life struggle

Chapter 160

Good things go unnoticed, bad things spread thousands of miles. 【】Wu Xiaojun and Jiang Shoujia tore their faces apart and raged to reveal the secret deal behind it. The fact that the meeting broke up without any results spread quickly in the school.As a result, Wu Xiaojun became famous in the school and became a hot topic among students for a while.

At the meeting, Jiang Shoujia lost all face and lost his prestige. The carefully planned and implemented plan to overthrow the six turned over in an instant, and was fully exposed in front of everyone.Where did the problem come from? Who leaked the secret plan between the four with a lax tone? After racking their brains for half the night, they couldn't figure it out. Although he was a little unwilling to fail, what Wu Xiaojun told was the truth. Arrogant words are just impulsive language on the scene, which cannot stand investigation and scrutiny at all. If you really want to compare with him, the one who suffers will be yourself in the end.I had no choice but to admit that I was unlucky and suffer from being dumb.

Wu Xiaojun and Lu Jianmin launched a new offensive and revenge in response to Jiang Shoujia and others' reluctance to fail, and reported the situation to Qiao Yulin and Jia Mingsheng early the next morning in detail.Qiao and Jia felt that there was a serious problem in the student union, and the situation was more complicated. They immediately communicated with Zhang Xiaodong, the secretary of the Youth League Committee, and Zhu Zonghui, the director of the student department, and called Li Qiaoli and Kou Yinfang to the office of Director Zhu to report what Wu Xiaojun had exposed. to verify.

Li Qiaoli and Kou Yinfang saw that the matter had been exposed and there was no need to hide it anymore, so they confessed everything, and submitted all the plans drafted by the two departments and the text of the plan drawn up by Jiang Shoujia to the two leaders for review. betrayed.

Zhu Zonghui then held an emergency meeting with the chairman, vice-chairman and ministers of the student union.Very disappointed and dissatisfied with the ineffectiveness, disunity, instability, and immaturity of the student union, severely criticized Jiang Shoujia, Chai Yuhu, Li Qiaoli, Kou Yinfang, Wu Xiaojun and others for destroying the unity and stability of the student union, and criticized the fourth and sixth classes for taking extraordinary measures conduct vicious competition.Finally, the on-site review passed the work plan for the New Year's chorus party submitted by the Organization Department and the Propaganda Department.At the meeting, Director Zhu Zonghui took the overall situation into consideration and adopted a one-pot approach to deal with the plaintiff and the defendant, and included Wu Xiaojun and the sixth class in the list of criticisms and accusations, which can be regarded as saving a little face for the other four.In particular, he asked all members of the student union to always hold a highly responsible attitude towards the teachers and students of the school, to abandon all selfish distractions, and immediately devote themselves to various preparatory work in accordance with their respective job responsibilities.No matter which class or who it is, it is never allowed to deal negatively and regenerate any side issues. Once found, it will never be soft-hearted, never tolerated, and never accommodated. All grades that belong to individuals will be criticized in the whole school, until expulsion.Director Zhu's words were very strong, with a strong tone, and he used three "never" in a row, which made people tremble and dare not slack off.

After the active efforts of all parties, the New Year's chorus party was held as scheduled in a grand and warm atmosphere.Wu Xiaojun was not afraid, and his act of daring to expose the black box operation not only made the operations standardized and transparent, but also put a lot of pressure on the on-site judges.Eleven judges carefully and extra cautiously scored each class, announced the results on the spot, announced the ranking of each class on the spot, and won the approval of teachers and students.

With the arrival of the new year, the vigorous school cultural festival finally came to an end.In the end, Class [-] ranked third overall and became the only class in the grade that entered the top ten of the school. , ranked first in the grade.In order to celebrate this achievement, reward Wu Xiaojun's outstanding performance and the hard work of the whole class, the class committee unanimously decided to recommend Wu Xiaojun as a party activist to the student party branch. On the evening of January [-]th, the whole class was organized to go to Pingxi Machinery Watch a movie at the club.

For some reason, Wu Xiaojun felt headaches and general discomfort whenever he watched an Indian love story during this period of time. He thought of Qin Meixiang who had no news and no one knew where she was wandering.After watching it for less than an hour, I quietly left the theater alone and wandered aimlessly on the street.

Pingxi is very beautiful at night, all kinds of neon lights are like a naughty little girl constantly twisting her charming waist, flashing seductive and beautiful eyes, making the night full of brilliance, the streets are full of traffic, big and small, The bright and dark car lights are connected in a line, like a rainbow.Wu Xiaojun was facing the cold wind alone, walking silently on the sidewalk of the wide Beijing Road, watching the passers-by smiling and chatting happily with their friends and loved ones, what felt more desolate, lonely and empty in his heart , there is a kind of "bitter sand, blowing the feeling of hurting the face", inadvertently think of Mei Xiang's graceful figure, delicate face, sweet smile and fashionable dress, think of her eyes, her smile, what she said Every word, every bit of what she has done for herself, my heart beats with her heart, and I remember the sentence with inexplicable tremors: "I searched for her thousands of times in the crowd, and suddenly I looked back, but that person was in the dim light." place."

