life struggle

Chapter 251 High price

The deputy dean and the leader of the team saw that they were extremely emotional and did not dare to force them. They discussed in the corridor outside for a while, and the team leader said, "Now their moods are fluctuating a lot, so it must be impossible to say anything. In case there is another mistake, No one can bear this responsibility. Besides, in order to prevent the family members from losing control due to excessive grief, they are not allowed to see the corpse, and they are not allowed to disclose any details of the crime to them. This is very difficult. In this way, the task force left two people The college will send another five economic police officers to guard here day and night, to torture them for a few days, and make a decision after the case is clearly analyzed. Remember, you must not treat them any favorably.”

The vice president nodded, "Leader, please rest assured, we will do our best to do so."

The captain then explained to the two policemen, "You must take good care of them. You can neither let them leave the hotel for half a step, nor let them have any accidents. If they are negligent, they will be severely punished."

The two policemen immediately stood at attention, "Leader, please rest assured that the task will be completed."

This case had nothing to do with Wu Xiaojun. The main purpose of the task force's control of him was to prevent him from leaking information and organizing other relatives and friends of the deceased to make trouble in the college.Less than two hours after he was put under control, a top-secret fax in the name of the task force had been sent to Pingxi Medical College.The dean immediately called Zhu Zonghui, the director of the student department, Jia Mingsheng, the grade director, Qiao Yulin, the counselor, and Zhao Weili, the chief of the medical education department of the affiliated hospital, and briefed them on the situation.

Dean Bai Fuya said, "Judging from the letter, Wu Xiaojun is not the person involved in the case. The main purpose of controlling him is that he and the deceased Luo Xiao are lovers, and we are worried that he will behave improperly. As for this matter, it is good for the few of you to know. , can’t spread it to the outside world. Section Chief Zhao and Teacher Qiao, you must cooperate with each other to do a good job in the stability control of the deceased’s sister Shao Yingying, and do everything possible to prevent her from leaving Pingxi.”

Luo Wen, Wu Xiaojun, and Chen Jie stayed in the hotel for nearly ten days in a row, arguing with the police and economic police every day to go out and see Luo Xiao's body. Just holding the gourd and not opening the ladle, Xu Shu entered Cao Ying without saying a word, but it was absolutely impossible to leave the hotel.

Wu Xiaojun looked at the extreme grief caused by the loss of his beloved daughter. His eyes were red, his body was losing weight rapidly, and he was extremely weak. If this continues, there must be problems, especially because Luo Wen suffers from heart disease and may fall ill at any time Dangerous, in case something happens, I am ashamed of Luo Xiao who passed away. At this moment, the only thing I can do for Luo Xiao, and the only thing I can do to make up for what I owe Luo Xiao is to take good care of them, without any mistakes.He forcibly suppressed the depression, melancholy and pain in his heart, cheered up, and comforted him, "Uncle Luo, Aunt Luo, the matter has come to this point, there is no need to be anxious. Don't be too sad, it is important to take care of your health. We have endured for so many days, The main purpose is to understand the cause of Luo Xiao's death, see her for the last time, and seek an explanation for her. Judging from the current situation, it will take a while longer. What if you break your body and don't even have any strength? If it can be done, Luo Xiao will feel uneasy under the Nine Springs."

Luo Wen said very guiltily, "Xiao Jun, although it was her misfortune that Luo Xiao encountered such a thing, it made you suffer. Your aunt and I really feel sorry for spending time with us here like years. , You have done too much to our family, I am really sorry for you."

"Uncle Luo, don't talk about two different families in a family. Being able to take good care of you two is the greatest comfort to Luo Xiao, and it is not in vain for your love for me and Luo Xiao."

The three of them were comforting each other when suddenly a few people came over from outside. The captain who led the team earlier walked in with a sullen face. He first apologized and politely apologized to them, and then informed them of the case.The three of them broke down in tears after listening to it, and couldn't help but feel the pain to the bone, yelling and cursing in unison, "Bastards, a group of animals that are not as good as animals!"

Zhou Ran, the director of Xiangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory, is from Zhenyang, Pingnan. He was born in a poor family and has a weird personality.Because of his flexible mind, particularly smart, and clean and neat handling of affairs, he was appreciated by the army leaders, so he was transferred to the headquarters to work as a correspondent for the division commander, and he worked for seven or eight years in a row.Later, the teacher transferred to work in the Xiangzhou Planning and Economic Commission, and he was also assigned to Xiangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory, a large enterprise owned by the whole people, to work in the workshop, plan, manage finances, and manage personnel. As the deputy factory director, it can be said that his progress is smooth sailing.

From the age of 37 or eight, Zhou Ran has obviously changed. With the change of the situation, the rise of his status, and the expansion of his selfish desires, he has gradually developed a style of clinging upwards and rejecting dissidents downwards. Anyone who asks him to do things will definitely not see him Rabbits don't scatter hawks.Naturally, there are many people who flatter and curry favor with him, go to high-end hotels and hotels, and entertainment venues are commonplace.Almost none of the attractive women under his command can escape his grasp. Everyone knows that he has the old chief who is a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and the executive deputy mayor as his backer. No one can easily shake him. Dare to be angry and dare not speak out, which further contributed to his unhealthy tendencies and arrogance.

