life struggle

Chapter 314

Bai Lingyan thought for a while and said, "I really want to go, but I'm afraid my parents won't agree. Let's just do it this way, and don't tell them this time. Don't leave before the holiday. My eldest sister and brother-in-law will go to my house on the second day of junior high school. You Go too, and then we will come back to your house together."

Wu Xiaojun shook his head and said, "I'll go to your house in the second day of junior high school. I have no name or title. No way. They will definitely think about it when you come back so early."

Bai Lingyan said, "There's nothing wrong with it. When my eldest sister was not married, my eldest brother-in-law also went to my house. Now that you and my family are familiar, no one will kick you out. Just do as I say. You now Just tell the family that we will go back in the third year of junior high school."

Wu Xiaojun hesitated for a while, then sighed and said, "Okay!"

Just as Wu Pingshun and Xiao Junniang felt a little bit relieved, they were wiped out by Qiao Na's out-of-the-box creation of public opinion in the village.In a fit of anger, Wu Pingshun wanted to settle accounts with Wu Xiaofu and Qiao Na, but was stopped by Mrs. Xiaojun and didn't go out for several days.As soon as the twelfth lunar month entered, I looked forward to Wu Xiaojun's return every day, but there was no news.

On the 28th of the twelfth lunar month, Wu Xiaosen came back from the county seat. Wu Pingshun said worriedly, "I don't know what's going on with Xiaojun. He won't come back after the holidays. He doesn't even have a letter. He wants to kill me."

Wu Xiaosen never pretended to be serious, but he only remembered when Wu Pingshun said it, and said slowly, "Father, mother, look at my memory, Xiaojun called me half a month ago, saying that he and Bai Ling When Yan Chusan came back, I forgot about it in a hurry, and I didn't have time to tell you two."

Xiaojun's mother scolded angrily, "Busy, busy, you are the only one who is busy, do you know how your father and I survived this time, Xiaofu and his wife can't wait to give us the house and divide up all the land , I even thought about how to eat with your father. We were both so chilled that we were looking forward to the army's return. If you don't come back for a long time, it's fine if you don't care about family affairs, but you don't You should swallow the confirmation letter of when Xiaojun will come back." Saying that, Xiaojun's mother began to cry.

When Wu Xiaosen heard it, he felt nothing, and said lightly, "It's good that the land is divided, and you two don't have to worry about being tired anymore. I think it's the elder brother and sister-in-law who are thoughtful."

Wu Pingshun was furious when he heard it, stood up from the ground, and cursed sharply, "You bastard, you're the same as Xiaofu, get out, never come back, and I don't want to see you again, get out, get out... ..." While cursing, he pushed Wu Xiaosen out of the door.

Wu Xiaosen thought to himself and didn't say anything. Why is Dad so annoying? What's going on? I really can't figure it out.Seeing that his father was very angry, he didn't listen to what he said, so he had to leave home and go to the home of his younger uncle Wu Pingshun.

Seeing Wu Xiaosen approaching with a sad face, Wu Pingchun asked, "Xiaosen, is your father not at home? You are not happy, are you angry with Chunyan?"

Wu Xiaosen said aggrievedly, "Uncle, I really don't know what medicine my father took wrongly. I just said one sentence and divided it up, and he became very angry. He kicked him out without even letting me say a word. Do you know what is wrong?" What's going on?"

Wu Pingchun let Wu Xiaosen into the room, the two sat down, and then slowly said, "Xiaosen, you haven't come back for a few months. For your father and mother, you have never served in the army for the past few years." It should be said that this is a rare good thing. But this kind of good mood was quickly poured cold water by Xiaofu and Qiao Na, and I couldn't cheer up again."

Wu Xiaosen asked puzzledly, "My mother said that the land is divided, and even they have considered how they will eat. My father and my mother should be more happy, what else is there to worry about?"

Wu Pingshun said with a gloomy face, "If only it were that simple. The problem is that Xiaofu's motivation is not pure. It's not for your father and mother and Xiaojun's sake, and he is making his own little calculations everywhere. You know, your father and mother Why did you go to Pingxi? But Xiaofu and Qiao Na yelled everywhere in the eight neighboring villages, saying that Xiaojun had married in Pingxi and would not come back in the future. Just think about how he and Xiaoqi divided the land, how about you and Xiaojun Take the big part and exchange it for your father and mother's food. There is no such thing as a horoscope, do you think your father and mother can not be angry? Even if the land is divided in the future, it is impossible to have you and Xiaojun."

Only then did Wu Xiaosen understand, "No wonder my father and mother are so angry. My elder brother really shouldn't do this. The land is useless to me, and it doesn't matter if I want it or not."

Wu Pingchun said seriously, "Whether it is your business or not, how to deal with it after your father gave it to you is still your business, but your father will never refuse to give it to you. This is a reason, your father will not do it." I know this most clearly. What's more, in the situation of your family, it's not up to you to decide what to do. If you pass the three of them ahead of time, don't you go to their home again? How can there be such a thing down there?"

Wu Xiaosen had a bad time with his parents, and after leaving Wu Pingchun's house, he didn't dare to go back, so he went back to his home in the county town with his head downcast. As soon as he entered the house and sat on the sofa, the phone rang, and the fire didn't come anywhere. Picking up the phone, he said angrily, "I won't let people be quiet for a while, I'll go straight to the ward when I see a doctor!" He was about to hang up.

I only heard a man's voice on the phone saying, "Hi, is this Wu Xiaosen's family, Wu Xiaojun's elder brother?"

