life struggle

Chapter 344 Sleepless Night

Wu Pingshun gave Wu Xiaojun a white look with resentment, his face sank, and he said in a muffled voice, "Nonsense, what's the matter with them, you are not allowed to mess around here, just stay here, eat whatever you want, and leave it there if you don't want to. "

Wu Xiaojun wailed, lowered his head and finished a bowl of rice reluctantly, then got up and walked into the kitchen with an empty bowl, seeing Sun Huiying sitting on a small stool with a gloomy face, and Bai Lingyan squatting on the ground with her head down, also Without saying a word, he put the bowl on the pot and turned around to leave.

Sun Huiying stopped him, "Xiaojun, stop, I have something to tell you."

Wu Xiaojun immediately stopped in his tracks and stared blankly at the door without even turning his head.

Sun Huiying said, "As for what you did to Yanzi, I don't want to say more, and I don't want to pursue it. Now that you two are like this, neither of you can do without the other, and I don't want to interfere too much in your affairs. Here, Yanzi Uncle Qiao Wanquan has already called three times to remind Yanzi to report to the unit. If he doesn’t go, he will be punished as a breach of contract. It’s very troublesome. After this period of time, whether you come or Yanzi passes, it is your own business, and we will not bother."

Wu Xiaojun was silent for a while, then walked out without saying anything.

Sun Huiying didn't say anything to Wu Pingshun and his son, and fell asleep early in the room on the first floor.

Bai Lingyan took two cattail mats and two blankets and laid them out on the top of the kitchen, called Wu Pingshun and Wu Xiaojun up, and said worriedly, "Uncle, Xiaojun, my mother told me just now, let me I don’t want to go to the unit to report, so what should I do next?”

Wu Xiaojun said lightly, "If you can't help it, just go if you are told!"

Wu Pingshun took a puff of cigarette and said, "It's just the beginning now, and it will take a long time in the future. Let's do it for a while first, so as to save the face of your parents and not hurt the feelings of your comrades-in-arms, and ease the relationship between the two of you." The tense relationship between your parents. If you really can’t go on, it’s not too late to transfer over.”

Bai Lingyan saw that the two of them basically had the same opinion, so she asked a little uneasy, "Xiaojun, what if we can't be transferred together in the future?"

Wu Xiaojun prevaricated, "There will always be a chance."

Wu Pingshun said, "It seems that your mother still has room for discussion. I will discuss it with your mother tomorrow. What will you do when you are here? What will you do if you are not here?"

Bai Lingyan said in a low voice, "Alright then!"

When Bai Lingyan came back suddenly, Sun Huiying secretly felt relieved, but the arrival of Wu Xiaojun and his son added a lot of sadness to her face.Sun Huiying thought over and over again, it seemed that they came prepared, and they discussed things with her in advance.Swallow has little contact with the world, is prone to being emotional, and is easily deceived, which has always been his own heart disease.He coaxed her to report to Youjian Hospital. She seemed to have been brainwashed and drugged, and she never said a word or nodded.The two children, Yanzi and Xiaojun, are easy to talk about. The key point is that Xiaojun's father is an old fox, not a fuel-efficient lamp, so he is not easy to deal with.Tomorrow, we must find ways to drive them away. As long as we can keep the swallows, the swallows will not be able to jump up if Xiaojun and the old fox give up their hearts.How can we achieve this goal? By the way, this is the way to do it.

Bai Lingyan lay quietly on the bed. Her mother's actions just now appeared in front of her eyes over and over again as if in a movie. Her mother's cold and deep eyes deliberately ignored the disgusting actions of the father and son, and she surprisingly did not complain to herself. And get angry, let go of your dignity and sternness, and calmly tell yourself the grievances and thoughts in your heart. It seems very calm and natural, but you feel more anxious and restless in your heart, restless, and have a premonition that something will happen tomorrow. .In this silent night, she was very confused and could no longer fall asleep. Sometimes she sat up and looked at the ray of light coming through the window and sighed. waiting for the dawn to come.Suddenly, she heard light footsteps outside the door, and then Wu Xiaojun asked softly outside, "Swallow, are you asleep? Open the door. I have something to say to you."

Bai Lingyan's heart trembled, she got excited and quietly opened the door, saying in a hoarse voice, "You haven't slept yet, come in!"

Wu Xiaojun stepped into the room and hugged Bai Lingyan, tears streaming down her chest, "Swallow, I have a very bad premonition that we will never be the same again."

Bai Lingyan comforted sadly, "Xiaojun, don't cry. Isn't my mother not as stubborn as we imagined? Did she tell you in a more gentle tone that she wants me to report to Youjian Hospital? Don't think about it." It's so bad and terrible, I insist on not going, and my mother will respect my wishes."

Wu Xiaojun choked up and said, "Yanzi, if your mother loses her temper and scolds you and me, maybe I will feel better and feel more at ease. Her soft and strong words hide a deeper meaning, Her superficial indifference is contrary to her temper and nature, and it has to make me feel very abnormal. Obviously, she will not easily agree to our combination, let alone let you go. I feel terrible, terrible!"

Bai Lingyan also shed tears, "Xiaojun, no matter what happens tomorrow, our relationship will not end here. The darkness will always pass, and the dawn will eventually come. Please believe me and don't be discouraged." Putting his head on Wu Xiaojun's shoulder, tears soon soaked his clothes.