After Chen Mandi was expelled from school, her father was unwilling to let the child's future end here, and suddenly remembered that his aunt's cousin was working as the deputy director of Xiangzhou Pharmaceutical Factory, and his major was also suitable.So he came to Xiangzhou with 5 yuan in cash and Chen Mandi, and arranged Zhou Ran to the five-star hotel Huangzhonghuang in the city.Zhou Ran, who has read countless beauties in the world, suddenly felt his eyes brighten when he saw Chen Mandi. She is charming, magnificent, delicate and plump, with windbreaker bare legs, huge breasts, plump and attractive, seductive triangle area, and thin silk sandals , It can be said to be angry, smile and look back, wearing neon clothes, stretching sleeves, whispering and moaning, one woman alone leads the spring and autumn.Sighing secretly, such a young girl came here uninvited, and couldn't help being overjoyed. She admired it carefully, laughed and said, "Old Chen, I didn't expect your girl to be so beautiful, rare, rare!".

Chen Mandi is a person who came from the romantic field. He has seen the true colors of some officials and men. When he heard that there was something in Zhou Ran's words, he hurried forward and said in a coquettish voice, "Master Zhou, you are really good at complimenting others. I can't bear it, come on, I'll offer you a toast." He stretched out his jade hand and handed the cup to Zhou Ran in front of him.

Zhou Ran squinted his eyes, looked at Chen Mandi's face, and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, I drink, I drink, oh, old Chen, your girl is not only beautiful, but also very sensible and generous. You've found the right one, I just need such a person down there, don't worry if I'm here, I'll take care of her comfortably."

Chen Mandi heard him speak a little beyond her own identity, and hurriedly said, "Thank you, Lord Zhou, for being able to work under you. I will never let you down. If you are satisfied, you can just watch my actions!"

Chen Mandi's father said, "Director Zhou, we are all from the same village, plus relatives, so please leave my daughter to you. I have a little heart here, and I hope you will accept it." He took out several dozen hundred yuan bills and put them on Zhou Ran's before.

Zhou Ran glanced at it, and said with a smile on his face, "Old Chen, it's too strange to be a fellow from the village. I'm absolutely fine here, but I can't make the decision alone. There are offices, personnel departments, etc., and all aspects must be taken care of.”

Old Chen hurriedly said, "Should be, should be, I hope you will give me more trouble. I don't hide it from you, but the child has not graduated yet, and was framed and expelled from school. I hope you will give me the procedures. an idea."

Zhou Ran pretended to ponder, tapped his fingers on the table and thought for a long time, and said with a serious expression, "Well, it's difficult. Without formal procedures, you are not a member of the factory. It is no different from a group of migrant workers. You can do it at any time." It was opened. However, everything is dead, and people are alive. It is not that there is no solution, but the price is a bit high."

Old Chen said, "As long as things can be done, money is no problem, just talk about it."

Zhou Ran deliberately said to himself, "The school requires at least [-] yuan for a graduation certificate, the city's personnel and staffing at least [-] yuan, the city's capacity expansion fee for entering the city, and at least another [-] yuan for household registration, almost [-] yuan. "

Old Chen Xin said it's really dark, you dare to pry me [-] inside and out, but now you have to ask others, you can't reveal it, and said with a smile, "It's okay, it's okay, I'll get another fifty thousand tomorrow , this matter depends entirely on you, the factory manager, and after the matter is completed, I will never forget your great kindness."

Zhou Ran said contentedly, "Oh, don't mention money, it would seem extravagant to mention money, come here, drink, drink." He touched the glass with Chen Mandi and his daughter and drank it down.

Chen Mandi said coquettishly, "Master Zhou not only holds a good amount of alcohol, but also drinks gracefully, come here, let me toast you again.

Zhou Ran was a little drunk, and said with a smile, "Girl, since you'll be working in the future, socializing is a must, and it's normal to drink some wine. How about this, I'll have three drinks with you."

Chen Mandi deliberately twitched, "Master Zhou, how can I be accompanied by you? I'd better drink three glasses and pour you three more." Just like that, Zhou Ran got drunk and grabbed Chen Mandi's hand. hands, kept rubbing back and forth, Lao Chen saw it in his eyes, turned around and left angrily in his heart.Chen Mandi pretended to be shy and said, "Master Zhou, you drank too much." He pulled out his hand forcefully.

"Honey, I didn't drink too much, come, come, have three more cups with me."

Chen Mandi saw that he really couldn't drink any more, so he asked his father who was outside to give him a room, and helped Zhou Ran in to rest.The two settled him down and got up to leave when Zhou Ran suddenly said, "Old Chen, the child's business will be done tomorrow, you can go back to get the money now, Mandy, pour me a glass of water."

Old Chen said, "Director Zhou, take a good rest, I'll go over to get the money now. Mandy, greet Director Zhou." After speaking, he turned and left.

Zhou Ran's drinking capacity is astonishing, drinking this amount of wine is nothing at all, his mind is all on Chen Mandi and Qian Qian all night, drinking a few glasses is just a play on the spot.Seeing that Lao Chen left, he immediately showed his true colors, squinted his naked eyes and stared at Chen Mandi's protruding breasts, and laughed grinningly, "Baby, you are looking for the right person today, your business is It's about the master. Doing things under the master will definitely make you eat and drink spicy food all day long, so you will be happy." As he said, he leaned on Chen Mandi.

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