life struggle

Chapter 32

Sending Shao Yingying away, the two returned to the Chrysanthemum Department Store along the original road. On the way, Qin Meixiang asked, "Xiaojun, I think you and Shao Ying are both a little weird and unnatural, but I really can't tell what's wrong. Where.【 】”

When it comes to college, it is also the time when girls are in love, and they are more sensitive to boys and girls.Wu Xiaojun thought, could it be that she saw something, or just casually said it out of instinct, no matter what, she should dispel her worries and not have any psychological burden, so she looked sideways and smiled knowingly, "She is a character A stable and introverted person with few words. How can you compare with you? He is familiar with people, quick-tempered, and dare to speak up. Today you are too much. People are in a hurry to go home, but you are stubborn. Let me ask you to go shopping with you. Most people really can’t do it. I, the porter, followed you all the time, running up and down repeatedly, so that I didn’t even have a chance to interject. She was already in a hurry It's terrible, but you pretended to be nonchalant and enthusiastic, no matter how you let him get away, I can't say anything about you directly, I can only exchange glances."

Qin Meixiang said very proudly, "What's the matter? This morning, I felt that she looked at me as a little restless and indifferent. I'm a college student, so the feeling of meeting should be due. It also gave me the opportunity to test Probe, see if she is coy, pretending to be a shy girl, or is she just like this, tease her, hurry up." After finishing speaking, she stared at Wu Xiaojun affectionately.

Wu Xiaojun said, "We met by chance, why do you have trouble with a shy, introverted, sentimental girl, isn't it boring?"

Qin Meixiang said provocatively, "How about it? Let me create an opportunity for you to deepen your relationship. It would be great to exchange secret words with each other and get in touch with each other. If there is love and interest in each other, it can also be used for further development in the future. As a foreshadowing, many people still wish for it, and try to deliberately create opportunities."

Wu Xiaojun smiled wryly and said, "You're talking nonsense, a class of students, what deepens the relationship does not deepen, just like the two of us, a very simple and normal relationship, after you little girls process it, it becomes complicated, I really can't figure it out Don't say it's impossible to be intentional, even if you want to exchange love between eyebrows or something, I can't stand your carefree attitude, and I'm in the mood for a long time."

Qin Meixiang said with a smile, "You know, this is the difference between boys and girls. You can observe, learn and experience slowly in the future. If you don't learn to fathom a girl's mind, you have to be passive. In fact, Shao Yingying still talks about it. It's quite interesting, and it's very similar to Luo Xiao in our class in high school. On the surface, you two have many similarities, if you make a pair, it's quite suitable."

Wu Xiaojun Wu Xiaojun knew that Qin Meixiang was trying to provoke himself with words, so he couldn't help laughing, and said seriously, "Please close the mouth quickly, don't make jokes, she is her, and I am mine, Feng Ma Niu Don't talk about irrelevant things."

Qin Meixiang murmured, "Man's fate is predestined, who knows what will happen between who and whom? What can happen? Are you a little guilty, too sensitive, and get anxious when you make a joke, really No humor, no fun."

While joking, the two came to the square in front of the Chrysanthemum Department Store.This bustling traffic, people come and go.Qin Meixiang wanted to walk with Wu Xiaojun's arm, but Wu Xiaojun threw him away like an electric shock.Qin Meixiang said with a sad face, "What's the matter, I'm afraid you won't succeed if I eat you, and I don't know how to care about others, what if I get hit by a car."

Wu Xiaojun said in a panic, "It's close to the school, it's not good to be seen by other students."

"What age, what's wrong, I'm not afraid of anything you're afraid of. Stop talking nonsense, and I'll be angry if you hide from me again." As he said, he put his left hand into Wu Xiaojun's right arm, and walked with his body tightly pressed together.It was the first time for Wu Xiaojun to walk like this with a girl. Wu Xiaojun was very unnatural and awkward. He felt his whole body was stiff and he was very tired when walking.Seeing that Qin Meixiang was extremely excited, she kept talking non-stop, and gradually got used to this role.

