life struggle

Chapter 265

The three of them worked together, working for a while amid laughter and laughter, and tasted the fruits of their labor together.

Niu Shuxian ate the dumplings and said, "Xiaojun's cooking tastes really good. I will have the opportunity to eat dumplings at your home in the future."

Bai Lingyan said, "I don't think it's very good. I can eat enough once. I don't want to go to his house to taste his low-level craftsmanship."

Wu Xiaojun laughed and said, "Your sisters are both singing oboe, and they are making fun of me, Lingyan, even if you want to go, you are still afraid that your wife will get in trouble with me!"

Niu Shuxian said happily, "It's easy. In the future, you two will have a common family, and all problems will be solved. When you send out wedding candies, don't treat me as

Forgot!Otherwise, I will settle accounts with you two. "

Wu Xiaojun didn't want Niu Shuxian to continue talking, even if it was a joke, so he quickly changed the topic and said, "Sister Niu, take time to come back and have a look after you go back. Don't focus on work and forget about me as a buddy."

Bai Lingyan lowered her head and smiled slightly, "Who do you think you are? What qualifications do you have for my sister to come to see you? According to your logic, she has as many friends as a cow, and she can't even see her when she is exhausted. However, occasionally our sister It is still necessary for the two to get together."

Wu Xiaojun said again and again, "Yes, yes, relatives should move around frequently, otherwise they will appear to be divided."

Niu Shuxian said with a grin, "Lingyan, you are wrong today. You are singing the wrong tune. I can't help but fight for Xiaojun. It seems that Xiaojun is often taught by you. In the future, you have to step on him." Under your feet, you have to be more friendly and gentle to Xiaojun in the future."

A delighted smile appeared on Bai Lingyan's face, she ate with her head down, and kept silent.

After sending Niu Shuxian away, Bai Lingyan suddenly noticed that Wu Xiaojun's bag was bulging, and asked curiously, "You are inseparable, and the bag is carrying a silly baby, can you let me see it?"

"It's very precious. I'm afraid I'll lose it. You can take a look at it." As he spoke, he took off the bag from his shoulder, opened it gently, and took out a stack of printing paper.

Bai Lingyan flipped through it casually in her hand, "It looks like a manuscript, where did you get it?"

"This is Director Jiang's manuscript. I was asked to proofread it for her. There are many mistakes in it, and some of them are outrageous, but I am embarrassed. It took seven or eight days of overtime work and less than a quarter of the time. One, at this rate, it will be difficult to finish the trial in a month, and it will worry me to death."

"There are a lot of technical terms in it, which are not found in many textbooks. The consequences of making a mistake in a word are immeasurable. If you don't really put in a lot of effort, you really can't get things done. It's really not easy."

"At that time, I thought it was very simple. Isn't it just to find typos? How difficult can it be? If I knew it was such a hard job, I would have pushed it away."

"Riding a tiger after drinking alcohol makes it difficult to get off the tiger when you wake up. If you drive a duck to the shelf, you won't be able to get off the shelf, and you can't do it if you want to. But this is also a good learning opportunity. You might as well transfer more time and energy to this Come up, find a quiet place, finish the work seriously, and make a good impression on Director Jiang."

"I thought so too, but it's so hard to sit up!"

"It's not difficult. It happens that my dad is away during this time, so you can review manuscripts here. If you don't go out for a day, no one will disturb you. It's very quiet. If I have time, I can also help you and review a few articles. Save time and reduce your energy consumption.”

Wu Xiaojun jumped up excitedly, and said without hesitation, "That's great, it's really my savior. After it's over, I will thank you very much!"

Bai Lingyan said embarrassedly, "Thank you, you're not an outsider, as long as you don't keep avoiding me, it's fine!"

"Look at what you said without thinking, why should I hide from you!"

"It's fine if you don't have it. It's settled like this. Tomorrow and the next two days are Sundays. If you work harder, you can catch up a lot."

Wu Xiaojun specially went to the school library to borrow some of the most-used books according to his own review of manuscripts some time ago, so that they can be consulted at any time, saving time and speeding up.

Bai Lingyan thought about the situation during the day, Xianzi always regarded herself and him as lovers in both words and deeds, and her own words were even more abnormal and out of line, which was beyond the limits of ordinary friends, and suddenly there was an indescribable feeling in her heart smell.

Since I met him, no matter how many girlfriends he has, I have always interacted with him in a normal psychological state. I have never broken through the normal psychological defense line, and I have never felt sad or jealous, nor have I crossed the threshold of friendship and love. psychology.

I don’t know why during this time, I haven’t seen you for three days, it seems that something is missing, I always feel a little weird, is this the original love.Once in a state of love, the relationship between the two will become complicated, and it will no longer be as pure and peaceful as it is now.

No, you can't fall in love with him, you still have to keep a certain distance.Right now, he has promised to help him, so he should keep his promise and help him to the end.However, I took a boy with my father for a few days, and my colleagues and neighbors knew that they would definitely treat him as my boyfriend. My father knew how to explain himself, saying it was him but not, and saying it was not others but thinking Yes, it is a very real problem.

