life struggle

3463 chapters of women

The special meeting on investment promotion of the district committee and government did not end until [-]:[-] p.m., and the secretary of the district committee, Xiao Zhiye, called on leading cadres at all levels in the district to deepen their understanding, act immediately, mobilize all forces, and take all feasible measures to fight for two months. A new breakthrough has been made in the investment promotion work in an all-round way, and the backward and passive situation has been completely reversed.

The meeting requested that the departments and units responsible for investment promotion and project construction, the top leaders of the party and government should focus on investment promotion, and no less than two signed projects at the end of the year. The annual assessment shall not be rated as excellent, and shall be given corresponding party and government discipline treatment.

At the meeting, Secretary Xiao spoke eloquently, his words were very severe, and he was agitated several times. He named and criticized the relevant departments and units for being rude and merciless. It was the first time since the establishment of the new team of the district committee and government that it was so serious. Everyone generally felt that the situation had really changed.

Jiang Jingwei was adjusted from the director of the Bureau of Veteran Cadres to the director of the Economic Development and Optimization Office of the District Commission for Discipline Inspection. Although it is an adjustment of the same level as the official department, its position and importance are much greater than that of the director of the Veteran Cadre Bureau.

Zheng Yuetong and Ning Pingping have changed from sub-department-level cadres to full-department-level acting directors of the sub-district office. They have shifted from being responsible for individual tasks to full-scale work. If there are no major accidents and work mistakes, the removal of the word "deputy" is a certainty.Many people may not be able to reach this position after decades of hard work. It is rare for two people to be promoted by rocket and entrusted with important tasks in less than a year.

After all, Zheng Yuetong and Ning Pingping are too innocent and young, have little work experience, don't know much about the official ecology in the district, and don't know how complicated it is. Understanding, disapproval, suspicion and speculation, envy and jealousy, slander and rumors are inevitable.

They knew in their hearts that the District Committee broke the long-standing unspoken rules of seniority and seniority, and was able to be reused exceptionally. There is the slightest excitement and joy, but also unprecedented pressure and anxiety like sitting on pins and needles.

Jiang Jingwei and Zheng Yuetong have worked in the district government compound for a long time, and she is a famous celebrity in the district. Among the young people, everyone can see her character, education and work ability, and she is relatively familiar with her.

But I don’t know much about Ning Pingping’s usual business. From Secretary Xiao’s speech, I felt that the grassroots cadre who dared to speak out to the secretary and received high-profile praise from the secretary was her. Otherwise, her name would not be known. According to legend, she is still a little girl in love, and it is impossible for the district to entrust her with such an important position. It seems that this person is by no means ordinary.

Zheng Yuetong was also surprised and unbelievable by Ning Pingping's sudden rise to the position. Could it be that she really has such a big project in her hands, and who is that friend of hers? If it is not an ordinary friend, how could she spend two months helping her? Thinking of the intimacy between her and Wu Xiaojun on Mid-Autumn Night, her eyes suddenly brightened.

During the National Day last year, Pingxi Daily published a news report titled "The Handsome Bridegroom-to-be Loves the Night to Save the Dying Woman, the Beautiful Chairman Gives Thanks for the Wedding".

Later, I also specially interviewed Ning Pingping, which was broadcast on the "Voice of Hedong" radio station in the form of a long-form newsletter. Could it be that Ning Pingping wanted to recruit their company, and Wu Xiaojun assisted secretly. It is not difficult at all to do the basic work so well in all aspects, and it really has the effect of shocking Secretary Xiao in one fell swoop. No wonder this little girl is so cautious and dare not speak out.

After the meeting, Jiang Jingwei and Zheng Yuetong were curious about Ning Pingping. Jiang Jingwei put on a high profile and specially invited Zheng Yuetong and Ning Pingping to have a dinner, which they readily accepted.

The three beauties were together, once they opened up the chatterbox around those who were interested, they would chatter endlessly, and they were very happy.

Jiang Jingwei said sincerely, "It is a gratifying good thing that the two of you can be appreciated by the main leaders of the district committee and stand out in this special period, and it will have an immeasurable impact on your future. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart!"

Zheng Yuetong looked at Jiang Jingwei's composed expression, and said humbly, "Thank you Director Jiang, Director Ning and I felt like we were on pins and needles when we heard Minister Chen's announcement, and we couldn't be happy at all."

Jiang Jingwei smiled slightly, and said sadly, "To be honest, I was also surprised at the time, but after thinking about it carefully, the two of you are the role models that Secretary Xiao set up in the whole district, the expectations you placed and the political risks you took It is also very big. Next, you will not only encounter greater difficulties and challenges in your work, but also bear difficulties and doubts from all sides, and you are destined to be under a lot of pressure."

Ning Pingping showed a look of embarrassment on her face, and said reverently, "Director Jiang, you are a senior with rich experience and knowledge. You suddenly put me in the position of director of the office. You are very afraid that you will not be able to control the situation. Just pass on the scriptures to us and introduce your experience!"

