life struggle

Chapter 235 Angry Luo Xiao

Wu Xiaojun and Luo Xiao listened to their arguments for a long time, but they didn't really get a clue, so they could only say, "It's no big deal, everyone will miss a word, why be so serious, don't be serious, just say less In other words, go back quickly." After all, he finally persuaded the two of them to leave.

"Xiaojun, what's the matter with them? It seems that Xiangmei has a very strong personality. His mouth is as sharp as a knife and aggressive. Lu Jianmin is really not his opponent."

"Two people have their own way of talking about love, and each has its own way of dealing with it. Some like vigorous and romantic romance, some like plain, simple, affectionate and lingering, and some like flirting with flirtatious romance. They call it the tip of the needle, It’s boring to combine strong and strong, and they share the same smell. It’s not fun to fight or scold. It’s impossible for others to get along with each other, and the conversation has collapsed. Maybe it’s the effect and fun they want.”

"You're heresy. I've never heard of people seeking pleasure from noise. Which type do you think we are?"

"I think we belong to the sweet and lingering type of me in you and you in me."

"It's inappropriate to be talkative and insincere. Will we always quarrel over trivial things like them in the future?"

"We don't quarrel often! How can Xiang Meili compare with you? If she is a tigress, you are a gentle and cute little sheep; if she is a fierce landlady, you are gentle. A virtuous and lovely daughter-in-law, if..."

"Okay, don't just talk nonsense, if you compare me to a weak woman, you won't be afraid that I will show my power if I get anxious."

"Hahaha, show off, I haven't seen it before, give me one and let me see what it looks like."

"Fuck you, before the time, maybe one day you won't be able to find things."

"Stop talking nonsense, your internship has been settled, and it will be my turn next. According to past practice, even if the class scores first, not [-]% of the students in the class can stay in the affiliated hospital. There must always be some people. I was sent to another place. If so, I will most likely be assigned to another place. Thinking of this, I feel very uneasy."

"No, it would be too unfair to you."

"Organizational needs, you can't ignore the overall situation!"

"I don't agree with this point. The location of the internship determines one's personal gains and losses and future. You can't promise it quietly. Don't regret it when you make raw rice and cook it. You won't even have a place to cry."

"I also thought about it. I really can't go to other places. First, I'm used to it for three years here. Second, you are not far from here in Xiangzhou. You can walk in front of you at any time. Third, the attached courtyard is everything. The best of the internship sites. The most worrying thing is that if you can’t handle the school’s dispatch, it will not be worthwhile to wear the hat of disobeying the organization’s arrangements and violating the party’s discipline.”

"To be on the safe side, you have to communicate with the counselor in advance."

"I think so too. I will talk to Teacher Qiao after a while. Maybe the situation is not as bad as I thought."

"Don't be careless!"

"I know."

In the past two days, Wu Xiaojun was very happy, excited and excited. He went back to the dormitory and lay down on the bed, thinking over and over of the scene with Luo Xiao, her shy smile, her pretty face, everything she said. In a word, think about what you did with her.Thinking about everything you said to yourself, the tenderness to yourself, and the feeling of hugging each other.The bits and pieces of the past are deeply burned in my heart, rushing up like the rising tide of the sea, I can’t calm down, I’m so excited that I can’t fall asleep, the itchy feeling all over my body is constantly restless in my heart, wandering and tossing for a long time, full of uneasy Words of sweetness and happiness.When he woke up in a haze, several roommates had already got up, washed and prepared to go out for breakfast.He was startled, and hurriedly got up from the bed, washed his face hastily, and trotted all the way to the [-] dormitory to meet Luo Xiao.

"I'm sorry, I woke up late for insomnia last night, let's go out to eat and take photos."

"It makes you nervous, it's still early, and the photo studio won't open so early!"

"Aren't I afraid of you waiting in a hurry!"

"Let's go."

The two went downstairs immediately, had breakfast at a snack spot on Da'an Road, wandered around the Chrysanthemum Square, and finally came to the Movie Friends Service Agency. "Waiter, are the photos we developed yesterday ready?"

"Sir, everything is ready, please put it away!" The waiter smiled and handed over a thick bag of photos, and looked at Luo Xiao carefully, "Sir, your girlfriend is so beautiful."

