life struggle

Chapter 26

Seeing that the final exam is approaching and there is not much time, how to get good grades in the final exam is the key factor in determining whether you can get a scholarship in the end. 【 】What is the format of the exam?What is the direction of the exam?What are the main contents of the exam?How to review and prepare for the exam?Wait, Wu Xiaojun still doesn't know anything, and he doesn't know what to do.

The Affiliated Hospital of Pingxi Medical College is a large-scale comprehensive clinical teaching third-class first-class hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention and rehabilitation in Pingxi area. It is also the best one among the 23 practice bases of Pingxi Medical College. An ideal practice unit for internships.The fact that Song Zhihui and Zhang Yuanyuan were able to stay in Pingxi Medical College for an internship at the same time shows a problem. In addition to the overall excellence of the class they are in, their academic performance is also relatively outstanding. If you ask them for advice and study, you will definitely be enlightened and benefit a lot .

Wu Xiaojun went straight to the gastroenterologist's office where Song Zhihui and Zhang Yuanyuan practiced. Both of them happened to be on duty. A doctor in his 60s was explaining the mechanism of gastrointestinal diseases and the latest medical progress to seven or eight students. The students listened attentively and asked some interesting questions from time to time, and the old doctor answered them slowly and patiently.

Wu Xiaojun took a closer look at the doctor's badge. His name was Chen Congming, his title was professor, and he was a senior expert.In Yuanzhen County Hospital, the highest is the attending physician, and the deputy chief physician is already rare.It's better to be a coincidence than to come early. It's really a rare opportunity to meet a professor today, and it's very difficult to meet and invite him under normal circumstances.Wu Xiaojun was overjoyed, so why not take this opportunity to learn more about his father's condition and the things that should be paid special attention to the prognosis, so that he can know it well, so he nodded to Song Zhihui and Zhang Yuanyuan, and quietly found a seat to sit down and listen carefully to Chen. Keep in mind every key point in every sentence of the professor, for fear of missing a key point or missing a link.

Professor Chen is kind-hearted and has a pleasant face. In front of the students, he is not only a scholar with profound theoretical knowledge, but also like a kind elder. Facing the eyes of students eager for knowledge, he can talk endlessly, tell the truth without reservation , I talked for more than two hours at once, without feeling tired or bored.Finally, Professor Chen said, "Although the research on gastrointestinal diseases at home and abroad has made great progress and made some breakthroughs, there are still many unknown areas and unsolved mysteries, which require us to study unremittingly for a long time. To explore and practice. For you medical students in the new era, this important task is a glorious mission and an arduous task. I hope you will study hard, study in depth, and persevere." Professor Chen paused for a while, gently picked up the water glass, drank, Then he said, "This is the end of my lecture today. If any students have questions, you can ask me not only now, but at any time, and I will try my best to answer them."

When Wu Xiaojun heard it, he felt that the time had come, and the time would never come again. Don’t ask at this time, when will he be able to see him again. Thinking of this, he mustered up his courage, stood up and coughed lightly, "Professor Chen, I'm sorry, excuse me." , I’m a new student in the Department of Clinical Medicine this year, can I spare you a few minutes to ask some questions about postoperative gastric ulcer perforation?”

The affiliated hospital of the medical school is a strict society, especially a strict Confucian society, with a very strict hierarchy and a very complicated situation.First of all, it is a hospital, a place to save lives and save lives. Doctors are divided into chief physicians, deputy chief physicians, attending physicians, physicians, and assistant physicians. Each higher level is a step forward in technical authority. It is another school, not only professors, associate professors, lecturers, etc., but also seniors, even if they are one grade older than you, you should respect them. This is a basic unspoken rule, and generally you cannot violate it.

A few students glanced at Wu Xiaojun, a primary school student who has not yet entered the market. , only obedient, what qualifications do you have to ask the professor, even if you have a question, it is not your turn, but a qualified person to speak for you.

Professor Chen was taken aback for a moment, and soon felt that this young man was very courageous. Few students dared to be neither humble nor overbearing, and asked questions to himself confidently, listening to what he had to say, and said with a smile, "This Student, you have not yet reached the stage of internship, and you can ask questions bluntly, which shows that you are more open-minded and eager to learn, and strive to improve. I appreciate it and am very happy. If you have anything to say, please feel free to say it without any scruples."

Wu Xiaojun introduced his father's condition and treatment process in very concise and clear language, and asked, "What I am most worried about is whether the prognosis of this disease will recur after surgery, whether there will be canceration, what problems should be paid special attention to, and how to treat it. Prevention, how to promote recovery?"

Professor Chen listened quietly, and then said, "Students, the questions raised by this student based on actual cases are very important, and they are also the main content that I will explain to you next. Here, I will briefly Tell me." Professor Chen gave affirmative and detailed answers to every question Wu Xiaojun asked.After Wu Xiaojun heard this, he felt that his father’s doctor in charge was very different from him. The gap was too great. When he asked him every question, he was always hesitant and ambiguous, which made people anxious and helpless. I opened my eyes and wrote a letter to my family immediately when I went back to implement Professor Chen's opinion.