The two embraced tightly, watching silently under the faint moonlight, nostalgic, until the cocks and dogs barked deep in the distant mountains, and the morning mist rose.

During this period of time, Wu Pingshun pretended to be worried, and he was exhausted physically and mentally. He couldn't sleep or eat well, and he was tossing so much. The matter of Xiaojun and Lingyan had no results, and he couldn't let go of it. He didn't think about it.He was in a strange place, lying on the mat and looking up at the starry sky, he felt that the night was long and he couldn't fall asleep because of tossing and turning.Although Lingyan is good, although she is reluctant to give up, her family insists on blocking her and she has no chance. It can only be said that Xiaojun does not have this fate.Even if her family reluctantly agreed to agree, if the two were thousands of miles apart, it would not be a serious matter, it could only be said to be an expedient measure, and it would inevitably not be the end of the breakup.Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, late division is not as good as early division.Tomorrow, I will have a serious talk with her mother again. If it is really impossible, it will end here. The two will go their separate ways and pursue their own careers, which can be regarded as a result.

Thinking of this, Wu Pingshun felt a lot more at ease. When he woke up in a daze, the sound of driving cattle and sheep came from the village from time to time, and it was almost dawn.Seeing that Wu Xiaojun was not by his side, he sat up slowly, lit a cigarette, looked around, and the nearby high and low mountains became more and more clear.He stood up and walked down the stairs gently, opened the door, and walked a few steps forward, only to find that there was an open space 23 meters below him, he couldn't help being shocked, it was so hanging!If you accidentally drop it so deep, you won't fall to your death.Not to mention that Xiaojun and Lingyan are not successful, even if he has a child in the future, he would not dare to let him come here.

He was stunned for a long time in shock, before recovering, he raised his head and looked ahead, the fog was so deep that the bottom was not visible, he thought that this kind of environment was too unsuitable, I really don’t know how their ancestors lived here for generations. of.

Since it was still early, Wu Ping walked around the village along the village road. In front of the yard with the sign of Siyuanpo Village Committee, he saw a fried dough stick selling porridge. The accent of the stall owner was very familiar, isn’t it? The local people stopped and asked for a few deep-fried dough sticks and a bowl of eight-treasure porridge, and asked while eating, "Aren't you local?"

The editor-in-chief of the female stall said while frying fried dough sticks, "That's right, you're from Huaidu, aren't you a local?"

Wu Pingshun said, "We are relatively close. I am Yuanzhen. How long have you been here? How is the business?"

The man said, "It's been two years since I've been here. The land here is all mountainous. In addition to the construction of a dam, it has been expropriated and occupied. The income of rural people is very low, and it is difficult to do business. They can barely afford to live."

Wu Pingshun asked, "Why did you come here and not go to a place with better economic conditions to do business?"

The woman said, "There are so many children that I can't stay at home. It's hard to find a house in cities and places with good conditions. The fees are too high. After a month of hard work, it's not enough to pay. Besides, the family planning is tight. I am very strict, I will not let you go if I catch you, and I dare not go. I had to be introduced here by a fellow villager who worked on the construction site, and wait until the child is older before going elsewhere."

Wu Pingshun then asked, "It's too inconvenient to climb up and down all day here, don't you feel uncomfortable?"

The woman said, "When I first came here, I definitely didn't get used to it. I even had to pay for drinking water. Who wants to stay in this poor country with some connections! After a long time, I will get used to it."

Wu Pingshun had a brief understanding of the local situation, and saw more and more people buying fried dough sticks one after another, so he got up and walked home with his head bowed.Not far away, she ran into Sun Huiying head-on and asked, "Mother Lingyan, where are you going?"

Sun Huiying usually got up very early, and slept very late this night. She didn't get up until the sun rose high and the hour hand pointed to the starting point. After cleaning the yard, she didn't want to bother to light a fire for cooking, so she went to the gate of the village committee with a small pot buy breakfast.Seeing Wu Pingshun asking her, she didn't even stop, and said calmly, "I'm not in the mood to cook, buy some breakfast to send a few people to eat." Then he walked to the deep-fried dough stick stand.

Listening to her words, Wu Pingshun was very unpleasant. Isn’t this taunting people in secret, calling you an old woman for being arrogant, I don’t owe you anything, and I’m not here to beg for food. .If it wasn't for the two children, who knows which onion you are, I might not be willing to eat you if I beg you.He was angry and scolded. Anyway, if he couldn't pass the meeting, he would leave. It wasn't worth competing with someone like her.

Sun Huiying sat opposite Wu Pingshun with a sullen face, watching Wu Xiaojun and Bai Lingyan finished breakfast, and said with an embarrassed expression, "Uncle, I am very grateful to you for sending me the swallow back to me personally. There are some things I have to say Open, Xiaojun did something sorry for Yanzi, and should have received due retribution, but the young thing is unclear, and I will not say anything. In view of Xiaojun's frivolous behavior, I have to doubt his character , let alone thinking about Yanzi’s future and happiness, I absolutely disagree with letting Yanzi go to your side, unless the military can come here, otherwise there is no need to talk about it.”

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