Wu Xiaojun smiled, "Thank you!" Luo Xiao just reached out to pick it up, but Luo Xiao grabbed it excitedly, "Let me take a look first."

"Don't be in a hurry to take it out, go out and have a look."

Before Wu Xiaojun finished speaking, Luo Xiao took out the photo impatiently, "Oh, it's very clear. Look at this picture. My mother's smiling eyes are narrowed, almost like a blind person. And this You fucked Zhang, right? It was necrotic, and I even took a picture of me standing on the stool and pulling up my trouser leg to scratch it, it was so ugly, I tore it up."

"This is the real reality, why tear it up, what a pity, keep it."

The two turned over one by one from front to back, whispering and commenting non-stop, their faces full of sweetness and happiness, and filled with bright smiles.Suddenly Luo Xiao frowned, displeased, her leisurely rosy face was like a dull thunderclap in the clear sky, her color changed suddenly, full of greenness and anger.She gave Wu Xiaojun a hard look, then angrily stuffed the photo into his hand, and said through gritted teeth, "You're a big liar, I'm really disappointed, take a good look at yourself, and see what you've done! "Then he stomped his feet and went out resentfully.

Holding the photo in his hand, Wu Xiaojun froze in a daze, especially annoyed at himself, for these two days he only cared about being happy and excited, how could he completely forget the photo of himself and Bai Lingyan taking a picture together alone.If I had thought of this earlier, I wouldn't have picked it up with Luo Xiao, and it wouldn't have strongly stimulated her sensitive nerves.Seeing that she was so angry that she was so angry, how could she let it go, it seemed that she was really going to face a storm.Now everything is exposed, even if you have ten mouths, you can't tell. It's too late to regret, so you can only be honest.Thinking of this, he hastily put away the photos and hurriedly chased them out, "Luo Xiao, wait for me, listen to me!"

At a glance, Luo Xiao saw Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan hooking their shoulders together, their happy faces seemed a little ambiguous and affectionate, and their heart was sour, they felt like they were going to collapse, and they were in a very bad mood.The photo of them belongs to the same film as the one I took at home. Obviously, it was taken just before that. The background is in a park with a lot of people. It must be the day before yesterday, which is the first day of the holiday, which makes me even more anxious. The day I've been waiting for.No wonder he looked weird, it turned out that he went for a romantic walk in the park with Bai Lingyan and another woman, not shopping with his roommate as he said.Only now did I realize that he had been deceiving and concealing himself all along, and he didn't know how many secrets he was hiding.At this moment, I suddenly felt a sense of loss and loss to myself, and my heart became a mess.

Wu Xiaojun chased him worriedly, stood in front of Luo Xiao, and kept explaining, "Don't get me wrong, don't take it to heart, it's just a joke."

Luo Xiao sneered, "Hmph, just kidding! You're really thick-skinned, and you can even say such words very easily. Just imagine, how would you feel if you saw a photo like this of me and other boys, and you can say Did you say something like this? If so, I have nothing to say, this is a matter between you, and it has nothing to do with me, and I have the right to ask and interfere, so you can keep joking."

"Luo Xiao, you really think too much. Cousin Bai Lingyan likes to be lively and jokes. Not only is there a photo of me and her, but if you look again, there is a photo of me and her cousin together. It's really a joke. .”

"Do you think it's interesting to say this again? A man should dare to act boldly, be upright, and don't need to cover up or hide in front of me, just do it, why do you still sneakily deny it! You are too hypocritical, right? Now I don’t even know which sentence you said is true and which sentence is false. Fortunately, I discovered it in time and it’s not too late, so I don’t need to listen to your lies and nonsense anymore.”

"Luo Xiao, dear, don't be like this. The more yin and yang you are, the more afraid I am. There is really nothing between me and Bai Lingyan. I can swear to Grandpa Mao on this point, and he can testify for me."