After Professor Chen left, Song Zhihui and Zhang Yuanyuan called Wu Xiaojun to the doctor's lounge, and asked in surprise, "Xiaojun, you surprised us today, why did you ask Professor Chen so directly? You still don't understand this The rules are complicated. The relationship between people is very delicate. You always guard against me and I guard against you. Those with a slightly higher job level will point fingers at the subordinates and make irresponsible remarks. There is no excuse for you. Room. Take this Professor Chen, who is very weird. When he is in a good mood, he can say anything. When he is in a bad mood, he doesn’t care about anyone. Be sympathetic, sometimes we interns, and even some attending doctors in this hospital would hide away from him. You are lucky today, you didn’t run into any trouble, but the people below are sweating for you. "

Wu Xiaojun said, "From what you said, the problem is still very serious. I didn't think about it so much at the time. In fact, I also bumped into it. I wanted to ask you two for some questions about the final exam. Who would want to correct it?" When I caught up with Professor Chen explaining something related to my father’s illness, I was curious, so I listened to it. Seeing that he behaves elegantly, is amiable, and is a teacher, I didn’t have so many worries and raised it directly.”

Zhang Yuanyuan said, "But today is really dangerous. In the future, you should pay more attention. When you encounter problems, you should observe more and think before you act. You may suffer a lot if you bump into an idea one day."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Yes, yes, thank you for your guidance. If you don't pay attention, you will suffer a lot. But I still want to ask you for some advice on the final exam. Now I have no idea, and I am worried that I will not do well in the exam. You are all experienced. The method Well, I have a lot of experience, please give me some pointers."

Song Zhihui said, "It's actually not complicated. It's a thick book with not much main content. The teacher usually writes on the blackboard in class. Most of the key points should be carefully reviewed, understood and memorized. Besides, I still have some exams from previous years. For the question, you should make full use of the last period of time to carefully study the structure of the test paper, the thinking of the question and the key points of the answer, so that you will have the purpose and direction. It is [-]% no problem to pass the test. "

Wu Xiaojun asked, "If you want to get a scholarship, besides your usual grades and test scores, do you need to do some work with the teacher?"

Zhang Yuanyuan said, "You don't have to worry about this point. In the end, it is based on the comprehensive score, as long as Micro Motion can be evaluated. Of course, the student union cadres, class cadres, grade directors, and counselors have more contact with each other. They are deeply impressed and have the same conditions. The lower class will have an obvious advantage. In addition, it depends on how the teachers are. Our class of teachers has better character, is more serious in doing things, is fair and upright, and has strong principles. They get everything they can get. However, We are also very clear that Director Jia and Teacher Qiao are both good, as long as your overall grades are good, you should be fine."

Wu Xiaojun said, "What you said is so important to me, I know what to do now. Hey, yes, you are going to graduate next semester. You should have an idea now whether you are considering returning to your hometown or staying in Pingxi. right?"

Zhang Yuanyuan said, "I can't tell now. It may be easy to implement the work when I go back. Once I want to come out, it will be even more difficult, unless I take the road of postgraduate entrance examination, but it is indeed too difficult. Staying here, the implementation of the work unit is not at all. If you have any advantage, if you succeed, it will be very beneficial to your future development. In short, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so you don’t need to deliberately pursue it, just let it be.”

Song Zhihui said, "I think it's better to go back. With the care and love of family members, there will be a lot of troubles, and it will be more carefree to go to work smoothly and live a small life. But Yuanyuan is used to it here, and she looks down on the small place in the county. Yes, as people say, one year soil, two years foreign, three years forget father and mother. There is really nothing to do with her, marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, she tied my nose with a rope, passively Just drag and go, only I follow her wherever she goes like a follower."

Zhang Yuanyuan pursed her lips and said with a smile, "As long as you are poor-mouthed, are you talking about me? You are clearly talking about yourself. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to think about whether to go or stay. Yuanzhen Hospital has already reserved a good place for me .It means you have the wildest heart, and you can’t find things, things, north and south after you’ve been out for two days, and you want to fly.”

The two talked and laughed sweetly, relaxed, natural and very cordial. Wu Xiaojun faintly felt envious, "I won't bother you any more, and I'll go back to school first. If I have time in the evening, I will go to your place to review some of the past years." Get the material."

Song Zhihui and Zhang Yuanyuan said, "OK, please don't eat in the cafeteria tonight, let's make dumplings together."

Wu Xiaojun got the reference materials, as if he wanted to meet a savior, he went to the classroom early every night to study by himself, carefully reviewing his homework and preparing for the exam.There is a catchphrase on campus called "59 points for crime, 61 points for long live, [-] points for waste". In order not to commit crimes, the usual evening self-study is deserted, few, and the empty and lonely classrooms suddenly become brightly lit. The crowd was crowded and there were no empty seats, especially Liu Youcai, who was usually free and unrestrained, watched the scenery, danced, went shopping and pressed the road, and couldn't return late at night. Liu Youcai, who was idle and idle, no longer went out of school with Yang Shuli at night, but went in and out of the classroom as a pair, flying wing to wing.Everyone has become very fond of learning, with a strong thirst for knowledge, and the phenomenon of occupying seats in advance is becoming more and more obvious day by day.

On this day, Wu Xiaojun came to the classroom for evening self-study, and found that he came a step late. The usually quiet front two rows were already full, so he had to sit in the dimly lit third row behind the right side. After a while, troubles came.

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