life struggle

Chapter 346 Lingyan's life is in danger

Wu Pingshun hated Sun Huiying's pungent, domineering, unreasonable, and unreasonable behavior to the extreme. Indignantly, he led Wu Xiaojun out of the house and angrily walked all the way to the entrance of the village, feeling better in his heart.He looked up at the high and low mountains all around, and asked sadly, "You have been in contact with their family for so long, don't you see it at all, don't you know that they have this kind of temperament?"

Wu Xiaojun said angrily, "In the past, her mother objected to my association with Lingyan, but later she acquiesced. Thinking that her mother is the head of the family, with many children and elderly people, it is not easy for one person to manage the whole family. She has suffered mentally. Stimulating, it's normal to have a big temper, I never thought she would be like this."

Wu Pingshun sighed and said, "Life is thicker than leaves. It's not too late to find out her temper. It's a good thing that you and Lingyan are over. Otherwise, she would pretend to be crazy and foolish to make a fuss at home. Stirring, the whole chicken and dog are restless, the gods and ghosts are disturbed, the embarrassment is embarrassing and embarrassing, so that others will laugh at it, and it will not be able to do anything affected, and the food is hard to swallow. The horse's house in our neighboring village is an obvious example."

Wu Xiaojun had a cold face, thinking that this is indeed the case, the end of the matter between himself and Lingyan is already doomed, there is nothing to regret or regret, it is just that Lingyan will suffer a lot of grievances in this life , under unforeseen mental pressure.

Wu Pingshun said sadly, "As soon as we leave today, we won't come here again in the future. Take me to see what her hometown was like before."

The father and son climbed over a ridge along the small mountain road, and arrived near the original residence of Bai Lingyan's family, panting.Three or four bulldozers were busy busy, and the small hill on top of her cave had been pushed down, turning into a large piece of flat land. The former yard was also buried by the loess, leaving no trace of the original.Looking down the mountain, on the winding road in the ravine, large-scale machinery is full of loess and shuttles back and forth. The abandoned cave dwellings and ruined walls left by the villagers dotted on the ravine after relocation are very desolate.

Wu Pingshun regretfully squatted down in the shade to smoke a cigarette and rested his feet for a while.When the two set foot on the flattened mountain again, they saw an ambulance coming out of the village along the village road from a distance, swaying and snaking towards the special road, and said worriedly, "This is the ghost place." , the land does not grow crops, the roads are potholes, once there is something urgent to do, you can’t get out, Lingyan’s mother still treats this place as a treasure, it’s incredible.”

Wu Xiaojun said lightly, "People have been used to living there for a long time, and they always feel that it is better than other places."

Wu Pingshun said, "Whatever they do, they don't have anything to do with us anymore. The most important thing is to drive home." Take the shuttle bus bound for Pingxi Long-distance Passenger Transport Center Station.The car was stopped by the roadside police not long after leaving the county seat. Two policemen came up and checked each passenger one by one with sharp eyes.

Wu Xiaojun felt nervous for a while, not knowing why they were checking the car in broad daylight.A tall young policeman sized him up and gave him a creepy look. The two policemen whispered a few words before getting out of the car, their hearts relaxed.

When the vehicle started, the people in the car exploded, chattering about the police checking the car.

"Just now I heard at the county station that there was a boy in Siyuan Town who was opposed by the girl's parents because he was in a relationship. He sneaked into the girl's house before dawn and killed both the girl's parents and the girl with a knife."

"If it wasn't for the bad boys, there's no need for the girls' parents to interfere with their marriages. This is great. The whole family will risk their lives. Why bother!"

"Young people nowadays are crazy, if they don't succeed, why kill them!"

"The woman's parents were poor and afraid. They asked the man for a gift of 5 yuan, but the man couldn't get it. He was very angry and forced the two to break up. They also found a rich family for the woman, but the girl agreed. , the boy killed the man in a fit of rage."

"Oh, it's all caused by poverty and money!"


Wu Xiaojun listened to the passengers' discussion silently, and felt very chilling, with bursts of uneasiness, fear and dread arising spontaneously.The girl's parents are quite similar to Bai Lingyan's family, and I and Bai Lingyan have something in common with them.At that time, seeing Bai Lingyan's mother as vicious and hateful as Nanny Rong in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge", if it wasn't for his father's presence, he would have wanted to go up and beat her up and kill her.Thinking of this, the sweat on my face is so dangling, it really doesn't pay off like that.

Sun Huiying fought with Bai Lingyan for a while, stopped her with extraordinary means, and drove away Wu Xiaojun and his son in anger. They sat in the courtyard and listened to the sound of Bai Lingyan's smashing in the house, but ignored her.Her distorted heart strongly stimulated her highly active nerves, she suddenly lost her mind, and became extremely excited and excited. She sang the Christian Divine Comedy triumphantly, and her hoarse and out of tune voice made her 80-year-old father in the basement startled. , slowly came up on crutches, and called several times, "Huiying, Huiying, Huiying..." No response was received.

Mr. Bai saw that his daughter-in-law was ill. When he walked outside, he saw several women looking into the courtyard to watch the excitement. He said in a muffled voice, "Huiying is ill. Please help me and call a doctor."

