life struggle

Chapter 303 Touring the Qing River

Wu Xiaojun blushed, the corners of his mouth quivered a few times, and said weakly, "We are just ordinary students."

Sun Huiying said with a warning tone, "I hope so. Our Yanzi is very simple, and I can't stop worrying about her all day long, lest she will be bullied and hurt outside. I don't care about your young people. If I firmly disagree with Yanzi at school, it will be useless for anyone to say, I hope you understand what I mean." With a gloomy face, he picked up the broom and continued to sweep the floor.

Wu Xiaojun had nothing to say for a while, and seeing that Sun Huiying didn't say anything else, he walked out of the gate anxiously, stood under the persimmon tree in front of the door, looked around, took a few breaths of fresh air, and eased his slightly nervous mood.Secretly, her mother regards herself as Bai Lingyan's boyfriend, and is obviously very annoyed by her dating at school, and even feels nervous and uneasy, which is understandable.Thinking about it again, what could her mother ask a few words? Isn't she and Bai Lingyan always in conflict with each other whether they want to fall in love? the back of the head.

Since it was still early, Wu Xiaojun had no place to go, so he went back upstairs, lying on the bed with an old newspaper and flipping through it boredly, feeling like his days were like years, and he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

After breakfast, Bai Lingyan said, "In the morning, Xigui and we will go to the Qinghe construction site to play, and I have already prepared the camera."

The three of them left home and walked along the small road in the village. There were so many high and low mountains that there were hardly any decent roads to walk on.Since it had just rained, some places still had mud on their wet feet.Along the rugged mountain road, you come to a high hill, looking around, among the green mountains and steep rocks, terraced fields are dotted and patchwork, depicting a beautiful picture of the mountain countryside.

The breeze blew gently, bringing a little bit of coolness, and quickly blowing away the sweat on the face. The three of them were under a steep mountain red stone wall left over from the engineering splitting of the mountain. Bai Lingyan and Wu Xiaojun looked up at the splitting mountain. Then he turned around and pointed at the five or six holes that were being excavated at the bottom of the mountain in front of him, saying, "This is a supporting project of the water conservancy project. After a few years, the water of Qinghe River will be directly led to Pingxi through these."

Wu Xiaojun looked at it and said, "There are mountains here, and the geology is complicated. It is really not easy to do it."

Bai Xigui suddenly shouted from the side, "Turn your faces around and see what this is."

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan were taken aback, turned towards each other unintentionally, and almost didn't meet each other. Before the two of them came to their senses, Bai Xigui laughed, followed by "click", "click", "click" and press the camera With the sound of the shutter, he said with a smile, "The capture of this shot is very interesting, very fun, and this is the real and beautiful moment."

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan immediately understood, Bai Lingyan lowered her face, and shouted, "Xigui, you can't be so naughty." After speaking, she burst out laughing.

Bai Xigui was very proud of himself, walking in front cheerfully like a Monkey King, bouncing up and down, making funny faces from time to time, which made people look very lively.

After a lot of effort, the three of them reached the top of the highest mountain on the bank of the Qinghe River. There were no crops planted on it, and weeds were overgrown. Occasionally, a few trees growing from the cliff could be seen.Standing on the top, the view is particularly wide, and the entire water conservancy project site can be seen at a glance. A long river stretches from west to east. Under the sunshine, it sparkles and makes a soft sound peacefully.On the other side of the Qinghe River, white construction board houses are scattered, which are particularly conspicuous under the sunlight. Various large vehicles shuttle back and forth on the newly built road on the bank, presenting a busy scene.

Bai Lingyan was like a professional tour guide at this time, standing next to Wu Xiaojun and kept introducing, "The other side of the river is a hydroelectric power generation area. The river below was closed last year. Currently, the river passes through the diversion tunnel at the foot of the opposite mountain. The dam will be built more than 200 meters high, which is half the height of the mountain. At that time, one side of the dam will be a river with a depth of [-] meters, and the other side will be a river bed with a large drop. Similarly, the The hill and this land will be bulldozed to build a tourist resort. The land our family has cultivated for many years will no longer exist."

Wu Xiaojun couldn't help asking in surprise, "The land under your feet belongs to your family?"

There was a trace of reluctance on Bai Lingyan's face, and she said softly, "Yes, thinking that I will never be able to come here to plant crops, pull weeds, and harvest crops like before, I feel very uncomfortable."

Wu Xiaojun looked behind him, blinked his eyes, pointed to the dilapidated cave dwelling halfway down the opposite slope, and said, "So that's where your home is!"

Bai Lingyan smiled slightly, "Your memory is really good. I told you yesterday, and you can see it from this direction!"

Wu Xiaojun chuckled, "It's not easy to come here once. How can you know your environment without snacks? However, it's really hard for you. It takes about an hour to go down from here. If you come up, I don't think there will be one and a half I can’t do it when I was young, I don’t understand, how do you grow this land at such a high height, you can’t get on the car, and rely on ants to carry it on your shoulders, and you can’t exhaust people to death.”

Bai Lingyan said with a look of hesitation, "My ancestors have come here for generations. No matter how far away, how hard and how tiring, this is the basis for survival. No one is willing to give up."