Wu Xiaojun was only thinking about how to complete the task earlier so that he could submit a satisfactory answer to Director Jiang, and he was used to Feng Weiwei and Niu Shuxian treating themselves as Bai Lingyan's boyfriend, so naturally they would not take things to heart. She was grateful to Bai Lingyan for offering to review the manuscript for herself, and she didn't think too much about it, nor did she have any psychological burden.

The next day, Bai Lingyan happily brought Wu Xiaojun to the hut after a midnight ideological struggle.

The two kept a separate booth without interfering with each other. They reviewed each page word by word, marked the mistakes clearly, discussed with each other what they didn't understand, checked the materials on the spot, and the speed increased accordingly.

The two sat in the room for two full days and achieved a lot.When Wu Xiaojun counted the papers, he was very excited and said in surprise, "My dear, two people are much faster than one person, and the rest is less than one-fifth."

Bai Lingyan said with a sense of accomplishment, "That's natural. I'm not a vegetarian, and I'm no worse than you. Two people working together are definitely faster than one. Much more efficient."

Wu Xiaojun said cheerfully, "What's more important is that men and women are not tired of working together. If I knew this, I should have caught you in advance!"

Bai Lingyan heard that there was something wrong in her words, and said seriously, "Don't talk nonsense! According to this speed, I can finish it in one afternoon. I won't go to work in the afternoon of the day after tomorrow. Come here again. Finish the work early and calm down. Otherwise, you will not feel at ease in the department."

"It's still you who understand me. Knowing you is my greatest luck. When you are in trouble, you always don't try to repay me, and you don't ask for anything to help me. I don't know what to say."

"Who are we and who are we? What friends want is to help each other. Don't say these useless foreign words."

"It's almost ten o'clock. Seeing that your eyelids are slack and you have no energy, you should go back and rest early!"

Bai Lingyan stretched her waist and yawned, "It's not easy to sit for a long time, but sitting suddenly, I'm very uncomfortable, I'm so exhausted, I can't hold it anymore, let's go, go back to sleep."

The two were in a particularly good mood, relaxed and natural along the way, talking and laughing happily, and unknowingly came to the vicinity of the Chrysanthemum Department Store.

Pingxi City is an inland city in the central and western regions. It is not as open and developed as the coastal cities in the south. People have a fast-paced life and rich nightlife. There are not many people shopping and leisure in the evening. Except for restaurants and some hotels, most of the shops are out of business. Close early.

Wu Xiaojun looked back and forth along the street. During the day, the bustling and bustling Juhua Department Store business district was much deserted. There were almost no pedestrians. Even the street lights seemed listless and dim, giving people a feeling of depression and shock. He said worriedly, "It's gloomy here at night, and it's a bit creepy, so hurry up."

Bai Lingyan was also a little scared, she took Wu Xiaojun's arm, and cuddled up to him tightly, "I heard that there are often bad guys going in and out here to rob, and some people rob girls and send them to nearby hotels and clubs, it's scary. The next night when I walked to this place, I was very careful and fearful, lest the bad guys show up, you have to protect me!"

"Don't worry, don't say there are no bad guys, even if there are three or five, I can deal with them."

"You're bragging, there are really bad people, your legs run faster, how can you care about me!"

"Stop, don't talk!" Wu Xiaojun suddenly covered Bai Lingyan's mouth.

Bai Lingyan was so frightened that she was stunned, "Surprised, what are you doing!"

"Hush... There seems to be something going on ahead, you hide in front of that secluded store first, and I'll go and find out."

Bai Lingyan saw two men pestering a woman on the right side of the road about 100 meters ahead. The woman dodged left and right, not knowing what they were doing. The bad guys are extremely dangerous, let's leave after they leave!"

"If it's really a woman who meets a bad guy, it's dangerous. Don't move here. I know what's going on. Go forward and find out the truth, and just play by ear."

"You have to be careful!"

Wu Xiaojun pretended to be nonchalant, and approached the three vigilantly. Their voices became louder and their hearing became clearer and clearer.

A man stretched his hands out in front of him, and said with a playful smile, "Little girl, a tender and pure beautiful female college student, I haven't tasted what it's like before, it's a rare opportunity, I like it so much, let's go with my buddy, make sure tonight Let you die!"

The woman said in horror, "Bah, stinky rascal, get out of the way, if you don't get out of the way, I'll call someone!"

The other man grinned grimly, "Oh, you chick is pretty good, how can there be anyone, shout, shout, tonight buddy will eat you, don't toast or eat fine wine, don't be honest Be honest, buddy is rude to you." He grabbed the girl's hand and said lewdly, "So tender, so soft, baby sister, come on!" He pulled her into his arms with all his strength.

While struggling desperately, the woman shouted loudly, "Help, help, come here, hooligans are robbing people!"

Hearing this voice, Wu Xiaojun gritted his teeth angrily, angry from the heart, evil to the gut, clenched his fists, and ran towards the three as fast as he could.

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