life struggle

Chapter 163

Wu Xiaojun approached and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter with you?"

The girl sitting on the ground has a pale complexion, her eyes are full of astonishment, she wears a ponytail, her soft and glossy black hair has a slightly dark complexion and a handsome oval face, with slender eyebrows and two black and bright eyes embedded in it, standing straight The small nose was a little purple from the cold, white teeth were exposed under the pale lips, the bottom edge of the beige down jacket was stuck to the ground, and a pair of bright black straight-leg pants were held below the knees by a pair of soft and slender hands, revealing a shallow Color woolen trousers and silk stockings, black leather boots with heels touching the ground, shaking back and forth non-stop, there is a comfortable feeling of refreshment and resentment. 【 】

The girl raised her head slightly with pain on her face, and whispered shyly with a mournful face, "It's unlucky, I was hit by this car just after I came out of the dormitory, and my left leg hurts very badly."

"Where did the driver in the car go? Why didn't he help you up?"

"I couldn't stand up, the driver went to a nearby public phone and called 1 for an ambulance."

"I am Wu Xiaojun from Class [-], Grade [-], Clinical Department. Which class are you in, what is your name, and which dormitory are you in? Let me help you call the students in your class."

"You are Wu Xiaojun. I've heard of it a long time ago. I'm also from the [-]th and [-]th grade, Liang Yuhua from the women's and children's class."

"The women and children's class is in the same class as Bai Lingyan and Kou Yinfang, right?"

Liang Yuhua nodded slightly.

Wu Xiaojun circled around the Santana car, which was a car without a license plate, feeling suspicious.

While talking, a middle-aged man in his 30s, wearing pure titanium black frames and eyes, ran over tired and sweating profusely, and gasped, "How about this student, how is it? Hold on for a while, the ambulance will be here soon."

Wu Xiaojun gave him a blank stare, "What's the matter with you, you drove carelessly, you hit everyone like this."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was in a hurry and accidentally knocked her down."

"Liang Yuhua, how about this, let him give you the car keys and driver's license first, and wait until you are sent to the hospital and checked, so that he doesn't drive away in a blink of an eye."

With tears in her eyes, Liang Yuhua frowned and sobbed, "Okay."

"This student, this is not good, I will definitely treat her injuries, and she won't run away."

"We don't know you. Who knows if you will run away. It's safer to do this. Take it out quickly. Otherwise, I'll go to the school and call someone from the security department, and then call the police directly."

Jinxianglou is the most famous and most upscale and luxurious hotel in Pingxi City. There are many beauties inside and first-class service. There are many officials and high-ranking guests from all over the world who don't hesitate to spend money here.The driver is from the county below. Last night, he drove an unlicensed car to Jinxianglou in a chic and happy way. He left the hometown of gentleness early in the morning before the traffic police were on the road and hurried out to the city. Someone was hit, and I wanted to drive away, but saw pedestrians on the road, so I went to the public phone to call 1 emergency number.

The driver was a bit guilty, afraid that it would be very troublesome if he got involved with the traffic police, so he said embarrassingly, "Brother, don't, don't, I'll just give her the keys and driver's license. But you must not call the police."

Wu Xiaojun looked at the driver's unnatural expression, guessing that there must be something wrong in his heart, thinking that as long as he can hand over the keys and driver's license, he can take the initiative, and it doesn't matter whether he calls the police or not, so he said with a sinking face, "As long as you take Come out, we won’t call the police, take it quickly.”

The driver reluctantly opened the car, took out the driver's license from a black briefcase, locked the car casually, and handed the key and driver's license to Liang Yuhua.Liang Yuhua handed it to Wu Xiaojun.

Wu Xiaojun opened the driver's license and looked at it carefully, then carefully put it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

The ambulance roared and roared and took Liang Yuhua to the emergency department of the affiliated hospital.Wu Xiaojun stared at the driver and accompanied Liang Yuhua to take an X-ray examination and pay the fee. After more than an hour of tossing, the result came out. There was no fracture, but a soft tissue contusion, which required rest and treatment.

The driver was eager to get away, and kept stopping Wu Xiaojun to discuss, "Brother, you don't think her injury is serious, so I will give her 500 yuan, which is considered as treatment expenses, how about it?"

Wu Xiaojun kept waving his hands and said, "Certainly not. The doctor said that although there is no fracture, the contusion will require many days of infusion treatment and care. It is very inconvenient to move back and forth every day. You have to give her at least 3000 yuan. Otherwise, you will take care of it." She took good care of her illness."

"I still have a lot of things to do, this is definitely not enough, brother, it's easy to talk about, just one thousand, no more."

"I don't need to waste any time talking with you, just let the police deal with it, as much as the police say."

"No, no, no, brother, I only have 600 yuan left on hand, so forget it all for you, okay."

Wu Xiaojun discussed with Liang Yuhua, and said to the driver, "Well, it's a good deal for you."

The driver took the keys and driver's license and disappeared like a thief in a blink of an eye.Wu Xiaojun gently helped Liang Yuhua to sit in the infusion hall of the emergency room. After the nurse gave her an injection and infusion, he rushed to Bai Lingyan's dormitory and told her the news of Liang Yuhua's injury.

Liang Yuhua and Kou Yinfang lived in the same dormitory.

Bai Lingyan led Wu Xiaojun to see Kou Yinfang, and the three immediately went to the infusion hall of the emergency room of the hospital.

At this time, Liang Yuhua was in the process of infusing the second bottle of liquid, sitting on the chair, looking a little drowsy.Bai Lingyan yelled softly, she lifted her head listlessly, and let out a soft voice from her throat, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Kou Yinfang said, "How is it? It's better, isn't it painful?"

"It's okay, it's much better. I was terrified at the time, my mind went blank, and I still have lingering fears now."

"Don't think too much, as long as it doesn't hurt your muscles and bones. How many bottles of liquid are there?"

Wu Xiaojun hurriedly said, "There are two bottles in total. You can go back to rest after you finish this bottle. The doctor told you to take medicine on time and rest more."

After Liang Yuhua finished infusion, Wu Xiaojun called a taxi, and the three helped Liang Yuhua into the car. Before Wu Xiaojun could speak, Bai Lingyan said, "Yinfang, get in the car and send Yuhua back. The road is very close, Wu Xiaojun It’s inconvenient for a big guy to ride in the car, so let me walk back with him.” As he spoke, he pushed Kou Yinfang’s back with his hand to let her into the car and put her in the back seat next to Liang Yuhua, and then gently pushed the rear door closed, facing the driver With a wave of his hand, the taxi left.

Bai Lingyan smiled mysteriously at Wu Xiaojun, "Flower Guardian, don't be in a daze, let's go."

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