life struggle

Chapter 157 The Dark Tide Surges

Lu Jianmin didn't know how to answer them for a while, scratched his head with his hand, glanced at them, and said lightly, "Let's talk after we come down, go back to eat quickly, just pay more attention in the future.【 】"

The tossing in the morning was particularly effective, and no one was late in the afternoon.Teacher Li Dongfang was very happy, and took the trouble to correct some details and precautions, and then introduced the scene of the live performance. He directed everyone to sing several times on the spot. The key points have been mastered, the foundation has been consolidated, and after a few serious instructions, I left with confidence.

After a period of intense rehearsal, we can finally rest for a day. Everyone is elated and excited.In the evening, groups of three or four go to the Pingxi Machinery Club to watch movies and relax completely.

Liu Youcai ran out to find Yang Shuli just after dinner.Zhao Xiaozhou, Zhao Gang and others asked Wu Xiaojun to go to the movies together, but Wu Xiaojun didn't go without any thought.Alone in the dormitory, my heart was in a mess, and I suddenly thought of Qin Meixiang, which immediately caused a period of endless thoughts, and all kinds of worries arose spontaneously, I don't know where she is now?What are you thinking?do what?How are you doing?How is Qin's mother's condition?So he wrote a letter to Luo Xiao, and repeatedly asked her to take some time to visit Meixiang School in the near future to see if there was any news about her, even if it was a little clue.After writing the letter and sealing it carefully, it is somewhat comforting psychologically.Seeing that it was still early, I made up my mind to go to the post office and drop the letter in the post box.

Wu Xiaojun left the school living area, just arrived on Beijing Road, and vaguely saw four or five familiar people standing in the corner in front of him talking mysteriously, and suddenly became suspicious.So I approached quietly, hiding in an unobtrusive place behind the newsstand and quietly listening to what they were saying.

The four speakers were all main members of the student union, including Jiang Shoujia, the vice-chairman of the student union and the vice-squad leader of the fourth class, Chai Yuhu, the life committee member of the fourth class of the head of the life department, Li Qiaoli, the class leader of the first class of the propaganda minister, and Kou Yinfang, the league secretary of the seventh class of the organization minister. .

Jiang Shoujia is also famous in the school now. His father is the director of the National People's Congress in Wuri County, Wuri City, Pingyuan Province. He usually has a strong sense of superiority, and he always has the habit of a son of an official family. , Good at speculation and tricks.With all his efforts, jumping up and down, and bragging, he managed to get more seats and main positions for class four, completely suppressed class six, added more points to the class in a relatively short period of time, and greatly shortened the time limit. The distance from Class Six.

The school cultural festival held every three years is highly valued from top to bottom, and Class [-] is no exception, and vows to take this as a turnaround battle to pull down the points of Class [-].When he learned that Li Dongfang, the greatest authority in the school's music department, was taken over by Class Six to be the instructor, Jiang Shoujia was furious. It seemed that he really underestimated the people in Class Six. The hard bone was actually taken down, I really couldn't figure it out and felt suffocated.Li Dongxiang has always been known in the school for his arrogance. He will never change what he believes in. If he wants to make a fuss about him, he will walk into a dead end and have no way out.What should I do? Several class committee members in the fourth class racked their brains and designed various plans, but they all felt that it was not ideal. In the end, we still had to grasp the specific operations of the school organization department and the propaganda department, and do a little work on the program design and scoring standards. article.

On Saturday night, Jiang Shoujia and Chai Yuhu made an appointment with the Propaganda Director and the Organization Director of the Student Union, and introduced their plans and opinions to them in detail.

Kou Yinfang said embarrassingly, "The on-site procedure plan was drafted by us, but it has to be discussed and approved by the school youth league committee and the student office before it can be implemented. According to what you said, I am afraid that you will be beaten back, and your intention will not be realized. Besides, once It is not appropriate to be seen by other classes and raise objections. It is difficult for me to do it."

Jiang Shoujia said dismissively, "What's the matter, don't worry, we will draft it, and then you can just report it to the report, and you don't have to worry about the Youth League Committee and the Student Affairs Office, and it will be approved."

Li Qiaoli interjected, "You are playing tricks by doing this. You must know that I am the monitor of class one. Although our current grades cannot compare with your class four and six, there is still a problem of class collective honor, but in the end It can’t be too shabby. If I follow your intention, not only will the other class be sold out, but also me and my class will be sold out. Haven’t you considered this before? "

Chai Yuhu said solemnly, "Of course I have considered it. According to the past practice, the class has a certain say in the determination of the location of the individual internship. The level of cultural festival results is meaningless to your class, and it is of no use for you to think about it." , but you should plan in advance what you will do when the time comes. Here, Shoujia and I can fully promise you that once we get the first place, you can choose the best internship place in the whole school. What do you think?"

Jiang Shoujia said while the iron was hot, "This is the greatest reward for your sacrifice for us. Of course, there are other aspects. Therefore, you have no reason to reject us and betray us. This is exactly what we are willing and daring to do without any disguise The reason for directly confessing to you is also the greatest trust in the two of you. There is not much to say, let’s get through, let’s go, take the two of you to the most luxurious plain video hall to watch the video.”

Li Qiaoli and Kou Yinfang said happily, "Your four class committee members are all elite talents and great gods. I really admire you. Let's go, I will take a small knife and pull you lightly, so that you will bleed a little. Today Watch it all night."

Seeing the four people disappearing from the field of vision happily talking and laughing, Wu Xiaojun came out from behind the newsstand.Walk alone and think about the hidden problems.The cultural festival was originally a positive and festive event to create a school cultural atmosphere and enrich the cultural life of the teachers and students in the school. How could it suddenly become vulgar and low-level in the eyes of these people.It seems that Jiang Shoujia and Chai Yuhu are determined to fight us to the end, and their determination to never give up may be overwhelmed.

As the saying goes, one should not have the intention of harming others, but one must have the intention of guarding against others. At present, people use knives to kill others, and if there is no countermeasure, let nature take its course, and you will definitely suffer from closed doors.Wu Xiaojun couldn't help laughing secretly, and a nameless fighting spirit suddenly sprouted in his heart.Now that people are already undercurrents, and the sound of drums, I can't be indifferent.Just don't do anything and keep going, and plan to actively prepare for the battle early, and take advantage of this to play them well. You must be invincible in this open and secret battle without gunpowder smoke, and make a fool of them in the last student union election. face to come back.

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