life struggle

Chapter 23 Shao Ying Says Thank You

It was originally a very lively atmosphere, but it suddenly became stagnant after a few words from Aunt Wang and Aunt Zhao, and everyone present was stunned. 【】Wu Pingchun saw that his second elder brother hadn't recovered from his illness, so he got angry as soon as he got home, and gave Aunt Zhao a hard look, "You are also an older person, why don't you understand any rules, and you don't have a bit of door-to-door. She didn't even move her mind, she was talking nonsense, and she didn't hurry out." Aunt Zhao knew that she had slipped her tongue, clicked her tongue, and walked away dejectedly.

Wu Pingchun turned around and said, "Second brother, lie down on the bed and rest quickly. You don't know who he is. He is always talking about his parents and his family. I don’t care, it’s nothing at all. You should get injections, take medicine, eat and eat, and taking care of yourself is better than anything else.”

Xiaojun's mother kept persuading, "Father, there is nothing going on at home these days. The whole family is busy treating you. Who would talk nonsense and cause trouble? If you don't believe me, ask Pingchun and Xiao Liang. Your illness is not cured yet, and you still have to recuperate with peace of mind. Don’t worry about nothing and torture yourself. Besides, you have to think about Xiaojun. He has almost delayed half a month of homework. If something goes wrong, can Xiaojun rest assured, you can't ruin Xiaojun's future because of your impulsiveness." Wu Pingshun calmed down under the persuasion of everyone, and lay on the bed without saying a word.The atmosphere full of gunpowder, which was about to explode at any time, finally eased, and everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wu Xiaoliang said, "Xiaojun, there is no obvious serious problem with uncle's illness at present, so you don't have to worry any more. Go back to school quickly tomorrow, and don't waste any more time. I know that my uncle has no money in his hands. The winter vacation is not long, I have 200 yuan here, I don’t know if it’s enough, so you just take it and use it as travel expenses.” Xiaojun had no choice but to take it in his hand.

In the afternoon, Wu Xiaosen brought some medicine home again, and Xiaojun asked, "Third brother, how much did our father spend on medical expenses? You have to remember that no matter how much it costs, four brothers will add two to one and five will be involved. For the part, please put it on the mat first anyway, and I will repay you twice in the future. You know me as a person, and I will definitely do it.”

Wu Xiaosen said, "Don't bother with the medical expenses now, and no one will settle accounts with anyone at present. Let's talk about it during the Spring Festival. Don't worry about family affairs. I don't care about our father's affairs. I'm sure It’s up to you, you just have to hurry up and go back to school.”

Xiaojun was greatly touched by this family incident. Home was not like home, and people were not like people. He was very tired of complicated people and things, disgusted, and disappointed. In this muddy water, no matter how difficult it is, no matter how much pain you suffer, no matter how hard you suffer, you must try to create opportunities and conditions, find a clean place that can completely draw a line with them, and stay away from right and wrong. place.

After arranging everything at home, Wu Xiaojun returned to Pingxi School the next day.Since Wu Xiaojun left very suddenly and did not have time to greet the people in the dormitory, no one knew why he came home.Wu Xiaojun met everyone and briefly introduced the situation, and the mystery in everyone's mind was finally solved. They kept shaking their heads, sighing and rejoicing.Zhao Xiaozhou said, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot one thing. I have two letters from you. You can read them." Then, he took out the letters from the cabinet and handed them to Xiaojun.

The letter was from Qin Meixiang, complaining that he had not received a letter from Wu Xiaojun for more than a month, teasing him about whether he had a girlfriend, forgetting about him, and asking about his book sales, and immediately Evoked the sadness of the army.At the end of the letter, Qin Xiangmei proposed to come to Pingxi for two days during the winter vacation and go home together. Should I reject her or agree to her? How should I reply to her? , can't make up my mind.Xiaojun's mind was so disturbed that he didn't even bother to read a single page of the book for self-study that night, so he wrote it to Qin Meixiang and tore it up and wrote it again and again. Expressing his current state of mind, agreeing to her proposal, finally completed a matter of his heart.

Back in the dormitory, the roommates were lying down and talking about Zhenghuan, and Xiaojun didn't have the heart to intervene.

Hu Lei said, "Liu Youcai is really good looking now. What is the name of the green plum at home? Zhang Xiaoqian made a special trip from her hometown to check Youcai's post tonight, and she is squatting in front of the dormitory door. Until now, Liu Youcai and Yang Shuli haven't had a good time yet. Think about it, once Zhang Xiaoqian sees the two of them appearing in front of them with their waists wrapped around their backs."

Yan Gaofeng said, "When two women meet a bunch of rivals in love, they must be extremely jealous. Maybe there will be a big fight. There will definitely be excitement. Talented people will definitely have a hard time, and they will suffer."

Zhao Gang said, "I don't have a girlfriend, I want a girlfriend all I want, but if I have more girlfriends, I will suffer and suffer. There must be embarrassment, and I won't be able to defeat it. After all, they are intellectuals. There is still some rationality. The key is to See if you have talent, and play the piano well between two women."

