life struggle

Chapter 29 Arrive early

Finding a seat is hard and occupying a seat is tiring, Wu Xiaojun already has a deep feeling and experience, but this is an indisputable fact, no one can change it, and can only find ways to overcome or adapt. 【 】College students generally do not have fixed classrooms, with limited classrooms and limited seats. The classrooms where they usually attend classes are mostly determined by the majors and courses they study. The personnel are highly mobile and random. "Occupying seats" has become a common practice in colleges and universities. Phenomenon.Especially every time before the exam, it became more and more fierce. In order to get a seat, all the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to fight for the territory. There were fights and fights among students in many places, and the injuries and disabilities were often reported in the newspapers.

The final exam will officially start in two days. The brothers in the dormitory are not talking about what to test and how to get a high score, but how to occupy a favorable position away from the sight of the invigilator, how to seize the location and harmony, everyone Talking all over the place, I thought of many ways, and finally reached a consensus.

One night before the exam, a few people stayed in the classroom until most of the students left and turned off the lights, checking each seat with a flashlight.If you don’t look at it, you can see that everyone is shocked. Some of the center positions of the last five rows on both sides of the classroom and the middle six rows have been placed with books and pens, and some have written the words "xxx has been occupied" with chalk. , and there are silk stockings, bras, scarves, hats, melon seeds, bread, etc. with names written on them in the bit buckets.

Yan Gaofeng said, "The good seats have already been taken by others. I think we should erase all the words written with chalk and put our books on them. Put it up, what do you think?"

Zhao Xiaozhou said, "This is not good. If we let others know that we did it, they will directly point the finger at us. I am afraid that there will be a verbal battle at that time. Not only will the seat not be available, but the construction will be too noisy. Unpleasant, embarrassing."

Wu Xiaojun said, "I counted, and there were thirteen seats for writing, all of which were wiped off. It's a good way to put books every now and then. It doesn't show the mountains or the water. Even if it arouses others' suspicion, we will still have it." You can talk, so you won’t be too passive. However, everyone must be here early tomorrow, or else you will have nothing to say if you are preempted by others.”

Liu Youcai said, "Don't hesitate, let's do it like this, everyone hurry up and wipe it together."

Everyone took a rag from the back of the classroom, wet it with water, and wiped it carefully several times without leaving any traces of chalk. Then they put the books on the table and in the bin, and then left the classroom angrily.

The next day, several people got up early and went to the cafeteria to have some light meals. When leaving the cafeteria, Wu Xiaojun realized that he had forgotten to bring his pen, so he hurried back to the dormitory to get it, while the others hurried straight to the classroom.As soon as Wu Xiaojun walked into the classroom, he saw Zhou Ri, the big fat man in the class, yelling at Zhao Xiaozhou and the others, "These are the seats we marked yesterday, and you erased them. You think others can't see them, so put them in there." I just want to sit with a few books, but I can't do it at all, and no one can take the seats of the few of us."

Yan Gaofeng's voice was not low, and he said with all his strength, "There is no mark on this seat. You said you wrote, where is it? You can't even find any handwriting. How can you say that you occupied it? Yes. Isn't it too domineering to grab your seat?"

The little Ma in the class said, "You must have wiped it. I saw you when I went to the bathroom yesterday. After the lights were turned off in the classroom at night, none of the six people in your dormitory left. They wiped it with a wet rag while holding a flashlight. .You don’t even admit to the immoral things you did, and you can’t sit in any of these seats.”

Zhao Gang said loudly, "You have to have evidence in what you say, and you can't swear. Who of us can do such a thing? , It was wiped by a few of us, we only need six at most, it is so cold outside, I went back to the dormitory early to get under the covers, who has the time to wipe them all here, is it full of food. "

The writing on the table has names, so you can tell who it is at a glance, and you will definitely find it.Wu Xiaojun knew that others didn't want to come up to him, and he did something wrong, so he was definitely not at ease. Seeing a few people arguing fiercely, he had to go up and say, "You are all classmates, why are you so big for the sake of a few seats?" If you are noisy, let others read the joke, stop arguing, and stop arguing. I think this matter itself is not clear, and the public is right, and the woman is right, and it is not right. In fact, , are both reasonable and unreasonable, because no one can tell who is the truth and who is false, and the exam is about to start, and there is no time to comment on who is right and wrong, so don't be too serious and hurt your peace. How about this Well, if there is already someone sitting on the seat, let it sit, if there is no one, please sit quickly, if you are late, just sit where there is a seat."

The fat man Zhou said, "If you say that, it means that you have given up the good seats for nothing. We have worked hard to occupy the seats and cooked a good dish for you."

Wu Xiaojun said, "You can't say that. Everything is based on facts. No matter how much the process is, it can't be restored. It can't be put on the table. The reality is that you don't have any marks. You should find a seat without marks. If you don't find another Sit in a suitable seat, and after a while everyone will arrive, but there is really no suitable place to sit, and you can only check the worst."

Wu Xiaojun spoke like a cannonball, coaxing and persuading, both soft and hard, Zhou Ri didn't react for a while, so he had to admit defeat, "Little Ma, skinny monkey, what Wu Xiaojun said is right, hurry up and find an unmarked seat, and give it to Zhang Qiang and the others." Take three."

