life struggle

Chapter 308

The Mid-Autumn Festival is the busy farming season in the countryside. Bai Yijia asked for leave from the factory in advance, not only to go home to spend the festival with her old father, but also to help her wife harvest the seeds.

That day, Bai Yijia had lunch and was packing her luggage to go home when Bai Lingyan and Wu Xiaojun came from outside with mooncakes.

Bai Yijia said very politely, "You are all students, you spend money like crazy on moon biscuits."

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "Uncle, I didn't spend any money on my kindness, so you want to go back!"

Bai Yijia said, "Your aunt at home is too busy alone, and it's just in time for the holidays. You go back for a few days. Are you nervous about the internship?"

Wu Xiaojun said, "Now the hospital is in the off-season, and there are relatively few patients, so don't be nervous."

Bai Yijia said, "Swallow, if you're not nervous, you can go back in two days. You haven't been back for a long time."

Bai Lingyan glanced at Wu Xiaojun, lowered her head and said nothing.

Wu Xiaojun said, "Uncle, Yanzi, help Uncle pack up. I have something to do in the afternoon, so I won't waste your time. I'll go first."

Bai Yijia said, "I don't have anything to bring, so go ahead."

After Wu Xiaojun left, Bai Lingyan said nervously, "Dad, I want to tell you something."

Bai Yijia saw that Bai Lingyan's expression was a little abnormal, so she said flatly, "Just talk about it if you have anything to do, don't hide it."

Bai Lingyan said timidly, "Dad, I want to go to his house with Xiaojun during the holidays."

Bai Yijia was taken aback when he heard this, but soon his expression changed drastically, and he said angrily, "You're messing around, you can't go anywhere, come home with me."

Bai Lingyan was startled, and mumbled, "Her parents want to see me, so I'll go over there too."

Bai Yijia suddenly recalled it, and said viciously, "My boy, you know a lot, and that's why I brought mooncakes, so I don't mind." He picked up the mooncakes and threw them out the door with a "whoosh".Terrified, Bai Lingyan threw herself on the bed and burst into tears with a "wow".

Bai Lingyan kept crying, and Bai Yijia felt very sad. Knowing that her daughter had been wronged, she regretted that she threw the mooncake out on impulse, and walked slowly to the door to pick it up, and said calmly, "Swallow, yes Dad is not good, don’t blame Dad, okay. It’s not that Dad didn’t let you go, Dad is also for your own good. You and Xiaojun are from different places, and the relationship is still uncertain. I understand his parents’ feelings. Who doesn’t look forward to their children Well, it’s just that the time is not yet ripe. If you go to his house from thousands of miles away, not only will it not be good for you, but it will also have a bad influence on Xiaojun’s family. If you two have a chance to get together in the future, it’s not too late Listen to Dad's persuasion, don't rush to do it yet!"

Bai Lingyan cried for a while, then slowly raised her head, and said aggrievedly, "Dad, it was my lack of consideration that made you angry. Don't worry, I will definitely not go, and I will be home in two days."

Bai Yijia said, "Yanzi, you are right to think so. Dad believes that you will not go. I will leave in a while. When I see Xiaojun, talk to him carefully."

Bai Lingyan wiped away the tears from her face, then nodded lightly, "Yeah!"

As for whether Bai Lingyan could accompany him home, Wu Xiaojun had no idea, and almost didn't give any hope. Thinking of how his parents expected the two of them to go home, he felt very uneasy.After coming out of Bai Yijia's place, he didn't go far. He stood restlessly under a tree not far from the gate, anxiously waiting for Bai Lingyan's good news.

More than an hour passed, but Bai Yijia and Bai Lingyan were still nowhere to be seen. Wu Xiaojun gradually became uneasy, worried that the father and daughter would quarrel because of this incident, so he couldn't help but took a few steps forward, and looked up at the two of them. Walking out of the gate, he quickly hid aside and watched them quietly.Bai Yijia carried her luggage and said something to Bai Lingyan. She turned around and walked towards the station. Bai Lingyan also bowed her head solemnly and walked towards her.

Wu Xiaojun suddenly stood in front of Bai Lingyan with excitement. Bai Lingyan thought she had encountered someone blocking the road, so she subconsciously took a few steps back, and when she looked up, she saw that it was Wu Xiaojun. Said nonchalantly, "You look like a ghost, you scared me to death!"

Wu Xiaojun asked eagerly, "Have you talked to your dad? Does he agree?"

"Say it, you gave me a bad reprimand, and threw all the mooncakes into the corridor angrily."

"Really, it seems that I caused trouble for you."

"It's not troublesome. What my dad said is also reasonable. It's not appropriate to go now. Let's talk about it after a while."

"Alright, are you going back for the holidays?"

"Go back, I will definitely go back, I'm leaving, what do you do?"

"What can we do? Jianmin also went home, and he didn't even have anyone to chat with, so he had to go back to harvest the autumn alone."

Although there was heavy flooding in the Yangtze River Basin in the south, there was no strong rainfall in the northern plains. Instead, it was very timely and mild, which was particularly beneficial to crops, making it the best year for autumn crop growth in five years.Seeing that his own crops are growing gratifyingly, Wu Pingshun also gradually forgot the worries and troubles during the summer harvest, his mood improved, his appetite increased, and he gradually recovered.

