life struggle

Chapter 311 Accidental Indulgence

Seeing that Wu Xiaojun was absent-minded, Bai Lingyan deliberately prevaricated herself, and asked quietly, "Who were those two people just now? Your face changed when you saw them, and you lied to them."

Wu Xiaojun said calmly, "It's my cousin and uncle. They are free at home and go to Xijing to see my daughter. They are passing by here for sightseeing."

Bai Lingyan was still a little puzzled and said, "You are lying again, as you said, there is no need for you to say that I am your classmate, and there is no need to make up lies about the field trip of the practice group, let alone leave in a hurry, You don't want to tell me and I don't want to ask, but if you do something disgraceful behind your back, I won't obey you."

Wu Xiaojun chuckled, "I'm telling the truth. I never lied to you. You don't know that my aunt likes to take advantage of small things, chews her tongue, and yells at random. She prevaricates and avoids her. When she goes back, she will say when she meets people, I saw Xiaojun and his partner in Pingxi. No one can imagine the intimacy, but he is still a college student, and he spends all day traveling with his partner. It's too outrageous, we have never seen such a thing, it seems that he is a prodigal son who is immoral and does not do business properly. In your mind, my proud image among relatives, friends and the whole village has not been completely destroyed by her .”

Bai Lingyan saw Wu Xiaojun talking in a woman's tone, dancing up and down, and couldn't help being amused, "Okay, don't be silly anymore. You have a very high evaluation of yourself, and you are really accurate. In my opinion, you are a Swingers, rascals and punks who don't do their jobs."

Wu Xiaojun saw that Bai Lingyan was getting dizzy from being fooled by him, her mood was already relaxed, and she didn't want to go any further, so she was relieved and deliberately teased her, "Today, my image in my heart has plummeted completely, but what do I think? You have never done anything to you, and you have done what a hooligan should do, and you have wronged me."

Bai Lingyan said coquettishly, "I didn't wrong you at all. You have bullied others countless times."

Wu Xiaojun jokingly said, "Don't get it wrong, it's because you bullied me, okay, I'm an innocent victim."

Bai Lingyan smiled shyly, "You're a trickster. Didn't you say you want to climb a mountain? From where?"

Wu Xiaojun said, "Not far ahead is a small mountain road, which leads directly to the cypress forest on the top of the mountain."

The two climbed up the steep, narrow and steep mountain road all the way, and it took about an hour to climb to the top of the mountain.

Mountain climbing is the pursuit of a kind of excitement and enjoyment. There is nothing on the top of the mountain. There is a flat land of about a thousand square meters on the top of the mountain, surrounded by dense pine and cypress trees, which block the sight tightly. There are three antique buildings on it. On the front flagpole hangs a large red flag bordered with yellow, with the Temple of the Seventh Grandma on it, and there are a small shop and a small restaurant on both sides.Since it is not a tourist season, there are very few people on it.

Seeing that Bai Lingyan's face was soaked in sweat, Wu Xiaojun kept panting heavily, and asked distressedly, "Are you tired, are you thirsty?"

Bai Lingyan smiled and said coquettishly, "I'm exhausted, I'm thirsty, I'm starving, I want to eat bread."

Wu Xiaojun went to the canteen and sold three pieces of bread, five ham sausages, and two bottles of mineral water. After walking down for about ten minutes, he sat down under a relatively quiet pine tree halfway up the mountain, "I can't walk anymore, I'm tired." I'm sweating all over my body, it's time to replenish the ingredients." As he spoke, he peeled off a piece of ham sausage and handed it to Bai Lingyan, "Here, eat it with bread." Then she made a portion herself.

Both of them were indeed hungry, and they were not able to eat all of them. Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "It's delicious, but it's a pity that it's gone. Let's make up for the shortcomings after going down later. Okay, let's go down!"

Bai Lingyan said lazily, "What's the hurry, it's so cool and quiet here, let's rest for a while."

Wu Xiaojun said mischievously, "Okay, you can call me more, I'll take a nap."

Bai Lingyan stopped and said, "No, no, it's almost the same when you wake up." She tilted her head and hid it in Wu Xiaojun's arms.

Wu Xiaojun stretched his legs on purpose, and Bai Lingyan slid her upper body down onto his legs, and smiled, "You are too heavy, and my legs are numb all of a sudden, I can't hold it down anymore."

Bai Lingyan raised her head slowly, and suddenly realized the taste of Wu Xiaojun's words, she pushed his upper body to the ground, and kept blowing at his chest, "You are good or bad, you are good or bad, say people are fat, say people are fat "Wu Xiaojun beat Wu Xiaojun's whole body itchy, giggling non-stop, for a long time, grabbed Bai Lingyan's arm and raised his head, "Stop making trouble, stop making trouble, and laugh at everything I eat gone."

Bai Lingyan said coquettishly, "I will make trouble! I will make trouble! I will make trouble!"

Looking at Bai Lingyan's charming face, Wu Xiaojun felt restless in his heart, and with a sudden force, he pushed Bai Lingyan to the ground and pressed his body on top of him, one hand dishonestly pinched her ribs, Bai Lingyan forcefully He wanted to turn to the side, but his body was too heavy, and he pressed her tightly under him. After struggling a few times, he felt a little powerless, and said obediently, "I surrender! I surrender! I surrender!"