At this moment, he stopped and stood at the place on Beijing Road where he and Mei Xiangkui waited anxiously for a taxi. He subconsciously turned his head and looked behind him. There was no familiar figure or smile, and he did not surround his head and face tightly. , shrank her body, twisted her soft yet resolute waist, and stared at Qin Meixiang, who was passing by with expectant eyes, and was stunned for a long time in desolation and loss.

"Wu Xiaojun, what are you doing here alone?" A familiar and sweet voice beside him suddenly awakened Wu Xiaojun from his confusion. He started staring at himself and giggling.

Wu Xiaojun half-jokingly said, "It's you two, I was taken aback. Ms. Deng Hongli, we don't know each other. I, a dead star, let you meet again today. I don't know how to slap and kick me." Get rid of evil spirits."

Deng Hongli has a big round face with a pink face, no flaws can be seen, her figure is slightly fat and harmonious, well-proportioned and plump, and she is much taller than Bai Lingyan. A knee-length down jacket and a pair of high-waisted black boots, under the illumination of the street lamps, look extraordinarily plump and full, elegant and charming.Seeing Wu Xiaojun's unnatural expression, he joked with himself a little cautiously, smiled, and extended his right hand generously and politely, "Sangmen Xing, it will be really unlucky for anyone to meet you, you are a big celebrity in school now, Long time no see, how can I miss it, shake hands, and go to get rid of evil spirits."

Although Wu Xiaojun felt a little embarrassed in his heart, he still tried to calm down, relaxed his nervousness, stretched out his hands to hold Deng Hongli's hand in the palm of his hand, and shook it up and down a few times, "You didn't accept my apology last time, and I will make it up again today." One, I hope you can accept it. It's so late, you two beautiful girls don't stay in the boudoir dormitory, why are you strolling around leisurely, aren't you afraid of encountering robbers?" While speaking, she kept holding Deng Hongli's hand hold on.

Bai Lingyan watched from the side and said with a smile, "Wu Xiaojun, don't be playful. When you see a beautiful woman, you can't think wildly. It's immoral and impolite to hold onto someone's hand. Hongli is already shy, so let go."

Wu Xiaojun's hand immediately felt like a direct current shock, and he quickly released it and retracted it, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have a strange problem, I get excited easily when I see a beautiful woman, and when I get excited, I forget who I am, Deng Hongli, Otherwise, you can give me a slap, so that I can remember better."

Deng Hongli chuckled, "Wu Xiaojun, you are so funny, you can make jokes, I dare not slap you, otherwise, Lingyan will settle accounts with me when I go back. That's fine, I won't be a light bulb anymore, I'll give you two some Free space, let’s leave first.” With a smile on his face, he twisted his waist and walked away unsteadily.

Wu Xiaojun shook his head and said with a smile, "This Deng Hongli still looks a bit feminine. Remembering that she used a bra to occupy the seat at that time, I deliberately teased her, making her face flushed, and he hesitated and opened her mouth. It’s funny when I can’t speak.”

Bai Lingyan said a little displeased, "Come on, you are ashamed to say that a big boy bullies other girls, and he doesn't know how to be ashamed. Let's not talk about her, why are you wandering on the street alone in a daze, are you talking to a girl?" Friends falling out?"

With a sad face, Wu Xiaojun said sadly and helplessly, "I'm just a loser. Anyone who gets close to me will have no good things. It's not just a falling out with my girlfriend, it's a complete break and a farewell."

Bai Lingyan was startled, feeling that she had touched Wu Xiaojun's sore spot, and said a little uneasy, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked you this. By the way, when it comes to the word Sangmenxing, two people have already used it to describe you. The first one was an unintentional angry remark by Deng Hongli, and the other one was Kou Yinfang from our class. Because you exposed them relentlessly at the general meeting of the student union, they were quite embarrassed and unable to step down. When they returned to the dormitory, they cried bitterly. Keep calling you a dead star."

Wu Xiaojun stood a little tired, and saw a double lounge chair not far away, exchanged glances with Bai Lingyan, walked over, wiped it lightly with his hands to see that there was no dust on his hands, and sat down sideways .Bai Lingyan didn't dodge and sat down next to him naturally.

Wu Xiaojun leaned forward, crossed his hands and fingers, I supported my chin together, put my elbows on my legs, lowered my head in thought for a while, and sighed, "Yes, I am indeed a dead star, my girlfriend and I are in love with each other like crazy Drunk, but in the end, his family was ruined and his family was ruined. He disappeared without a trace and left me. The city bully Han San met me and went to prison. The president Yan Zhun met me and died in Huangquan. Meeting me broke the peace of the whole family in the past and caused many twists and turns. This time, Jiang Shoujia and other four people met me, but they were disgraced and tasted the bitter fruit. Thinking of these, I myself feel uneasy and unreliable, and sometimes hate myself , why do you have to teach the truth to the end with others, why bother, Wu Xiaojun, what kind of person are you!"

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