life struggle

Chapter 297

Wu Xiaoyun is tall, very strong, and has great strength. He can do everything very quickly. He is a good hand in the crop field.

The biggest advantage is that she is very filial, and her mother-in-law and sister-in-law are full of praise in terms of human conditions.

But she is pungent by nature, careless, and accepts death. Anyone who treats her well and cuts off her own flesh will not blink. If anyone troubles her for no reason, offends her, I'm sorry, I don't want to discuss what is right and what is wrong Zi Chou Yinmao, if you don't make your head burnt out, you can't hold your head up and submit submissively, and you will never let it go.

People call her "Changbuqing" and they generally dare not provoke her lightly, and she also enjoys this title.

When it comes to the busy farming season, Wu Xiaoyun is most worried and worried about his parents. He always rushes to finish his own housework and go to Xiaojun's house to relieve the burden on his parents.Everyone in the village saw it and praised it in their hearts, but Wu Xiaofu and Qiao Na hated it deeply and caused her some troubles from time to time, but this trick had no effect on Wu Xiaoyun at all.

Wu Xiaoyun knew that his younger brother Xiaojun would not come back this year in Sanxia, ​​and was afraid that his parents would be impatient and tired, so he kept nagging and urging her husband, Sun Ran, to finish harvesting the wheat at home early so that he could spare time to go to his parents. .

Although the two had conflicts several times over these matters, Sun Ran couldn't resist Wu Xiaoyun, and after a long time, he got used to it.

Wu Xiaoyun got all the wheat from the field home, and hurried over to help his parents harvest the wheat.

Wu Xiaoyun's arrival, Wu Pingshun and Xiaojun's mother seemed to see a savior, they didn't even eat breakfast, they pulled the car to the field farthest from home, and filled a big car.Wu Xiaoyun pulled the wheat cart from the field to the edge of the field, and said to his parents, "I'll just go back by myself, you two don't go back, it's tiring to go back and forth for more than three miles, you two rest here."

Wu Pingshun said worriedly, "The car is so high and heavy, if I push it behind you, you can feel lighter."

Wu Xiaoyun pulled the car and said indifferently, "Lu Ping, you can pull it."

Xiao Junniang said distressedly, "Go slowly, don't rush."

Wu Xiaoyun walked slowly and cautiously along the country road with his head bowed, when suddenly a person stopped in front of him.I heard someone in front say, "I'm blind, I don't even have eyes when I walk!"

Wu Xiaoyun hurriedly raised her head, and saw her sister-in-law Qiao Na walking towards her with a mournful face, pulling an empty cart. The distance was only ten meters, and the road was very narrow. Go to the ground first.

Qiao Na knew it very well, but she deliberately made Wu Xiaoyun's embarrassment and asked her a difficult problem, so she stopped in the middle of the road and stood still, saying in a strange way, "Good dogs don't get in the way, and no good dog gets in the way. Some people don't have eyes, and they block the way and don't let them go."

Hearing that the voice was not right, Wu Xiaoyun turned her head to look around, saw that there was no one else but herself, this old lady was scolding herself, so she got angry, she wanted to have a fit, but then she thought it was important to work, so she Suppressing the anger in his heart, he said, "There are wheat stubble fields on both sides. You can just pass by with an empty cart, why are you still swearing at people, and besides, I'm pulling a cart full of straw. , where can I make way for you?"

Qiao Na snorted, muttered and said angrily, "It's really a dog meddling with a mouse, full of food, I'm scolding the dog in the way, what are you talking about. Let me pass through the stubble, you How old is a person from outside the village who is gesticulating, the stubble field is so empty, do you have the ability to pass through it?"

Seeing that she was getting more and more out of tune, Wu Xiaoyun still scolded and satirized himself, deliberately finding fault with others, his face turned blue with anger, the anger in his heart was ignited suddenly, and he stared with big eyes and said anxiously, "You said What should we do, if we both stand here today, no one can make it through."

Jona purposely annoyed her and said, "The dog can't spit out ivory. There is a lot of unplucked wheat in my field. It will hurt me to death if it delays my harvesting. I don't have time to grind my teeth with you. Hurry up!" Get out of the way."

Wu Xiaoyun didn't want to argue with her at first, and he didn't want to have a conflict with her at this time. Hearing her pointing at Sanghuai and whispering about her father and mother, she immediately became irritable and let go of the handlebar. With a "wow", a cart of wheat stalks turned sideways into the stubble field next to it, and the three-pointed mulberry fork on the top was thrown more than two meters away.

A cart of straw was overturned, Wu Xiaoyun didn't even turn his head, and walked three steps at a time, with fire in his eyes, angrily stepped forward, grabbed Qiao Na's hair, and moved to the side with force.

Qiao Na was so haggard that she choked a few steps forward.Before she could gain a firm footing, Wu Xiaoyun kicked her hard from behind, bent forward and lay down on the hard wheat stubble more than three inches long, only to hear "Oh my god" and "Ouch" screams, Immediately, blood from the corners of the mouth, nose, and forehead pierced by wheat stubble oozes out, and a strand of hair is also pulled out from the top of the head, and it is firmly held in Wu Xiaoyun's hands.

Qiao Na grinned on the ground and just raised her head when Wu Xiaoyun grabbed the hair on the back of her head, followed by a few hard kicks on her buttocks.