Wu Xiaojun teased and said, "It's late, let's see how I deal with you." As he said that, he stretched his hand from under her blouse along the smooth skin, Bai Lingyan's heart throbbed, and then she felt a very gentle hand Walk back and forth on my lower abdomen, until the edge of the bra.

The first real skin-to-skin contact, the warm touch made Bai Lingyan feel numb, numb, and itchy like an electric shock, a warm current flooded her whole body, she did not refuse, slowly closed her beautiful eyes, opened her eyes Holding Wu Xiaojun tightly with his arms, he lazily relaxed his body, his frail body trembling and undulating, allowing him to be frivolous on his seductive delicate body.Her acquiescence indulged Wu Xiaojun's boldness, and her soft and stroking hand suddenly broke into the two jade futons on her chest. That cute little guy was already ready to go, hot and hard, and was dancing up and down against her triangular area. , crazily kissing her cherry lips and neck deeply.

She silently enjoyed the sudden excitement, her heart was filled with infinite joy, she ecstatically raised her hips, catering to the rich sensitivity of his imaginative little guy forcefully bumping into her pelvis, and moaned in her mouth , shouting his name in a low voice from time to time, "Xiaojun, use some strength, Xiaojun, use some strength, Xiaojun, use some strength, it's so comfortable, I can't take it anymore, I'm about to collapse, I'm about to collapse!"

Wu Xiaojun panted heavily, and said affectionately, "Me too, me too, me too..."

Suddenly two crows on the tree yelled "Wow" a few times, and then "flapped" and flew away.

Surprised by the two people who were lingering in the world of the two of them without any scruples, Wu Xiaojun suddenly withdrew from Bai Lingyan, sat aside and looked around, but there was nothing , let out a long sigh of relief, looked at Bai Lingyan who was sitting beside her who was shyly arranging her clothes with her head bowed, and smiled knowingly, "What a disappointment, I heard a crow crowing." A young woman came up from below humming a ditty.

Bai Lingyan's face flushed for a while, and she said bitterly, "You are so bad, bullying me here, if you let that person see how bad it is, you can't do this again in the future." On the lower abdomen, he said with a wry smile, "You hurt me so much!"

Wu Xiaojun chuckled, and whispered in Bai Lingyan's ear, "Your body is so soft and intoxicating, it feels so good to be with you."

Bai Lingyan blushed and said, "Don't talk, I don't know how to be ashamed."

Wu Xiaojun couldn't help but said, "You are very powerful, let's see something." Then he pulled the little guy out of his crotch.

Bai Lingyan glanced puzzledly, it was the first time she saw a man's root of life, it was so thick and hard, like a peeled carrot, the crack in the middle of the bare head was soaked with white Liquid, she screamed "Oh my god" in fright, quickly covered her eyes, and scolded, "It's so disgusting, put it away, put it away!"

Wu Xiaojun smiled maliciously, "It's okay to let you take a look!"

Bai Lingyan said reproachfully, "If you do this again, I'm going to leave, and I'll never talk to you from now on."

Wu Xiaojun laughed and said, "Okay, auntie, I won't talk anymore, let's go down the mountain!"

The two walked down another path through the pine forest and Qian'an Ancient Temple to the bottom of the mountain, took the bus back to school, got off, and Wu Xiaojun said, "Swallow, my parents are coming over recently, can you meet them?"

Bai Lingyan smiled lightly and said, "Really, I think it's better not to see you first."

Wu Xiaojun asked puzzledly, "Why?"

Bai Lingyan said sadly, "Today I don't want to ruin our rare good mood. I didn't get into what's going on with your uncle and aunt. I can already see that they are not as simple as you said. I have to think seriously about it." one time."

Wu Xiaojun said with relief, "You are a little too sensitive, no matter who they are, it doesn't matter to you or me anymore, you are my only one, otherwise I wouldn't treat you on the mountain..."

Bai Lingyan said in a muffled voice, "I'm very confused right now, I don't know if your words can be believed, don't force me, give me some time." After speaking, she left in a hurry.

During this period of time, the weather was particularly fine, Wu Pingshun and Xiao Junniang hurriedly packed up the house and prepared to go to Pingxi.

It was the first time for Mrs. Xiao Jun to travel far away, and she was very happy when she thought that she would soon see the outside world.

The old couple did not tell Xiaofu and Xiaoqi about going to Pingxi, but explained the family affairs to Xiaoyun and Xiaomei, and came to Xiaosen's house in the county town the night before so that they could take a long-distance bus to Pingxi.Not long after sitting down, the second sister Wu Lian and brother-in-law Ma Wencheng came over.

Ma Wencheng is a carefree person. As soon as they met, he said in a loud voice, "Second brother, second sister-in-law, you went to Pingxi to see Xiaojun, why didn't you tell me about such a big thing earlier, if Pingchun didn't come over this morning to talk about it , I don’t even know you left. I’ve already contacted you with the car, and I’m sure to take you two to Pingxi safely.”

Wu Pingshun said, "I keep going to Pingxi, I know the way by car, don't bother you, just go directly tomorrow, I don't have the nerve to tell you."

Ma Wencheng said, "Second brother, it's a strange sight. Our nephew drives on this line. There's nothing embarrassing about being our own car. It's settled. Just write down the license plate number. "As he spoke, he picked up a pen and wrote down the license plate number and stuffed it into Wu Pingshun's hands, then said, "I still have something to do with Wu Lian, so I won't talk to you two. I will definitely go home when I come back."

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