life struggle

Chapter 149

At this time, someone quietly handed a small note to Ma Chaohua, the secretary of the county party committee standing in the front row. 【】Secretary Ma took it over and took a look, and saw that it said, "The Municipal Public Security Bureau just called. Zhao Yazhou, Sun Qiangli, and Qin Shengwu were involved in the murder of two service girls in Pingdongyan Return Hotel. At present Criminal investigation team leader Pan Xiangyang is just outside Yuanzhen Auditorium, asking the county party committee and county government to fully assist in the investigation."

Secretary Kou of the county party committee was concentrating on reading Qin Shengwu's good performance at work word by word, when he was suddenly interrupted by the imposing unhurried policeman in front of him, with an embarrassed expression on his face, he frowned and asked, "Who are you? So bold."

The policeman whispered, "I am Pan Xiangyang, the captain of the criminal investigation team of the Pingdong Public Security Bureau. I have come to investigate the three deceased persons involved in major crimes. I ask the county party committee and the county government to stop the farewell ceremony immediately, suspend the burial of the deceased, and send the immediate family members of the deceased Take control."

Just as Secretary Kou was about to say something, Secretary Ma took a few steps forward and said in a low voice, "Secretary Kou, strictly follow Captain Pan's request. The farewell ceremony will be suspended. Others stay put and keep the venue quiet. "Then the three of them briefly discussed and reached a consensus, Secretary Ma turned and walked towards the gate of the auditorium.

The police suddenly appeared at the venue and interrupted Secretary Kou's speech, which was unexpected by all the people present, and there was a sudden commotion in the venue.

The family members of the deceased didn't know what happened, they looked at each other, whispered to each other, and speculated one after another.

After interrupting his speech for a while, Secretary Kou said with a serious expression, "Comrades, there is a small accident. Please stay still and keep quiet." He came from the outside, went straight to the front desk, and surrounded the family members of the deceased and the coffin. Before the family members realized what was going on, they were taken out of the venue by the police.

After the person was taken away, Secretary Kou said, "This is the end of the farewell ceremony. Leaders and cadres of all units and departments are requested to return to their original units immediately and stand by. Without approval, they are not allowed to leave their posts." After speaking, he explained to the head of the Organization Department A few words left in a hurry.

Ten minutes later, in the conference room of the county party committee, the secretary of the county party committee presided over a meeting of personnel from political, legal and related units and departments. When will the three people be buried?In the end, Secretary Ma made a simple deployment. First, the County Public Security Bureau should immediately mobilize elite soldiers and generals to carry out work under the command of the Municipal Bureau; Temporarily freeze, and fully cooperate with the investigation of the three by the Municipal Bureau; third, do a thorough and detailed explanation of the family members of the deceased who are currently under control, strive to actively cooperate with the investigation, release the control of family members who have nothing to do with the case in advance, and when necessary, emotionally Those who lose control and refuse to cooperate can take compulsory measures.

After the meeting, on the third floor of Yuanzhen Hotel, the criminal investigation task force of the Municipal Bureau set up an office. When going out to investigate, three people must go out together at the same time, and they are not allowed to act without authorization.Outsiders, even including the main county leaders, are not allowed to enter without the autograph of Captain Pan Xiangyang.

Next, the public security officers acted quickly and conducted a comprehensive search of the offices and residences of the three deceased. They found a large amount of cash, passbooks and other items, listed them one by one, and sealed up all the residences on the spot.The large amount of money involved in the case shocked the policemen who participated in the war.Among them, 30 yuan in cash, two passbooks totaling 50 yuan, and a large amount of Viagra, drugs and contraceptives were found in the safe of Zhao Yazhou's office; 5 yuan, President Sun's office seized 10 yuan in cash and 80 yuan in passbooks.More than 60 million yuan in cash and passbooks were seized from Zhao Yazhou’s three residences, as well as valuables such as gold, silver, and jewelry; Passbook 100 yuan.

After a lot of investigation and evidence collection and interviews with relevant personnel, and comparing the relics of the deceased collected in traffic accidents, it was determined that the murder of the two girls in Yanguilai Hotel was indeed committed by three people, and that the three people were involved in corruption, bribery, obscenity and rape. The criminal facts and evidence of female subordinates who went whoring in several hotels in the county and Pingdong formed a complete chain of evidence.

The proverb says: the devil exists in the details, to the effect that subversive and destructive forces often exist in the inconspicuous details. If there is a problem in the "details", it may affect the whole body, resulting in a fatal "loophole".No matter how careful the three were, they did not expect that it was a small piece of paper that Qin Shengwu inadvertently discarded, which had a major impact on the investigation of the case, and thus achieved a key breakthrough in a relatively short period of time.

After the three of them left Yanguilai Hotel in a hurry, at 08:30 the next morning, the hotel cleaning staff went to clean up the sundries in each room, and knocked on the door ten times in a row, but there was no response from inside. The policeman opened the door and found two young waitresses lying on their backs in the bed, their bodies were stiff and had already died of breath, so they called the police immediately.

After the municipal criminal investigation team received the report, five policemen, led by the criminal investigation captain Pan Xiangyang, rushed to the scene immediately to collect evidence on the spot in the room.Several people did not find any valuable suspicious clues in the house. Pan Xiangyang accidentally found a wastebasket in the bathroom. He knelt down and put on gloves and rummaged through it carefully. I used paper, a strip of paper about five centimeters wide, so I picked it up and saw that it was signed by the mayor Qin, 95.

Then he called the hotel manager on duty to learn more about last night's situation, questioned the four service girls one by one, and retrieved the surveillance video upstairs to determine the appearance of the three perpetrators and the time they left the hotel.In view of the seriousness of the case, Pan Xiangyang immediately reported to the leaders of the Municipal Bureau.

The Municipal Bureau immediately set up a special case team headed by deputy director Li Sanyuan, and Pan Xiangyang, the captain of the criminal investigation team, was directly responsible for the investigation and handling of the case.

After in-depth analysis, it was preliminarily determined that the three perpetrators were related to Chengguan Town, Yuanzhen County.At ten o'clock in the evening that day, Pan Xiangyang quietly came to Yuanzhen County with five police officers handling the case. After booking a room at the Red Star Guest House near Chengguan Town, he went to the night market for a snack.

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