Wu Xiaoyun and Wu Xiaomei were very happy to see their father getting better day by day. Seeing that the harvest was just around the corner, they couldn't help worrying about their father.Wu Xiaoyun asked, "Father, the autumn harvest will start soon. Will Xiaojun come back? If he doesn't come back, you and my mother will be overwhelmed."

Wu Pingshun said, "Half a month ago, he called Xiaosen and said that he might have to come back with Lingyan, and he wondered if he could come back. However, harvesting autumn is different from harvesting wheat. It's not urgent. Your mother and I can handle it. "

Wu Xiaoyun said excitedly, "It would be great if Lingyan came back. She is also a rural person and knows how to work. Most importantly, I also want to see what kind of person she is. People who work must not take it."

Wu Pingshun said cheerfully, "Probably not, Xiaojun would not deal with such people."

Wu Xiaoyun said, "Father, you can't say that. Girls nowadays are very open. Once they get attached to Xiaojun, they won't be able to throw them away. Xiaoqing, my neighbor, is notoriously romantic. She didn't go to college in Xiangzhou. In two years, she was stalking a boy, and the boy's family disagreed, but she cried and begged for medicine at his house, and the boy's family was afraid of accidents, so they couldn't accept her."

Wu Pingshun said, "It seems that I really have to take care of the Xiaojun. It's really worrying. Qin Meixiang is such a good girl. It was his immoral father who killed her. If she was here, I wouldn't have to worry about anything." and worried."

Seeing Wu Xiaojun go home alone, Wu Pingshun asked disappointedly, "Why didn't Lingyan come back?"

Wu Xiaojun was worried that his parents wanted to hurt his health, so he lied, "It was agreed that we would come back together, but her grandfather was hospitalized a few days ago, so I went to the hospital to take care of her grandfather."

Xiao Junniang asked, "Grandpa Yanzi is hospitalized, have you gone to see it, we can't be ignorant!"

Wu Xiaojun said, "I went, I went, and I met her family members. I'm not in a hurry to harvest the autumn at home, so I will come back directly."

Wu Xiaojun stayed at home for the first day, harvested the crops smoothly, and only had to plow the land, so he felt at ease.

Wu Pingshun said, "You have been back for such a long time, you can't stay at home all the time, it's important to go to school, your mother and I will clean up the rest slowly, don't worry."

Wu Xiaojun said, "Father, my brother has been in Pingxi for several years, and I have been there for more than four years. My mother has never had the opportunity to go there. After planting the wheat, you can take my mother there for a few days and let me go." Mother, let's see what the big cities look like, if I don't wait until I graduate next year, I won't have another chance."

Wu Pingshun said, "I told your mother before to let her go. She was afraid of spending money and was reluctant to go. This year is good, and the price of grain is higher than in previous years. Some time ago, the calf was also sold for more than 1000 yuan. Don't be nervous. Your mother's life is not easy, except for the county town, I have never been there, so I will take her there after a while."

Wu Xiaojun said, "By the beginning of November, the house will be cleaned up, and the weather is neither hot nor cold, which is very suitable."

Wu Pingshun said, "I will notify you in advance when the time comes."

After Bai Lingwan's constant persuasion, Sun Huiying also wanted to open up to Bai Lingyan and Wu Xiaojun, her attitude was no longer so tough, and changed a lot.In this way, Bai Lingyan was secretly happy, and stayed at home steadily for four or five days.

Bai Lingwan was very concerned about Bai Lingyan, and asked quietly, "My dad told me that you were going to his house a few days ago, is it true or not?"

"There is such a plan. My father won't let me go, so I dare not go."

"You didn't go back with Wu Xiaojun, did he have any trouble with you?"

"No, I wanted to go directly with him instead of talking to my dad, but he was afraid that our dad would worry, so he insisted on not letting me do it. Does my mom know?"

"What Xiaojun thinks is to be more thoughtful than you. Don't you know our mother's temper? It took me a lot of effort to explain it to her. If she knows, you won't have to make a fuss. You have to be good after your stubborn temper." Change, you are right that you didn't insist on going. My sister is not at ease, you two have too many unknowns, I suggest you take your time and don't act too hastily."

"I remembered, she is really my good sister!"

Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan each passed the hurdle of family, let go of a burden, and their joy was beyond words.After returning to school and working with peace of mind, there are always endless topics to talk about, endless sweet words, and sharing the beauty and happiness of love with each other.

That night, Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan were walking in Chrysanthemum Square, when they suddenly found Lu Jianmin sitting on the side of the road, smoking a cigarette with his head down, Wu Xiaojun said, "Jianmin has something on his mind, go and have a look."

The two walked a few steps, came to Lu Jianmin, Wu Xiaojun said, "Jianmin, what are you doing, why are you smoking alone, Xiang Meili didn't come out with you?"

Lu Jianmin looked up to see Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan standing in front of him, felt sore in his heart, and sighed, "She was thrown into the family prison and put under guard, and she never had a chance to come out at night."

Bai Lingyan said in surprise, "It's been such a long time, and there's still a cold war, her parents are really patient, it's not a problem!"

Lu Jianmin said dejectedly, "I've never seen someone like her family. They can't be together and they can't stop talking. It's driving people crazy. I really don't know what to do in the future?"

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