The first floor of the building is for jewelry and daily necessities. Qin Meixiang was not very interested, so she walked around and walked up to the second floor.The second floor sells shoes and various clothing areas, the most popular place for girls.The two leaned on each other and strolled in the shoe sales area. Qin Meixiang kept pointing and pointing. There were many well-known international and domestic brand monopoly cabinets, with complete types, novel styles, different colors, fine workmanship, and expensive prices. Most of the price tags are more than [-] yuan, because there are many viewers and few buyers. Some salespersons at the counter knit sweaters with their heads bowed, and some neighbors chat with each other, which is quite leisurely.Qin Meixiang looked up at Wu Xiaojun's face, and said coquettishly, "Xiaojun, the shoes here are so beautiful, if I can wear Saili shoes, I will definitely be more beautiful, but it's a pity that the money is too little, and I will earn money after graduation , must be beautiful first."

Wu Xiaojun smiled and said, "It should be, who wants us to be pure consumers now? Good things, better prices, and cash-strapped money. We can only feast our eyes and open our eyes. In fact, what kind of clothes are you? The clothes hang beautifully on it."

Qin Meixiang was elated, and lightly squeezed the corner of Wu Xiaojun's mouth with her hand, "Spoof, not serious. Go to the front and look at the clothing section, pick a decent one, and cover up your bad clothes." Pull Wu Xiaojun hard When they came to the clothing area, Qin Meixiang took a fancy to an off-white lapel trench coat, which was more fashionable and generous, so she asked the salesperson to pick one up, dressed neatly in the fitting room, and walked out, proudly Turning around, "Xiaojun, look at whether she is pretty or not."

Wu Xiaojun looked him up and down, and exclaimed, "Your eyesight is really good. Wearing this outfit, you look like a different person. The square neck and round crown, the style is fashionable, the material is exquisite, elegant and decent, simple and generous, beautiful and the clothes are beautiful. When paired together, it has a great atmosphere.”

Qin Meixiang said happily, "According to what you said, I want this one." After finishing speaking, she admired herself carefully before taking it off and handing it to the salesperson, "Sister, I want this one, please. Keep it."

While arranging the clothes, the salesperson smiled and said, "Little girl, I still have men's clothes. What kind of couple clothes are popular now? If you also buy one for this man, with the figures of the two of you, you can wear them in walking distance." On the street, it can be said that there are handsome men and beautiful women, a scenery, envied by others, should I buy one?"

When Wu Xiaojun heard this, his face turned red, and he said, "No, I don't deserve it. I just need this women's dress."

Qin Meixiang saw Wu Xiaojun's face was flushed, he spoke incoherently, and looked panic-stricken, and said with a happy smile, "Silly boy, here comes the stupidity again. Seeing how poor you are, I'm not afraid that others will look down on you. People are clothes and horses are clothes." Saddle, I’m a college student, and I’m still like a boy in the country. How can it be possible? I think what the elder sister said makes sense. Eldest sister, please get a men’s model and let him try it. If it’s suitable, I’ll buy it together. I'll decorate this silly boy today."

Wu Xiaojun only had less than 50 yuan left in his pocket, and even going home was a problem. How could he be willing to spend more than 200 yuan to buy a piece of clothing? In a hurry, "Wu Xiaojun, be obedient, do you want to try it first, is it so difficult for such a small thing, be generous, don't be like a little girl, hurry up." He stretched out his hand to take off Wu Xiaojun's coat However, Wu Xiaojun was stubborn and had no choice but to submit.

Qin Meixiang helped Wu Xiaojun put on the windbreaker, tidied it up and down, and smiled knowingly, "When you put on this clothes, you will really look like a person. The young man is very handsome, I like it. Take it off and give it to the salesman." Turn around and go to the counter, "Sister, put this men's dress on for me too, I want it, I'll give you the money, check out."

Wu Xiaojun only cared about changing his clothes, and didn't pay much attention. He waited for the salesperson to pack up the two pieces of clothes, and handed them to Qin Meixiang with a smile on his face.Qin Meixiang took it in her hand and pulled Wu Xiaojun's arm forcefully, "Let's go."