The women saw that the old man was very pitiful, so they rushed to the courtyard, dragged Sun Huiying into the house, turned on the electric fan, and blown away her profuse sweat.Just after turning on the electric fan, I watched her singing and dancing waiting for the arrival of the village doctor. Suddenly, a woman said, "Xiao Chu, Erju, listen quickly, what's going on in the back room?"

Xiao Chu put her ear to the door and listened carefully, and said with a cold face, "There is someone inside, and the voice sounds like he is suffering from a sudden illness. Who could be inside?"

"Whoever she is, open the door as soon as possible. It's important to save people." Erju is tall and stout. She raised her foot and kicked the door open. Things and Bai Lingyan, who was sallow on the bed, foaming at the mouth, sweating all over, rolling back and forth, and her voice weakened, couldn't help being completely dumbfounded.

Xiao Chu saw the scattered medicine bottles on the table and on the ground at a glance, and suddenly understood, ran out quickly, and shouted, "Come on, someone, the swallow has drunk the medicine, hurry up and save someone. "

Neighbors at home heard the shouts and rushed over one after another. For a while, a dozen people gathered in the yard.The village doctor hurried over with a medicine box on his back. Seeing that Bai Lingyan was in critical condition, he took some medicine briefly, shook his head and said to everyone, "You guys take her outside to let the air dry, Xiao Chu, hurry to the village committee. I will make an emergency call to the county hospital and ask the ambulance to come quickly, if it is too late, I am afraid that Yanzi’s life will be lost.”

Sun Huiying made a fuss for a while, exhausted a lot of energy, and slowly calmed down, staring blankly at Bai Lingyan, who was lying on the ground with her eyes closed and foaming from her mouth, with a smile on her face, "Monkey Sun will never escape the Tathagata!" The palm of your hand, let’s see how far you can jump, now it’s gone, it’s gone. Hee hee…”

The village doctor frowned tightly, staring at Bai Lingyan's facial expression changes, not daring to leave for a moment, lest he miss any slight changes, and anxiously waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

Erju asked eagerly, "Doctor Bai, what kind of medicine did Yanzi drink and how much did it take to make it so serious?"

Dr. Bai said sadly, "There are people who treat heart disease, mental illness, and respiratory diseases. It seems that she has drunk a lot. I have nothing to do. I can only do some simple treatment for her."

Neighbor Qiao Erniang asked worriedly, "Doctor Bai, will Yanzi die soon! This child is so young, why can't he think about it, what kind of medicine should he drink?"

Erju said frowningly, "Last night I saw Yanzi come back with a young man, an old man in his 60s, who seemed to be her partner and his father. Their expressions were serious and preoccupied, and they didn't dare to talk to Yanzi. Why? All of a sudden, I drank the medicine."

Qiao Erniang said in a low voice, "Erju is right, I have seen it too. I heard that Yanzi's target is someone from Pingdong, and Yanzi wanted to go to them, but Huiying refused to let her go, so Yanzi went to him in a fit of anger." The object went to his house, maybe his object and his father made a special trip to send the swallow back. This happened."

"Oh, so is Huiying. If Yanzi wants to go, let her go. Why bother to force the child? If Yanzi dies, there will be no room for regret."

Dr. Bai heard a few people chattering, feeling very irritable, and gave them a hard look, "What time is it? Human life is at stake. What are you talking about? Quiet for a while."

About half an hour later, the ambulance outside stopped in front of the house from far to near, and three or four medical staff came down and carried Bai Lingyan into the car, quickly infused fluids, and then turned around and rushed towards the county town. go.

After Bai Lingyan left, Dr. Bai administered some sedatives to Sun Huiying, and soon her spirit returned to normal. When Qiao Erniang talked about what happened just now, she turned pale with fright, and hurriedly asked the neighbor to drive her in a tricycle. After being sent to the hospital, the doctors and nurses who saw the hospital were expressionless, shuttling back and forth, nervously rescuing Yanzi, and suddenly sat paralyzed on the ground in fright.It took a long time to recover and ran outside to call Bai Yijia, the eldest girl Bai Lingxian, the second daughter Bai Lingwan and the third aunt.

When Bai Lingwan heard about Bai Lingyan's accident, she rushed to the hospital immediately. She caught sight of her mother Sun Huiying who was sitting on the chair with no expression on her face, her eyes were dazed, and asked anxiously, "Mom, what's the matter with the swallow? Didn't you force it?"

Sun Huiying said very annoyed, "Father Xiaojun and Xiaojun sent her back last night, and I didn't say anything. Father Xiaojun still wanted Yanzi to go to them this morning. I firmly disagreed, and then I beat Yanzi." , I didn't expect..." Wuwuwu cried.

"Where are Xiaojun and his father? Where are they now?"

"Leave in a fit of anger!"

"I told you a long time ago that Yanzi has a stubborn temper. I don't want you to provoke her too much, but you just don't listen. If something happens to her, it's up to you to deal with it." Bai Lingwan yelled at Sun Huiying heartbroken.

At this time, a doctor came out of the emergency room with a livid face. Bai Lingwan stepped forward and asked anxiously, "Doctor, how is my sister?"

The doctor shook his head slightly expressionlessly, and said in a muffled voice, "Your sister's life is dying, and the situation is very serious. You family members must be mentally prepared!"

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