Jiang Jingwei frowned, although she was smiling, but it was clearly a bitter smile, "Experience, not to mention, the elder sister has been in the system for a long time, and knows the bitterness and difficulty of it, now you two have no way out , you must maintain a hundred times the courage to move forward, do something, do something, and submit a convincing report card, in order to heal the pressure and interference in all aspects. Only in this way can you live up to the expectations of the district committee and district government. , there will be more room for improvement and development, otherwise, your future is not optimistic. However, you two should not feel pessimistic and disappointed. You can only be motivated when you are under pressure. Since you two are so young, active in thinking and forward looking, Accept new things quickly, and quickly adapt to the new working environment and state, and will definitely make impressive achievements.”

Zheng Yuetong and Ning Pingping nodded again and again, "Director Jiang is right, but we have no administrative resources, no personal connections, no practical work experience, and we can't do much with just enthusiasm. Achievement!"

Jiang Jingwei laughed and said, "You two, don't pretend to be deaf and dumb in front of the eldest sister. If you don't have certain ability and cards, Secretary Xiao is such a prudent and shrewd person, he will take you two as young cadres for no reason. Xiao Zheng is a role model and benchmark for young comrades in the whole district. Xiao Ning, apart from other things, you skipped the rank and reported directly to Secretary Xiao, which shows that you are thoughtful, courageous, and capable. People who are passionate, ambitious, dare to take risks, dare to venture, dare to do things, and dare to try, don't the current situation need such people. Otherwise, how could Secretary Xiao talk about that grassroots cadre at the conference!"

Zheng Yuetong turned her face to Ning Pingping when she heard this, and asked in pretended surprise, "Director Ning, the grassroots cadre that Secretary Xiao mentioned at the meeting is not you, is it?"

Ning Pingping blushed slightly, pursed her lips and smiled, but did not answer directly.

Jiang Jingwei giggled, the laughter was as sweet as a silver bell, and a strange look flashed in her eyes, and she said bluntly, "Director Ning, if you don't tell me, you are the one who acquiesces! In fact, Director Zheng and I I guessed it, your friend is Wu Xiaojun, and that businessman is the beautiful chairman of a multinational company mentioned in the Pingxi Daily last year. The relationship between Wu Xiaojun and that oriental goddess is not ordinary. Also, last year, the old district cadre tour group went to Tongda Tour When I joined the regiment with Wu Xiaojun and his wife as a staff member, I knew that Wu Xiaojun was very capable of work and had a strong sense of the overall situation. Last year, when he did not participate in the public election for deputy department-level cadres, I felt a little puzzled! Speaking of which, you are an old acquaintance, so you don't have to shy away from anything!"

Seeing that what Jiang Jingwei said was right, Ning Pingping blushed and said embarrassingly, "Since you all know so well, I have nothing to hide. The reason why I have never dared to disclose any information to the outside is mainly because I After reporting to Secretary Xiao, I feel very regretful!"

Zheng Yuetong covered her mouth and laughed, "You still regret it! Behind you is Wu Xiaojun, a senior counselor, who will advise you and help you connect with merchants, and now with the strong support of Secretary Xiao, it has already been planned, and the big project has successfully landed. Imagine a new The business circle has sprung up in Hedong District, the traffic is busy, and the scene of people is full of voices. That is something you should be proud of. I am afraid that you will be complacent. It is too late to be happy! Director Jiang and I are watching the realization of your grand blueprint ah!"

Ning Pingping looked at Zheng Yuetong's excitement, and said with a half-smile, "Director Zheng, it's not as simple as you think. Open your mouth to the other party, not to mention that our market expectations are far from ideal, and as a friend, Dr. Wu can't deceive people and drag them into the fire pit!"

Jiang Jingwei said frankly, "This kind of thing is a matter of mutual negotiation. No one is [-]% sure. Until the moment the agreement is signed, everything is possible. Wu Xiaojun is also a very cautious person. Since Ken helped you sort out the materials, and asked you to hand them over to Secretary Xiao, which shows that he is very concerned about this matter, and maybe he has some kind of tacit understanding with the other party. See if there is sincerity in the district, and what he will do! After all, he is a doctor. I don't know much about economic work, project construction and investment promotion work, so it's inconvenient to disclose directly. Based on his relationship with customers, his words play a decisive role in front of customers. Sometimes, it will be a matter of whether the matter can be successfully operated or not The key to no. You must not ignore this point, you must grasp it well!"

Zheng Yuetong smiled secretly, "Director Jiang, don't worry about this, Director Ning has firmly grasped Doctor Wu's heart!"

Ning Pingping said shyly, "Director Zheng, don't talk nonsense. Dr. Wu won't even mention a single word to me about the business of the other party! I hate him to death!"

Zheng Yuetong stretched out her jade finger, tapped on Ning Pingping's forehead, and said happily, "Oh, I hate him to death, is it so sour, I love it so much!"

Jiang Jingwei watched the two joking, and said thoughtfully, "Seeing you two young people are so happy, I am very happy in my heart, and I feel like I have returned to my youth. Speaking of Dr. Wu, He is still my benefactor, I haven't seen him for a long time, another day, call him over, let's get together and have fun!"


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