Wu Xiaojun saw that Qin Meixiang was carrying two pieces of clothing, and hurriedly said, "You can't go, you took the wrong one, you only need one piece, why take two pieces, put down one piece quickly."

Qin Meixiang pushed Wu Xiaojun while walking and said, "Whatever you put, you have paid for it. Don't dawdle, let's go, here you are, carrying the clothes." As he spoke, he put the clothes from his chest to Wu Xiaojun's left hand, and Wu Xiaojun had no choice but to pick them up. Carried too much.

Qin Meixiang smiled and said, "That's pretty much the same. Today we two will be a couple, let's be cool, even if we warm up in advance, find out how we feel, so that we won't regret it when we use it later."

As the two were walking, Liu Youcai and Yang Shuli walked towards each other with their shoulders crossed.Wu Xiaojun wanted to pull out Qin Meixiang's tightly held right arm, but it was too late, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say, "You are talented, the two of you are going to buy something to go home, and you have bought a lot."

Yang Shuli stared at Qin Meixiang and said with a smile, "Wu Xiaojun, your girlfriend is really beautiful. I haven't seen her before, so I need to introduce her to you in the future. We have to go somewhere else, so I won't bother you."

Qin Meixiang had never met Yang Shuli before, and seeing them greeting each other, she didn't intervene. After passing by, she asked, "Xiaojun, is this a student in your class?"

Wu Xiaojun said casually, "Liu Youcai is in our dormitory. That Yang Shuli shares a dormitory with Shao Yingying and Liu Xiaoxia. The two of them can't tell the truth. Some time ago, Liu Youcai's girlfriend came. Yang Shuli and Liu Youcai had a cold war for a while. It's so gluey, it's really evil, it's really boring to bet on youth and love, it's a trifle's play."

Qin Meixiang said leisurely and complacently, "You boys look at each of them with a dignified appearance, and their mouths are full of sincerity. I have loved you for 1 years. None of them are true, and they are all fake. In fact, they are all a virtue. Look at them in a bowl. Put it in the pot, change your mind when you see something different, and eat it when you smell it. Maybe you will have to work hard to put out the fire after I leave."

Wu Xiaojun said absent-mindedly, "I never express anything to others, promise anything, and there will be no truth or falsehood of what you say. And because I don't have a fire, I don't need to put it out at all. I am still a happy bachelor, and the Stove Lord is tied to my calf." The Venerable Master moved from house to house, without any worries, and was at ease."

Qin Meixiang laughed and said, "You are so beautiful, I wonder if there is anyone who caters to you. Let's go to the third floor and have a look." In front of a luggage counter, the two stopped, and Qin Meixiang called the salesperson, "Take the Take down the blue luggage bag with white border."

Wu Xiaojun pushed Qin Meixiang's left arm with his hand, "What are you doing with it, you brought it with you when you came, and you don't need to bring anything back."

Qin Meixiang said, "I checked in your dormitory this morning. You don't have a luggage bag at all, and the fertilizer bag when you came here is already torn. You carry a fertilizer bag back and forth, and people see that you are a college student, not picking up rags. The ones who work here and there are those who travel all over the world to work, and they must be well-packed, and they can’t carry bags anymore, it’s embarrassing and conspicuous, and it’s really shabby.”

Wu Xiaojun bowed his head in thought with a sad face, and was speechless for a long time.Qin Meixiang expressed Wu Xiaojun's low self-esteem and heartache in one sentence. It is easier said than done, her family is not well-off, and money is always stretched. Where can I get the money to show off and decorate? exquisite.Seeing Qin Meixiang buying without hesitation without blinking an eye, Wu Xiaojun was very ashamed and guilty. Whether it was Qin Meixiang who felt pity for herself or had other thoughts, she was happy now and offered her Splashing cold water, spoiling the fun, making it unpleasant, and even more inappropriate, let's make plans in the future.

The two had dinner at Taiwanese snacks on the fourth floor. It was already past nine o'clock. They bought some bread, instant noodles, ham and melon seed candies, packed a luggage bag, and walked out of the Chrysanthemum Department Store happily. .

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