Just as he was talking, Liu Youcai came back from the outside in a hurry, "My god, I was scared to death, almost nothing bad happened."

Zhao Xiaozhou said, "You are talented, you are not a timid person, what is it that makes you so guilty, is it because you were caught stealing food outside and was caught by someone, or was it because you were robbed by a thieves? gone."

Liu Youcai said, "You're right. My girlfriend Zhang Xiaoqian never mentioned coming here in her letter. I didn't expect to surprise me today. I walked across the arch bridge with my arms around Yang Shuli's waist and saw her holding a bag in her hand. Carrying a small bag, walking back and forth in front of the dormitory area with her head down, I was so scared that I immediately pulled Yang Shuli to a dark place under the pine trees at Qiaotou, and said that there was something urgent, so I went outside and asked her to go back to the dormitory by herself. Really good Xuan, once the two collide, it will be a big trouble. Okay, I won’t tell you, I have to arrange a place for Zhang Xiaoqian to live quickly. Dude, keep it secret for me, don’t let Yang Shuli knows."

Yan Gaofeng said, "Ms. Zhang is talented. Ms. Zhang came all the way to meet her. Her spirit is commendable. She cherishes the time. Don't treat her poorly. Money is hard to buy for a moment. You must do your homework and be solid."

Liu Youcai smiled, "Fuck you, you can't do any homework." After speaking, he went out.

Wu Xiaojun lay on the bed, closed his eyes, and listened quietly.Liu Youcai is too playful, why bother, asking for trouble, Yang Shuli is not a fuel-efficient lamp at first glance, she is romantic, once she gets on it, it is not easy to get rid of it, no matter if it is sincerely, or just playing on the spot , should not provoke her.As for herself, Qin Meixiang is a person with a good family background, cheerful personality, well-informed, open-minded, and assertive. She can only be treated as a friend who removes troubles and asks for answers. Practically speaking, it is impossible.He thought of Shao Yingying again. She was neither like Yang Shuli nor Qin Meixiang. Although she gave people the impression that she was quiet and unfathomable, she was a career-seeking and progressive person. She belonged to the kind he was looking for. Deep development may be a way out to realize my goal of abandoning my hometown and leaving home.At present, it seems that there are plenty of time and opportunities, and we must try our best to seize them. There are too many opportunities that we missed because of our cowardice in the past, and we cannot and should not miss them this time.As for the others, I don't think too much about it, nor am I interested. The main task right now is to grab time and speed, make up for the missed courses, and get at least one hundred yuan (first class) if you get good grades in the final exam. The scholarship of [-] yuan, [-] yuan for the second class, and [-] yuan for the third class also established a good impression and image in front of Shao Yingying.

The next day, when the second period was over, Wu Xiaojun came to the counselor Qiao Yulin's office because there was no class, and briefly reported the situation at home, and came out after canceling her leave. Just in time, Shao Yingying came out of the finance department, and the two had a face-to-face meeting , asked, "Shao Yingying, do you have something to do in the finance department?"

Shao Yingying said, "The conditions at home are not very good. The school has just received some hardship subsidies. Last time, thanks to your timely rescue, I was safe from danger. There were so many people at that time, I was embarrassed to say thank you." You. I heard that you went back to your hometown some time ago, and the time is still relatively long. Is there something important?"

Wu Xiaojun said, "If there is anything to thank, it's an emergency. Don't say that we are classmates, we are ordinary tourists. Anyone who catches up will fight forward. Thank you are too polite and out of touch. Go home, the main thing is to go home. It was my father who suddenly suffered from gastric perforation and almost passed away. Fortunately, he was discovered early and his home is not far from the county seat. My brother is an old man in the hospital, and the doctors are very familiar with him. The escort and operation were timely. The operation went well and he recovered relatively well. Discharged from the hospital. The final exam is coming soon, and my family will not delay, so I hurried back."

Shao Yingying said, "A few years ago, my father was unfortunately involved in a car accident and left without being able to be rescued in time. At that time, it felt like the sky had collapsed. The feeling was unbearable and painful. Thanks to my brother and sister for taking care of me, I was able to finish high school and come to this school. I understand your mood and pain at that time very well, don’t think too much, and don’t be discouraged, everything will pass, everything will be fine, just study calmly.”

Perhaps it was out of gratitude for the timely and hard-working rescue of the steps of Anwang Temple, or maybe it was because she felt that she had similar painful experiences and inner feelings. Shao Yingying no longer looked cold and coy, and spoke more and more naturally.Wu Xiaojun was a little excited in his heart, but he was not easy to reveal, "Thank you for your encouragement, I will definitely get rid of the shadow and get out of the predicament."

The two talked while walking, and when they reached the gate of the teaching area, a group of male and female students were arguing fiercely, and the loudest one was the monitor Jiang Zhentao.

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