Wu Xiaoyun was still angry, and cursed viciously, "You rascal who can't speak human words, I have been patient with you for a long time, today I want to smash your stinky mouth, let you grow your memory, see Dare Hu Qin in the future." Before he finished speaking, he lifted Qiao Na's hair up violently, swung his hand that could lift a 100-jin wheat bag, and pointed at Qiao Na's bloody cheeks, left and right, "Papa papa..." He slapped more than 20 mouths like popping beans, until his wrists were sore, he pushed Qiao Na forward hard and let go of her hands.

Qiao Na lay on the ground with her head in her arms, crying and crying, and Wu Xiaoyun beat her violently like a bombardment, without any power to fight back.In a blink of an eye, his mouth became crooked and his eyes slanted, his dark face was covered with blood, and it was swollen as if he was blown out of breath.

Qiao Na's face turned pale from fright, and she didn't care about the pain in her whole body. She just wanted to go away quickly. The moment Wu Xiaoyun let go of her hand, she got up from the ground and ran with bare feet, crying like ghosts and wolves while running. He yelled at the top of his voice, "My mother, horses are good at being ridden by others, people are good at being bullied by others, what is the reason for being bullied for no reason, the world, Cuiting, come and save mother! "

The incident happened suddenly. Wu Xiaofu and his son World, who were peeling off wheat in the outfield more than 200 meters away, saw Wu Xiaoyun bent over and fanned Jonah's mouth on the ground when the eldest daughter Cui Ting followed. The situation was not good, so I hurriedly put down the work in hand, and ran here with a mulberry fork.

World Watcher was beaten by her aunt, her eyes turned red from embarrassment, and the young Li Sheng was the fastest runner, and almost ran into the panicked Qiao Na.

When Qiao Na saw her son coming, she met her savior. Fearing that Wu Xiaoyun was chasing her from behind, she hurriedly hid behind Shijie, "World, my mother was beaten like this by the wicked, you must avenge my mother, and you must not let Xiaoyun come to you!" That dead girl ran away in vain."

Seeing Niang's horrific state of distress, she immediately became furious and furious. She pushed Qiao Na away and rushed towards Wu Xiaoyun like crazy.

Once Wu Xiaoyun's stubborn temper comes up, he is a master who is not afraid of heaven and earth. Seeing Wu Xiaofu and his son running towards him with the thing, they did not throw it away immediately, but picked up the mulberry fork from the ground leisurely, very calm Holding the ground in his hand, he watched Wu Xiaofu and others come to seek revenge on him.

Sitting on the ground, Wu Pingshun had just lit a cigarette and hadn't had a few puffs yet, when he looked up and saw the wheat cart overturned, he was startled, and hurriedly stood up, "Miss Xiaojun, let's go over quickly, the wheat cart overturned."

Mrs. Xiao Jun was lowering her head and hugging Yu Mai on the ground with a rake. She shuddered when she heard what Wu Pingshun said. She looked up and saw that Xiao Yun was beating Qiao Na with her head down. Yun suffered a loss, and said impatiently, "Father Xiaojun, you go fast, go over quickly, once Xiaoyun is caught by Xiaofu World, it will be bad luck."

Without saying a word, Wu Pingshun picked up the mulberry fork and hurried to Xiaoyun's place.

The eyeballs of World Anger were about to burst out, and he desperately approached Wu Xiaoyun with a mulberry fork.

Wu Xiaoyun saw the world coming, gritted his teeth, opened his posture, held the handle of the fork with both hands, and made a horizontal force, so that the three prongs of the mulberry fork pointed forward at the world.

Since Wu Xiaofu had a dispute with Wu Xiaoyun about the burial of his little aunt's mother-in-law last time, he has often been entangled by her, and he feels timid when he sees her.Seeing Qiao Na being beaten by Wu Xiaoyun, she cursed Qiao Na in her heart, who the hell are you messing with? Why not mess with her?The matter has come to this point, if we continue to struggle with Xiaoyun, there will be no rest in the next days, and this plan will be in vain.

Wu Xiaofu saw his son Shi Shi and eldest daughter Cui Ting running over, worried that Xiao Yun would be so anxious that his relatives would not recognize him, and he would fight to the death, so he hurried to stop them, but it was too late.Watching helplessly as the three of them waved the mulberry fork, they clapped their hands.

Wu Xiaoyun was like a lunatic, looking fiercely at Shi Shi and Cui Ting, and sternly shouted, "Today I'm going to live to the end, if you have the guts, all of you should do it." As he spoke, he moved his body back and forth, vigorously waving the mulberry in his hand. Fork, sweep towards the world and Cui Ting.

Cui Ting is a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, tall and thin, with weak strength. Just as the fork in her hand touched the fork in Wu Xiaoyun's hand, her arm trembled and went numb in an instant, and she took a few steps back and fell to the ground. "It flew out with a sound.

The world is full of vigor and youthful vigor. Seeing that the aunt is so crazy, she also goes all out. The fork in her hand shakes suddenly. The moment Wu Xiaoyun moves, the three fork points go straight to Wu Xiaoyun's left side and stab diagonally under Wu Xiaoyun's left rib .

Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Xiaofu quickly ran to the back of the world, stretched out his hands to hug his waist, but was slipped by wheat stubble under his feet, and missed, the fork of the world had already reached Wu Xiaoyun's armpit.

Wu Pingshun, who had just arrived, was frightened with staring stars in front of his eyes, his head was dazed, and he fell on his back with a "plop", muttering in his mouth, "Xiao Yun must break his stomach now, it's over, it's over, it's over!" .”

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