Seeing Wu Xiaosen's angry face, Zhu Chunyan didn't know who called. She was worried that she would offend others if she said something unpleasant, so she took the phone and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, I am Xiaojun's sister-in-law. ,Who are you?"

"Oh, it's Xiaojun's sister-in-law, Luo Wen, father of my classmate Luo Xiao, Luo Wen, we had dinner together a few years ago, I wonder if you have any impression?"

Zhu Chunyan thought about it for a while, and said with a quick smile, "I remember, it's Uncle Luo. Hello, I'm sorry, Xiaosen was in a bad mood just now and was a bit aggressive. Don't mind me!"

"It's okay, it's okay, I also got your phone number from the department, and I'm taking the liberty to bother you."

"Uncle Luo, it's okay, it's okay, what's the matter with you?"

"It's not a big deal, but Luo Xiao's mother came back to celebrate the New Year. She always said that Xiaojun has helped my family a lot. It is not easy to come back once. I would like to thank Xiaojun's parents in person. Has Xiaojun come back?"

"Uncle Luo, thank you, auntie. Xiaojun is busy with his internship. He said he won't be back until the third year of junior high."

"How about this, after Xiaojun comes back, don't forget to tell him to call old Brother Wu, Mrs. Wu, and you and Xiaosen. On the fifth day of the lunar new year at Yuanzhen Hotel, everyone gathers and chats about homework, and your aunt A wish. Please!"

"Uncle Luo, you are too polite. You will definitely do it. You don't need to book a table. You and your aunt will come directly to the county hospital on the fifth day of the lunar new year. I will arrange everything in advance."

Zhu Chunyan put down the phone, glared at Wu Xiaosen, and complained, "Seeing that you don't have a punctual temper, you didn't even ask to ask and you lost your temper. You almost made a mistake. Xiaojun's classmate Luo Xiao's parents will see you after the holiday." Your father and mother, what do you say?"

Wu Xiaosen said in a daze, "It's normal, see you soon!"

Zhu Chunyan said, "Should I talk to my family now, so that I can be mentally prepared, so that I don't have a hard time talking."

Wu Xiaosen was still angry just now, so he said casually, "I'll tell my parents when I go back to the first day of the new year."

All the students in the dormitory went home early for the festival, and Wu Xiaojun was the only one left in the dormitory.

Bai Lingyan was worried about Wu Xiaojun's food problems these days, so she started his father's coal fire, bought some steamed buns and cooked vegetables, made all arrangements, and left the house key before reluctantly leaving.

On New Year's Eve, Wu Xiaojun walked around the street. Compared with the hustle and bustle of the past, it was unusually clean. All the shops were closed and there were few pedestrians. Since fireworks and firecrackers have been banned in the urban area for many years, there is no feeling of New Year's Eve at all. atmosphere of.When everyone was silent in the midst of the festivities of the New Year, wandering alone in a foreign land, I suddenly felt strange and forgotten about this city, and my homesickness suddenly increased sharply.Because of Bai Lingyan abandoning her elderly parents at home and not being able to go back to accompany them, he felt very uncomfortable and felt very ashamed and sorry for them. He began to wonder whether he was doing right or wrong?Feeling irritable and depressed for a moment, he regretted it, but he was helpless. He didn't want to think about it anymore. Maybe the department might be the place he wanted to go, where he could spend his time like a year.

Wu Xiaojun returned to Bai Lingyan's father's residence, warmed up the steamed buns and vegetables, went downstairs listlessly, browsed the newly posted Spring Festival couplets from various houses along the road, and walked slowly towards the hospital.He suddenly heard someone calling him, and turned his head quickly. Not far away was a beautiful middle-aged woman wearing a black one-piece down jacket and holding packaged food. She was looking at him with a pair of surprised eyes. He felt The face was very familiar, and it was suddenly remembered that it was Feng Weiwei's sister, Feng Yudi, who walked forward a few steps in surprise and asked, "Sister Feng, why are you here?"

Feng Yudi said happily, "Teacher Wu, I thought I had misunderstood the person, but I didn't expect it to be you. You didn't go home for the New Year!"

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "I have something to do, I will go back after the festival. Aren't you and Manager Tong transferred to the Northeast? When did you come back?"

Feng Yudi chuckled and said, "I just came back yesterday and spent half a day cleaning up the house. Didn't I just go to the nearby supermarket to buy something."

Wu Xiaojun asked puzzledly, "Oh, are you busy when you come back?"

Feng Yudi said, "It's a bit of a problem. Two years ago, Lao Tong and I were transferred to the Northeast. It was easy for more than a year at the beginning, but then it gradually became unbearable. Six months ago, the factory suddenly followed the central government's layoffs for state-owned enterprises and reduced staff. Lao Tong and I were not immune to the large-scale layoffs implemented in the spirit of synergistic efficiency. Later, when I thought about it, I would be laid off as soon as I was laid off. I had a lot of experience and technology, and I would not worry about food wherever I went. After all, I have been here for a long time and have many advantages. Tong Yi summed it up, he asked me to come back first to understand the situation here. By the way, if you have nothing else to do, we will be together for the festival today, and we will have a companion, so we will not be lonely. "

Wu Xiaojun lowered his head and thought for a while. They are old acquaintances, so it doesn't matter if he eats with her, so he said with a smile, "Actually, I'm just wandering around with nothing to do, so I'd rather be respectful than obedient and bother you!"

A hint of excitement appeared on Feng Yudi's face, and he smiled, "You are welcome, you are all acquaintances, you are welcome, it's cold outside, go home!"

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