"Boring. Give me my photos and film, and you go back and enjoy and share your happiness with Bai Lingyan slowly!" Luo Xiao said as she snatched the photo bag from Wu Xiaojun's hand, three times and five divisions. Picking out the photos of his family, he threw the rest at his chest angrily, turned around and stomped to the side of the road, beckoned a taxi and got in, "Master, drive, go to the train station! "

Wu Xiaojun was dumbfounded all of a sudden. Although Luo Xiao didn't yell and yell at her crazily like other girls, it felt more terrifying than that, especially her sharp and stern eyes and her aggressive and bitter face. , it is even more daunting and silent.He had never seen Luo Xiao so sad and indifferent, as timid as a thief, not daring to look directly at her.Just now everything was fine as before, because a few photos came at an extremely inappropriate time, but in a blink of an eye, the two of them became like enemies, it came so suddenly and unexpectedly, he secretly scolded himself for being careless, not paying attention to details, how It's so stupid to make a mess of something beautiful.Seeing that the car started, Luo Xiao was about to leave full of resentment and grievance. He ran to the taxi recklessly and kept shouting, "Master, stop, master, stop!"

The taxi driver saw that the two were quarreling, and immediately stopped the car. Wu Xiaojun begged bitterly, "Xiao, don't leave, okay!"

Luo Xiao said angrily, "I don't want to see you again, Master, what are you still doing, drive!"

Seeing that Luo Xiao was determined to leave, Wu Xiaojun stretched out his hand to open the car door and got into the car, "Okay, I'll follow you wherever you go today!"

Luo Xiao looked out of the window with an angry face, said "You are so cheap!" and ignored him again.

When he arrived at the station, Luo Xiao went straight to the ticket hall without looking back. Wu Xiaojun kept saying, "Xiao, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, please don't do this, forgive me this time, okay?" I beg you!"

"Aren't you bothering me? I've never met such a shameless person like you. I'm tired and my heart is in turmoil. Don't make a fool of yourself here and pester me. Hurry up and go back to your happy Bai Ling." Go, Yan!" As he said, he put the money into the ticket window, "Comrade, here's a ticket to Xiangzhou!"

"Ticket check is coming soon, hurry up and enter the station!"

Seeing that Luo Xiao didn't intend to forgive him, Wu Xiaojun couldn't help but said, "Comrade, another one!"

Luo Xiao ignored him, and hurriedly wanted to enter the station, and Wu Xiaojun followed closely behind without saying a word.The two got into the car, sweating profusely, and found a seat to sit down before letting out a sigh of relief.

Wu Xiaojun looked at Luo Xiao's melancholy face, felt very distressed, deliberately smiled and said, "Look at you, you are hot and sweaty, you are like Hong Kong actress Cecilia Cheung, but you don't know I thought it was Zhang Huimei, it was so funny."

"What a joke, why do you always follow me?"

"Because you are my future wife, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I have to find you and stare at you so that you can't fly out! If you are unhappy for a day, I will hang around in front of you for a day. If you are unhappy for a month, I will hang around for a month." , if you are unhappy for the rest of your life, I will hang around you for the rest of your life. Until you smile and stop hating me."

"What a stalking fly!"

"Of course, it reminds me of a joke: a fly landed on the husband's bald head, and the wife laughed. The husband felt inexplicable and asked his wife why she was laughing. The wife said, a fly landed on your bald head. , Guess what I remembered? The husband touched his shiny bald head and asked what he remembered? The wife said, I thought of the eggs that flies don’t bite Seamless! Since I am a fly, even if Seamless smells sweet, I have to take you Ding, I will never let you go."

"You depend on me, don't you? Since you have this heart, why do you still have a hot fight with Bai Lingyan in two boats? Just thinking about it makes you feel headache and nausea. You are too casual in front of girls. I I am not a person who cares about every detail, and I will not object to or interfere with your normal communication with anyone, but no matter what purpose and reason, you should not lie to me and cheat my feelings for you. To be honest, the day before yesterday Are you with Bai Lingyan in the morning?"


"Why are you hiding it from me!"

"It's called a white lie, I'm afraid you might find out about the misunderstanding."

"Why are you with her?"

"I didn't know you came back. I was invited by her. I was embarrassed to decline and went."

"and after?"

"When I saw your message, I chased you without stopping."

"Remember this time first, next time I will have a sneaky tryst with her again, and let me know that I will never talk to you again, understand!"

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