Ever since Qin Shengwu was promoted to be the mayor, all kinds of great gods have come one after another, and he has been overwhelmed with all kinds of entertainment. Realized a big change of reborn type.

Chengguan Town of Yuanzhen County is the seat of the county party committee and county government and major organs and departments at the county level, and is the political, economic, cultural and transportation center of the whole county.Whether it is power or personal connections, they are very different from ordinary villages and towns, so they naturally become the targets and goals of Jinyu of various agencies and departments.

On this day, Zhao Yazhou, chief procurator of the Procuratorate, came to Qin Shengwu's office. Seeing the gorgeous decoration of Qin Shengwu's office, he couldn't help nodding his head, "Mr. It's more stylish."

Qin Shengwu said cheerfully, "Zhao Jian, please sit down and smoke a cigarette." He took out a Zhongnanhai cigarette and handed it to Zhao Yazhou.

Zhao Yazhou took it in his hand, looked at it, smelled it with his nose, and said, "Good smoke, good smoke, your brother is better than brother, it's good if brother can smoke Mao Gua." Mao Gua is actually a local A common name for gray magpie, a popular cigarette box with a magpie on it, everyone calls this kind of smoke Mao Gua.

Qin Shengwu laughed loudly and said, "Zhao Jian, you are trying to show off your brother. Now only the second uncle in the country smokes this kind of cigarette. You can still smoke Maogua just because of your position and status, brother. Big joke."

Zhao Yazhou put the cigarette in his mouth, and Qin Shengwu hurried forward to light it with a lighter, took a sip, and tasted the taste, "The taste is really good."

All the directors of the committee who came to the town in person would go to the Three Treasure Hall for nothing, either to arrange for the seven aunts and eight aunts to intercede, or to ask for alms and eat.Qin Shengwu is not surprised by seeing it too much, he is used to this, and he said bluntly, "Zhao Jian, you are usually a busy person, why did you come to our small temple in your busy schedule? You are not here to investigate Get some of our materials."

Zhao Yazhou took a puff of cigarettes and said with a chuckle, "The mayor is really too sensitive. Seeing people from the police and procuratorate is like seeing a plague god. They either arrest people or punish them. We won't be so sensitive in your minds." It’s bad. If I don’t work, I can’t come to your place.”

Qin Shengwu smiled and said, "You can't work. As long as you work, someone below will be unlucky. This is determined by the nature of your follow-up. Can you not be taboo?"

Zhao Yazhou said, "What are you talking about? I can't talk about the whole material. It's just that the procuratorate has had a lot of troubles recently. It's just a few small broken cars. Driving a procuratorial car with obvious signs all day is very eye-catching. It's inconvenient and not free. I want to You can’t do anything. It seems that you are already sitting in Santana. We have no money, we have difficulty in eating, and life is difficult. I am here today to see if the mayor can make a difference and make some contributions to our procuratorate. It is a Santana car, and you can move around more freely, I hope the mayor will think about it.”

Qin Shengwu understood, "This great god is here to ask for money to buy a car for himself. This is Yuan Zhen's famous character who is not afraid of heaven, earth, and ghosts. If anyone messes with him, his relatives will definitely deny him. Picking the bones, making mistakes, collecting a lot of materials from you, at the slightest, you will be dismissed from office and go home to read the newspapers, and at worst, you will be sent to prison. You can’t afford to offend. Since he opened his mouth, there is no discussion If you don’t give it room, it’s definitely not enough. It’s better to do it early, so let’s just agree to it.” So he said with a smile, “Zhao Jian, our town is actually strong from the outside, but there are many people who open their mouths to eat. It is not as easy as outsiders imagine. However, it is more than enough to buy a car for the procuratorate. We have studied this matter some time ago, and there are too many things at the moment, and we have not had time to report to Zhao Jian. For such trivial matters, make a phone call Just say no, why condescend you to take a trip by yourself, I feel a little uneasy. This matter is absolutely fine, and you will be driving a new car to Pingdong in less than ten days."

Zhao Yazhou smiled like a flower blooming on his face, "Brother Qin is a straightforward man, and he does things neatly. Mayor Sun of Zhaohe Town is simply incomparable to your brother. Last year, the courtyard asked him to pay 1 yuan. The funds for business entertainment have not yet been settled, and several brothers are investigating them. Let’s not talk about it, I will take the mayor to the most famous hotel in Pingdong to get drunk and rest, why? Like?" I was worried that Qin Shengwu would superficially agree to go out and forget about it, and suppressed it. He deliberately said that, if you can't implement the implication, you will be investigated just like Mayor Sun.The mayor is straightforward when doing things in a muddy manner.

Qin Shengwu cursed secretly in his heart, asking you, an iron rooster, to buy me a drink, and maybe you will ask me to pay you some money, and he said casually, "As long as Zhao Jian says hello to me, Sheng Wu will be flattered already, I am ashamed to receive it, and I will definitely run over there."

Zhao Yazhou said, "Okay, let's make it so. I still have something to do in the courtyard, so I won't stay any longer and bother you."

Qin Xingwu said, "Zhao Jian, it's hard for you to come here once in a while, and have a light meal here at noon, drink two glasses of wine, and give brothers a chance to fully report on work and communicate, and we two brothers can learn from each other."

Zhao Yazhou waved his hand, "Brother Qin will skip this meal today. At noon, I will accompany Secretary Kou of the county party committee to report to the leaders of the municipal courtyard. The future will be long and there will be many opportunities. This time is not bad." Walked out of the Provincial Fifth Office.

Qin Shengwu sent Zhao Yazhou out of the town government, turned around and returned to the office, immediately called the office director Li Ziqiang and the financial staff Ma Ping to him, and asked them to deal with the matter as soon as possible, and tried to send the car to the procuratorate within five days .

Both of these two are trustworthy and reliable people brought out by Qin Shengwu. They are flexible in mind, meticulous and rigorous in their work, and have never had any mistakes or flaws.Qin Shengwu specifically confessed to Ma Ping that he would spend an additional 2 yuan for other purposes. Be sure to keep it secret and not let the secretary Lao Qiao know, and must pay the bill well. Ma Ping nodded in agreement.

Seeing that he also had a new car, Zhao Yazhou was very excited and happy. At three o'clock in the afternoon on Friday, he called Qin Shengwu, "Brother Qin, things are going well. I just talked about this with President Sun of the County Construction Bank. President Sun is very happy about this matter, he insists on taking us for a drive in a new car, to Pingdong to have fun, how about it, if there are no other activities at night, let him do as he wishes."

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