Wu Xiaojun sighed and said, "Compared with yours, our people are tens of times more relaxed."

The three of them went down the mountain and came to the special road directly leading to Pingxi at the foot of the mountain. Along the river, they could see simple and honest workers waving their strong arms at their posts, naked and swollen by the sun. The black and oily spine can not help but remind people of the story of Yugong Yishan. Perhaps this is the descendants of Yugong who have worked tirelessly to sprinkle crystal clear sweat on this hot land to fulfill the unfulfilled wish of their ancestors.

Soon, a modern bridge runs through the north and south of the Qinghe River, connecting people on both sides of the bank who have never been in contact with each other and are blocked by the Qinghe River, and can travel freely.At the head of the bridge is a large relief sculpture. On a white marble base more than two feet high, there is a kind and kind mother lying on her back, looking affectionately at the very cute child lying in her arms, as if full of love, expectation, hope and dream.There are six golden characters of "Qinghe Highway Bridge" engraved under the statue.

Wu Xiaojun looked around the sculpture, Bai Lingyan and Bai Xigui also enjoyed each other, Bai Xigui said with a smile, "Brother Xiaojun, take your camera and take some pictures for me." Wu Xiaojun happily took the camera and guided Watching Xigui stand in a good position, Xigui seemed to be very disobedient, swaying from side to side, with a playful smile, Wu Xiaojun looked at it and said with a smile, "Xigui, let me see how you pose as Monkey King!"

Bai Xigui was very obedient this time, and immediately put on a funny pose of Wukong holding an arbor and looking from afar, Wu Xiaojun took the opportunity to click a few times.Turn your face and smile at Bai Lingyan, you also stand in front and I will take two photos of your siblings.After taking the photo, Bai Xigui ran over and snatched the camera from Wu Xiaojun's hand, "Third sister, stand still, Brother Xiaojun, you go over too, and I'll take a group photo for you two too."

Wu Xiaojun was a little embarrassed for a while, and glanced at Bai Lingyan, who stood still, seeing Bai Xigui's urging, so he had to stand beside Bai Lingyan, Bai Xigui seemed dissatisfied, and kept saying, "No , No, the two of you are too far away, get closer, get closer, get closer, oops, why are you two chattering, brother Xiaojun put his right hand on my sister's shoulder, sister, don't look too much Be serious, relax, and be natural. Hey, taking a picture of you two is very difficult!" Bai Xigui was very anxious when he saw the awkward posture of the two.

Bai Lingyan said unhappily, "Just take your image, why so much nonsense!"

Bai Xigui said with a hippie smile, "Sister, you can't blame me for this, who made the two of you not cooperate well, didn't I want to take a sweeter picture for you, for the last time, do as I said, Brother Xiaojun, grab me with your left hand Put my sister's right hand and my sister's left hand behind Brother Xiaojun, and they both smiled, yes, smile a little more."

Bai Xigui pressed the shutter lightly with his hand, "click" and "click" in a row, and said proudly, "OK, I will leave a very romantic, ambiguous and sweet moment for you two, and you will have endless aftertastes."

Bai Lingyan blushed and gave her younger brother a white look, and said with a wry smile, "Go, go, what do little hairy kids know, climb aside!" Bai Xigui stuck out his tongue, made a face at Wu Xiaojun, and ran to the front with a smile to grab the bridge bar looking down at the water.

Wu Xiaojun smiled knowingly, "Your brother is really lively and funny, very likable. Come on, let's go and have a look."

It was almost noon, and the weather was getting hotter and hotter. Apart from the roar of construction vehicles and machines, there were no trees, no arbors, and no small shops selling water.

The three walked along the bridge to the end, and went under the bridge to enjoy the cool and rest. Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan sat back to back on the wet beach while admiring the rushing water of the Qinghe River, while chatting endlessly, enjoying the rare warmth under the scorching sun. , enjoying the magnificent mountains and rivers together, with relaxed and happy expressions on their faces.

Bai Xigui did not regard Wu Xiaojun as an outsider, and he was no stranger at all. He ran around in his own way, never idle, bent down to pick up stones and threw them into the water to watch the splashes, and from time to time surrounded the two with a camera, Capture some hilarious shots.

Wu Xiaojun suddenly felt as if he was in a fairyland, forgetting all worldly worries and troubles, without any worries, without any ideological burden, and his whole body was relaxed like never before.

The weather was so hot that the asphalt on the road had already melted under the hot sun.

The three of them rested under the bridge for a long time, played on the old boat not far away for more than half an hour, and just landed, had a simple lunch in a small restaurant nearby, and began to walk back along the road.

When he reached the downhill, Bai Xigui was a bit overwhelmed, and said with an ugly expression, "Sister San, please go along the main road, I can't take it anymore, go home along the small road."

Wu Xiaojun didn't want to go back to that stuffy home, so he stayed outside for a while to relax, hesitated for a while, and just about to speak, Bai Lingyan said, "Xigui, you go back first, I will go to the dam with you brother Xiaojun." Get on the gang, be careful on the road!" Bai Xigui walked unsteadily along the path up the mountain.

The two continued walking side by side, and Wu Xiaojun asked with a smile on his face, "Swallow, I always feel that your family looks at me a little weirdly, did you think about it this time when you asked me to come?"

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