Zhao Xiaozhou said in his heart that as a class cadre, it is not good for him to intervene directly. Wu Xiaojun was working in vain for a while, and he was relieved. If Yan Gaofeng and Zhao Gang really couldn't stand it later, they would reveal their secrets and must be embarrassed.This is good, the problem is solved, everyone is happy, and they sit down.

Everyone in the classroom seized the prime time of the hour before the exam, and made a surprise attack, just for luck, betting on a few big questions, writing on the desktop and in the palm of their hands, and some felt uncomfortable. Be down-to-earth, prepare a few palm papers and put them in your sleeves, so that when the time is right, you can go out quietly and get a good grade in the exam.

Time passed by every minute, and at ten past eight, the exam officially began.The invigilator is Yang Wei, director of the school's student office, and Qiao Yulin, the counselor.Director Yang, as the chief examiner, counted the number of people in advance, read out the exam discipline, and then said, "Students, we have a total of eight courses this semester, including six examination courses, which have been completed in normal times, and there are two examination courses. Exams this morning and afternoon. Exams are the most important courses, and the grades should be recorded in the comprehensive grades of individuals and the class. I hope everyone will take the exam seriously, test the actual level, and get good grades. Please put all the books and papers away now. Go to the last row and the front, and after the exam starts, you must remember to abide by the discipline of the exam room, and once you find cheaters, you will be disqualified on the spot." The students immediately began to disarm reluctantly, Teacher Qiao went around and found nothing, and signaled to Yang The director began to issue papers.

Wu Xiaojun sat in the middle of the classroom to the right. He got the test paper and looked it over. He felt that the questions were not biased or strange. Most of them were the original questions that had been tested before. finished answering.There were a few questions that I was not sure about, but I couldn't remember them anyway, so I had to crawl along the exam questions and write them densely, leaving no blanks in the test paper.I wanted to be the first to hand in the paper, but I was worried that other students would blame me for being in the limelight, so I waited until someone handed in the paper before leaving, and boredly observed the situation in the classroom.

At the beginning, there was no sound in the classroom except for the sound of brushing and writing. Gradually, the sound became a bit messy. Some coughed deliberately, pretended to check pens on the ground and borrowed pens from neighbors, and some felt unwell. Scratching and so on, the situation continues.In fact, for one purpose, he has already started to move around, waiting for an opportunity to commit crimes.Director Yang said, "A few students should pay attention. Let me remind you first. Please refrain from your bad behavior and don't make any small moves. If you don't concentrate on answering the questions, I will issue a warning."

Teacher Qiao walked back and forth, stood behind Wu Xiaojun and looked at the test paper, "Check carefully after answering, and hand in the paper if there is no problem." After speaking, he walked forward to Zhou Ri's side. He took out the book, and before he could turn it over, he was caught by Teacher Qiao, "You, hurry up and take out the book. You don't usually study hard. It's too late to be smart at this time."

The classroom was no longer silent, and the students began to perform tricks of police and thieves and play guerrilla games with the invigilator.Wang Xin peeked at the note and was taken away by Director Yang. Not long after, the book appeared out of nowhere, and just after she opened it, she was caught by Teacher Qiao again.Director Yang and Teacher Qiao walked forward, and the students behind stood up and looked around at others, turned around, and sat down again to pretend nothing had happened, making them focus on one thing, stand up on another, and walk back and forth in the classroom.

Liu Youcai, who was sitting behind him, took advantage of the invigilator's inattention, tapped Wu Xiaojun's back with a pen, and asked in a low voice, "How do you explain the third term in front?"

Seeing Director Yang and Teacher Qiao facing the students on the left, Wu Xiaojun slightly raised his head and said in a low voice, "I misplaced the test paper, please read it quickly." meditation.

Suddenly, Teacher Qiao said, "Liu Youcai, don't look around. Wu Xiaojun should sit upright and concentrate on answering the questions." When Wu Xiaojun heard this, the teacher noticed him. No new problems were discovered, and no new miracles appeared, so it was really boring.

The two invigilators saw that the students were not behaved at all, and there was nothing they could do, so they became impatient, "Don't make any small moves. If you find out again, you will collect all the papers and cancel the undergraduate exam results." Weapons, asking neighbors to help but no results, he had no choice but to hand in the paper in a fit of anger, Wu Xiaojun was relieved when he saw someone kicking the gun, handed in the paper, and rushed out of the classroom like an arrow.

Without actual combat, I don't know the depth.The exam in the morning was relatively smooth, and Wu Xiaojun felt satisfied and more at ease.Suddenly remembered, I didn't check my letters for a few days, so I walked quickly to the post office of the school district, looked through a pile of letters, and found a letter from Qin Meixiang five days ago.So she couldn't wait to open it, and Qin Meixiang said in the letter: "Xiaojun, we finished the exam on the morning of January [-], and I will go to Pingxi in the afternoon. You must wait for me, and you are not allowed to sneak away."

On the afternoon of the [-]th of the first month, isn't it this afternoon? There are many passing trains from Xiangzhou to Pingxi, and I don't know which train she will take.Besides, I still have an exam in the afternoon, so I don't have time to pick her up at the station.Now it is the peak time of passenger flow, and there will be a lot of people in the car. Will it be safe and smooth for her to come here alone for the first time? I hope nothing will happen.After reading the letter, Wu Xiaojun felt uneasy and restless all the way. He was about to go up the dormitory building when he suddenly heard someone shout from behind him, "Wu Xiaojun, stop and see where you go. I've caught you."

Wu Xiaojun looked back and was taken aback.

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